Wednesday, November 25, 2009

TAXIDRIVER UNMASKED TURBOR CHARGED SPINING idotic minister his PhD in spinning got under fat ros mama’s saronglicking her filthy pusy

Najib Razak, Sharizat Jalil and Khairy Jamaluddin are going to form the leadership backbone for Umno. Can their leadership provide a new impetus for the party's revival? Can Umno help to rejuvenate other BN component parties?

There are several issues which the new leadership must address quickly:

1. The party is suffering from a serious perception deficit. It is known for being a bully, a rule bender, rowdy, autocratic and feudalistic. The party does not mind manipulating religion, race and recently the monarchy to satisfy its political agenda.

One of the biggest challenges for the party under the new leadership is to prove to us that it is ready and capable of governing a multiracial society.

An Umno which caters for only the Malay community may help to extend the lifeline of the party but not the coalition's. Can Najib convincingly rebrand his leadership to appeal to all Malaysians? Can his leadership be current and flexible enough to win over the waning support of young Malaysians?

2. Umno new leadership is the most controversial in the party's history. Najib is entangled with several allegations. Two veteran leaders, Dr Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh, had urged the new president to come clean on the matter.

Ku Li told The Malaysian Insider, "(He) should take the witness stand to clear his name or take legal action against the growing number of foreign publications linking him with the murder of Altantuya Shariibuu and the purchase of submarines.

He "should finally face these suspicions and implied charges, submit himself to legal scrutiny, and come clean on them.'' Meanwhile, Khairy was implicated in the last general election as one of the main causes of BN's stunning defeats.

A number of BN leaders had quietly singled him out for arousing the anger of non-Malays. The two leaders have a lot of work to do to repair their public image.

3. Under Najib leadership, will his reforms plan suffer the same fate like Abdullah's?

Several actions taken by the Umno led government do not augur well for his leadership e.g. arbitrary use of ISA against civilians, Perak power grab, dubious decisions taken by public institutions against the oppositions, action taken against bloggers, police interference in politics and others.

His leadership has given us a perception that Umno is not committed to promote and defend the rule of law, the federal constitution and the democracy system.

What is Najib's focus and priority?

The interest of this nation or his own political dominance? Malaysians do not like to be kicked around anymore. My sense is that many Malaysians despise unfairness and arrogance.

4. Is Umno willing to share more power with other component parties? These political parties can no longer hide that they are not consulted in policy formulation and decision making within the government. Most of these parties are reduced to making statements in the media.

If the trend continues, expect very little to change in BN. The progress of this country must involve more than just Umno leaders. The party does not the capacity to single handedly pull this nation out of the current economic dilemma.

The talent pool needs to be enlarged. Is the party willing to consider meritocracy over ethnicity?

5. The current perception today is the party is outdated and does not understand the needs and
wants of a multiracial nation. Does the party understand what are the key success factors of a society increasing threatened by complex global challenges?

The plate is full for the new Umno leadership. It takes a superhuman performance of the leaders to rebuild and regain the confidence of Malaysians towards the party.

We are at the twilight of race-based political model.

by taxi2driver
TAXIDRIVER UNMASKED TURBOR CHARGED SPINING idotic minister his PhD in spinning got under fat ros mama’s saronglicking her filthy pussy TAXIDRIVER UNMASKED TURBOR CHARGED SPINING idotic minister his PhD in spinning got under fat ros mama’s saronglicking her filthy pusy

