Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mohamad Hassan Ismail Sabri Yaakob D Dr Awang Adek Hussin.Dr Puad Zarkashi has started licking rosmah’s pussy they are running in fear of ANWAR

what is that pussy doing in Putrajaya? Dulu Khairy,sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala DICK “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.

Dulu Khairy, sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala DICK “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.


Betino dari Nogori 9 dah menghompap Berok Jantan dari Nogori 9!!

Jantan kocut dari Pahang tak boleh buek apo-apo – buahnya dah tersopit dek betino puako tu!

what is that pussy doing in Putrajaya? thought she has nothing to do in the BARISAN NAJIS government except the mongolian affair?That’s why Mr Lee Kuan Yew requested to meet her because he knew she wold play a big role in her husband’s administration. Both husband and wife work as a team!

Are you sure thats all ? How about bedding bollywood stars and carpet boys ? Maybe that was picked up along the way to spice up her Minang Pu$$*. In everyway we have a slutty,bitchy,pretentious whore at the 4th floor now. The very monument of our capital administration has become a whore house with all the vice spewing out of Rosmah aka First Slut of Malaysia.If Malaysians do not know who’s Emperess Dowager Ci Xi of Qing Dynasty, do read the Chinese history how the whole China was screwed up.

2nd Hand Fat Mama Rosmah is going to be just like her, mess around & spending spree without caring the future of her country. I am trying to imagine Rosie throwing her weight around (literally) and am trying to imagine the unfortunate squashed guys under her (as my son says, “Roti canai lah”). Reminds me of that particular big fat wrestling character who likes to do body slams, forgot his name though. Ayoo penyetlah. Am also trying to imagine fat mama Rosie literally running all over the 4th Floor. I wonder what the seismic readings will be. Need to have the engineers re check the building for cracks and also the structural integrity.Tun Mahathir never commented on Rosmah. Tak tahu atau pura pura buat tak tahu.

That is Tun M style…when his man is done shit..its ok..cover up.

But when someone else whom he dont like do do anything ..he goes all around the country talking about it.

You are a great businessman Tun M. Instead of selling roti, I think carpet business will make a better profit under current country administration.

Rosmah: Oh, come on.

Najib: Leave me alone!

Rosmah: It won’t take long.

Najib: I won’t be able to sleep afterwards.

Rosmah: I can’t sleep without it.



Najib: Why do you think of things like this in the middle of the night?

Rosmah: Because I’m Hot.Joakim Noah And Topless Girlfriend On The Beach in St. Barts With Some Pot 3

Najib: You get hot at awkward times.

Rosmah: If you love me I wouldn’t have to beg you.

Najib: If you love me you’d be more considerate.

Rosmah: You don’t love me anymore.

Najib: Yes I do, but let’s forget it for tonight.

razak altan

Rosmah: Please…come on

Najib: Alright, I’ll do it.

Rosmah: What’s the matter? Need a flashlight?

Najib: I can’t find it.

Rosmah: Oh, for heaven’s sake, feel for it!

Najib: There! Are you satisfied?

Rosmah: Oh, yes.

Najib: Is it far enough?

Rosmah: Oh! That’s good.

Najib: Now go to sleep, and from now on when you want the window open,

do it yourself.

Now, what were you expecting?

Sorry To Disappoint All Of You!sherlyn-chopra-hot-sexy-photo-gallery-117


The Chinese government does not want to be outdone by Singapore’s action of naming an orchid after Rosmah. A new orchid is awaiting Rosmah in China and it will also be named after Rosmah’s favourite item of play: ROSMAH’S PUSSY ITCH ORCHID.

