Forget Malaysian Strict Film Regulations Banning Obscenity, Run Naked in Malaysia Because Danish Reality Shows Are All About Nudity
The Danish version of the popular "Survivor" series reality television showExpedition Robinson a.k.a. Robinson Ekspeditionen has been filming in Malaysia, on an island off the Mersing coast. The show is broadcast on Denmark TV3, and has been criticized for deliberately humiliating the participants by requesting nude events, like a naked race on an island, along the beach this season. Of the 22 contestants, 16 of them choose to "go comando", while five of the male contestants kept the boxers on, they were subsequently forced to eat caterpillars, to decide who should be sent back to Denmark. One female refused to be a part of the race and was sent home right away. The producers of the show have subsequently apologized to all Malaysians for the scene depicting the naked race on an island off Mersing, Johor on May 3. Explained that the scene was not pre-meditated and was not part of the actual shooting, they also gave their full assurance to Malaysian government authorities and Malaysians that the scene would not be aired. The company's executive producer said:
He added that the director responsible for the incident was immediately terminated and described the responsible director's decision as insensitive and insulting. And he also said he has explained the situation to the Central Agency for the Application for Filming and Performance by Foreign Artists in Malaysia. So, since the producers of this awesome Danish reality television show have said they are sorry to the Muslim-majority country for shooting a nude scene on a southern Malaysian island earlier this month on May 3, lets share the controversial nudity. And by the way, the apology is bullshit and a total lie because nudity is like required to be a Danish reality show. Only Malaysian officials would be ignorant enough not to expect a bare ass or two by people from Denmark filming a show.

Many women are anxious about their looks
For a couple that has been together for long, sometimes it is natural that women may feel that their partner may find them less alluring. Because of this some women undress only under the cover of darkness. Caring men can sense such anxieties. There is no need to lie and say she's gorgeous if she isn't, nor is there a need to say that she is not attractive anymore. One can always appreciate and praise what you do find attractive.

For a woman sex isn't separate from rest of her life
On the other hand, men tend to compartmentalise, feeling that stressful aspects of life can be parked mentally and separated from sexual activity. Women need good feelings and experiences during the day to have satisfying sex. How her lover treats her out of bed, greatly influences her response in bed. Inattentiveness, harsh language, rude tones, hurtful words, and criticism can make it difficult for a woman to get involved, feel enthusiastic and be passionate during sex.
An orgasm is not a necessity
Many men feel that a good lover is one who can bring his woman to climactic sexual culmination. It is great to have such moments, but aren't always essential. Many women feel pressure from partners and even from themselves to reach an orgasm. Sometimes instead of having orgasms, women prefer to engage in just foreplay.

Sex need not be a serious act
Playfulness is a great quality. Many men are far too serious about sex. They forget to laugh, be romantically mischievous, have fun. Playfulness and light-heartedness can make intimate moments enjoyable and relaxing. This takes performance pressure off from both partners.

Women cherish non-sexual touching and tenderness
Women love romance, cuddling, hand-holding and kissing. But many women complain that their men never do this except during foreplay. A woman should make her man realise the joy of touching. As you give him a relaxing massage and stroke his face and hair tenderly, he starts experiencing the joy of this kind of non-sexual touching. Tell your man what makes you feel loved and wanted.
Warm attention after sex is important
A woman's need for tender moments goes beyond the actual lovemaking. Some women complain that men fall asleep immediately after the act. It is true that when a man is having sex, his endorphin level is very high. Almost immediately after ejaculation, he goes through a refractory phase where he loses his erection and all his systems gear down. In females this phase happens gradually. However, if you don't like him falling asleep immediately, tell him without putting him down. Alternatively, let him sleep in your arms for a few minutes and gently wake him up afterwards.
(Dr Rajan B Bhonsle, Consultant in Sexual Medicine and Counsellor)