Kudos to all bloggesr revealing the truth
Anyway, what this dumbassasshole is saying thru his asshole; NST, Utusan, Berita Hairan, The Star, RTM, TV3 and the whole lot of the regime’s spin apparatus had failed miserably in their spinning activities. On the contrary, the Bloggers have prevailed!
Please define “Ummah” … Most Malays/ Muslims in Malaysia define ummah as their Muslim community, the followers of Allah, and this is where the divisiveness of the definition is played up by the racist Govt. In the Quran, the ummah embraces all, the whole community, be it Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, etc. etc. and Equality as preached in the Quran means that ALL are Equal, no matter whether they are Muslims or otherwise !
As long as the true teachings are followed the way they are meant to be followed, and not deliberately rationalized by the Racist Barisan Najis / Utterly Moronic Nazi Organization Govt. into a divisive, racist, and jaundiced view of the Teachings of Allah, there should be no problems at all in Malaysia. The trouble is Islam is practised very superficially in Malaysia, where the form and seeming form, is enforced, and not the essence of Islam. The other problem is Islam being used by the Nazi Govt. and the UMNOputras to divide the ummah so they can rule dictatorially in Malaysia. That is the problem here today.
Solution:- VOTE OUT Barisan Najis, and VOTE IN Pakatan Rakyat !
please get under fat ros mama’s sarong…i dont want to see you talk I dunno… but I think if I get to see him in a function, I’ll run on stage and sing “Madu dan Racun”… On one hand, he is trying to appear as if he is promote harmony… But behind his back, I can feel a keris as sharp as a razor, ready to stab every single Malaysian who comes near to shake his hand in approval of his “harmony” statement.
Why? Simply because that statement he made was directed to the opposition supporters… So… does he mean that only the opposition is extreme? Shouldn’t he look into the mirror and ask himself that question? And then SHOUT that out in UMNO assemblies to his own supporters?
Does he even know what NTR was talking to DSAI during tea time? Or he just couldn’t find a proper seat, thus he had to sit next to DSAI? Or maybe NTR was saying something sinister, or whatever… Yet, without quoting a statement NTR made to DSAI, or without even knowing what they talked about, he started singing praises to NTR about his “Harmonious” behaviour…
Is this a genuine compliment, or a work of bodek-ing…. Does anyone noticed how shiny someone shoes has become?
UMNO are not obsessed? Please take a good look at the mirror before making that statement
He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.and i thought the UMNO people are doing all those UNMORALY posture…
Please tell that to your boss Najib and his cousin Hishamuddin when they wave the kris and soak it with chinese blood.
Not worth commenting on the statements made by idiots like him, who have exceeded their sell by
Most Malays are not extreme, it those UMNO/BN goons like Rais Yatim and his kind are.
These UMNO/BN goons are trying their best to confuse the Malay by fanning the fire of racism and religion to create extremist among the Malay. What they preach is in total contrast to what they are doing. UMNO/BN is a den full of fork-tongue serpents (credit to Mahathir as their noble guru).
Rais Yatim is clearly anti-national! What’s this about Malay unity all the time? What about Malaysian unity? We are a nation of Malaysians, not just Malays. This is a Minister of Culture? Poordah! He’s more like Minister of Disunity and Stupidity! Go fly kites better!
UMNO must not practice extreme evil, abuses and corruption and Malaysian politics will be fine.
(Bernama) — Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the Malays must not be too extreme in interpreting their political struggles to the extent of making it difficult to unify the ummah.
He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.
“If the Malays are too obsessed with daily and weekly politics, I find that the separation will only be to the detriment of the community or the Muslims themselves,” he told reporters after receiving three cows for sacrifice in conjunction with Aidiladha at the Kg Sepri Mosque, here.
Rais said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had already shown a good example when he made time to have tea with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a discussion in Parliament.
“This is a positive attitude where after a heated debate, these leaders have shown that there is time for harmony with fellow countrymen and Muslims,” he said.
Such an attitude should be nurtured by Malay leaders so that the cause of the community could be based on the interest of the religion and not purely on narrow political considerations, he said.
(Bernama) — Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the Malays must not be too extreme in interpreting their political struggles to the extent of making it difficult to unify the ummah.
He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.
“If the Malays are too obsessed with daily and weekly politics, I find that the separation will only be to the detriment of the community or the Muslims themselves,” he told reporters after receiving three cows for sacrifice in conjunction with Aidiladha at the Kg Sepri Mosque, here.
Rais said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had already shown a good example when he made time to have tea with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a discussion in Parliament.
“This is a positive attitude where after a heated debate, these leaders have shown that there is time for harmony with fellow countrymen and Muslims,” he said.
Such an attitude should be nurtured by Malay leaders so that the cause of the community could be based on the interest of the religion and not purely on narrow political considerations, he said.
Malaysia should have influential public relations firms similar to lobbying groups in developed nations, said Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.
We don’t need more spin and more evil. We need more truth and more honest basic skills.
He also proposed that local public relations practitioners use blogs to compete with local bloggers who spin stories on all sorts of issues.Dr. Rais if you want to engage the spin doctor for the gov in the cyberspace, just go ahead but not at the expense of the taxpayers. Just use your UMno or your money and we will have more fun to whack them. The more the merrier. Just bring them on.Dr Rais, with due respect, let me tell u that we may be able to fool some people some time, but we cannot fool people every time ! No amount of spinning can help !
Black is black and White is white ! It is as plain and simple as that ???
You want people and the world to believe black is white and white is black???? Keep on spinning like the others if you choose ! Just because there are some who choose to spin , we now also want to spin
“If others like Barisan Najib spin doctors in Malaysia, but they are just too crude and stupid to even pull the wool over fellow Malaysians’ eyes, let alone those of the investigative media overseas ! What Rais needs is a brain transplant … take out the Utterly Moronic Nazi Org. infested brain of his, and transplant with a Pakatan Rakyat brain, but most of all, transplant his black ossified fossilized Barisan Najis heart with a Pakatan Rakyat’s heart, with the best interests of the Rakyat at heart.
The problem lies not with spin doctors, but squarely with the UMNO & Barisan Najis regime, and with monsters like the murderous Najis Rosak and his Succubus wife Ros-p*ki-mah leading the Nazis in Govt.It seems to me that they are creating issues or excuses just to justify spending money on big projects with contracts to be given out, and of course a commission given to the appropriate parties. It’s not about the issue anymore, it’s about how to make hay while the sun shines.
can spin, why can’t we?” he asked at the launch of two books on the development and practice of public relations and politics in the country at the Institute of Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM) yesterday.
He said in the United States, the role of public relations was extended to political lobbying with the existence of at least 250 lobbying firms in Washington with all sorts of agendas.
“The more influential they are, the higher their paychecks. It’s time for Malaysia to have public relations practitioners who are well trained and knowledgable.”
Dr Rais proposed that public relations practitioners be trained with a syllabus created by IPRM.
To a proposal from IPRM president Prof Datuk Hamdan Adnan that a Public Relations Act be created to enhance the profession, Dr Rais said: “There are no problems about formulating such a law.”
The institute, he said, should work together with the Information Department to determine the definition, powers, functions and advantages of the proposed Act. He suggested that a committee to draft the proposal be set up.
Dr Rais said IPRM and public relations practitioners should use blogs to put forward their views and comments on issues in line with the Government’s aim of promoting Internet activities among the public.
information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the Malays must not be too extreme in interpreting their political struggles to the extent of making it difficult to unify the ummah.
He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.
“If the Malays are too obsessed with daily and weekly politics, I find that the separation will only be to the detriment of the community or the Muslims themselves,” he told reporters after receiving three cows for sacrifice in conjunction with Aidiladha at the Kg Sepri Mosque, here.
Rais said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had already shown a good example when he made time to have tea with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a discussion in Parliament.
“This is a positive attitude where after a heated debate, these leaders have shown that there is time for harmony with fellow countrymen and Muslims,” he said.
Such an attitude should be nurtured by Malay leaders so that the cause of the community could be based on the interest of the religion and not purely on narrow political considerations, he said.
Kudos to all bloggesr revealing the truthAnyway, what this dumbassasshole is saying thru his asshole; NST, Utusan, Berita Hairan, The Star, RTM, TV3 and the whole lot of the regime’s spin apparatus had failed miserably in their spinning activities. On the contrary, the Bloggers have prevailed!Please define “Ummah” … Most Malays/ Muslims in Malaysia define ummah as their Muslim community, the followers of Allah, and this is where the divisiveness of the definition is played up by the racist Govt. In the Quran, the ummah embraces all, the whole community, be it Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, etc. etc. and Equality as preached in the Quran means that ALL are Equal, no matter whether they are Muslims or otherwise !
As long as the true teachings are followed the way they are meant to be followed, and not deliberately rationalized by the Racist Barisan Najis / Utterly Moronic Nazi Organization Govt. into a divisive, racist, and jaundiced view of the Teachings of Allah, there should be no problems at all in Malaysia. The trouble is Islam is practised very superficially in Malaysia, where the form and seeming form, is enforced, and not the essence of Islam. The other problem is Islam being used by the Nazi Govt. and the UMNOputras to divide the ummah so they can rule dictatorially in Malaysia. That is the problem here today.
Solution:- VOTE OUT Barisan Najis, and VOTE IN Pakatan Rakyat !
please get under fat ros mama’s sarong…i dont want to see you talk I dunno… but I think if I get to see him in a function, I’ll run on stage and sing “Madu dan Racun”… On one hand, he is trying to appear as if he is promote harmony… But behind his back, I can feel a keris as sharp as a razor, ready to stab every single Malaysian who comes near to shake his hand in approval of his “harmony” statement.
Why? Simply because that statement he made was directed to the opposition supporters… So… does he mean that only the opposition is extreme? Shouldn’t he look into the mirror and ask himself that question? And then SHOUT that out in UMNO assemblies to his own supporters?
Does he even know what NTR was talking to DSAI during tea time? Or he just couldn’t find a proper seat, thus he had to sit next to DSAI? Or maybe NTR was saying something sinister, or whatever… Yet, without quoting a statement NTR made to DSAI, or without even knowing what they talked about, he started singing praises to NTR about his “Harmonious” behaviour…
Is this a genuine compliment, or a work of bodek-ing…. Does anyone noticed how shiny someone shoes has become?
UMNO are not obsessed? Please take a good look at the mirror before making that statement He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.and i thought the UMNO people are doing all those UNMORALY posture…
Please tell that to your boss Najib and his cousin Hishamuddin when they wave the kris and soak it with chinese blood.
Not worth commenting on the statements made by idiots like him, who have exceeded their sell by

