The police have not been able to trace Raja Petra. — Reuters pic
The Sessions Court was today told that a warrant of arrest issued against blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamaruddin could not be served as he still could not be traced despite various efforts by the police.
Deputy public prosecutor Mohd Hafiz Mohd Yusoff said the show cause notice to Raja Petra’s bailor, Mable@Marina Lee, also could not be served.
He said this at the trial of Raja Petra, who is charged with defaming the prime minister’s wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and two others.
Today is the second time the case was called up for mention. The first was on May 26 when the arrest warrant was issued. Raja Petra, 59, is charged with defaming Rosmah, Lt Col Abdul Aziz Buyong and his wife Lt Col Norhayati Hassan, in a statutory declaration made at the Jalan Duta Court complex here at 10.25am on June 18 last year.
Investigating officer ACP Aziz Zakaria, who was testifying under oath, said police had taken various steps to locate Raja Petra, including placing an officer to monitor his house in Sungai Buloh.
“We do receive information on Raja Petra’s movement and have tried to locate him at several locations where he would normally be, but until now we don’t know where he is,” he added.
He said efforts to track down Raja Petra would continue as he also had a case at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court, which had also issued an arrest warrant against him.
Aziz also said he could not ascertain if Raja Petra was still in the country.
Judge Mohamad Sakeri Mamat set Nov 13 for final mention of the case. – Bernama
Hishamuddin's statement is truly god-sent. After one or two weeks of relatively stronger BN performance (as in play-acting, not doing actual work) under Najib, saying all the right things about improving internet penetration (some IT speakers probably getting some laughs when they quote the PM on this one), and other media blitz on 1Malaysia.. and at the same time PR suffering under increasing internal dissensions, Hisham and Nazri just have to put all that is wrong with the country under BN back into the spotlight again. If I were a Pakatan MP, I'd send the two of them a thank you card each, and ask them to keep this up.Don't look for scapegoats!!
You obviously have your brains in your backside. The continuing use of the Police force to keep UMNO in power and not to keep crime down gives the citizens no confidence in either the Police Force or UMNO. When your promotions are based on loyalty to UMNO and not on crime busting skills, you cannot expect the citizens to have any confidence in the Police force.
In fact, we don't even have confidence in you to begin with. You have retained a clearly retarded chief of police, you have allowed the prison slaying to go on without charging the murderers in the Police force, you have used the Police to exert unlawful force against the opposition and against the citizens, you have selectively prosecuted opposition members, you shield your cow head protesters and the list goes on. Clearly, you are incompetent and also without balls to make tough decisions. Your analytical skills required as a leader is lacking - this is proven by your current statement and backed up by your numerous non-decisions in the past - clearly set you apart from the normal morons in UMNO - you fall further below the line.
The increase in crime is a symptom of the lack of governance and leadership by example. If the Federal government can breach its own Petroleum Act, the Constitution, the rights of the States, infringe the rights of the people, selectively prosecute opponents and shield friends, change the goal post at every turn, then what is the difference between the Federal government and the normal criminal? There is no longer the moral force of government governing the consenting through the rule of law. This country is following by example the antics of the Federal government. Don't blame the law abiding citizens for demonizing criminal acts OR equating the lawlessness of the criminals with that of the Federal government.
TRUTH always hurt for those leaving in denial and full of corruption. Provide equal education and job opportunity…… I bet crime rate will drop among Malaysian. Then you only have to go after illegal immigrant,,, indeed it’s PDRM problem also for not guarding the nation. how more stupid can our Home Minister be? Imagine blaming the poor performance of the police force on public perception! If the top cops had not been indulging in politics and spent more commitment on their work, even small time social problems like snatch-thievery would not have become so prevalent and big time business in the country! And the mat rempits, why had it taken so long to haul them up?
High crime rate implies police not doing good enough job. Or even implies police are working with criminals for personal gain. Coupled with accidents and political forces, the police have a uphill task to set things straight. Police must not only do a good job, but must also be seen to be doing a good jobIt sticks! Their lack of conviction to do the proper things shows! Quick to bodek UMNO and quick to go against the opposition is a glaring weakness of the police force. Their actions are not consistent with what they say. How then can one expect the people to praise the police force? Come on, Hishammuddin, you don’t even want to look at things as it should be look at and have the cheek to openly blame the escalating social problems on the people. Be wise, in the final analysis, it is still the people who decides and says who and what’s wrong with the systems and that also includes you! You have failed miserably to help the police’s poor credibility in this case!