Answer: Do not lose sight of one unalterable fact. And that is, there is a time and place for everything. If there was more in this affair for you than plain sexual gratification, I am sure you would have sought it out for yourself. Either you didn't, or you did and it did not work out. And if it did not evolve into anything better then, what is the catalyst this time? Get rid of preconceived notions or biases about the sexual act.
“This was an inexcusable incident, a huge error of judgment and a devastating blow to the good relationship between the Danish production and the people of Malaysia.”
He added that the director responsible for the incident was immediately terminated and described the responsible director's decision as insensitive and insulting. And he also said he has explained the situation to the Central Agency for the Application for Filming and Performance by Foreign Artists in Malaysia. So, since the producers of this awesome Danish reality television show have said they are sorry to the Muslim-majority country for shooting a nude scene on a southern Malaysian island earlier this month on May 3, lets share the controversial nudity. And by the way, the apology is bullshit and a total lie because nudity is like required to be a Danish reality show. Only Malaysian officials would be ignorant enough not to expect a bare ass or two by people from Denmark filming a show.

Seven sex secrets women wish their partner knew
A good talk is a great aphrodisiac
Many women find talk a great turn-on. For them, talking and feeling loved are very important. Good conversation during walks or while the couple is relaxing can be a great aphrodisiac. A man could tell his woman how much he loves her, which acts as a reassurance that he is with her mentally during those intimate moments.
A good talk is a great aphrodisiac
Many women find talk a great turn-on. For them, talking and feeling loved are very important. Good conversation during walks or while the couple is relaxing can be a great aphrodisiac. A man could tell his woman how much he loves her, which acts as a reassurance that he is with her mentally during those intimate moments.

Many women are anxious about their looks
For a couple that has been together for long, sometimes it is natural that women may feel that their partner may find them less alluring. Because of this some women undress only under the cover of darkness. Caring men can sense such anxieties. There is no need to lie and say she's gorgeous if she isn't, nor is there a need to say that she is not attractive anymore. One can always appreciate and praise what you do find attractive.

For a woman sex isn't separate from rest of her life
On the other hand, men tend to compartmentalise, feeling that stressful aspects of life can be parked mentally and separated from sexual activity. Women need good feelings and experiences during the day to have satisfying sex. How her lover treats her out of bed, greatly influences her response in bed. Inattentiveness, harsh language, rude tones, hurtful words, and criticism can make it difficult for a woman to get involved, feel enthusiastic and be passionate during sex.

Many men feel that a good lover is one who can bring his woman to climactic sexual culmination. It is great to have such moments, but aren't always essential. Many women feel pressure from partners and even from themselves to reach an orgasm. Sometimes instead of having orgasms, women prefer to engage in just foreplay.

Sex need not be a serious act
Playfulness is a great quality. Many men are far too serious about sex. They forget to laugh, be romantically mischievous, have fun. Playfulness and light-heartedness can make intimate moments enjoyable and relaxing. This takes performance pressure off from both partners.

Women cherish non-sexual touching and tenderness
Women love romance, cuddling, hand-holding and kissing. But many women complain that their men never do this except during foreplay. A woman should make her man realise the joy of touching. As you give him a relaxing massage and stroke his face and hair tenderly, he starts experiencing the joy of this kind of non-sexual touching. Tell your man what makes you feel loved and wanted.

A woman's need for tender moments goes beyond the actual lovemaking. Some women complain that men fall asleep immediately after the act. It is true that when a man is having sex, his endorphin level is very high. Almost immediately after ejaculation, he goes through a refractory phase where he loses his erection and all his systems gear down. In females this phase happens gradually. However, if you don't like him falling asleep immediately, tell him without putting him down. Alternatively, let him sleep in your arms for a few minutes and gently wake him up afterwards.
(Dr Rajan B Bhonsle, Consultant in Sexual Medicine and Counsellor)

Question: I am a 26-year woman and I got married last year. Before my marriage, I had an affair with my sister's brother-in-law. It all started accidentally. There was no attraction between us to start with. However, we have become intimate with each other. This sexual intimacy continued for nearly three years. Then I got married but my husband has not been able to provide the sort of sexual fulfilment that I was getting from my boyfriend. He still keeps on visiting us or I go to his house to have sex on a regular basis. I keep wondering whether I should tell my husband about this affair or else continue with it discretely.