Most Malays are not extreme, it those UMNO/BN goons like Rais Yatim and his kind are.
These UMNO/BN goons are trying their best to confuse the Malay by fanning the fire of racism and religion to create extremist among the Malay. What they preach is in total contrast to what they are doing. UMNO/BN is a den full of fork-tongue serpents (credit to Mahathir as their noble guru).
Rais Yatim is clearly anti-national! What’s this about Malay unity all the time? What about Malaysian unity? We are a nation of Malaysians, not just Malays. This is a Minister of Culture? Poordah! He’s more like Minister of Disunity and Stupidity! Go fly kites better!
UMNO must not practice extreme evil, abuses and corruption and Malaysian politics will be fine.
(Bernama) — Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the Malays must not be too extreme in interpreting their political struggles to the extent of making it difficult to unify the ummah.
He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.
“If the Malays are too obsessed with daily and weekly politics, I find that the separation will only be to the detriment of the community or the Muslims themselves,” he told reporters after receiving three cows for sacrifice in conjunction with Aidiladha at the Kg Sepri Mosque, here.
Rais said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had already shown a good example when he made time to have tea with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a discussion in Parliament.
“This is a positive attitude where after a heated debate, these leaders have shown that there is time for harmony with fellow countrymen and Muslims,” he said.
Such an attitude should be nurtured by Malay leaders so that the cause of the community could be based on the interest of the religion and not purely on narrow political considerations, he said.

