Monday, July 27, 2009




on July 27

taxidriver’s back to back reply to –Maha-tir&sons Kerala incorperated limited BATTLE OF PERCEPTION

The evils of Mahathir has finally appear.Che Det is not the owner of the Malay race. Just like Khir Toyo Che is also an immigrants child. In Che Det's case, his father Sikandar a/l Kutty was a legal migrant from Kerala, whilst in the case of Khir Toyo, his father was an illegal immigrant from Indonesia. Malays are always asking for handout they are always asking why the goverment didn’t help them. When are we going to see them standing on their own?

So, we know now, that all this while, the judiciary is under Mahathir's thumb.
Mahathir, please show us your true color. Show us more.may the Taxidriver show his true colours
I wonder is there a school where MAHATIRthe tool user attends where they learn how to use tools ? For it seems the tool-users should have failed miserably, for the users seem not to have learned how to use their tools efficiently. But then why should the users care about efficient when their sole purpose is profit. Not to mention most profit least effort.
I for one now have become a useless tool, for the user decided that there was a more flexible tool which could be used for more gain. Not to mention the new tool would look the other way, and was related to the user. You know what I mean
The user has a name for this now, they call it Mahatirredundant, which means the tool is no longer user friendly. This redundancy leads me to think, it was a mistake to allow the users to use free reign when the tool is perceived as not so sharp.
The whole "VOTE BARISAN" scam is responsible for making tools out of well over half the MALAYSIAN populace. The majority of them don't own shit, and never will. UMNO own the house, suckers hold the bonds, and taxpayers foot the bill. These people see MALAYSIANS as interest rate meters and when the wheel stops spinning, they're kicked to the curb. the rabid dog has funny name KERALA SNAKE running around the neighborhood biting everyone can't be rehabilitated, he has to be put down.
All the time police a hammer is all you need when dealing with a big-ass problem. Finesse and surgical precision is not needed now, it's damn near time to adopt a scorched-earth policy when dealing with insane people like pakatan
The only thing to bring a psychopath under control is FEAR FOR HIS LIFE. so the sleepy head created it my manin MCC executed
"Crucify the ego, before it's far too late. And leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical. And you will come to find that we are all one mind and capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable."
It must be realized the user of the initial toolJudiciary is also a tool in the employ of yet another user, and so the chain goes on. I suppose government is then the final user of all tools,(while not forgetting this too is yet another tool), MAHATIR'S suppose list is endless, but then this is only a thought on his part. For he has long been a tool of his cronies, but now this tool says things and does things which are not of the norm. It is always interesting now to do or say something which is not normal for a tool, which was always seemed so co-operative. He wonder then is this the reason, when the would be senior minister who would stop at my gate during election time, and think himself lucky he is able to travel on to a more receptive tool. For it has been known for the writer to threaten those cretins while they need my help. For this reason I have always used the amnesty of political campaigning to my benefit during election time, and for my sins, my dog has tasted political flesh at my personal instruction, so you may just be right. It is how the tool is used that will make all the difference.But now that society has crashed from the abuses and excesses of living in greed and implementing terror for power, we still have the Heyokas of the world living contrary to the spirit of injustice and inhumanity that has marked the world for many decades and centuries. It is time now that people of the world begin to capture their contrary spirit and live as "Sacred Clowns." The world needs a rapid growth in Heyokas or Contraries to bring about the balance and wholeness that has been lost to humanity."
I somehow like the idea of the tool user tormenting the tool, it seems like sadistic pleasure, which is like the tool is really a prostitute. It makes me thankful for the times when I gave the tool user a rough ride, and it was the tool user who needed the doctor.
Forgive me if I ramble on, and it appears not to be connected to the programme, whereby all tools are designed for a particular purpose, but this tool is just past its sell-by date and happens not to care too much how the tool is used anymore. As it is just grist to the mill, and who knows how it all comes out in the end.
Anyway you keep doing what you do, as you are most likely one of the sharper tools in the tool chest.
Dear Les Visible and friends of this site: The real problem i see is not the US government itself, nor the Israeli Government, nor the De Facto Interin coup de etat Honduras Government !!
The real problem from my own point of view is the followers and supporters of the US government and of the Israeli government, and supporters of all fascistic governments of this world. The Middle-Classes, including the lower part of the middle classes (Lower middle classes) always side with the mainstream political parties, because from the middle-class's point of view they think that any revolutionary political-change would be a threat to their relatively stable lifestyles. The US, Europe, Asia, and even many nations in Latin America still have a large middle-class. A big proof of this is that Argentina has a large middle class and elected right-wing candidates in their congress election just recently.
So my theory is that we will just have to wait for people to pass from the middle class to the lower-class for them to wake up. I mean we just got to wait for a rise in poverty levels in this
