When you are INTOXICATED with That SMELLY UMNO bru what do expect “…Regime change in Malaysia often means regime change in Umno-owned media compa
Updated 5.15pm:
NST has the report H E R E.
Original article:-
No way in Hell … First, Zaid Ibrahim, PKR’s biggest Umno catch (after Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali, of course) decided to go on two months’ leave.
Then, Salehuddin Hashim is said to have quit the secretary-general post of the party.
Now, Jeffrey Kitingan said he quits as VP citing loss of confidence in the party’s leadership.
To tell you the truth, some of the things I learned of party politics within PKR I get from Barisan Rakyat bloggers here andhere who are very close to Zaid, especially. Nothing like getting it from the insiders. Still, Haris, I doubt that Anwar really said those words: ”No way in hell will I have Jeffrey as chief”.
When I want to know the nuances of Umno’s internal politics, I read pro-Umno bloggers likeBig Dog ad Voice. But when I want an outsider’s point of view on blogosphere, I’ll check out Reme’s. His latest posting, PAS retak, PKR lagi teruk! is brutal.
readmore click here why is that sabah politician likes to point the gun at pakatan but they loose their underwear to barisan including Kitingans
Can we imagine our ex prime minister having an affair with chinese woman who bore hin a child? No.
Can we stand any jest on the GAMING KING flying habits changing his religion to get big project in SABAH ? No.
Can we praise the founder of a neighbouring country? No.
Can we talk about REFORMASI? No.
Can we impart sex education to schoolchildren? No.
If you try any of the above, the state, its agencies, political parties or plain hooligans will turn their annoyance/indignation/fists on you. If at all, you can bring out an antiseptic documentary or apologize or water down and bowdlerise your message so much that it no longer matters what you say. Which is how generations of us have had the reproductive system “covered” in a one-hour biology class and managed to keep our curiosity intact.
Now, there are holy cows and there’s the herd.
I’m sure nobody needs an explanation about holy cows, all you have to do is follow a certain B.N OWN MEDIA. But the herd, that’s us. We must always be told what’s good, what’s not, what’s ok. Nobody must ever give us the opportunity to think differently, irreverently about or in fact, be indifferent to certain laid down notions of patriotism, nationalism, culture, tradition etc. More importantly, nobody should be “seen” to be doing so. And of course, we the herd must stick to the highest common factor of acceptable opinion on these subjects.
I am no particular fan of SAUDARA ANWAR IBRAHIM but when he was expelled, he made a point. Here was a party talking of control of thought and expression and going over the top to crush creative dissent. The holiest of the holy cows are the historical ones. Therefore, no matter author or film-maker, he or she must stick to what is acceptable. None of our leaders has a chink anywhere and none of our given history lessons should be challenged. If you belong to the party, perhaps, you must think flaring knickers are the height of tradition and self-respect, unsightly baring of legs and all.
The critical feature of a constitutional democracy to me is the test of Constitutionality itself. Does the government allow its own legitimacy to be questioned? Does it permit executive decisions to be challenged? Written Constitutions normally provide the standard by which the legitimacy of government action is judged. In the United States the practice of judicial review of congressional legislation ensures that the power of government to legislate is kept under check. Bipartisan debate and votes of conscience are not only encouraged but also expected of Congressmen and Representatives. More recently the Basic law of Germany and Italy provided explicitly for judicial review of parliamentary legislation. We have the opposite situation here. The jurisdiction of the High Court can be, and has been, ousted when it comes to challenges of executive decisions even if such decisions impact on fundamental liberties and other rights under the Constitution. For instance, where government compulsorily acquires land for a public purpose, the Courts are prevented from questioning the bona fides of the acquisition. Where discretion is exercised by the Minister of Home Affairs under the Internal Security Act, the Court is barred from examining the exercise of the discretion except so far as to ensure that the procedural requirements have been followed. Such detention without trial would be considered repugnant in any system predicated on the Rule of Law.
