Saturday, July 11, 2009


It’s truly said that ‘love is blind’. But if certain situations call for that blindfold to be removed,

Time to call it quits

Is it the right time to dump your partner? (Getty Images)

don’t hesitate.

In a relationship, often come circumstances arise when either partner tries to cast an impression- positive or negative – to hint to the other half about the fate of their relationship. It’s fortunate if one catches the right signals and decides to call it quits timely, otherwise sticking on to that person may turn out to be a decision that one repents later on.

Through various gestures, signs and body language, it is easy to judge if someone just likes or loves you. But on the other hand, it may not be as simple to learn if your beau or girlfriend is trying to get rid of you. While some tend to ignore the signs their partners give them hinting towards ending their relationship, others just wait for the right time to decide whether they should dump their partner or not!

Here are some tell tale signs that can help you decide if it’s time to dump your partner and call it quits…

1. When excuses become white lies
If he/she is giving you excuses too often to not to meet you or do something which you wanted and sometimes these reasons appear to be mere lies, it’s time to take a hard look. Either ask them for a straightforward explanation or if still things don’t alter, then simply dump him/her without any scope of a second chance.

Expert tip : Dr. Amita Mishra, sex and relationship expert states, “In a relationship, repeated excuses often turn out to be lies said on purpose – either to avoid a situation or to express that someone is no more interested in a relationship. It’s very tough to catch when your partner is lying and when he/she is giving a genuine excuse, so if such things happen without any reason, it may be the right time to part ways.”

2. When commitment turns into a phobia
Male or a female, the C-word scares most of couples. But the irony of the situation states that one has to be committed in a relationship. If you are getting indications that your partner is trying to stay away from the commitment word, for a prolonged period, it’s advised that you think seriously whether the person is really interested in a long-term relationship or not.

Expert tip : Dr. Kavita Bhatia, a psychologist suggests, “Commitment can’t be a forced thing in any relationship, so it has to come on its own. If your partner is consistently building a gap to avoid any chances of commiting towards you, there are chances that they are solely interested in a momentary relationship. If he/she admits this fact overtly, things may be sorted out at ease otherwise it’s wise to leave a person who is not ready for a lasting relationship.”

3. When your honey is only after your money
Money matters can make or break a relationship, but if everything seems to be happening just for money, it might not be a relationship to die for. If you notice your partner asking you for monetary favours much too often, don’t be too generous; try to find the reason behind the same. Chances are high that they may be just into you for your bank balance!

Expert tip : Dr. Chandan Arora, a clinical psychiatrist opines, “It’s very likely that you get attracted to a person primarily due to their financial status. But if your partner is expecting too much from you, either demanding expensive gifts or asking you for cash directly, it’s possible that it’s your money that lures them and not your love. So, it’s for you to decide o a serious note, how to deal with a person who materialistic and thus less into you.”