U can deny as much as you like but there must be thousands of Malaysians who had experienced under the hands of your dogs..
I personally have seen your personnels giving flying kick to the head especially detainees who are already handcuffed or arrested or surrendered themselves especially lowly paid foreign workers. 
Maybe the Police Inspector-General ought to read over and over again what RPK wrote: “This is how the Malaysian police gets you to confess to crimes…..”.
I did, and I could not find anything in the comment by RPK which claimed that the men featured in the video were uniformed personnel from PRDM. If RPK had posted a video of a couple having sex and added the comment that that was how Cyfool was conceived, it is utterly wrong for anyone to conclude that the couple featured in the porn movie are Cyfool’s parents. The video merely suggested HOW Cyfool was conceived and not WHO conceived the disasterous idea of bringing Cyfool into this planet.
The country’s top cop yesterday rubbished a video posted on the website, Malaysia Today, allegedly showing police brutality during an interrogation.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan denied that the men featured in the five-minute grainy video, believed to be shot using a mobile phone camera, were policemen.
It showed a group of men, in white shirts and black pants, “interrogating” a suspect who was accused of raping a man’s wife. They are seen punching and stomping on the man, who does not appear to fight back.
Website editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin posted a link to the YouTube video under the heading “Modern interrogation methods of the Malaysian police”.
In a comment that accompanied the video Raja Petra wrote: “This is how the Malaysian police gets you to confess to crimes, even if you never committed them. But even after you do confess the ‘interrogation’ does not stop.”
Enraged by the posting and the video, Musa called it “too much”.
“He (Raja Petra) should be more responsible in his postings next time. He should take a good look at himself before accusing us.
“He’s not the right person to denigrate us when he is on the run from the police.”"He’s not the right person to denigrate us when he is on the run from the police.”
He is the perfect person to denigrate you…..
“We will also seek Interpol’s help to locate him.”
How can you seek Interpol’s help… I saw him eating mee goreng at Brickfields at 9:00pm last night.
Musa said the police were working with their counterparts in Australia to find Raja Petra who is said to be in Brisbane.
“We will also seek Interpol’s help to locate him.”
On April 23, a warrant of arrest was issued for 59-year-old Raja Petra after he had failed to turn up in court for his sedition trial.
He had claimed trial on May 6 last year to publishing a seditious article on April 25 on his web portal.
Maybe the Police Inspector-General ought to read over and over again what RPK wrote: “This is how the Malaysian police gets you to confess to crimes…..”.Why do you blame others for your incompetence in running the Ministry? Of course, in the eyes of the people the PDRM is irresponsible and bad. How else can you deny the peoples' perception when the top Chief of the Police is working hand-in-glove with such people as Tunku, the Ahlong King, How else could you deny the peoples' perception when a murder case involving high profile UMNO leaders are being covered-up by non others then the Police themselves? can you all imagine what just came out from his brains?? Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein blamed the country's high crime rate on the demonisation of institutions such as the police ?? so if we say the police force is angelic, the crime rate will fall ?geez...the rate we are going with all the quality of leaders we have..our motherland is a goner
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it take a real dirtcop to rubbished a video posted on the website, Malaysia Today, allegedly showing police brutality during an interrogation.
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the IGP real dirtcop have links with the Chinese drugs, prostitution, illegal gambling and loan-shark syndicate based in Johor and which was expanding its operation throughout Malaysia HIS CONTRACT MUST BE RENEWED AT ANY COS? najib with that much baggage dont have a choseT
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PETALING JAYA, Nov 11 — Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin was given a discharge not amounting to acquittal on a sedition charge by the Sessions Court today because the police cannot trace him.Judge Rozina Ayub, in making the order, said it was most embarrassing for all the parties concerned that the prosecution had failed to serve the warrant of arrest on Raja Petra, as a result of which a discharge had to be given and the case was left hanging and without an ending.
"This case cannot proceed. It's a pity because the prosecution had called seven witnesses," she said.
Rozana also ordered that a notice be served on Raja Petra's wife Marina to show cause why she should not forfeit the RM5,000 bail that she had posted.
"The bailor in this case, namely his wife, has to come to court to explain his absence, or forfeit the bail," she said.
Earlier, deputy public prosecutor Mohd Dusuki Mokhtar told the court that the police had failed to trace Raja Petra till today.