Nation building is not a simple process. It is not achieved through tinkering with political ideologies or injudicious use of the coercive powers of state. These do not promote the lasting peace and stability that we crave for. We have failed miserably in dealing with complex issues of society by resorting to a political culture of promoting fear and division amongst the people. The Ketuanan Melayu model has failed. It has resulted in waste of crucial resources, energy and time and has distracted from the real issues confronting the country
Mukhriz Mahathir In saying as he did recently that there is no need for law and judicial reforms as it will not benefit the Malays, he typifies what is perceived as the kind of UMNO leader who appeals to the right-wing of Malay polity. That he may be right is sad as it leads to the ossification of values that will only work against the interests of the party and the nation. This type of thinking may pave the way to a suggestion in the future that we may as well do away with general elections altogether as they may not be good for the Malays for if the justice that a revitalized Rule of Law would allow for is not to the benefit of the Malays, what is? More inefficiency, more corruption and a more authoritarian style of government perhaps. We are a deeply divided nation, adrift for our having abandoned democratic traditions and the Rule of Law in favour of a political ideology that serves no one save those who rule.How else can we describe the state of affairs in Malaysia? In a country where the Rule of Law is respected and permitted to flourish, just laws are applied even-handedly and fairly. I can point to numerous instances where that has not been our experience. Let me point a few out to you. A gathering of one group constitutes an illegal assembly but not that of another. A speech or publication is seditious or constitutes a serious threat to the security of the nation such as to warrant detention without trail under the ISA if published by one person but not another. This cannot be right even if it were to be the benefit of the majority, which is not the case. My belief in constitutional democracy and the Rules of Law is founded on an acceptance of their functional qualities and the prospect of sustainable and inclusive development that they offer. It is of no concern to me whether Fukuyama was right when he declared that in view of the success of liberal democracies all over the world and the collapse of communism, The critical feature of a constitutional democracy to me is the test of Constitutionality itself. Does the government allow its own legitimacy to be questioned? Does it permit executive decisions to be challenged? Written Constitutions normally provide the standard by which the legitimacy of government action is judged. In the United States the practice of judicial review of congressional legislation ensures that the power of government to legislate is kept under check. Bipartisan debate and votes of conscience are not only encouraged but also expected of Congressmen and Representatives. More recently the Basic law of Germany and Italy provided explicitly for judicial review of parliamentary legislation. We have the opposite situation here. The jurisdiction of the High Court can be, and has been, ousted when it comes to challenges of executive decisions even if such decisions impact on fundamental liberties and other rights under the Constitution. For instance, where government compulsorily acquires land for a public purpose, the Courts are prevented from questioning the bona fides of the acquisition. Where discretion is exercised by the Minister of Home Affairs under the Internal Security Act, the Court is barred from examining the exercise of the discretion except so far as to ensure that the procedural requirements have been followed. Such detention without trial would be considered repugnant in any system predicated on the Rule of Law.mankind had achieved the pinnacle of success and history was dead.
By Steadyaku47What was Anwar’s biggest contribution to what we are today? I sat and ponder over this question the whole day today.I wanted to write about it and yet I cannot because there were so many thoughts that came and went inside me. All I could do today was about two half page – notes on times go by – Cakap cakap about AP and then I revisited the “Bentong car park” issue because one of our friends sent me something new about that car park. It is now 11.42pm and I have been thinking since 7.15am this morning
AUGUST 12, 2009
Saudara Anwar Ibrahim mengingatkan kita semua:we in PKR CAN GO ALONE, BUT WE ARE VERY PRAGMATIC,we dont create problem we are building a formidable team PAKATAN MUST GET RID OF RACIAL &RELIGIOSE BIGOTS
.fifteen minutes ago it hit me! I believe that what Anwar did to me and to many of us can be conceptualised in two words:True…. the reformasi movement he created is the political enlightment of the rakyat of what is wrong with this country, its leaders and its system.