National badminton player Roslin Hashim created a record of sorts when he divorced his wife just 12 days after getting married while actress Sarimah Ibrahim’s much publicised nuptials only lasted three years. P.SELVARANI finds out if young Malaysians are really ready for matrimony. JACK AND JENNY
HE was not the man of her dreams but when he persistently wined and dined her and professed his love for her, Jenny did not have the heart to reject his offer of marriage.
“I was very much in love with another man of another religion but because my parents were strongly against it, we broke off the relationship. I was still nursing a broken heart when Jack, whom I have known since childhood, came along.
“He lifted me out of the doldrums by taking me out for a meal or a drink every now and then. Soon he started wining and dining me, bringing me flowers and gifts. Before I realised it, we were seriously dating. And although we did not share much in common — he did not like reading, music or going to the movies like I did — it didn’t matter to me then because I loved the attention. It filled that emptiness within me,” said the 28-year-old former executive.
When Jack proposed after almost a year of courting, Jenny said yes.
The first year was a happy one with the arrival of their firstborn and moving into their own home.
On Jack’s persuasion, Jenny, gave up her job to take care of their daughter. But as time went by, the couple began to grow apart.
“I resented the fact that I was stuck at home with the baby and the housework. With a single income, we couldn’t afford a maid. But what was more depressing was that I realised that I had nothing in common with my husband.
“Every time I suggested going for a movie or a play, he wouldn’t be interested. I couldn’t even have a decent conversation with him because all he could talk about was his job and his football. It reached a point where we hardly spoke to each other except to convey messages or to discuss matters involving our daughter. There was nothing else we could talk about because we were on totally different wavelengths.”
For her daughter’s sake, Jenny tried to work at her marriage. But five years down the line, she realised that she had married Jack for the wrong reasons. It was on the rebound because she had never really gotten over her previous boyfriend.
As the resentment against her husband grew and the fights between them became more frequent, they agreed to part ways.
“It wasn’t the fairy tale wedding I had always dreamed of. Although I know Jack and I have some affection for each other, it isn’t enough to sustain our marriage. I have custody of our daughter but Jack has weekly visiting rights and we remain good friends.”
Anita went against her family’s wishes when she was swept off her feet by a visiting Italian whom she met at a friend’s party.
“He was the most charming guy I had met and we discovered we had so much in common. We both love travelling, cooking and dancing. After he went back to Italy, we continued having a long distance relationship.”
During his second trip to Malaysia a year later, Antonio proposed and despite her family’s reservations, Anita agreed.
Soon after the wedding here, Anita, 26, followed her husband back to Italy.
“Everything was fine initially because it was a whole new experience for me. But once the excitement wore down, I felt my life was in a rut. Antonio was busy at work and after work, he would go clubbing with his friends.
“I could not find a job so I stayed home a lot, cooking and cleaning. I did not have any friends because communication was a bit of a problem. My friends were Antonio’s friends. That made me clingy and insecure.
“I would wait for my husband to come home after work so that I would have someone to talk to. I insisted on following Antonio wherever he went and this began to annoy him so much we would end up having major fights.
“I realised I did not have a life and I was not financially independent, which meant that I depended on Antonio to buy everything for me! For someone who had always been financially independent, it was humiliating.”
Antonio, upset with Anita’s “clingy attitude”, began finding fault with her. Barely a year after their marriage, Anita packed her bags, headed home and filed for a divorce.
After being together for four years since their secondary school days, there was a tacit understanding among family and friends that Misha and Mat would eventually walk down the aisle one day. And they did.
Misha was 20 when she got married to Mat who is just two years older. Since they had been together as a couple for so long, everyone felt it was the natural thing to do.
“In truth, because Mat and I had been going out for so long, we had actually begun to get a little bored with each other even before we got married. Everything was so predictable in our relationship.
“But everyone, especially our respective families, expected us to get married as it would ‘nampak tak manis’ (not look good) if we were to break off the relationship after being together for so long especially in our Malay society. Not to disappoint our families or embarrass them, we went ahead and got married, thinking that everything will work out fine,” said Misha.
The first few months were easy but as the days wore on, Misha realised that she was not prepared to be a working wife, taking care of the household chores while holding a job.
“When we were dating, we’d always eat out or go to mum’s for a meal. But Mat, who comes from a relatively conservative background, expected me to be the dutiful wife, serving him a freshly cooked meal at the end of the day.
“We never talked about these things during our courtship so it came as a rude shock to me when he expected me to do the things his mum did.
“Over time, what I used to find endearing about Mat became a source of irritation. There was no more excitement and romance in our relationship and I even used to dread the fact that I had to wake up every morning and see his face. And this was for life!”
Luckily for Misha and Mat, despite facing some pressure from their families, they had decided that they would not immediately start a family.
“That was a blessing because when we decided to break up two years ago, divorce was not such a complicated issue,” Misha said, adding that Mat, who has since remarried, remains a good friend.
Note: Names of the interviewees have been changed to protect their privacy
Rahim bukan mudah dikenakan orang. Di Negeri Melaka ketika dia menjadi Ketua Menteri, dialah raja. Mengikut cerita orang-orang Melaka kononnya beliau pernah menghalau Pegawai-pegawai Majlis Ugama Melaka dan Polis dari bilik hotelnya di Hotel Ramada. Mereka datang menyerbu ke bilik hotel itu apabila terima laporan ada orang berkhalwat. Apabila sampai ke bilik itu yang di dapati berkhalwat ialah Ketua Menteri Melaka sendiri Rahim Thamby Chik dengan seorang gadis jurujual.
Najib walaupun buaya besar seperti Rahim Thamby Chik, kena dengan Rosmah dia kalah dan terduduk. Lupa diri, lupa anak bini. Balak Pahang pun dia berikan kepada Rosmah. Hotel Hyatt Kuantan menjadi tempat mereka berkendak tidak kira siang atau malam setiap kali Rosmah datang ke Kuantan.
Apabila Najib ke Kuala Lumpur mereka berkendak di Hotel Shangri-la kerana Najib tinggal di situ dan pejabat Rosmah di Bangunan SPK berhampiran dengan hotel itu.
Sejak dia mengadakan perhubungan sulit secara haram dengan Najib dia lupa terus kepada suami dan anak-anaknya.
Mengikut cerita orang, Rosmah, Najib dan Toh Puan Rahah masa pergi ke Mekkah kali kedua, mungkin untuk membuang dosa kononnya, semasa dia berjalan mengelilingi Kaabah, dikatakan terkena baling batu yang tidak tahu dari mana datangnya.
Penerbitan artikel ini tiada kaitan dengan moderator blog atau bertujuan menghina atau menuduh sesiapa. Artikel ini agak menarik untuk dibaca sebagai hiburan dan ia hanyalah satu ihsan dari ruangan Mongolia di Malaysia Today
On the contrary, if you are looking for a positive side of her biography based on UNISEL as a Vice Chancellor, may be you can visit this site MY WAY OF LIVE
National badminton player Roslin Hashim created a record of sorts when he divorced his wife just 12 days after getting married while actress Sarimah Ibrahim’s much publicised nuptials only lasted three years. P.SELVARANI finds out if young Malaysians are really ready for matrimony. JACK AND JENNY
HE was not the man of her dreams but when he persistently wined and dined her and professed his love for her, Jenny did not have the heart to reject his offer of marriage.
“I was very much in love with another man of another religion but because my parents were strongly against it, we broke off the relationship. I was still nursing a broken heart when Jack, whom I have known since childhood, came along.
“He lifted me out of the doldrums by taking me out for a meal or a drink every now and then. Soon he started wining and dining me, bringing me flowers and gifts. Before I realised it, we were seriously dating. And although we did not share much in common — he did not like reading, music or going to the movies like I did — it didn’t matter to me then because I loved the attention. It filled that emptiness within me,” said the 28-year-old former executive.
When Jack proposed after almost a year of courting, Jenny said yes.
The first year was a happy one with the arrival of their firstborn and moving into their own home.
On the contrary, if you are looking for a positive side of her NONE

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