(Bernama) — Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the Malays must not be too extreme in interpreting their political struggles to the extent of making it difficult to unify the ummah.
He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.
“If the Malays are too obsessed with daily and weekly politics, I find that the separation will only be to the detriment of the community or the Muslims themselves,” he told reporters after receiving three cows for sacrifice in conjunction with Aidiladha at the Kg Sepri Mosque, here.
Rais said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had already shown a good example when he made time to have tea with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a discussion in Parliament.
“This is a positive attitude where after a heated debate, these leaders have shown that there is time for harmony with fellow countrymen and Muslims,” he said.
Such an attitude should be nurtured by Malay leaders so that the cause of the community could be based on the interest of the religion and not purely on narrow political considerations, he said.
Malaysia should have influential public relations firms similar to lobbying groups in developed nations, said Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.We don’t need more spin and more evil. We need more truth and more honest basic skills.
He also proposed that local public relations practitioners use blogs to compete with local bloggers who spin stories on all sorts of issues.Dr. Rais if you want to engage the spin doctor for the gov in the cyberspace, just go ahead but not at the expense of the taxpayers. Just use your UMno or your money and we will have more fun to whack them. The more the merrier. Just bring them on.Dr Rais, with due respect, let me tell u that we may be able to fool some people some time, but we cannot fool people every time ! No amount of spinning can help !
Black is black and White is white ! It is as plain and simple as that ??? You want people and the world to believe black is white and white is black???? Keep on spinning like the others if you choose ! Just because there are some who choose to spin , we now also want to spin

