Thursday, October 29, 2009

who ever says that Anwar Ibrahim only ambition is to be the P.M ARE THE MOTHER FUCKERS, IF ONLY HE WENT ALONG WITH MAHATHIR BUT INCARCERATED

They Did Not Make 8 March 2008 Happen. The People Made It Happen. And What The People Make The People Can Break.YOU WRONG RPK YOUR PEOPLE ARE LALANG THEY WILL FOLLOW THE MONEY WIND IT IS


The are battles to fight on several fronts. But a arguably, the the legal system
Will give him a much better chance now. Yes, it is though for a war when there is
So much resistance to his political return. Not to fight according to his stated principal is to give up to give the fight itself – he will be come
the enemy he so abhors, says P.Gunasegaram who write for
The sun .is trying warning dsai that if he still go ahead with his plan he will be
Convicted he his sounding like zuraida of NST of who wrote that dsai will be charged before the sept 16. It looks like u paid mercenary are working very hard to derail his noble dream that is correcting the wrong, he tried correct from inside he got black eyes, sodomy 1, lost his 6 years of prime lifetime rotting in the cell. The whole world know about it .why u did not say then? You afraid of I.S.A— this is reason why we want a change .you said ‘he must do it the straight correct way keeping alive the both the spirit and the letter of constitution .yes sir it give us the freedom to protect us from being cheated lied it is the duty of every citizen to rise up when his country is being rip off .
Where were u when mahathir sodomise this nation to the maximum for 22years his chosen replacement lied to voters in 2004 he paid the price in 2008.if only the marking ink had been implemented the postal votes were have been fair the government would had been theirs. After the result PAK LAH
Offering Pas the selangor Mentri Besar job asking them to jump the ship. This is okay for u .How much money they to write this piece. Why you sell your moral.
What kind of a message would he be sending? It will the same old game all the over again – the rape and pillage of sabah and Sarawak .. Unbelievably Sabah is the poorest. Sarawak is not much better how could that be with so much, resources
and few people CORRUPTION. .your writing sinks how u can predict that he will be running in same mould of the B.N, they told u to write in this way to derail the change of the government. If want money go the the way saifool did u can make u can make tons of them in way you doing the saifool did in a different way.
Sir u is assuming people who are supporting anwar—the kind people who would not lead the charge against the corruption, patronage, and nepotism. U said ‘you can’t be espousing high moral standards and then go and does something dirty and devious to unseat the government .u say this as if u already knows what is going to happen.
who are you - god -no you are suckers of worst kind. when ever you open your mouth they like to put their things in mouth so don’t open your month
Let me give some information about the paper you a writing in. just before the march 8 election,TOYOL from selangor forced the gambling tycoon to take over the sun
Because Nades and Freddie were hitting hard at the selangor local government.toyol threatened the tycoon his application for transfer of racing circuit to another location in selangor will be in jeopardy if he don’t take over and make sun toe the line .So much for the morally repugnant you sleeks has no moral , no ethics to tell others that it morally wrong . forced a by election go to Malay voters tell them it is wrong to say ketuanan melayu that he is also the prime minister in waiting ask for their approval and he won with landslide majority what else he need do to change the government
The owners this newspaper has vested interest if the government changed it is the nd of their good time because they their build their castle thru patronage in another language by hijacking the NEP.

DSAI could well be called the motto his literary gifts,

PKR de facto leader did manage to do so with voters during the March 8 general election.dramatic change in the party’s fortunes. From a miserable one parliamentary seat in 2004, PKR now has a whopping 31 parliamentary seats, 42 state seats, a PKR Mentri Besar (Selangor) and the Opposition Leader in Parliament.
By sitting with delegates, he says Anwar wants to show that PKR is egalitarian, it is not feudal, the hierarchy is not all that strict, and that the party is very different from Barisan Nasional