Now, let us hope it is not to late to save our country. related article
Thank you Tun, for locking Anwar up so the rest of the world and Malaysia can see through who the real crook is.
Malaysians who feared Opposition LeaderThank you Pak Lah, for sleeping on the job to allow us greater freedom. And also thank you for showing us that no matter who is on the helm of UMNO, it matters not, as the party is rotten.
related article
Dr Chandra Muzaffar the most educated idiot of this century says Saishitfull not given VVIP TREATMENT
Thank you Najib, for handing over the government to PR soon with you nauseating stupid 1MALAYSIAN concept. Yes we are ONE MALAYSIA, against you and UMNO.related article
ANWAR STARTED STREET DEMO CULTURE,you kerala snake perpetuate Lingamgate Megaproject$ to $iphon off commi$$ion$ Kill all critics Sodomee
Don’t you even dare to forget VK Lingam who sold the judges by the truckloads! That alone is a single most humilating event in history of Malaysia! Judges fixing!Before Anwar was dismissed by Mahatir I was a Bumiputra intent on pursuing my “rights” as a Bumiputra. The right to have a share in the perceived richness brought into the consciousness of the Malays as a result of the New Economic Policies. All that was in my mind was where the next ringgit was going to be found. Tenders, project proposals, pink slips, AP’s, IPO, licenses, Privatisation opportunities…life was a whirl of meetings and discussions in five star hotels and lunches in restaurants whose name you find hard to pronounce – Troika was one of those that I can still remember – in Jalan Raja Chulan. The evenings were again another whirl of coffee houses and meetings until the early mornings.
read this for fullstory click below
Monash University Malaysia political scientist James Chin says that by democratising the party, PKR has set an example for other parties to follow and will strengthen it ahead of the next general elections.“This amendment will mean that PKR is now the most democratic party in Malaysia today,
Then 2nd September 1998 he was dismissed as DPM. The next day he was expelled from UMNO. September 20th he was arrested and September 29th he was brought to court to be charged. Five cases for sodomy and five for corruption. My first conscious understanding that this was really happening was seeing him with a black eye. Common sense tells me that no policeman would dare lay a hand on someone who was the DPM just a few months ago….surely Anwar must have injured himself….but looking at him I could see that he was accepting of the fact that he was no longer DPM and I felt that he was coming to terms within himself as to where he would have to go from there. There was a grim acceptance in his face that the battle for his life and his future had begun.The Anuar Ibrahim Saga continues. Gani Patail Witness what happened to former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim by Police Chief.why Gani Patail as high ranking officier in AG office was not CHARGE for not reporting the crime this is the blunt misuse of power by the B.N’S NAJIB GOVERNMENT LIKE HIS SMS click to readmore
When his trail started do you remember what Judge Augustine Paul said when a request was made by Anwar’s lawyers for observer status to be given to the Malaysian Bar Council, several rights group and the U.N. Rapporteur Param Cumaraswamy?
“This is a big insult to the court,” Augustine said of the request. “It gives the impression that the court may not be dispensing justice.”An Apology from rosmaa, the director of sodomy2 Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim how the hell they can provide you when so called charges are false
In hindsight and knowing what we know now, I do not know how this Augustine Paul could have prostituted himself to do the biddings of Mahathir! He is the scum of the earth!
THE RISE OF THE PRO-MAHATHIR CAMP IN UMNOIn the Mainstream Media (NST Group)after the Forced Resignation of former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah BadawiEXTENDED FAMILY GROUP PHOTOTHE RISE OF THE PRO-MAHATHIR CAMP IN UMNOIn the Mainstream Media (NST Group)after the Forced Resignation of former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah BadawiEXTENDED FAMILY GROUP PHOTO

NOTE: Malaysian Insider reported (20 May 2009): “…Regime change in Malaysia often means regime change in Umno-owned media companies. Datuk Ahmad Talib, who was squeezed out of NSTP in 2005, returned to the group as Media Prima’s Executive Director. “
Ahiruddin Attan (Rocky’s Bru) after a brief spell as a blogger during Abdullah Badawi’s tenureship returned to NST group as Editor-in-Chief of Malay Mail in June 2009.
