From repression to fashion statement; from demeaning to determining superiority; from shame to pride, and from sexlessness to a latent sexiness — the veil leaves a confusing trail!

Indeed the veil, which signifies social distancing, trails a fascinating trajectory across cultures, countries and religions and has been rife with varying, often confusing symbolism. Depending on where you live and your social standing, head coverings and veils swing the entire spectrum from being considered a regressive symbol of female segregation and oppression, to symbolising social standing and status. If some communities have used the veil to subjugate women, royalty across cultures has been using head covering as a symbol of status, which lifts them above the commoners.
Then again, whereas most Westerners consider a veil limiting, they have also adopted it as a fashion statement! From Jil Sanders’ veiled beanie and Alexander McQueen’s aviator version of a veil, to simple pieces of black tulle arranged seductively around a hat, veils have managed to create mystique and the standoffish mood that men so love in women. In fact the latest in dressing are “leg veils“ sheer skirts fashioned out of see-through nets and laces.
Moreover, the world believes the veil robs a woman of her identity, but Muslims proudly consider it an announcement of their religious identity. With such contradictions abounding, France’s ban on face covering or veils was naturally open to diametrically opposed interpretations through Western and Eastern perspectives.

Across cultures, the veil has been used to save a woman from a man’s lascivious gaze, and yet a veiled woman arouses a man’s curiosity and interest. Glimpses through a veil tantalise men more than an uncovered face or body. Most of the world sees the veil as dehumanising, while those who wear it see it as a symbol of piety and purity.
Many religions demand that the head be covered in places of worship. Some orders of nuns wear a headdress; Mother Mary too is depicted with her head covered. Muslim men wear skullcaps inside mosques. In Hindu temples and in gurdwaras, it is mandatory to cover the head as a mark of respect to God. In North India, women are told that covering the head is a mark of respect towards elders.
Brides and grooms cover their heads for the wedding ceremony. Christian brides also cover their heads with a veil. However in South India, which escaped the devastating attacks North India faced, the veil is almost non-existent, and for a bride to cover her head is sacrilegious.
Veils and head coverings have, of course, been used for practical and social reasons too. In some places, veils protect the face and hair from sand and heat or the extremities of cold. Veils were even used effectively to announce the marital status of women. Snoods (fitted net material worn to gather hair neatly) were worn by unmarried women in Middle Ages in Scotland and parts of England.
Today, some footballers wear snoods to keep long hair in check. In hotels, chefs and kitchen staff are expected to wear head coverings for hygiene factors.
From repression to fashion statement; from demeaning to determining superiority; from shame to pride the veil does leave a confusing trail. The only thing that makes perfect sense is that the donning or discarding of the veil should be completely the woman’s prerogative, with nobody dictating to her what she should, or should not wear.
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