Saturday, November 7, 2009

TUN MAHATHIR supply of buses for Rapid KL. is chicken feed what you sapu habisDr Mahathir has remained relatively silent on the scandal

1. Some months back I put on my blog a comment on the supply of buses for Rapid KL.

2. I had pointed out that Scomi, a company owned by the son-in-law of the former PM was involved. Pictures were also shown of numerous buses in a junkyard - apparently condemned.

3. Scomi denied that it was the only supplier of these buses for Rapid KL and Rapid Penang but admitted that almost 80% of the buses were supplied by it.

4. The Star Business on Wednesday 21st Oct reported the following: "The NAR (National Audit Report) also said there were weaknesses in the way Prasarana (Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd) bought buses. The report said that Prasarana bought additional buses from companies that were not approved by the Finance Ministry. Furthermore, the buses were said to be lacking in quality and hence put its users at "risk".

5. The NAR report is very illuminating. But it is likely to end there. The case would be closed and the miscreants would enjoy their ill-gotten gains and go on doing the same thing.

6. Has the NAR investigated the sale of MV Agusta at one Euro (about RM4) when it was bought for more than RM300 million? The buyer who paid one Euro subsequently sold MV Agusta for a total of RM400 million to Harley Davidson and BMW.
.How do you able to sense and interpretes other's ill will for another beats me..In my limited learning and understanding especially in case of determining "ill will", one have to be truly expert and needs to take risks involving our own life.Case in point is when "The Leader of Al Istikraj ( wrongly named = Al Maunah )pointed his gun at the head of our Chief Of Armed Forces in that time ( Dato' Zaini ).
They negotiated with the gun pointed at the head of our Panglima Tentera Darat.How he maintained his cool is more to be imagined than comprehends..Dato' Zaini took his risk well.He knows "The Leader" must have "ill will" before he can pull the trigger.The moment his ill will surface and demonstrated,Dato' Zaini twisted the gun away from his head and apprehend "The Leader"..
It takes great courage of man to determined the ill will of other's.Another example is from the experience of one fighter pilot.The will of the pilot of oncoming unidentified jet is unknown.This pilot must let the unknown pilot jet shoot first in order to determined his will.It is suicide of course.But by sheer skill he managed to evade the missiles and when it is clear now that the other tries to kill him, it is only proper to repay the kindness accorded..
S..Tan. when we intent to kill the chicken or other livestock for our consumption..our "ill will" demonstrates and forewarned them to run away from our approach.But there is an art to hide and concealed ill will from other's..It was famed through ninjas in the name

Dr M oversaw PKFZ land valuation but his belly was full duit haram ask ANANDA

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 5 — Former transport minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik appeared to pass the buck over the costing and valuation of the Port Klang Free Trade Zone (PKFZ) land to his former boss, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In the verbatim of the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) meeting procedures released yesterday, Ling said his ministry could only “state the fact that we wanted the land.”

However, Ling pointed out that the costing and valuation of the land was determined by the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) which was chaired by former prime minister and finance minister, Dr Mahathir.
“Our job in Ministry of Transport is to only state the fact that we want the land. Costings, valuations and all that, it is not the function of the Ministry of Transport. We do not have a Valuation Department.

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