Monday, October 13, 2014

Sex gets Naughty a quick refresher course to enjoy sex better and boost your love life

Losing g heat between the sheets? Take a quick refresher course to enjoy sex better and boost your love life 

Just like sex isn't a one man show, good sex isn't just about achieving the end game. For it to be magic, both partners need to step up their act and rise to the occasion. But with differing preferences, abilities and responses, getting it right each time can be a little overwhelming. To help spice up the mundane and overhaul the awkward, here's a simple checklist.

Use fantasies

You've heard this before, but it's a fact — The brain is THE most powerful sex organ. Fantasies allow us to free up sexual habits and try out new things. Shared fantasies can liven up a sexual relationship to add new excitement and rekindle arousal. The most pleasurable sexual fantasies are those that centre around ideals that are unobtainable in 'real' life.Sex may end between the sheets, but that's certainly not where it begins. Experts tell you what to do for a spunkier sex life...

Scented candles? Check. Kamasutra series? Check. Flavoured condoms? Double check! The paraphernalia is in place, and boy, you were never more ready. It begins with foreplay, slips into intercourse, and before you know bam it's over — as physical as it could get and as unfulfilling as you would dread. Setting up the supplies is only the icing. What's needed primarily is that passion for each other, which sadly isn't enough. Here's what you can do to increase the satisfaction quotient of your next encounter.We need to admit and accept the fact that our partner can be turned on by others.

Chances are great that you and/or your mate will be fantasizing about someone other than each other at some point during the course of a long-term relationship.

Watching porn together allows you to see your partner's arousal at the image of another woman for what it is a biological response to a stimulus. There's no need to feel threatened and insecure.

It may lessen the need to act out on sexual desires outside of your relationship.

If couples can get down and dirty together, it may obviate the need for "extracurricular activities."

If you're sexually satisfied by your partner, you're less likely to look for gratification elsewhere.

Some think that watching or thinking about another is tantamount to "cheating" on your mate, but this sort of mindset ignores a central fact of human sexuality most of us crave variety.

Allowing your spouse to look at someone else out in cyberspace won't wreck your relationship, but forbidding him/her to do so might put a strain on it.

And since it's probable that porn will be viewed, giving permission allows for honesty and openness about one's habits rather than feeling like they are shameful secrets that must be kept hidden.

Men and women respond romantically and erotically to environment and atmosphere. Among others, soft lighting, subdued colours, gentle background music, pleasing scents, melodious voices and seductive dressing helps reduce inhibitions. It paves the way for an intimate encounter.READMORE Sex gets Naughty a quick refresher course to enjoy sex better and boost your love life

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