Monday, September 29, 2014

Mahathir DNA dilemma Unforgiven forgiveness facing an existential crisis.

A former editor of the pro-government daily, the New Straits Times, said not all young Malays were against Umno or the Barisan Nasional (BN) government, but against its top leadership."They even raised the issue of wives and spouses of these top leaders," Kadir wrote. 
This was apparently what former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had said, wrote veteran newsman Datuk A. Kadir Jasin (pic) in his latest blog post.
"He said not all young Malays are against Umno and not all non-Malays are against the BN. They are against the top leadership of Umno, the BN and the government.

 UMNO leaders members will never criticise due Mahathir mind set but the PT do so. But most end up held up on sedition acts. Mahathir is seeing the seeds he has sown growing and he is terrified to see it.  are right and you are the only have guts to call the polis department to charge you under sedition. Huray, solute Ex-PM - No can touch  During Mahathir's time, the top two leadership/posts of Umno Baru was never or cannot be contested. In other words those filling these two posts cannot be questioned the reason being continuity and stability of leadership and party. That has become their culture/convention to follow their leaders blindly. Any dissenter within Umno Baru was dealt with swiftly and harshly. Now Mahathir is saying that Umno Baru members must not shirk their duty to question their leaders if they don't agree with them? MCA, MIC and Gerakan took a leaf from Umno Baru but fortunately the voters show their leaders the exit door. Now speaking without fear and favor can land you facing the Sedition Act 1948. Only a select few can speak without fear of the Sedition Act 1948. Now Mahathir please advise what to do.

Umno needs to be reformed so that it can criticise its leaders more courageously, said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad today 

Umno is a club to enrich those in power! Nothing more than that. Dr M, you know very well that every day is a bonus to the sitting PM and the Umno warlords. What is your problem? You had your fun but you now see you have chosen two failures in a row as your successors as you claimed, one worse than the other.Do you think Muhyiddin Yassin is any better? We bet he would be worse and the next few Umno vice-presidents, they're even worse. No future for Umno, hence Umno continues to play racial card and fear to divert attention while the country is being ripped off!Najib is the remote control PM that Pak Lah turned out not to be. That's why Pak Lah had to go.
The point about anecdotes is outdated government procedures and government hierarchies. 
The wages of cruelty would then be settled with a matching force. Non-forgiveness means living through the life cycle of struggle of evolution and devolution. a hilarious story.  It’s an old man story,  disguising it a bit, so that you can readily identify the individual concerne
When men question unexplained incidents, they forget that Nature settles all actions  When men question unexplained incidents, they forget that Nature settles all actions,whole problem boils down to just one point - the thirst for power. Staying on without stirring up the hornet’s nest works to Najib’s benefit.BN as a coalition performed dismally. However, Umno’s seats increased from 79 to 88. Najib should not shoulder the full blame of the coalition when the party he led improved their performance. In efforts for democratic discourse, we must also scrutinise what good has been done, and how his political opponents can, in turn ,sway the support he attained in the last general election.
 It is difficult to say whose administration is worse, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s (Pak Lah) or Najib Abdul Razak's. Both administrations allegedly indulged in widespread cronyism and corruption, and both leaders’ actions in office were dictated by close family members.

Not to mention that both never really grasped the state of the nation – economically, politically, socially and pretty much in all other aspects. Both are certainly not charismatic leaders like Dr Mahathir Mohamad nor have similar IQ level to his.

But the question of Umno not replacing the highly ineffective Najib similar to what was done to Pak Lah, is a simple one.

Replace Najib with whom? Lets face it. All potential Umno leaders to replace Najib share the same ingrained Umno characteristics that Pak Lah and Najib have, which all of them have time and again exhibited.

 Najib Kadir wrote. Malays are against you and your wife not Umno and not all non-Malays 

Hardly a day goes by without those self-proclaimed champions of Malay race and defenders of Malay rights frothing at the mouth demanding that they (non-Malays) do this or that so we Malays could be the unquestioned Tuans (masters) of Tanah Melayu.

Dr.Mahathir When these Hang Tuah wannabes are not consumed with their theatrics of brandishing their ketchup-soaked kerises, they are obsessed with denigrating our culture and national character. To them we are lazy, dishonest, and know no shame.

Strip the rhetoric and those expressions of frus (“Manglish” for frustration) and fury are understandable if not predictable. We are frustrated because with the billions spent on us and the ever-generous special privileges heaped upon us, we still lag behind the others. We are furious because despite not being mollycoddled by the government, they thrive.

We are so angry that we cannot even pause to ponder perhaps they prosper precisely because the government leaves them alone and does not direct their lives, or that the massive “help” we get is anything but that. There is an art in helping. Done right and you open the door to the world for those you help; done wrong and you have a dependent invalid.

The story of tin, in Perak. Former PM Mahathir Mohamad attempted to corner the tin market on the 

Dr.MahathirLondon exchange in 1981, and because of one man’s folly, Perak, one of the richest states in Malaysia, became one of its poorest.Billions of ringgits were lost because of Mahathir’s greed, and commerce in Ipoh practically ended. Its people left, some to wash dishes in restaurants around the world. The youth were soon forced to join the exodus.

Umno needs to be reformed so that it can criticise its leaders more courageously, said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad today.
At present, the former Umno president claimed that the party's culture is to support its leaders without question.
"Yes, because the leader must be told about other views. A leader cannot just do whatever he likes," he told reporters in Putrajaya.
Mahathir said this when asked to comment on former New Straiuts Times (NST) group editor-in-chief A Kadir Jasin's statement that Umno is too weak to oust its current president Najib Abdul Razak.
Mahathir also confirmed earlier reports that he had written a letter to Najib criticising him and saying that he is withdrawing support for Najib. However he was later asked by an intermediary to retract it.
“I just said I would withdraw. I didn’t receive any reason (for the request), since he asked me to withdraw.
“Later on, I decided that the letter has got no effect on him, so that is when I put it on my blog. I said that leaders must accept criticism,” he said.
According to an Asia Sentinel report, the intermediary was Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and purportedly contained seven demands.
However, Tengku Adnan had denied the report, saying “There is no such thing”.
IPP purchases 'public money'
When asked what he thinks about Najib’s move to ignore his advice and whether it would be detrimental to the country, Mahathir replied, “I think a leader must listen to everybody, not just somebody around me.”
To a question about Kadir’s blog post that Mahathir is "curious" about 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) acquisition of independent power producers (IPPs), Mahathir said he raised the question because the public has the right to know.
“This is public money. Although it is borrowed money, it belongs to the government, and government spending must follow certain procedures.
"You cannot just spend money as you like,” he said, before elaborating on the parliamentary procedures involved.
He clarified that he was not speculating on any ulterior motive behind the deals.
In his blog, Kadir claimed that Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) could acquire the IPPs for a token sum of money if its power purchasing agreement in not renewed.
The agreements last 21 years for gas-fired plants and 25 years for coal-fired plants, he said, and some of these that have been purchased have less than seven years left on the agreement and have long recovered their costs and substantial profits.
“Dr Mahathir was curious why 1MDB bought the ageing IPPs when the government could wait a few more years and get them for 'free'. Something is amiss,” he had written.

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