Dulu Khairy, sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala DICK “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.
Betino dari Nogori 9 dah menghompap Berok Jantan dari Nogori 9!!
Jantan kocut dari Pahang tak boleh buek apo-apo – buahnya dah tersopit dek betino puako tu!
what is that pussy doing in Putrajaya? thought she has nothing to do in the BARISAN NAJIS government except the mongolian affair?That’s why Mr Lee Kuan Yew requested to meet her because he knew she wold play a big role in her husband’s administration. Both husband and wife work as a team!
Are you sure thats all ? How about bedding bollywood stars and carpet boys ? Maybe that was picked up along the way to spice up her Minang Pu$*. In everyway we have a slutty,bitchy,pretentious whore at the 4th floor now. The very monument of our capital administration has become a whore house with all the vice spewing out of Rosmah aka First Slut of Malaysia.If Malaysians do not know who’s Emperess Dowager Ci Xi of Qing Dynasty, do read the Chinese history how the whole China was screwed up.
2nd Hand Fat Mama Rosmah is going to be just like her, mess around & spending spree without caring the future of her country. I am trying to imagine Rosie throwing her weight around (literally) and am trying to imagine the unfortunate squashed guys under her (as my son says, “Roti canai lah”). Reminds me of that particular big fat wrestling character who likes to do body slams, forgot his name though. Ayoo penyetlah. Am also trying to imagine fat mama Rosie literally running all over the 4th Floor. I wonder what the seismic readings will be. Need to have the engineers re check the building for cracks and also the structural integrity.Tun Mahathir never commented on Rosmah. Tak tahu atau pura pura buat tak tahu.
That is Tun M style…when his man is done shit..its ok..cover up.
But when someone else whom he dont like do do anything ..he goes all around the country talking about it.
You are a great businessman Tun M. Instead of selling roti, I think carpet business will make a better profit under current country administration.
Rosmah: Oh, come on.
Najib: Leave me alone!
Rosmah: It won’t take long.
Najib: I won’t be able to sleep afterwards.
Rosmah: I can’t sleep without it.
Najib: Why do you think of things like this in the middle of the night?
Rosmah: Because I’m Hot.
Najib: You get hot at awkward times.
Rosmah: If you love me I wouldn’t have to beg you.
Najib: If you love me you’d be more considerate.
Rosmah: You don’t love me anymore.
Najib: Yes I do, but let’s forget it for tonight.
Rosmah: Please…come on
Najib: Alright, I’ll do it.
Rosmah: What’s the matter? Need a flashlight?
Najib: I can’t find it.
Rosmah: Oh, for heaven’s sake, feel for it!
Najib: There! Are you satisfied?
Rosmah: Oh, yes.
Najib: Is it far enough?
Rosmah: Oh! That’s good.
Najib: Now go to sleep, and from now on when you want the window open,
do it yourself.
Now, what were you expecting?
Sorry To Disappoint All Of You!
The Chinese government does not want to be outdone by Singapore’s action of naming an orchid after Rosmah. A new orchid is awaiting Rosmah in China and it will also be named after Rosmah’s favourite item of play: ROSMAH’S PUSSY ITCH ORCHID.

Dulu Khairy, sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala DICK “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.


Betino dari Nogori 9 dah menghompap Berok Jantan dari Nogori 9!!

Jantan kocut dari Pahang tak boleh buek apo-apo – buahnya dah tersopit dek betino puako tu!

what is that pussy doing in Putrajaya?READMORE CLICK BELOW

Dulu Khairy,sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala DICK “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.

MB: Anwar attacking PM to divert attention from trial

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan has accused PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibra him of planning personal attacks against the Prime Minister to divert public attention from his upcoming sodomy trial

money politic welcome toPUTRA JAYA carnival

het money politic welcome to kuala trengganu carnival
Race relations in BN more sincere, says Shabery

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on rosmaaa order?it’s mindboggling!Public Prosecutor has deceptively merely manufacturing evidences against Anwar

He said the Permatang Pauh MP’s plan was also to put a veil on PKR’s internal problems and that he had probably lined up several “conspiracy theories” should he be convicted for sodomy.

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Najib strategy at the moment:to get Hadi Awang and his deputy Nasharudin Mat Isa endorse“traumatized” Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan story their intention is to convict him by hook or by crook

Najib strategy at the moment:to get Hadi Awang and his deputy Nasharudin Mat Isa endorse“traumatized” Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan story their intention is to convict him by hook or by crook,

Mohamad slammed Anwar’s attack plan against Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as having gone too far this time.