“If others like Barisan Najib spin doctors in Malaysia, but they are just too crude and stupid to even pull the wool over fellow Malaysians’ eyes, let alone those of the investigative media overseas ! What Rais needs is a brain transplant … take out the Utterly Moronic Nazi Org. infested brain of his, and transplant with a Pakatan Rakyat brain, but most of all, transplant his black ossified fossilized Barisan Najis heart with a Pakatan Rakyat’s heart, with the best interests of the Rakyat at heart.
The problem lies not with spin doctors, but squarely with the UMNO & Barisan Najis regime, and with monsters like the murderous Najis Rosak and his Succubus wife Ros-p*ki-mah leading the Nazis in Govt.It seems to me that they are creating issues or excuses just to justify spending money on big projects with contracts to be given out, and of course a commission given to the appropriate parties. It’s not about the issue anymore, it’s about how to make hay while the sun shines. . can spin, why can’t we?” he asked at the launch of two books on the development and practice of public relations and politics in the country at the Institute of Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM) yesterday.
He said in the United States, the role of public relations was extended to political lobbying with the existence of at least 250 lobbying firms in Washington with all sorts of agendas.
“The more influential they are, the higher their paychecks. It’s time for Malaysia to have public relations practitioners who are well trained and knowledgable.”
Dr Rais proposed that public relations practitioners be trained with a syllabus created by IPRM.
To a proposal from IPRM president Prof Datuk Hamdan Adnan that a Public Relations Act be created to enhance the profession, Dr Rais said: “There are no problems about formulating such a law.”
The institute, he said, should work together with the Information Department to determine the definition, powers, functions and advantages of the proposed Act. He suggested that a committee to draft the proposal be set up.
Dr Rais said IPRM and public relations practitioners should use blogs to put forward their views and comments on issues in line with the Government’s aim of promoting Internet activities among the public.

information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the Malays must not be too extreme in interpreting their political struggles to the extent of making it difficult to unify the ummah.
He said that Allah (God) determined the rise and fall of a government, and the opposition supporters should accept the actual evolution in any struggle.
“If the Malays are too obsessed with daily and weekly politics, I find that the separation will only be to the detriment of the community or the Muslims themselves,” he told reporters after receiving three cows for sacrifice in conjunction with Aidiladha at the Kg Sepri Mosque, here.
Rais said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had already shown a good example when he made time to have tea with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a discussion in Parliament.
“This is a positive attitude where after a heated debate, these leaders have shown that there is time for harmony with fellow countrymen and Muslims,” he said.
Such an attitude should be nurtured by Malay leaders so that the cause of the community could be based on the interest of the religion and not purely on narrow political considerations, he said.
Rais has decided to stoop so low into the politics of race to win his Vice Presidency.MALAY POLITICS NEEDS STRENGTHENING THROUGH NUMBERS - RAIS Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has called for the strengthening of Malay politics through numbers so that other races will stop denigrating and ridiculing the Malays.He said that of late, too many sneers were aimed at disgracing the Malays as though the race had lost dignity and direction"Many Malays feel offended with such scornful remarks but there are also many who do not care and let the indigenous polemics be mocked in their own political platforms," he said.Rais, said this in a keynote address at a forum on legal issues and indigenous rights in the constitution at the Tun Hussein Onn Memorial here Sunday.The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation..... until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country."

- Woodrow Wilson

He said the Malays should know their history which could serve as a guide in their political struggle."History can be deemed a major factor which strengthens the argument that the Malays or Malay stock were the first to reside in the Malay States which the world knew as Malaya or Land of the Malays," added RaiOn genetics, its has been proven by dna studies that the people of the nusantara have 19% Indian genes,But at least you got one thing right in stating that 'Malay supremacy is actually the sovereignity and privileges of the Malay Rulers'.not He said, what was perceived as Malay supremacy, was actually the sovereignity and privileges of the Malay Rulers.On the first two counts malays are not the peoples of the peninsula but are immigrants to Malaya and the Nusantara. Prima facie, the Orang Asli are the bumiputras of the Nusantara and all the rest are immigrants. Their claim goes back to 65,000 years ago.The last were the British. Before that the Japanese and Thais. Before that the Dutch and Portugese. The Thais were influencing the northern states all along and receiving tributes or Bunga Emas. Before that Paramesvara of Palembang and PekanBaru and the Malacca sultanate. During that time Malacca was a tributary/colony of China.Before that it was Majapahit. Before that Sri Vijaya. Before that it was the Cholas of India for 150 years in the 10th -11th century. Chinesee records say the Cholas defeated 30 cities in the Peninsula, mostly Kadaram or Kedah.

At the same time some Chams arrived in Kelantan and Trengganu. And some from Pattani moved south. All along there were migrations.

Before that it was Kadaram (Kedah) for one millenia according to Sanusi Junid, going back to 50BCE!