Nuraina Samad rejoined NST in July 2009 after leaving NST in 2006.
(Not in the group picture above with Dr Mahathir,) is Zainul Ariffin Isa, who returned tohead the three newspapers under the NSTP, namely New Straits Times/Business Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro.
He replaced NSTP group editor-in-chief Hishammudin Aun. Zainul was removed as Business Times editor during Abdullah Badawi’s tenureship.
Zainul Ariffin wrote a racially provocative piece in Berita Harian regarding the death of Teoh Beng Hock (read here)
readmore click here why is that sabah politician likes to point the gun at pakatan but they loose their underwear to barisan including Kitingans
Can we imagine our ex prime minister having an affair with chinese woman who bore hin a child? No.
Can we stand any jest on the GAMING KING flying habits changing his religion to get big project in SABAH ? No.
Can we praise the founder of a neighbouring country? No.
Can we talk about REFORMASI? No.
Can we impart sex education to schoolchildren? No.
If you try any of the above, the state, its agencies, political parties or plain hooligans will turn their annoyance/indignation/fists on you. If at all, you can bring out an antiseptic documentary or apologize or water down and bowdlerise your message so much that it no longer matters what you say. Which is how generations of us have had the reproductive system “covered” in a one-hour biology class and managed to keep our curiosity intact.
Now, there are holy cows and there’s the herd.
I’m sure nobody needs an explanation about holy cows, all you have to do is follow a certain B.N OWN MEDIA. But the herd, that’s us. We must always be told what’s good, what’s not, what’s ok. Nobody must ever give us the opportunity to think differently, irreverently about or in fact, be indifferent to certain laid down notions of patriotism, nationalism, culture, tradition etc. More importantly, nobody should be “seen” to be doing so. And of course, we the herd must stick to the highest common factor of acceptable opinion on these subjects.
I am no particular fan of SAUDARA ANWAR IBRAHIM but when he was expelled, he made a point. Here was a party talking of control of thought and expression and going over the top to crush creative dissent. The holiest of the holy cows are the historical ones. Therefore, no matter author or film-maker, he or she must stick to what is acceptable. None of our leaders has a chink anywhere and none of our given history lessons should be challenged. If you belong to the party, perhaps, you must think flaring knickers are the height of tradition and self-respect, unsightly baring of legs and all.
The critical feature of a constitutional democracy to me is the test of Constitutionality itself. Does the government allow its own legitimacy to be questioned? Does it permit executive decisions to be challenged? Written Constitutions normally provide the standard by which the legitimacy of government action is judged. In the United States the practice of judicial review of congressional legislation ensures that the power of government to legislate is kept under check. Bipartisan debate and votes of conscience are not only encouraged but also expected of Congressmen and Representatives. More recently the Basic law of Germany and Italy provided explicitly for judicial review of parliamentary legislation. We have the opposite situation here. The jurisdiction of the High Court can be, and has been, ousted when it comes to challenges of executive decisions even if such decisions impact on fundamental liberties and other rights under the Constitution. For instance, where government compulsorily acquires land for a public purpose, the Courts are prevented from questioning the bona fides of the acquisition. Where discretion is exercised by the Minister of Home Affairs under the Internal Security Act, the Court is barred from examining the exercise of the discretion except so far as to ensure that the procedural requirements have been followed. Such detention without trial would be considered repugnant in any system predicated on the Rule of Law.