What the Pakatan Rakyat need is a collection of unified charismatic leaders to go to the grounds, inspire the young, and persuade the rural Malays to another point of view- one that is in harmony with the rest of right thinking Malaysians. Once that's done, UMNO will forever lose its support and will finally undertake that long and painful journey at self reform, failing which they will never see the lights of the corridors of power ever again. into assets — a skill DSAI learned in his 20s student days could well be called the motto of his rise. With his literary gifts, he transformed from childhood into a stirring coming-of-age tale of his political career. mobilized young people — never an ideal base, because of thin wallets — into an energetic army who in turn enlisted parents and grandparents. And even though his enemy spurred false rumors and insinuations about his background and beliefs, he has made it a symbol of his singularity and possibility the Malaysian dream , he has created a history in the malaysian politic

PKR has turned its guns AT Barisan Nasional in the next elections. But questions remain about its plan to take over the Federal Government

shooting cat

“Pundits and cynics say ‘what is PKR without Anwar?’ But what I see before me is a good line-up of leaders. There is no shortage of great leaders.
“In the six years that I was ‘resting’ in prison reading books, it was Azizah and this line-up that rose and did the work despite being sprayed countless times (with tear gas by the FRU),” he said in his oratorical best. even when Anwar was Deputy Prime Minister, he was the sort who always went down to the ground to win people’s hearts and minds.
And the PKR de facto leader did manage to do so with voters during the March 8 general election.dramatic change in the party’s fortunes. From a miserable one parliamentary seat in 2004, PKR now has a whopping 31 parliamentary seats, 42 state seats, a PKR Mentri Besar (Selangor) and the Opposition Leader in Parliament.
By sitting with delegates, he says Anwar wants to show that PKR is egalitarian, it is not feudal, the hierarchy is not all that strict, and that the party is very different from Barisan Nasional
Dr Ahmad Nidzamuddin believes that Anwar did have the number of MPs to cross over. But the PKR leader made the mistake of making public his plans, which of course gave Barisan time to counter them and many of the would-be defectors backed out.
This probably explains why PKR is now less vocal on its proposed takeover.
Perhaps, it is like the nondescript white shirt Anwar was wearing. He could have worn it and just kept quiet about it or told the world about it.
The next few months will continue to be interesting times in the country’s political landscape.
It would be a mistake to underestimate Anwar and PKR who ever says that Anwar Ibrahim only ambition is to be the


Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) President Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail today went into damage-control mode and acknowledged recent dissatisfaction towards the party leadership's decisions while appealing for faith.

TIME FOR PKR TO GET OF THE DEAD WOOD GLORY SEEKERS while ANWAR reinvented himself as an honest politician, sympathetic to minority FIGHT EVIL WITH EVIL

Wan Azizah said she admitted the internal dissatisfaction was prompted by changes in the party's leadership and that frustrations expressed by some party members and supporters were "valid".

However, she added that not everyone would appreciate the difficulty faced in trying to accommodate all viewpoints.

"As our party grows in number and transforms into a national organisation we have struggled at times to identify right strategy and mix of leadership that will carry us to the next level.

"Our task remains a work in progress and the announcements made this week are based on consensus and consultation within the party to work towards a better future," Wan Azizah said in a statement.

You are wrong Pete you just like other Barisan bloggers PENNY WISE POUND FOOLISJust because your name is out there in the public doesn't automatically make everything you say to be more credible or truthful. It just gives you more exposure to make a total arse of yourself. You think everyone who reads your long-winded articles actually agree with your viewpoint? Are you really that arrogant?


;" style="text-align: left; ">
;" style="text-align: left; ">
;" style="text-align: left; ">
;" style="text-align: left; ">Anwar Ibrahim And Many Of The Opposition Leaders Have This False Feeling Of Grandeur About Themselves. But They Are Not Grand, And Certainly Far From Great. They Did Not Make 8 March 2008 Happen. The People Made It Happen. And What The People Make The People Can Break.
;" style="text-align: left; ">
;" style="text-align: left; ">One Must Read The History Of YOUR HERO TUN MAHATHIR To Understand What YOU ARE Driving At.TUN MAHATIR Was Not The Perfect Man. In Fact, The Reverse Can Be Said About Him. He Had More Faults Than Virtues. But His Greatness Has Been Measured By His Ambition And How He Set Out To Fulfil His Ambition To Conquer TheMALAYSIA And Become The One Ruler Of All Mankind. In Short, He Set An Impossible Target For Himself And Almost Achieved It. And He Almost Achieved It Because Just Short Of The Finishing Line He Went Into Self-Destruct Mode.Filth And Evil Never Ever Changes – It Can Hide, Camouflage Itself, But Will Never Deliver Benefits.

