Saturday, January 24, 2015

Should driveless Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi be taught ethics

 Tragedy is a morality tale. Only  Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s conscience knows the truth about the inevitable conflicts between kama and dharma  limits that were transgressed. It is not easy to navigate between one’s duty to oneself and the duty to another. Even if one doesn’t transgress physically, one does so in one’s heart. Desire is infuriating and this, alas, is the bewildering human condition.

The issue of media freedom is today beyond any form of debate. Article guarantees freedom of expression. In Malaysia — unlike in some other jurisdictions — free speech in terms of freedom of Press, is not a separate right and it is included in the larger ambit of freedom of expression. And those who drafted the Constitution, created an exception.
The exception was, that whereas in relation to other fundamental rights, you had a general exception of what is reasonable, could be restricted on the fundamental right — the generalised restriction was not there in the context of free speech. So, free speech was given a more elevated status, and you only define 6 or 7 circumstances on account of which there could be a restriction on free speech. So, a general concept that there is a reasonable restriction against free speech, is no longer a valid consideration.
This preeminent position which has been given, has now to be utilised by media with great circumspection. This is particularly because media now forms the eyes and ears as far as citizens are concerned, it also has a very powerful impact.What are the threats today? Traditionally, a newspaper or a channel could be banned. The days of bans are over. You can censor a medium; in fact, part of the fear that was created during Emergency was on account of the censorship of newspapers itself. But today, technology has made censorship an impossibility. So assuming there was Emergency imposed today under Article , the impact of censorship would be nil. Because the satellite itself defies geographical boundaries — emails don’t honour it, the fax machine doesn’t honour it.
And therefore, what had to be secretly distributed as Emergency literature, would today be freely available all over the country. And the more you ban, greater would be the curiosity to access that material! So the threats really are no longer such great external threats. You may have odd cases where the state itself takes extra interest in setting up its own medium. But the threats that are coming now — i would use the word “challenges” rather than “threats” — are within, on account of the nature of the medium itself.
As far as the sense of responsibility is concerned, it is difficult to define this. Justice Ravindran mentioned that the government would try and discipline those who are outside the scope of the self-regulatory mechanism. find it extremely difficult, because it may have its own pitfalls if the government got into the business of starting to discipline media organisations.  would be more comfortable if viewers or readers decided to disapprove if they find media way off the mark. Rather than government step in and tell media what to report and what not to report, i’d rather that viewers — just with the power of the remote in their hands — decide to switch to something else.

 Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi his shallow mind he thinks that the sole purpose of the printing laws us to shield the ruling elite from criticism, even to the extent of suppressing press freedom which is the foundation of democracy? Why should he and the ruling elite be so paranoid? What can the Bangla, the Nepalis and the Burmese do? They can't vote can they? They don't even have C4 to blow up anybody right? With so many policemen and Rela personnels watching the opposition and dissidents so efficiently and effectively, why is he so scared?
Syed Hamid, this government under the present prime minister does not know how to show he can make decisions, especially on very important decisions on very important issues.Tun M's hunger for power is unbelievable. He still wants his legacy in Umno, no matter what happens.Now all his mouthpieces, former newsmen A Kadir Jasin, Zainuddun Maidin, and Daim are lining up to spew their criticisms toward Najib.

This is simply reflects their ungratefulness towards Abdul Razak.

He just keeps silent and keeps going overseas even when the nation needs him around. This nation is as if it is on auto-cruise.

This auto cruise to defeat for Umno-BN in the next GE will definitely have great and serious implications on these two men (former finance minister Daim Zainuddin and Mahathir) when the time comes.Because of its ambivalent nature, kama has had its optimists and pessimists. The optimists focused on the other meaning of kama – pleasure – believing it not unreasonable to expect some sort of pleasure in our short, dreary lives.This led to the Kama Sutra, erotic arts and love poetry which flowered in the courts of the Gupta empire. The pessimists were primarily renouncers and sanyasis, for whom desire was an obstacle to their spiritual project. The confused householder oscillated between the extremes and sought answers in the dharma texts. The dharma shastras accepted kama’s positive qualities but decreed that it had to be confined to marriage and procreation. Although monogamy was integrated into the rules of dharma, men and women found ways to transgress, giving rise to illicit love.