Nation building is not a simple process. It is not achieved through tinkering with political ideologies or injudicious use of the coercive powers of state. These do not promote the lasting peace and stability that we crave for. We have failed miserably in dealing with complex issues of society by resorting to a political culture of promoting fear and division amongst the people. The Ketuanan Melayu model has failed. It has resulted in waste of crucial resources, energy and time and has distracted from the real issues confronting the country
Mukhriz Mahathir In saying as he did recently that there is no need for law and judicial reforms as it will not benefit the Malays, he typifies what is perceived as the kind of UMNO leader who appeals to the right-wing of Malay polity. That he may be right is sad as it leads to the ossification of values that will only work against the interests of the party and the nation. This type of thinking may pave the way to a suggestion in the future that we may as well do away with general elections altogether as they may not be good for the Malays for if the justice that a revitalized Rule of Law would allow for is not to the benefit of the Malays, what is? More inefficiency, more corruption and a more authoritarian style of government perhaps. We are a deeply divided nation, adrift for our having abandoned democratic traditions and the Rule of Law in favour of a political ideology that serves no one save those who rule.How else can we describe the state of affairs in Malaysia? In a country where the Rule of Law is respected and permitted to flourish, just laws are applied even-handedly and fairly. I can point to numerous instances where that has not been our experience. Let me point a few out to you. A gathering of one group constitutes an illegal assembly but not that of another. A speech or publication is seditious or constitutes a serious threat to the security of the nation such as to warrant detention without trail under the ISA if published by one person but not another. This cannot be right even if it were to be the benefit of the majority, which is not the case. My belief in constitutional democracy and the Rules of Law is founded on an acceptance of their functional qualities and the prospect of sustainable and inclusive development that they offer. It is of no concern to me whether Fukuyama was right when he declared that in view of the success of liberal democracies all over the world and the collapse of communism, The critical feature of a constitutional democracy to me is the test of Constitutionality itself. Does the government allow its own legitimacy to be questioned? Does it permit executive decisions to be challenged? Written Constitutions normally provide the standard by which the legitimacy of government action is judged. In the United States the practice of judicial review of congressional legislation ensures that the power of government to legislate is kept under check. Bipartisan debate and votes of conscience are not only encouraged but also expected of Congressmen and Representatives. More recently the Basic law of Germany and Italy provided explicitly for judicial review of parliamentary legislation. We have the opposite situation here. The jurisdiction of the High Court can be, and has been, ousted when it comes to challenges of executive decisions even if such decisions impact on fundamental liberties and other rights under the Constitution. For instance, where government compulsorily acquires land for a public purpose, the Courts are prevented from questioning the bona fides of the acquisition. Where discretion is exercised by the Minister of Home Affairs under the Internal Security Act, the Court is barred from examining the exercise of the discretion except so far as to ensure that the procedural requirements have been followed. Such detention without trial would be considered repugnant in any system predicated on the Rule of Law.mankind had achieved the pinnacle of success and history was dead.
By Steadyaku47What was Anwar’s biggest contribution to what we are today? I sat and ponder over this question the whole day today. I wanted to write about it and yet I cannot because there were so many thoughts that came and went inside me. All I could do today was about two half page – notes on times go by – Cakap cakap about AP and then I revisited the “Bentong car park” issue because one of our friends sent me something new about that car park. It is now 11.42pm and I have been thinking since 7.15am this morning AUGUST 12, 2009Saudara Anwar Ibrahim mengingatkan kita semua:we in PKR CAN GO ALONE, BUT WE ARE VERY PRAGMATIC,we dont create problem we are building a formidable team PAKATAN MUST GET RID OF RACIAL &RELIGIOSE BIGOTS.fifteen minutes ago it hit me! I believe that what Anwar did to me and to many of us can be conceptualised