While not explicitly stated, Wan Azizah was likely referring to the party's troubles in Sabah where local leaders reportedly opposed the leadership of PKR Vice-President Azmin Ali.

Azmin was appointed Sabah PKR chief in May this year, taking over from PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Last Sunday, Wan Azizah announced a reorganisation of several state leadership positions, which saw Azmin replaced by Sabah PKR secretary and Libaran PKR division head Thamrin Zaini.

The heat on PKR in Sabah rose over the last few days, with two state leaders — PKR Vice-President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and Kota Kinabalu division chief Christina Liew — announcing their resignation from party posts.

Both said they would remain as party members, though Jeffrey has left the door open for his return to Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).

In her candid statement, Wan Azizah also acknowledged "setbacks" faced by PKR and the opposition since the general elections last March.

"Political parties are complex organisms and political coalitions are neither crystallised overnight nor even in a fortnight," she said.

Pakatan Rakyat's component parties, particularly PAS and PKR, have seen recurring internal problems and leadership differences.

DAP and PAS figures have also locked horns, mainly in Selangor over Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Mohamad Ali's efforts to control the sale of alcohol in the state.

Offering an olive branch, Wan Azizah also said she remained open to engagement with all parties based on the principles of mutual respect, understanding and commitment to justice.

"The future of the nation does not lie in the hands of any one individual nor does our party nor does this coalition. I continue to ask for the ongoing faith and patience of the people in supporting the mission of [PKR] and of Pakatan Rakyat," she said.

TIME FOR PKR TO GET OF THE DEAD WOOD GLORY SEEKERSwhile ANWAR reinvented himself as an honest politician, sympathetic to minority concerns. It required too much heavy engineering and the end product was so unstable that it kept MALAYSIAN politics off-balance for a decade.the major Opposition parties seem trapped in either geographical or ideological limitations, with their cadre having become part-asset and part-liability. Individual dynamics require special circumstances, not to mention the heavy propulsion of hidden political boosters.
Truth has finally arrived in the capital. Give your fingerprints, serum, semen, and Lie. I mean lie on the couch of Truth with electrodes sticking to your scalp, wired to a polygraph machine, and online monitoring of your pulse and blood pressure. A concealed video camera running at high frames/per sec will be recording your expressions, movements, and signs of discomfort when they ask you, "So where were you on the night of Friday the 13th?" With the Devil of course, would be your subconscious answer. But the devil died that night, and all fingers point to you. True or false is not your problem. The damn thing is that any movement you make now, even if you tone up in anger, and your heart thumps in angst, the physiological interpretation is already written. The electrode on your scalp might be itchy, but this is not the time to scratch. That would be like self-immolation, proving beyond doubt that you were somewhere on that night, doing something your conscience is now trying to suppress. The anger on your face, the racing heart beat, and that attempt to scratch your head is demonstrable proof! And that is even without giving you a DC shock from the electric mattress on your ass, when you would have looped in the air like a dolphin and said hell to your innocence. Stop acting smart. Own up. Maybe the noose will be converted to a life term. Try for a Presidential pardon. Disclose your assets, you may even go free!