Answer: Do not lose sight of one unalterable fact. And that is, there is a time and place for everything. If there was more in this affair for you than plain sexual gratification, I am sure you would have sought it out for yourself. Either you didn't, or you did and it did not work out. And if it did not evolve into anything better then, what is the catalyst this time? Get rid of preconceived notions or biases about the sexual act.
Here is some big titty Asian chick having a little exhibitionist fun in public and exposing her huge boobs . Just look at those massive milk tankers on this chick... I wonder if this parking garage have security cameras. LOL... According to the anonymous contributor, these daring shots are from a car park somewhere in Singapore. You know we love Singaporean exhibitionism here keep them coming! It would be cool if someone can identify the exact location to independently confirm or refute this is Singapore. 

The Singles Collection (2CD + DVD)

LOL... this is just too funny!
Yes, you love speaking to him and can spend hours on end on the phone with him. But how often does he call you up?
a) Twice a day
b) 3-7 Times a week
c) Once a week
d) 10 minutes before he shows up
Consequently, what is the frequency of your calls to him?
a) Huh?
b) I never call him, or I return his calls occasionally
c) I call him a couple times a week
d) I call him every day
How often do you'll meet up and spend time with each other?
a) Every day
b) Two or three times a week
c) Two or three times a month
d) Once a month or less
For those Saturday night dates you so look forward to, when does he actually call you up to tell you about it?
The Complete Malaysian Cookbook
a) Two weeks in advance
b) Usually by Wednesday or Thursday
c) Just the day before
d) Half an hour before he shows up
When out on a date, who is the one who foots the bills?
a) He always pays
b) He usually pays, but I offer to sometimes
c) We usually split the check
d) I pay for the date
Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder
If you're the one doing all the work in the relationship - asking him out, calling him, etc - and if you stopped doing it, how would it affect your relationship?
a) I have no idea
b) It wouldn't change a bit, it's he who's doing most of the pursuing.
c) It would slow down
considerably, I'd probably see him half as much.
d) He'd vanish faster than I can blink. He doesn't do much of the pursuing anyways. So if I stopped calling and making dates, I would probably would never see him again.
How to Score:
Mostly As - Seems like this guy is head over heels in love with you, or maybe you'll are still in the early stages of your relationship. What ever the case, just ensure that this forever-in-contact-with-each-other phase doesn't wear you both out and thus, cause the relationship to prematurely crash and burn. Try taking a breather every once and a while to hang out with friends and do your own thing. Afterall, absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
Mostly Bs - Your relationship is definitely on track. By calling you regularly and pursuing the relationship, he's letting you know that he's definitely into you. Remember, if he's pursuing you, it means he's interested in you. But, stay on track. Also, if the relationship hits a slow point, don't
Mostly Cs - You've been on that awesome date and then you don't hear from him for weeks. His cell phone rings constantly during dinner, but you can't reach him for days. Something isn't right. He's either distracted by another relationship, work, friends, or all of the above. To bring him on board, you need to stop making things so easy for him. If you don't hear from him by mid-week, make other plans and stick to them no matter what. Don't make yourself so easily available for him and see if he picks up the slack. He'll either step up his game or let you know that he's not the guy for you.
Mostly Ds - He's just in it for everything that comes for free being with you, be it the food, the sex, the goodies or even just your time and attention. If you stop chasing him, it's likely he'll just disappear. By his actions, he's making it evidently clear that he's waiting for something better. Don't fret and more importantly, don't waste your time on someone who doesn't want you. The more time you waste time on a seeming Mr Right now, the longer it will take you to find your actual Mr Right.