“It is most unbecoming of him to do so because the people and the nation would eventually lose out if he goes ahead making baseless allegations against our leaders,” he said, describing Anwar’s move as “pathetic and lacking in political maturity.

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Mohamad was commenting on claims by Kulim-Bandar Baru MP Zulkifli Noordin that Anwar had in a meeting on Monday advised members on the party’s new strategy to attack Najib.

“As an Opposition leader, he should remember that he too has a responsibility to ensure the country and the people are not adversely affected by the slowdown in the world economy,” he said.

Mohamad said Anwar was also feeling the heat because his party members had ignored his directive not to openly squabble as well as the problems it faced in certain states such as Sabah.

“He is clearly rattled. He is worried that the people are comfortable and confident with the Najib-Muhyiddin (Deputy Prime Minister) team and their initiatives for the betterment of the people such as 1Malaysia,” he thiswho ever says that Anwar Ibrahim only ambition is to be the P.M ARE THE MOTHER FUCKERS IF ONLY HE WENT ALONG WITH MAHATHIR BUT INCARCERATED

They Did Not Make 8 March 2008 Happen. The People Made It Happen. And What The People Make The People Can Break.YOU WRONG RPK YOUR PEOPLE ARE LALANG THEY WILL FOLLOW THE MONEY WIND IT IS

Mohamad said Anwar should emulate Barisan Nasional leaders working for all, irrespective of their political allegiance, especially with the un certain global economic scenario.

He said it was sad that countries like Indonesia was registering a 7% annual growth while the Opposi tion here continued to derail Govern ment’s efforts for economic recovery.

Umno leaders slam Anwar

Several Umno leaders have lambasted an intended smear campaign against the Prime Minister allegedly being orchestrated by PKR’s Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to divert attention from his upcoming sodomy trial.

“This kind of gutter politics will ruin the country and bring our economy to its heels,” said Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

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Najib the prince, the master of palace manoeuvres.Hair Apparent Najib’s career had a head-start because of his prestigious family name,

He added that it was selfish of Anwar to want the people to stay glued to politics every day, which would in turn jeapordise national productivity.

“It seems all Anwar wants is to stay out of jail at all costs. I am sure many can see through his tricks,” said the Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister.

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JUDICIARY IS THE CESSPOOL OF CORRUPTION IN THE COUNTRY IT IS THE have this Dickhead Nalla Karuppan mother fucker who together with Shafie Abdullah frame ANWAR, HE GOT MILLIONS FOR STAYING IN JAIL.

Ismail was commenting on a recent statement by Negri Sembilan Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan accusing Anwar of planning personal attacks against the Prime Minister.

Mohamad was commenting on claims by Kulim Bandar Baru MP Zulkifli Noordin that Anwar had in a meeting on Monday advised members on the party’s new strategy to attack Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin said politicians should concentrate on nation-building efforts.

He added that now was the time to work hard to bring in investments and generate confidence in the country.

“There should be minimal politicking. Instead, do more to promote economic growth and stability so that the people can get back their jobs and take care of their families,” he said.

Deputy Education Minister Dr Puad Zarkashi said he was shocked when Zulkifli revealed that Anwar had requested PKR leaders to undertake a smear campaign against Najib.

Dr Puad said this was a cheap tactic to camouflage a weakness in Anwar’s inability to resolve his own personal and party problems.

He added that Anwar has directed his leaders to “attack” Najib because they could not find any issues against the Government.

Azlan Mohd Lazim – father of Saiful, the young man who accused Anwar of sodomising him – said his son had been previously threatened by some quarters to withdraw his accusation as Anwar would become the Prime Minister one day.

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Charge Saiful for making a false report and causing all the trouble. Send him to jail to share with perverts so that he can fulfill his dream TIME: Circa 2006 LOCATION: THE UNITED STATESof TANAH MELAYU

“That was used to instill fear in my son. That is also why Saiful took such a long time to come out and seek justice,” said Azlan in a press statement.

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