The court had expected the case to be disposed of by the end of next month and the prosecution had lined up at least eight witnesses. However, Raja Petra went missing after seven witnesses were called.
The court subsequently gave three postponements — on May 22, July 17 and a final one on Oct 12 — to enable the prosecution and police to trace him.
On May 6 last year, Raja Petra, 60, pleaded not guilty to posting seditious words relating to an article in his website www.malaysia-today.net on April 25 last year.
In confronting a crisis of epic proportions, one can do the heavy work of crafting a well conceived, comprehensive strategy. But why bother, when short-term gimmicks are politically more feasible. Thus we have this absurd counter-cyclical gimmick, the so-called “cash for POLICE” boondoggle, being offered by the NAJIB establishment as their “answer” to the massive problems
Politicians indicates that corruption has seeped into administrative machinery, politics, judiciary and police. God forbid if a citizen of Malaysia has to stand up for himself against these forces, he is a worthless street-dog unless he has power, money or influence. The police is the only face which millions of MALAYSIANS see daily, even when they don’t have to deal with corrupt government or judiciary. Are your streets safe from the licensed goons ? Are your women safe from them ? Are you stressed out because they have certain rights to stop you at every traffic signal and ask for identity, license, papers, multiple times a day ? God forbid, if you are a street vendor, and you are anyway giving away 60% of your day’s profit to them but yet always at the mercy of not being beaten up by them at their whim, say, when they consume alcohol or when their seniors surprise them with a visit. What to say a simple road block restriction is imposed, don’t we dream of when the restrictions will go away and we don’t have to see their ugly leering faces again ? Do we like to welcome with open hands the above-the-law big brother, no, we are scared they might arrest us with false reports, they might misbehave with our women, they might beat us up for no reason and then will create a mock-up situation with cooked-up stories for the media/seniors. Haven’t you heard of stories where innocent citizens has been killed in encounters ? talking about states where things are peaceful except for communal riots and well, bravo, how well they have done their jobs. Innocent victims who register A POLICE has to recall them after their pockets are full, no matter how serious the crime is. For most of us, he is not just a neighboorhood big brother, he is the face of the government. If he is bad, the government is bad. Now, you see WHY PAKATAN wins hands downall the by election. or systems ineffectiveness is no justification for Police brutality. From my personal experience, I remember when as TAXIDRIVER FOR 25 years was beaten by a police like a criminal, who supposedly caught me without MYCARD (although i had one-its another story that the ……
That impression is buried in my mind for malaysian Police (& again its not a single person im pointing to – its in collective sense ) that, they are inhuman, dishonest, without any moral character lot, bunch of cheapster who will sell their anything for a bunch of ringgit. On top of it- these IGP AGS lot – it hurts to see they after all the education – end up misusing power & further detoriating this corrupt system.
you are right in blaming politicians and beurocrates for what ever mess the police or MCC forces are in.in case of ANWAR it is the special powers ISA that are have been given to the ex IGP forces are playing havoc on people.and these draconian laws are passed by these politicians.you seem to be well aware of situation, is bleeding it is bleeding MALAYSIA also and god knows when this will end.,
The main stream mediaTHE UTUSANDOGS the author seems to push the belief that end always justifies the means. The author should go and contact the poor and downtrodden people who live in rumah panjang and PPRUNITS,and ask them if they enjoyed the brutality the cops showed. People like you and me were lucky enough to have the resources to run away from problem areas. Guess what happened to those that couldn’t?? Thats right…..they suffered. In my book they are the real heroes, not the cops. Yet even today, those same heroes are treated with malice, contempt and general disrespect by the men and women in uniform. To a cop, a non-wealthy MALAYSIAN citizen is a nuisance. Before they donned a uniform, these cops took an oath, one that required them to sacrifice their conveniences for the greater good of society. At times those sacrifices may also include their lives. Yet nearly 95% of these “protectors” fail in their most basic functions. In reality, they are merely vassals of the political groups in power. As far as I am concerned, I will continue to question the actions of cops, cuz whether they like it or not, they will be always held accountable on a higher level. If they don’t like what they are getting into………..leave, there are a lot of able men and women out there that can do better.In confronting a crisis of epic proportions, one can do the heavy work of crafting a well conceived, comprehensive strategy. But why bother, when short-term gimmicks are politically more feasible. Thus we have this absurd counter-cyclical gimmick, the so-called “cash for POLICE” boondoggle, being offered by the NAJIB establishment as their “answer” to the massive problems