I wonder is there a school where MAHATIRthe tool user attends where they learn how to use tools ? For it seems the tool-users should have failed miserably, for the users seem not to have learned how to use their tools efficiently. But then why should the users care about efficient when their sole purpose is profit. Not to mention most profit least effort.
I for one now have become a useless tool, for the user decided that there was a more flexible tool which could be used for more gain. Not to mention the new tool would look the other way, and was related to the user. You know what I mean
The user has a name for this now, they call it Mahatirredundant, which means the tool is no longer user friendly. This redundancy leads me to think, it was a mistake to allow the users to use free reign when the tool is perceived as not so sharp.
The whole "VOTE BARISAN" scam is responsible for making tools out of well over half the MALAYSIAN populace. The majority of them don't own shit, and never will. UMNO own the house, suckers hold the bonds, and taxpayers foot the bill. These people see MALAYSIANS as interest rate meters and when the wheel stops spinning, they're kicked to the curb. the rabid dog has funny name KERALA SNAKE running around the neighborhood biting everyone can't be rehabilitated, he has to be put down.
All the time police a hammer is all you need when dealing with a big-ass problem. Finesse and surgical precision is not needed now, it's damn near time to adopt a scorched-earth policy when dealing with insane people like pakatan
The only thing to bring a psychopath under control is FEAR FOR HIS LIFE. so the sleepy head created it my manin MCC executed
"Crucify the ego, before it's far too late. And leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical. And you will come to find that we are all one mind and capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable."
It must be realized the user of the initial toolJudiciary is also a tool in the employ of yet another user, and so the chain goes on. I suppose government is then the final user of all tools,(while not forgetting this too is yet another tool), MAHATIR'S suppose list is endless, but then this is only a thought on his part. For he has long been a tool of his cronies, but now this tool says things and does things which are not of the norm. It is always interesting now to do or say something which is not normal for a tool, which was always seemed so co-operative. He wonder then is this the reason, when the would be senior minister who would stop at my gate during election time, and think himself lucky he is able to travel on to a more receptive tool. For it has been known for the writer to threaten those cretins while they need my help. For this reason I have always used the amnesty of political campaigning to my benefit during election time, and for my sins, my dog has tasted political flesh at my personal instruction, so you may just be right. It is how the tool is used that will make all the difference.But now that society has crashed from the abuses and excesses of living in greed and implementing terror for power, we still have the Heyokas of the world living contrary to the spirit of injustice and inhumanity that has marked the world for many decades and centuries. It is time now that people of the world begin to capture their contrary spirit and live as "Sacred Clowns." The world needs a rapid growth in Heyokas or Contraries to bring about the balance and wholeness that has been lost to humanity."
I somehow like the idea of the tool user tormenting the tool, it seems like sadistic pleasure, which is like the tool is really a prostitute. It makes me thankful for the times when I gave the tool user a rough ride, and it was the tool user who needed the doctor.
Forgive me if I ramble on, and it appears not to be connected to the programme, whereby all tools are designed for a particular purpose, but this tool is just past its sell-by date and happens not to care too much how the tool is used anymore. As it is just grist to the mill, and who knows how it all comes out in the end.
Anyway you keep doing what you do, as you are most likely one of the sharper tools in the tool chest.
Dear Les Visible and friends of this site: The real problem i see is not the US government itself, nor the Israeli Government, nor the De Facto Interin coup de etat Honduras Government !!
The real problem from my own point of view is the followers and supporters of the US government and of the Israeli government, and supporters of all fascistic governments of this world. The Middle-Classes, including the lower part of the middle classes (Lower middle classes) always side with the mainstream political parties, because from the middle-class's point of view they think that any revolutionary political-change would be a threat to their relatively stable lifestyles. The US, Europe, Asia, and even many nations in Latin America still have a large middle-class. A big proof of this is that Argentina has a large middle class and elected right-wing candidates in their congress election just recently.
So my theory is that we will just have to wait for people to pass from the middle class to the lower-class for them to wake up. I mean we just got to wait for a rise in poverty levels in this
2. You wish they would die or go away. You wish you can shut their mouths.
3. But this is a free country and you just cannot shut them up.
4. So what can you do?
5. The answer: Sue them. Sue them for 100 million.
6. The case will now go to the court.
7. When a case is before a court, it becomes sub judice. And when it is sub judice, your critic and enemy and others also cannot talk about the issue anymore. Effectively you have muzzled them and you are safe.
8. The court will take a long time to hear the case. You can prolong the time by asking for postponement, again and again. Any excuse will do.
9. And so the case drags on for years without the case being heard. It remains sub-judice and the critics will continue to be muzzled. You are safe. EFFECTIVELY ELIMINATING MISCONDUCT AMONG ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Gani Patail Witness what happened to former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim by Police Chief. CHARGE him for not reporting

