Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The beauty of Islam: not to be used for potical agenda by PAS

 PAS using Islam to Prostitute and masturbation in politics:

It's a beautiful way
Islam is a beautiful way to connect with God and there is no doubt that one can follow Islam and find peace in its truest form. We, through this discussion, will try to look at some of the most essential features of Islam.What's the concept of God in Islam Islam says that if people obey God, it does not increase God's power; similarly, if people don't obey, it does not decrease the power. Isn't it beautiful. The concept of followers is made so clear--a good human being is for himself and not for God. He does not need supporters--we need good people for our society.The very word Islam, which means "surrender," is related to the Arabic salam, or peace. When the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspired scripture known as the Koran to the Arabs in the early 7th century A.D., a major part of his mission was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we witnessed in New York City and Washington. Pre-Islamic Arabia was caught up in a vicious cycle of warfare, in which tribe fought tribe in a pattern of vendetta and countervendetta. Muhammad himself survived several assassination attempts, and the early Muslim community narrowly escaped extermination by the powerful city of Mecca. The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive, but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of nonviolence. When he died in 632, he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia Would you rather ride the crests and troughs, or step off the emotional rollercoaster for a more permanent state of bliss?

God made Pas leaders stupid.

PAS: Hudud sitting not a diversion from 1MDB

PAS has denied the allegation that the special sitting of the Kelantan state assembly to discuss its hudud enactment is to be done in order to help sweep the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) issue under the carpet.
"This (hudud) is for the sake of goodness and justice for all people, and Kelantan vows to begin it." Does cutting the limbs of first-time offenders and stoning others to death mean goodness and justice for all people? Whatever happened to educating or awakening adherents to religious codes of conduct and rehabilitating them to good and proper behavior?
 PAS won Terengganu in GE 1999 due to the backlash of Malays voters caused by Anwar injustice. Immediately, Hadi Awang started his Huduh like rule in Terengganu. Come GE 2004, PAS Terengganu was almost wiped out in Terengganu. Now this group of Taliban PAS is trying to implement Huduh in Kelantan, come next GE PAS will be complete wipe out in Malaysia including in Kelantan. Ask yourself, is Pakistan which practices Huduh any better than India which practices Secular Law?
“Happiness is ephemeral, fleeting, and is dependent on external stimulants, whereas peace is more a lasting state of mind that comes from within. I am not sure if it is a choice, but between the two I would aim for peace, since that would presume happiness. Being happy need not mean you are peaceful.“Of course, the ensuing discussion set me thinking further. Would I rather be happy or peaceful? Frankly, dwelling in any emotional state on a permanent basis scares me. Nobody wants to be permanently unhappy. But being permanently happy may get exhausting too.And, does being peaceful mean being saint-like, giving up on all the excitement that life provides? Are peace and excitement mutually exclusive? Or can one be peaceful and yet allow some excitement into life? I do not feel ready to step off the emotional roller coaster quite yet; the highs and lows have their compensations, and life teaches lessons at every emotional pit stop.readmore

The extremist group from Kelantan as an umbrella organization that included various militant factions, all aligned against the government. has vowed to overthrow the government and install a harsh form of Islamic law

 PAS a recalcitrant party; what happens when at the crucial moment we have this party putting a cog in the machinery of government! Would we want to have a MB controversy in Federal Government when PR is elected to government?
Frankenstein discovered that the monster he created could turn on him. In the novel, the monster disappears into the dark, after performing his dose of mayhem. In the case of the Pas jihadi ideology and outfits it has spawned, there is no such luck. They are on the rampage, beyond the control of their presumptive handlers. a uniform civil code is mandated by the Constitution.establishes having a uniform code is a directive principle of state policy. a uniform, modern and elegant civil code would grant equal rights to women and generally make citizens’ lives simpler, the biggest flaw in the case for it is, well, that the case is being made by  PAS not known otherwise for their secularism. You can’t advocate a uniform code in one breath and  in the next: each contradicts the other.
Latheefa Koya, this is just the prelude to the redelineation exercise. Umno needs PAS’ support to gain the two-thirds needed to implement Election Commission's proposals.
The highest point of any path is assessed on the basis of what it has to say about God. Islam has some beautiful statements on God and these statements echo the same feelings as expressed by other path This is what happens when people who only fit to talk about religion are given the opportunity in politics. Ask them how to improve the economy in Kelantan, they will be dumb founded.Is the extremist faction of PAS in cahoots with Umno to throw a decoy to save Umno from the unbearable heat of 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad)? Unless Abdul Hadi gives a good answer to why PAS must call an emergency state legislative session in Kelantan at this time to push for the implementation of hudud in Parliamentto assume the answer is yes.PAS cares more for hudud than their own lives. And of course, they also want to remain relevant in the way they have recently become accustomed to, with the support of the Chinese and Indians. Except, they know they cannot rely on it forever. Why not improve the living standards of the kampung people for one? Why not reduce the corruption?,Misplaced priorities. Can hudud law improve the livelihoods of people? Without economic activities, would there be food on your table,clothes on your back? Can people live by been pious, not doing any job to bring in earning ? Guess Kelantan will have a new govt come GE14.  said if the 1MDB issue prevents PAS from pursuing its hudud agenda, then it would mean that the party had fallen into the "trap of secularism." likewise it can be said that Pas is willingly falling into the trap of its islamic agenda by implementing hudud!..