My unassailable admiration to the one who can make 'Truth' a brand name, and even get a trademark and propriety rights over such a rare Godly gift. The last I seriously read about propriety over this entity was, when, in early nineties, Carl 'The Truth' Williams, challenged the world heavyweight champ, Mike 'Iron' Tyson in a match in Tokyo. Can't forget the Reuters comment the next day: 'The Truth' was revealed in just two minutes-flat on the canvass beyond they counted more than a hundred. 'The Truth, lied that day. But that is just one day's story. There is a national calamity. Six lakh people need to be convicted or allowed to go free. Add to that a declaration that 'Big Sharks' will not be allowed to go free, precisely timed with the attorney general's remark not to push for TADA. Sanju Baba, the bad news is that they don't take you as a 'Big Shark' any more! The good news is that you are a darling of the crowds. They need another Munnabhai to get rid of the swine flu. But how will they compensate the 15 torturing years, if they never had sufficient evidence. Take the moral upper hand. Just forgive them. Grab a mask and start moving. Let me warn you, the 'let go' is only till the flu is a threat. New evidence crops up as quickly as you catch the virus. So take it easy, and we'll tip the surveillance agencies to keep reporting two to three cases a week. That should take care of the next two decades. By that time an AK-47 would be a relic, or a toy for mid-school children to scare away their kidnappers. On a serious note, the policy has not changed. Corruption should end here and now. Those charged for adultery can wait, till we bring an amendment on that issue (illegitimate, anyway).

The puritan legal premise, that 'all are innocent before law, till proved otherwise', is giving shocking results. The ratios have inverted. Legal 'due process' is in a stalemate, and the law machinery only dispenses your time and money. Benefit of doubt, is very much a doubt of a benefit. Just catch hold of your local SHO, discuss it over his favorite Royal Challenge and a meandering Royal Enfield is a common advice. Better still connect to someone in the 'underworld'. But does one find them. All basements in Mumbai and Delhi still submerged in water!

Legal parlance, however, recognizes and announces only two terms. 'Legal' or 'Illegal', 'indictment', or 'acquittal', and the application of law, there-of. 'Truth' is the responsibility of the one standing in the witness box. After artificial insemination, the origins and the ancient act of 'testimony' have lost its gravity. 'Truth' is not a unidimensional word. It has to be properly caged in, 'the truth, only the truth, and nothing else but the truth.'

Rejoice, there is more on the enterprise front. There is space for a companies as, 'Only the Truth', and 'Nothing else but the Truth'. Book and patent these names, if they have already not been taken away.

The Law is not an Ass any more. It is a horse that is pretty much close to water. It is a different matter as to when, where and how much it decides to drink. The present achievement duly taken note of, some efforts in making the horse drink more often may also be considered.

Can Malaysians avoid yet another crisis. Although oscillating between corrupt civilian governments and POLICE dictatorships, crises have been a way of life for BARISAN GOVERNMENT But this crisis IS GOING TO BE different. It IS not particularly for or against a leader. It was the third act of a grass-roots movement, led by the lawyers, in favor of the rule of law under a constitutional framework.
MALAYSIA appears to be on the verge of COLLAPSING as a functioning Constitutional Democracy, with primacy of laws and constitution that has eluded MALAYSIA THANKS TO BARISAN'S for 51 years of its checkered history RIP OFF THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTEnemies of democracy on a rampa
I refer to a letter's call to reject Malaysiakini and Western stupidity.the good the bad the ugly, for a fistfull dollars they will sell their virginity

I won't respond to it here as I would rather draw your attention to a disturbing phenomenon in Malaysian society and politics, of which the writer's letter is just one manifestation.prostitutes like this writer would refuse to realise that the real timec4 bomb is in UMNO, ticking to this final moments kj & ali rustam vs mahatiris

Ever since the 12th general election, when Malaysians used the ballot box to send a message to the powers-that-be, there has been an increasing number of blog postings and comments, letters to editors, articles and speeches, all pushing the idea that democracy, justice, human rights, equality, good governance and freedom (democracy) are undesirable in Malaysia. Ahirudin Attan Rocky or rowdy Johnny whoever MR MALE PROSTUTE YOU WANNA BATTLE A REAL BATTLE TRY ME THE TAXI DRIVER I GIVE THE LEAK THAT YOU

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