Barisan, you ask us for the benefit of the doubt, to give you another chance. How many more bloody chances do you need to prove that your party is just too stricken by arrogance and graft to govern?
By John Lee, The Malaysian Insider
Today, Barisan Nasional promises us change and reform — a stark difference from its previous insinuations that Malaysians want and need more of the same. But Barisan has blatantly failed to deliver, even under the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib Razak. All we keep getting is the same old — pardon my French — crap.Barisan says it will clean house, tossing out the corrupt and criminal. It’s said that before; Tun Dr. Mahathir entered office promising a slew of reforms, as did Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. We know what they gave us; their protégé, Najib, is giving us more of the same. I need not elaborate on Isa Samad’s rehabilitation; that speaks for itself.
Just permit me to add that we have known about the multi-billion ringgit Port Klang Free Zone debacle for years now, and that to date, nobody has been collared and held in the MACC offices overnight for non-stop questioning. We can question a lowly state assemblyman’s aide about the petty sum of RM2,400, but we can’t even bring ourselves to hold ministers and tycoons accountable for wasting billions — this has been the case since the time of Mahathir, and it remains the case today.
Barisan promises to unite the country. Again, we have heard this before. Dr. Mahathir’s Bangsa Malaysia has gone down the drain, with nothing accomplished. Abdullah promised to work for all Malaysians, but try as he did, he delivered nothing except a handful of intensely racist Umno party conferences. Until you walk the walk, you’re just talking cock.
Perhaps the most telling incident under Najib’s regime so far has been that of the cow’s head protest. I dare not imagine what would happen if an Indian group had done the same to a Quran — if they had mutilated it, dragged it along a road and then trampled on it. This is exactly what laws like the Sedition Act are meant to prevent — and yet the incident met with terribly muted response from Umno leaders, who are content to pretend they speak for all Malaysians, while really only speaking for their own kind.
Najib promised instant action on the cow’s head incident — and yet nobody has been jailed, no Umno member has been reprimanded. The standard refrain of “Let the courts and police do their job” rings hollow when it is used to cover a multitude of injustices and sins. Does anyone honestly doubt that if something similar had been done to the Quran, the men behind it would be languishing right now in Kamunting, or worse?
Barisan, you ask us for the benefit of the doubt, to give you another chance. How many more bloody chances do you need to prove that your party is just too stricken by arrogance and graft to govern? We have given you more than enough chances — we have returned you to power in every general election since Independence.
We need to stop pretending that Barisan is worthy of consideration because of all these nitpicks you can find with Pakatan Rakyat. Yes, Pakatan is not perfect. But I would much rather have an imperfect Pakatan government than vote for the perfectly consistent dishonesty of Barisan. The biggest corruption scandal in Pakatan to date involves a few cows and petty cash amounting to a few thousand ringgit here and there; the biggest scandal in Barisan involves a multi-billion ringgit white elephant. Let’s not even talk about racism — not when the ideology of Barisan’s largest component party is Ketuanan Melayu, and the ideology of Pakatan’s largest component party is ketuanan rakyat.
Wipe out TWO evils with ONE vote!

Thursday, October 8, 2009Pants Down And In The Act In The Backseat Of Their CarsThese are some funny pictures of Japanese couples fucking in their cars and caughtpants down. The pictures are funny for the expressions on their faces when they realize someone is recording the act. Not sure if the couples are having affairs or men visiting street prostitutes or just normal couples who could not afford hotel room to bonk and decided to fuck in the car instead. Most likely they were fucking in some popular spotsI in PORT DICK…SON for a quickie. I am sure even your town has a place like this to get some in the backseat. But in this instant, people are taking pictures and pulling some pranks on all these horny couples. And from Japan to the rest of the world via the Internet, these couples might have been doing this for some excitement and now they have become amateur pornstars on the World Wide Web.The best part is that because of what they were doing in public they could not and cannot call the police on the person taking the pictures. And because it is in MALAYSIA , the photographer knew no one had a gun. You can’t try crazy shit like this in America without the chance you might get shot. LOL… I don’t know why the photographer is doing this but it could be someone pissed their neighborhood is the towns quickie spot or just some pervert having a good time. Anyway, the best series in this set of many couples having sex in the backseat is the one with the dude going for his sword. No homo, dude had a real sword. Japanese really carry around swords these days? Look at the expression on the faces. Enjoy the pictures! Click on pictures to enlarge.Thursday, October 8, 2009Pants Down And In The Act In The Backseat Of Their CarsThese are some funny pictures of Japanese couples fucking in their cars and caughtpants down. The pictures are funny for the expressions on their faces when they realize someone is recording the act. Not sure if the couples are having affairs or men visiting street prostitutes or just normal couples who could not afford hotel room to bonk and decided to fuck in the car instead. Most likely they were fucking in some popular spotsI in PORT DICK…SON for a quickie. I am sure even your town has a place like this to get some in the backseat. But in this instant, people are taking pictures and pulling some pranks on all these horny couples. And from Japan to the rest of the world via the Internet, these couples might have been doing this for some excitement and now they have become amateur pornstars on the World Wide Web.The best part is that because of what they were doing in public they could not and cannot call the police on the person taking the pictures. And because it is in MALAYSIA , the photographer knew no one had a gun. You can’t try crazy shit like this in America without the chance you might get shot. LOL… I don’t know why the photographer is doing this but it could be someone pissed their neighborhood is the towns quickie spot or just some pervert having a good time. Anyway, the best series in this set of many couples having sex in the backseat is the one with the dude going for his sword. No homo, dude had a real sword. Japanese really carry around swords these days? Look at the expression on the faces. Enjoy the pictures! Click on pictures to enlarge.Click on pictures to enlarge.