Politicians indicates that corruption has seeped into administrative machinery, politics, judiciary and police. God forbid if a citizen of Malaysia has to stand up for himself against these forces, he is a worthless street-dog unless he has power, money or influence. The police is the only face which millions of MALAYSIANS see daily, even when they don’t have to deal with corrupt government or judiciary. Are your streets safe from the licensed goons ? Are your women safe from them ? Are you stressed out because they have certain rights to stop you at every traffic signal and ask for identity, license, papers, multiple times a day ? God forbid, if you are a street vendor, and you are anyway giving away 60% of your day’s profit to them but yet always at the mercy of not being beaten up by them at their whim, say, when they consume alcohol or when their seniors surprise them with a visit. What to say a simple road block restriction is imposed, don’t we dream of when the restrictions will go away and we don’t have to see their ugly leering faces again ? Do we like to welcome with open hands the above-the-law big brother, no, we are scared they might arrest us with false reports, they might misbehave with our women, they might beat us up for no reason and then will create a mock-up situation with cooked-up stories for the media/seniors. Haven’t you heard of stories where innocent citizens has been killed in encounters ? talking about states where things are peaceful except for communal riots and well, bravo, how well they have done their jobs. Innocent victims who register A POLICE has to recall them after their pockets are full, no matter how serious the crime is. For most of us, he is not just a neighboorhood big brother, he is the face of the government. If he is bad, the government is bad. Now, you see WHY PAKATAN wins hands downall the by election. or systems ineffectiveness is no justification for Police brutality. From my personal experience, I remember when as TAXIDRIVER FOR 25 years was beaten by a police like a criminal, who supposedly caught me without MYCARD (although i had one-its another story that the ……
That impression is buried in my mind for malaysian Police (& again its not a single person im pointing to – its in collective sense ) that, they are inhuman, dishonest, without any moral character lot, bunch of cheapster who will sell their anything for a bunch of ringgit. On top of it- these IGP AGS lot – it hurts to see they after all the education – end up misusing power & further detoriating this corrupt system.
you are right in blaming politicians and beurocrates for what ever mess the police or MCC forces are in.in case of ANWAR it is the special powers ISA that are have been given to the ex IGP forces are playing havoc on people.and these draconian laws are passed by these politicians.you seem to be well aware of situation, is bleeding it is bleeding MALAYSIA also and god knows when this will end.,
The main stream mediaTHE UTUSANDOGS the author seems to push the belief that end always justifies the means. The author should go and contact the poor and downtrodden people who live in rumah panjang and PPRUNITS,and ask them if they enjoyed the brutality the cops showed. People like you and me were lucky enough to have the resources to run away from problem areas. Guess what happened to those that couldn’t?? Thats right…..they suffered. In my book they are the real heroes, not the cops. Yet even today, those same heroes are treated with malice, contempt and general disrespect by the men and women in uniform. To a cop, a non-wealthy MALAYSIAN citizen is a nuisance. Before they donned a uniform, these cops took an oath, one that required them to sacrifice their conveniences for the greater good of society. At times those sacrifices may also include their lives. Yet nearly 95% of these “protectors” fail in their most basic functions. In reality, they are merely vassals of the political groups in power. As far as I am concerned, I will continue to question the actions of cops, cuz whether they like it or not, they will be always held accountable on a higher level. If they don’t like what they are getting into………..leave, there are a lot of able men and women out there that can do better.
In confronting a crisis of epic proportions, one can do the heavy work of crafting a well conceived, comprehensive strategy. But why bother, when short-term gimmicks are politically more feasible. Thus we have this absurd counter-cyclical gimmick, the so-called “cash for POLICE” boondoggle, being offered by the NAJIB establishment as their “answer” to the massive problemsRaja Petra Kamarudin
Some of you may think that theSEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE video is in bad taste. I mean, how can we make fun of Teoh Beng Hock’s death when we should instead be mourning him? Yes, it was a hard decision to make as to whether to publish that video or not. But we decided to do it anyway not with intent to make fun of Teoh’s death but to reveal the real circumstances behind his death. And the video best describes the events behind what really happened
If u put more officers on beat duty rather than catching candle -light vigil participants or peaceful demonstrators, I'm sure the crime rate will go down pretty soon!!