The enemy is not always the other, we can create this otherness within ourselves

Why not improve the economy of the state instead of trying to be holier than thou? Why not improve the education system for all instead of talking religion? 
Their previous participation within Pakatan Rakyat was just so as to be able to place themselves in a stronger position in negotiating with Umno. They have got there now. Just watch when they betray Pakatan when the time comes for the redelineation vote. 
There but for the grace of God go I. Quibble over chance or God, but the sentiment cannot be any different anywhere in today’s world. What happened at a school in Pakistan on Tuesday or at a Sydney restaurant on Monday can happen in any part of the world, anytime.
We can try to prevent it, but a lone deviant with no organisational linkage to terror can do the damage. Blameless blood would flow and the slaughterers of the innocent would themselves be cut down. Loss and sorrow would give way to anger and bitterness. Terror sows the seeds of hatred and reaps a bumper harvest.Modernity in Islam’s heartland was ground into the sand as the superpowers waged their cold war through proxies in the region and Israel’s emergence as a communal, oppressive state produced Palestine as a running narrative of the West’s oppression of Muslims. Pakistan’s desire to build strategic capacity for offence beyond its size and capability tied in neatly with the US plan to use Islamic indignation to oust the Soviets from Afghanistan. The Taliban and al Qaeda emerged from this quest and have survived, even after the West succeeded in its quest.
In destroying its victims, it creates itself anew. Unless politics steps in to break the cycle, decisively.
 Shouldn’t the moderates in PAS do something about this? As for Pakatan Rakyat, it should strategise to neutralise the decoy.And those who are supporting hudud are not moving to Kelantan and earn a living there. Yet, instead of improving the livelihood of the people there, these leaders are implementing laws in the name of religion just to cover their weakness in managing state. Hadi Awang is even fit to be in politics. I hope they lose Kelantan the next round due to their stupidity. PAS can forget about the federal government and stay put in Kelantan. We must make sure these religious bigots don't ever make an advance in other parts of Malaysia. Now I see why PAS lost in Terengganu and Kedah.
PAS said hudud is for Muslims only? But PAS proposed a ban on beer sales in Shah Alam and protested against Octoberfest, etc, services and activities which are for non-Muslims.In their haste to proclaim righteousness and religious piousness, they want to bulldoze this issue and implement it as soon as possible.

Socially and politically, Malaysia is not homogeneous, so such measures will not be easy to implement by an isolated state in a secular country as opposed to in a (uniformly Islamic) country like say Saudi Arabia.

However, with such a mood prevailing in this country right now, the question is: Will Malaysia eventually de-secularise itself and follow the path of Saudi Arabia?

Indeed, after successfully implementing hudud laws, one day non-Muslims may have to pay a dhimmi tax.

Indonesia is 90 percent Muslim and yet secular laws exist there and Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama), a Chinese and to top it all a Christian, can become the governor of Jakarta which has a population of 12 million Muslims. During his swearing-in, he took his oath of office with the Bible.

It’s time for PAS to learn to rule a multi-religious, multi-racial, multi-cultural Malaysia. Otherwise, PAS can forget about ruling Malaysia and it can continue to rule Kelantan and the green belt states.

In the past, PAS has never done well in Selangor (only two or three seats). In GE13, PAS has 15 seats thanks to the cooperation of PKR and DAP.

It looks like ‘PAS for All’ is just like DAP's ‘CAT - Competent, Accountable, Transparency’ -  a mere election slogan.

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