A new study suggests that college-aged men are very likely to remember a woman's initial sexual interest (attraction or rejection), especially when the woman in question is thought to be attractive, is dressed more provocatively, and expresses positive sexual interest.
Men who were shown full-body photographs of college-aged women who expressed cues of sexual interest or rejection, represented mixed sexual histories, and a capacity for varying degrees of sexually aggressive behaviour.
Throughout the study they were presented with previously viewed photos and new photos of the same women in which they communicated the opposite cue (e.g., rejection instead of sexual interest).
On an average, every man showed excellent memory for whether women initially displayed sexual interest or rejection, especially when she initially expressed positive sexual interest, was dressed more provocatively, and was thought to be attractive.
Lead author Teresa Treat observes, "Misremembering a woman's level of sexual interest could prompt some men to make an unwanted sexual advance and become frustrated when a woman doesn't respond as anticipated."
"Conversely, college-aged men who report more frequent serious romantic relationships with women show better memory for college-aged women's sexual-interest and rejection cues. This suggests that tracking and remembering a partner's emotions may play a role in the initiation and maintenance of a serious romantic relationship," she added.
The long-term significance of the findings will depend on whether the memory of sexual interest impacts the male's subsequent behaviour, experiences, and social decisions when cues of sexual interest are presented in a more lifelike manner.
However, numerous factors other than memory for a partner's emotions play a central role in developing both positive and negative sexual experiences among young adults.
Men who were shown full-body photographs of college-aged women who expressed cues of sexual interest or rejection, represented mixed sexual histories, and a capacity for varying degrees of sexually aggressive behaviour.
Throughout the study they were presented with previously viewed photos and new photos of the same women in which they communicated the opposite cue (e.g., rejection instead of sexual interest).
On an average, every man showed excellent memory for whether women initially displayed sexual interest or rejection, especially when she initially expressed positive sexual interest, was dressed more provocatively, and was thought to be attractive.
Lead author Teresa Treat observes, "Misremembering a woman's level of sexual interest could prompt some men to make an unwanted sexual advance and become frustrated when a woman doesn't respond as anticipated."
"Conversely, college-aged men who report more frequent serious romantic relationships with women show better memory for college-aged women's sexual-interest and rejection cues. This suggests that tracking and remembering a partner's emotions may play a role in the initiation and maintenance of a serious romantic relationship," she added.
The long-term significance of the findings will depend on whether the memory of sexual interest impacts the male's subsequent behaviour, experiences, and social decisions when cues of sexual interest are presented in a more lifelike manner.
However, numerous factors other than memory for a partner's emotions play a central role in developing both positive and negative sexual experiences among young adults.
Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981 in New York City, New York, U.S.) is an American celebutante, singer, actress, model, and businesswoman
She is best-known through the television series The Simple Life. She has appeared in several minor film roles, most notably in the horror film House of Wax in 2005. In 2004 she published a tongue-in-cheek autobiography. In 2006, she released her debut album Paris. Hilton's career pursuits include singing, modeling, acting, writing, and television. As a result of several legal incidents, Hilton served a widely publicized sentence in an L.A. County jail facility in 2007
a Malay chick from Malaysia and here she is presenting her titties and getting naked. Anyway, remember to send any interesting pictures and videos (of individuals 18 year-old or older)

Paris Hilton Posing In Paris For Malaysian Millionaire And More Topless Pictures On Yacht