11. But if you lose, then appeal to a higher court. The case remains sub-judice and the issue can't be brought up.
12. A few more years would pass and you are safe from being subjected to attacks on the issue. Dictatorship system of Guided judiciary Diverse interpretations of conspiracy special relish for transparency and judicial accountability.

RPK7-1There is currently a controversy raging in Malaysia. This particular controversy involves a mysterious and anonymous website that suddenly appeared accusing two DAP Selangor leaders and EXCO members of having links with the Chinese underworld. This website also insinuates that these two are behind the death of Teoh who was thrown off the MACC headquarters in Shah Alam.

In case you may have forgotten, this is the modus operandi of the Malaysian Police. What would you expect when it comes to DAP Selangor EXCO members when even the Deputy Minister of Internal Security was subjected to the same thing. And the subsequent police investigation revealed that a very senior police officer, the current Director of the CID, was behind the website that accused the Deputy Minister of receiving a RM5.5 million bribe as an inducement to release three Chinese underworld bosses from detention.

… Once you understand how the Malaysian Police operates and how they set up this website to frame their own Deputy Minister, you will understand how and why they are doing the same to the DAP Selangor leaders and applying the same modus operandi on top of that.

And remember one more thing. In the Deputy Minister of Internal Security case, the MACC worked hand-in-hand with the PDRM. The Police framed their own Deputy Minister and the MACC pounced on him and hauled him in for interrogation. And the Director of the CCD, whom the Deputy Minister instructed to launch the investigation, was also roped him, as was his lawyer who acted on his behalf.

Basically, don’t play-play with those who walk in the corridors of power in Putrajaya and Bukit Aman. Cross them and they will fix you up good and proper. And with the MACC, PDRM, the AG’s Chambers and the judiciary all working as a team, rest assured you are screwed if you ever try to fight your case in court.

In fact, the courtroom is exactly where they would like you to be because that would be the best place to get you and give it ‘legitimacy’ on top of that. “Hey, we gave them a fair trial,” they would scream, as they put the noose around your neck and tighten the cord.

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