As we can see all along this periods people of the nusantara moved about in this region and many settled. At the same time the Indians and Chinese are coming here regularly, trading and just passing by, and at the same time settling. Nobody asked for citizenship papers. there was no one to issue it too. There was no concept of nation-state. Malacca was a big pasar borong for people from all over asia, then europe too.When the Malaya peninsula is sitting right in between gigantic China and India, what do you expect?If people of the Nusantara migrated to Malaya, then let us see the larger picture that Indians and chinese see the whole of Asia as their nusantara, and they traversed and settled in these regions for over two millenia! If malaya is a part of the Indonesian/Malay nusantara, then all of asia is a part of the Indian and Chinese 'nusantara'. Yes, Asia is their Nusantara. Same logic applies.The modern concept of nation state began in europe after the revolutions, and citizenship became important when elections were introduced in Britain for the first time. Before that Angles, Saxons and Normans just moved about here and there and settled wherever they liked.After each invasion or ruler the demographics changed perceptibly. The most changes were after the British took over Malacca in 1824. At that time the population was only 16,000, and the census shows that that were about half were Indians and Chinese.From the 50s to the 70s, nearly 2 million Indonesians migrated illegally and claimed citizenship. If this is not migration of malays to Malaya, then what is? The history of the last 170 years is a vindication of a history of Indonesians migrating to Malaya, and chinese and indias too migrating to British Straits Settlement AS AGREED by the sultans on the advice of the British Residents. Now do the rulers and their malay subjects wish to go back on their agreement?The chinese and indians arriving here did not take anything from the malays. Heck most of them had never seen a malay in their entire lives. all three communities led separate and cloistered lives and hardly intermingling. As far as the Indians and Chinese were concerned the British were the rulers and masters of the land, and NOT the malays who were traveling back and forth to Sumatra. As far as the Chinese and Indians they came to British territory, and their dealings were only with the British.Penang, Malacca and Singapore were crown territories, not colonies. It has nothing to do with the malays or malay sultans. The Straits Settlements were British lands, not malay lands. In the Federated malay States the British were Advisors and Residents. FMS were not British colonies! The FMS IS malay lands, and here Syed, your contetion is quite right!

On the other hand the Unfederated Malay States (UFMS) of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Trengganu were taken over from the Thais over to the British. It really had nothing to do with the malays but the British decided to accept it as 'protected states' and not 'colonies' although they had every reason to do so. But granted, these 4 states are also 'malay lands'. However, the chinese and Indians had already penetrated these 4 states for economic reasons as the Thais who were the rulers allowed it.

If malays have a problem, they have a problem with the British and the Thais, and NOT with the chinese and indians. the malays should take up the issues with the Thais and British.

If settling, invasion and conquering is the basis of peoples of the land, as the peoples of the nusantara were too, then one must also accept the Britsh invasion, conquering, settling and repopulating! These are British Lands! Not Malay lands!
If the malay rulers moved from Malacca and settled in various states and peopled it, that is the same basis as the British! On a invade, conquer and settling basis.Be that as it may, when it came to withdraw from the region, instead of the messy SS, FMS and UFMS, the British decided to amalgamate 3 nations into one Malayan Union or Federated Malaya. The Malay rulers and malays accepted it! Along with the chinese and indian populations. That was the condition of amalgamation of three nations and independence!

Our forefathers when receiving independence accepted it on a 'as is basis'. That means we accept the situation as it is, a one nation peopled by many races and it equally belongs to all! That was the basis of the Malayan Union If malaysians are unhappy with these ar can be transmigrated to Penang, malacca and Singapore and the malays can be free of non malays to do what they like.

rangements then we must undo the SS, FMS and the UFMS. In this way the non malays

can be transmigrated to Penang, malacca and Singapore and the malays can be free of non malays to do what they like.

Incidentally, the British kept alive the concept of Sovereign British Territory of the Straits Settlement until 1972. Anyone born in Penang, Malacca and Singapore on or before 1972 could apply for automatic British citizenship with right of domicle!! It was some years later in the late 70s they withdrew this privilege. This means the British recognised all peoples of the Straits Settlements as British subjects. The problem is most non malays in the 50s and 60s never thought it was necessary to migrate to UK. They bought the view spread by our forefathers and politicians that malaysia would be for all people equally, and all would be free to perpetuate their cultures as they see fit.

So, we see from my earlier post that there is no basis on account of land ownership and anthropology for malays to claim this is malay lands. they are immigrants as anyone else!

On the historical perspective as I have shown in this post, we see there can be no malay claim wither!