in two words:True…. the reformasi movement he created is the political enlightment of the rakyat of what is wrong with this country, its leaders and its system. WE NEED ANWAR NOW THEY TO PUT IN SO WE TELL Najib, Muhyiddin dan Hishamuddin FUCK OFF YOUR TIME OUTThank you Tun, for locking Anwar up so the rest of the world and Malaysia can see through who the real crook is. Malaysians who feared Opposition LeaderThank you Pak Lah, for sleeping on the job to allow us greater freedom. And also thank you for showing us that no matter who is on the helm of UMNO, it matters not, as the party is rotten.related article Dr Chandra Muzaffar the most educated idiot of this century says Saishitfull not given VVIP TREATMENTThank you Najib, for handing over the government to PR soon with you nauseating stupid 1MALAYSIAN concept. Yes we are ONE MALAYSIA, against you and UMNO.related article ‘POLITICAL AWAKENING” Don’t you even dare to forget VK Lingam who sold the judges by the truckloads! That alone is a single most humilating event in history of Malaysia! Judges fixing!Before Anwar was dismissed by Mahatir I was a Bumiputra intent on pursuing my “rights” as a Bumiputra. The right to have a share in the perceived richness brought into the consciousness of the Malays as a result of the New Economic Policies. All that was in my mind was where the next ringgit was going to be found. Tenders, project proposals, pink slips, AP’s, IPO, licenses, Privatisation opportunities…life was a whirl of meetings and discussions in five star hotels and lunches in restaurants whose name you find hard to pronounce – Troika was one of those that I can still remember – in Jalan Raja Chulan. The evenings were again another whirl of coffee houses and meetings until the early mornings. Monash University Malaysia political scientist James Chin says that by democratising the party, PKR has set an example for other parties to follow and will strengthen it ahead of the next general elections.“This amendment will mean that PKR is now the most democratic party in Malaysia today,Then 2nd September 1998 he was dismissed as DPM. The next day he was expelled from UMNO. September 20th he was arrested and September 29th he was brought to court to be charged. Five cases for sodomy and five for corruption. My first conscious understanding that this was really happening was seeing him with a black eye. Common sense tells me that no policeman would dare lay a hand on someone who was the DPM just a few months ago….surely Anwar must have injured himself….but looking at him I could see that he was accepting of the fact that he was no longer DPM and I felt that he was coming to terms within himself as to where he would have to go from there. There was a grim acceptance in his face that the battle for his life and his future had begun.The Anuar Ibrahim Saga continues. Gani Patail Witness what happened to former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim by Police Chief.why Gani Patail as high ranking officier in AG office was not CHARGE for not reporting the crime this is the blunt misuse of power by the B.N’S NAJIB GOVERNMENT LIKE HIS SMS click to readmore “This is a big insult to the court,” Augustine said of the request. “It gives the impression that the court may not be dispensing justice.”An Apology from rosmaa, the director of sodomy2 Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim how the hell they can provide you when so called charges are false In hindsight and knowing what we know now, I do not know how this Augustine Paul could have prostituted himself to do the biddings of Mahathir! He is the scum of the earth! |
THE RISE OF THE PRO-MAHATHIR CAMP IN UMNOIn the Mainstream Media (NST Group)after the Forced Resignation of former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah BadawiEXTENDED FAMILY GROUP PHOTO

NOTE: Malaysian Insider reported (20 May 2009): “…Regime change in Malaysia often means regime change in Umno-owned media companies. Datuk Ahmad Talib, who was squeezed out of NSTP in 2005, returned to the group as Media Prima’s Executive Director. “
Ahiruddin Attan (Rocky’s Bru) after a brief spell as a blogger during Abdullah Badawi’s tenureship returned to NST group as Editor-in-Chief of Malay Mail in June 2009.
Nuraina Samad rejoined NST in July 2009 after leaving NST in 2006.
(Not in the group picture above with Dr Mahathir,) is Zainul Ariffin Isa, who returned tohead the three newspapers under the NSTP, namely New Straits Times/Business Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro.
He replaced NSTP group editor-in-chief Hishammudin Aun. Zainul was removed as Business Times editor during Abdullah Badawi’s tenureship.
Zainul Ariffin wrote a racially provocative piece in Berita Harian regarding the death of Teoh Beng Hock (read here)
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