That is why they need to save Umno-BN with all their efforts. It looks like they are not confident that Najib is able and capable to protect their gains and their turf.
For the past few weeks, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  as home minister have  lied to Malaysians by saying that your predecessors had written letters to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the past. a phenomenon called trial by media. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi home minister in the whole universe who writes to FBI vouching for an alleged international gambling kingpin.Diverting our attention to that letter of yours to the FBI? Not working. But don't worry anyway, the cabinet has accepted your explanation save they too want to know how is Paul Phua involved in projects relating to security of our country. The me dia can be unkind when life takes a bad turn. It delights in raising celebrities to the sky on one day, and with equal glee brings them crashing down the next. If you live your life under the glare of publicity, you must be pre pared to be tried by the public.Human beings prefer to take sides rather than try and understand the deeper causes understand the deeper causes of tragedy. There is no point speculating about the ‘whodunnit’ -that is a job for the police. Rather than apportion blame, it is more useful to focus on the nature of human desire, the only one who use a dubious figure to help with the country's national security projects. A fool Zahid  must be, trusting the country's security to a gambler. The Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepali embassies shd b taking notice that the freedom of access to information is being impeded by the Home Ministry on the baseless grounds that vernacular newspapers are a threat to Malaysia's national security.

In the beginning was kama – desire. Unlike the Judaic-Christian tradition where creation began with light in Genesis, the ancient Indian cosmos is born from kama, the primal biological energy. Kama was the first seed in the mind of the One, whose ‘great desire’ led to the cre ation of the universe, according to the Rig Veda. But the One felt alone, and it split its body into two, giving rise to man and woman. This primordial division, described in the Up anishads, suggests that the fundamental hu man condition is loneliness. To overcome it, primordial man copulated with woman and from their union the human race was born. Physical intimacy helps to overcome some of our feelings of isolation. finally like a drowning man clutching at a straw, you try to justify your despicable act by citing precedence of writing to FBI, which was instantly denied by your predecessors.

The epic poets grasped kama’s three-fold nature – it is procreative; capable of ecstatic pleasure; and wildly uncontrollable. They saw its potential for lable. They saw its potential for tragedy because of an inherent conflict between kama and dharma. If dharma is our duty to others, kama is our duty to ourselves. Dharma usually trumps kama in the epics because we recognize that it is wrong to hurt another in pursuit of pleasure. The proxy war in Malaysia's government-regulated mainstream media and in the blogosphere between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and critics from within his ruling party, Umno, are reminiscent of efforts a decade ago to oust the then prime minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, a blogger for the ruling coalition, Barisan Nasional (BN), said.
Except this time around, the tactics are dirtier, indirect and more salacious, with the latest target being former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin, who may be the subject of an upcoming sex video.
The attacks against Daim, who was former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's finance minister and confidante, have moved from the government-owned TV stations to cyberspace, with a teaser video threatening to expose his alleged sexual escapades with underaged girls.k
"We feel all this is the work of mercenary bloggers, who are willing to do anything as long as they get paid. The move to push Najib to resign is getting stronger, just like during Pak Lah's (Abdullah) time," said Anuar Mohd Nor, who blogs at Blog UMNO Rform.

'Virgins checked by Daim's personal doctor'
A text-heavy, one-minute-forty-second clip posted on video sharing site YouTube by an account owner called WikiLeaks Malaysia does not show any scenes of the alleged misconduct, but promises that a soon-to-come video will show interviews with Daim's "victims", who supposedly came from Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand.
The clip also claimed that US$10,000 was paid to those who were virgins, who were checked by Daim's personal doctor.

 Daim himself may be coming with 'dirty hands' and Anwar offers to tesify
The mainstream media has been attacking Daim with allegations of corruption, and have even given coverage to opposition leader, Anwar, who had said on January 18 that he would assist the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in its probe against the former finance minister.
His comments were given wide play in the government-owned media, traditionally known to be hostile to members of the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Dr M afraid of Billionaire Daim Migration Myth


You publicly humiliated your own deputy on TV and gave explicit consent to him being unlawfully detained, interrogated, beaten half to death and charged over a crime so pathetic it made this country a laughing stock of the world.
You may not behave like a normal dictator but your past actions were enough to justify that label. You had a chance to be a statesman, sadly you squandered it big time readmore Dr M afraid of Billionaire Daim 

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