The poll conducted by the independent Merdeka Center from Sept 29-Oct 4 showed 47 per cent of registered voters in peninsular Malaysia were unconvinced PR was a viable alternative to BN while 32 per cent are convinced.However, 21 per cent of respondents did not offer a response, suggesting a large swing vote was still up for grabs.what kind of fucedup fake pollsis this to boost the by election even by the fake poll it looks like
The picture was more positive for the PR coalition at state level. Overall, 46 per cent of respondents were satisfied with the performance of the four PR state governments in Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor. Some 34 per cent are dissatisfied while 20 per cent did not respond.
Broken down along state lines, PR’s approval rating as state administrators was 56 per cent in Penang, 52 per cent in Selangor, 50 per cent in Kelantan and 48 per cent in Kedah.
In Perak, which is now a BN state following the February power grab, 42 per cent of respondents there were satisfied with PR’s performance in states it still controls.
In Kuala Lumpur, which has no state government, 61 per cent believed PR was doing a satisfactory job at state level.
Along ethnic lines, only 33 per cent of Malay respondents were satisfied with PR state governments, compared with 47 per cent who were dissatisfied. A total of 65 per cent of Chinese respondents were happy with PR state governments while 58 per cent of Indian voters were satisfied.
According to the Merdeka Center, a total of 846 registered voters were randomly selected for the poll. The margin of error was 3.4 per cent.
Do you think Samy Valu, Lim Keng Yaik and Ling Liong Sik are good for the task as well? Get out of here. I can tell you that the current stupid policy of selecting only among the voted MPs to head the ministries is really dumb. Most of the MPs are voted because of their personalities, not competency and qualification. Malaysia should start to learn from the US where the president will choose his own cabinet ministers based on their educational background, qualification, and experience. But these ministers must be "interviewed" by the members of parliament and accepted through voting. Legislature should remain legislature; executive to remain executive -- no overlapping, which is a cause of abuse of authority just as what happened now.
We must not be trick by the bullshits Poll aim to weaken PR support. People!! just give it a try, a chance and they will do better than the corrupt BN. The only weakness is the present of PAS which I believe is being considered by PKR and DAP and I am sure PR will do well with or without PAS. Look at you seriously think that man can run the country??? Every word that comes out from his mouth is untrustworthy. People of Malaysia are ready for a CHANGE and we shall have the CHANGE. If PR is not capable it will only be 4-5 years and the people will then boot them out.even babies need to take the first step. right now i rather go with the baby.
Its quite obvious that BN with 52 years of rooted corruption and total fire power in media and civil service control will take sometime to unravel.Penang being only a state was looted of evrything leaving PR to start from scratch and yet they are not doing badly.
Here again, the results of the such a poll don't tell the whole story without disclosing the demographics of the respondents. Come on, the readers are not naive nor stupid, you know? As usual the poll is another one of those spin-tell-tales?The Polls / survey ONLY consisted of 846 registered voters ??
And whoever conducted it came to such conclusions ??
Kind of misleading, isn't it ? For starter, the graphic shown should include " total respondents 846 " !!
Very poor polls done... how can 846 people represent the views of more than 10 Millions registered voters in the country ??
This is definitely not a true reflection of the ordinary Malaysians who are convinced that Pakatan Rakyat will be able to govern effectively and fairly.
The PR government is surely not able to govern corruptly and non-transparently. That is for sure.
The BN government has shown that money is given to UMNOputras' with no accountability like the toll concessionaires where contracts are not transparent and any losses is to be borne by the government and any profits is kept by the concessionaires. The taxpayers have to bear all the yearly increases in toll rates. This is definitely not caring or good governance for sure.
The ERL project taxed travellers getting in and out of the airport as part of airport tax irrespective of whether you use the ERL or not. The money goes to BN cronies as compensation. This is not fair !
The BN state government treats the state coffers like their own ATM's. Khir Toyo just spend millions of taxpayer's money on Disneyland fact finding tours and stopver at Dubai for his family and maids. This the BN said is good governance. KT get the state agency to purchase a luxury car for his use as Chairman of PNSB and this is good governance.
The Terengganu state BN government wasted Wang Ehsan's money on wasteful projects not benefitting the rakyat like Monsoon cup and the collapsed stadium. This is BN's capable government !
The BN Federal government lost billions of ringgit in PKFZ , compensation for crooked bridge , sale of MV Augusta motorcyle , bailout of crony's companies like MAS, Renong etc. Is this called good governance ?
Wipe out TWO evils with ONE vote!
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