Until the British arrived 90% of the peninsula was empty and deserted, and no one, no ruler had a claim on it. State boundaries were drawn up by the British! The boundary between Malaya and Thailand were drawn up by the British and agreed by the Thais. The Straits Settlements were British lands which they graciously handed over to Malayans along with the demographic changes they introduced, including the large numbers of Indonesians that it attracted.

If rulership is a basis of claim, then perThis is because the monarchy institution or Malay Sultanates are closely linked to the Malay psyche," he said.The Malays needed to identify their political and economic weaknesses and overcome them by doing soul-searching.
He said, remarks on Malay Supremacy cannot be made without substance or ego politics because the privilege had to be backed by continuous capacity and knowledge skills. When we are strong, then only we can say we are masters.

This has to be fine-tuned and a Malay leader has to show the capability and strength in politics.But if there are Malay leaders still buying votes to climb up, we will never be strong and respected as masters on our own soil," he said.Rais said that in this regard, Umno, as a party for the Malays, had to be reshuffled and Article 3 of the party's Constitution on the premises and objectives had to be embraced because it contained the real Malay agenda.In the constitution, the meaning of Malay itself has three basic conditions. Firstly, the individual has to be Muslim, secondly speak Malay and thirdly, follow the Malay custom," he said.In terms of Bumiputera share in national wealth, Rais said the Malays had to reject the "at least 30 per cent ratio" and replace it with "the highest ratio possible".Besides, he said, all policies affecting the Malays and indigenous people and Islam had to go through political vetting first before the government made decisions.Besides, Rais said, the Malays must stay away from elements that could weaken their image.He said that behind the current polemic, one positive aspect that had arisen was the move of the Malay Rulers who came forward to lend assistance when needed."Perhaps, the Malay Rulers felt the calling to do so and we appreciate it. It seems, politicians in the country also welcome the move of the Malay Rulers," he addedRais also called for a law enforcement system and policy which prevented certain quarters from continuing to dispute the rights and privileges of
The voices from the street the people’s thinks you dirt baggae
i think rais is trying to stir some shiat. i think most of us (incl malays) are denigrating the umno fellas...and so happened u r one of them.Rai, you had only said one thing right, we are not disparaging the big number of Malays, good Malays like Datuk Zaid and many! We may scorn at you Umno who have herds of pea brains and nerds! We are not talking about number to show our respect, we are talking about brain and good brains, fair-minded brain like you are lacking of are those we will respect! Race or right minded Malays are not in our category of denigrate and despised! ....For you and your breed, you deserve our salivas and our middle fingers! NaAnother 'cow dung' so afraid of his special rights being questioned. When his UMNO goon questioned the citizenship of the squatter chinese, he seem at ease with those remarks but now want the police to prevent ceratin quarters from continuing to dispute the special rights of the Malays. May I tell you Rais, the Malays are also immigrants and not the original bumiputras (original land owners).
If anything, the original land owners do require a helping hand economically but now it seems the special rights equate to across the board Malays being spoon fed like babies. I question this kind of racist policies and like minded Malays too will feel offended if we think the only way they can be successful in Malaysia is for government assistance. It would seem that those hardcore poor Malays are not benefiting from this special rights racist policy. The proof is out there and everyone knows it including Rais.Now this reminds me of something someone once said.....
"The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation..... until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country."
Woodrow WilsonGod bless Malaysia, my home sweet home.
When people whack UMNO, it is whacking UMNO as a corrupt political party, not the race. Such difference ought to have been obvious to Rais even if it is not obvious to many other UMNO leaders. Rais' implied call to add numbers to UMNO is the same like any other UMNO leaders bankrupt of ideas. Malays are not a monopoly for UMNO. Corruption drives away members. And to say that "sneers" are aimed at denegrading the Malays are the most dangerous and untrue thing that any UMNO upper rung leader has said so far - because it sounds like he's trying to establish provocation, and hence further usage of Sedition Act and ISA.
It's a crying shame that Rais has decided to stoop so low into the politics of race to win his Vice PresidencyIt is an open secret that the malays have lost their dignity in the eyes of the non malays, even a subject of ridicule. This is not new but has been so since the 60s. It just got worse lately after the Moorthy case.But its just that the non malays, born of giving face, do not have the gumption in them to tell it outright. They expect malays like YOU Rais to tell the malays so.