Here are some pictures of Paris Hilton topless on a yacht off St. Tropez. How dare the photographer take nude pictures of her without permission and then display for all to see. This is a violation of her privacy I say! LOL... Justing kidding. And yes she is wearing heels. No bikini top in sight but she is in her high heels. She shows off her curvy figure for the paparazzi again. Her curvier-than-usual figure is sparking rumors she recently had a boob job. Paris Hilton was also seen partying it up in St. Tropez, France with Malaysian mystery businessman man Jho Low (Taek Jho Low a.k.a. Low Taek Jho, son of property developer and businessman Danny Low) and his brother Zhen Low (Low Taek Sin). Okay, I am not sure which one Paris is dating or if in fact she is really dating one but British tabloids refer to a Low as Hilton's "new fella, chubby Malaysian Playboy." Paris Hilton's new boyfriend is Taek Jho Low or Zhen Low I don't know but she seem to be getting really friendly with the "chubby" one. And they say Zhen Low was spending millions of dollars on bottles of the club's most expensive champagne for Paris and her drinking buddies. So I am assuming the "chubby" guy is Zhen Low but it might be Taek Jho Low.
Either way, a Malaysian dude might be banging Paris. Reportedly, Zhen Low spent €2 million (£1.8 million) on the bubbly at the exclusive Byblos nightclub and then at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Where last week Paris helped run up the most expensive bar bill ever! At least the most expensive celebrity bar bill in France's St Tropez. So Zhen is really trying to impress Paris thus Malaysia maybe getting a new strain of herpes very soon. Maybe he was competing with her ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt on who could splash the most cash on booze because the ex was there in St. Tropez too. According to club goers Doug tried to compete with Low by buying four gigantic bottles of Crystal but that was no match for the Malaysian businessman who then went onto buying almost all the club's entire supply of the bubbly. That is when billionaire Winston Fisher join in on the competition to see who could order more bottles of Crystal at £600 a pop for Paris and her champagne guzzling friends. Some party, right? The Telegraph report:
Either way, a Malaysian dude might be banging Paris. Reportedly, Zhen Low spent €2 million (£1.8 million) on the bubbly at the exclusive Byblos nightclub and then at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Where last week Paris helped run up the most expensive bar bill ever! At least the most expensive celebrity bar bill in France's St Tropez. So Zhen is really trying to impress Paris thus Malaysia maybe getting a new strain of herpes very soon. Maybe he was competing with her ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt on who could splash the most cash on booze because the ex was there in St. Tropez too. According to club goers Doug tried to compete with Low by buying four gigantic bottles of Crystal but that was no match for the Malaysian businessman who then went onto buying almost all the club's entire supply of the bubbly. That is when billionaire Winston Fisher join in on the competition to see who could order more bottles of Crystal at £600 a pop for Paris and her champagne guzzling friends. Some party, right? The Telegraph report:
What recession?Tycoons spend £1.8 million on champagne in St Tropez
Paris Hilton watched as the rival tycoons Zhen Low and Winston Fisher competed to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal in a St Tropez nightclub.As Joan Collins and her friends descend on St Tropez this week for a party on board Lady Joy, the yacht owned by the American socialite Denise Rich, they have been made to look positively austere.Mandrake hears that two rival billionaires spent a staggering €2 million (£1.77 million) on champagne at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Zhen Low, the younger brother of the Malaysian tycoon Jho Low, became involved in a competition with Winston Fisher, a New York property developer, to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal for their chums.Guests included Paris Hilton, the socialite, who helped the cherubic Jho celebrate his 28th birthday with a four-day party in Las Vegas last year.
In lieu this publicity, people in Malaysia are asking where Zhen Low is getting all this money to waste on Paris Hilton. And Low's father is not happy with all this unwanted publicity back at home. He is the brother of notorious partyboy Taek Jho Low, who may or may not be an arms dealer according to press reports. Nothing like a good champagne ordering contest to spice up your vacation. Low won, with the $2.6 million bill but people back at home are questioning his lifestyle and businesses. Anyway, Zhen (or Taek) should keep in the back of his mind the fact that all the money on Earth can't cure herpes. All I see in these photos is a topless herpes spreader doing her thing. In an unrelated story: all of the jellyfish around St. Tropez have contracted herpes. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Posing for the other guy:

Rosmah sex symbols who eavesdropped shamelessly
For a Muslim country, Malaysia seems like a lot of fun!readmore
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