But you're still playing the numbers and history game instead of principles. See how low you have gone Rais! you don't gave the guts to tell malays that they cannot fall back on historyBut at least you got one thing right in stating that 'Malay supremacy is actually the sovereignity and privileges of the Malay Rulers'.Here we go. Malays are not sitting back and letting things rot. Umno is also trying to get back what it lost. Numbers make the difference indeed and it is such numbers that Anwar could not get on Sept 16 (discussed in story above) that would make or break the PR in the near future! Ohlala! Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has called for the strengthening of Malay politics through numbers so that other races will stop denigrating and ridiculing the Malays.No it is not te Malay. It is directed to the UMNO leeches and it is not coming only from non-Malay but other Malay as well. You racist please refer to all these good people that there to challenge you as Malaysian. Please return all the ill gotten money to us.“Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has called for the strengthening of Malay politics through numbers so that other races will stop denigrating and ridiculing the Malays”.What a joke. The “other races” aren’t denigrating and ridiculing the Malays. If they did, they’d be hitting Keadilan and PAS as well. But they aren’t. The other races are for the first time in their lives, actually speaking up following decades of suppression under UMNO supremacist policies. What the other races have essentially done is to put a mirror up to UMNOputeras, so that they can see what they have become. Sadly, instead of trying to improve, they are in denial, and are becoming worse than ever.So now you want numbers. What do you propose? A captive breeding program for woulThe malays or the general population have given UMNO/BN more than 50 yrs to manage the country. What have U guys done? Well, to fool everyone especially the malays by malay leaders. Looks like it is a question of not enough $$$ in the bank. UMNO leadership is like a dynasty, taking turns to rip off the rakyat. Now tell me how our PM kids can get so rich via govt contracts, 30% equity affirmative policies. What happen to the mass malay/bumiputra population? Come mon Rais, U are not that stupid, U are just an old fox that still wants to rely on old tricks to fool the malays. It is the malay leadership that is corrupt that has stiffle malays progress & U are part of it. Which malay minister(except Zaid) dare to question the manner things are done? Don't blame the malays for not supporting. Rightly the malays have send a strong message, do U guys care to clean up. NOO. Guess what we even have a chap being arrested by Australian authorities & made a minister. What a joke a big slap to the malays integrity. Malays are not simple minded people but guys like U with such mentality, I would vote for the opposition.
Mr. Rice s/o Yatim,
You're finished as a politician!
Is this all you have to provide a leadership for the Malaysians?
Just becos you're in the twilight of your career, you don't have to whip up racist sentimentsNobody denigrated or insulted Malays - only Umno and their racist/fascist ideas bent on plunder, in the name of "Ketuanan Melayu"!

The poor Malays have been hoodwinked for fifty years - and many still don't realize what they have lost, by giving up their rights, conscience, culture & humanity.

You guys have perverted the course of democracy & justice by rendering the constitution a worthless piece of paper.

You have belittled the parliament by having all mighty governments and closed door meetings between your allies.Now you have the cheek to tell Malays that they are being insulted by others?
Get out of your denial Syndrome and face facts Rais - you guys are such shameless losers!!You say, "the Malays must stay away from elements that could weaken their image".I agree - they should abandon Umno, just as Umno has abandoned them for money!
Rais is afraid that a lot of malays are beginning to see that the umnoputras are making use of them instead of helping them. Therefore more and more are going to Pas and PR.Rais, you are just a piece of Racist Shit.
Shame on you ... Why wont the non malays look down at DUMNO malays , even there are malays out there who also looks down on the DUMNO malays. Sick and unfit goons who runs this beautiful nation aiming for disaster. This bigot Rias seems more interested to increase the quantities of cows and buffalos in DUMNO and not its quality to be fair to serve the people and the nation irregardless of race and ethnic towards Bangsa Malaysia. Another imbecilRais the biggest racist mother fucker. Rais, nobody is questioning your Malay rights. It is UMNO who is ridiculing themselves. You stupid Rais.You think you are intellectually strong. Fuck you.
This Rias is another idiot who has the kampong mentality that the malays must have the numbers.Numbers for what? The people is agianst umno and its crooks not all the malays!For a Minister he ought to know better then to play this racial card but as one recently written blog this lap dog would bow so low to kiss the hand of the bodoh pm.This guy realy needed a job that's all.Another mother fucker of umno driving a wedge against the non malays by letting his interlectual shits out of his mouth.
UM-No is the hypocrite king! You guys started the racial issue in this country and yet you morons blaming other races ridiculing the Malays. We the rakyat has waken up and the day Um-No falls six feet under ground we will start laughing until our teeth falls off.The Malays lost dignity and direction because of UMNO. The new breed of Malays should realised that by now and pull out from UMNO

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