Recently, I subjected myself to the most cruel, barbaric torture possible. Intensely curious about all MCCA'S LEWID ACT epics,
I decided to sit through a few episodes. I know, I know, it makes you cringe just to hear it, doesn’t it? To tell you the truth, I quite enjoyed some episodes.Mohd Shukri said the MACC was not targeting the Opposition and questioned how people had come to that conclusion Malaysian knew that you peoples PDRM one sided.As long as Umno/Bn is there you peoples will forever be 'ONE SIDED'. WHAT A SHAME MEN,ALL OVER THE WORLD KNOW THAT THE BN RUN adMIN. IS CORRUPTED,That's the main reason why we must vote Umno/Bn out.Change,YES WE CAN.
What nonsense are those idiots at MACC is talking? The real thing that they are supposed to investigated like toyol how did he gets his mansion place RM24Million or PKTZ scandal ..... instead of investigated the opposition MPs or state assemblymen?Start with Najib and Toyo, the most high profile curruption case, if you have the balls.Start with Najib and Toyo, the most high profile curruption case, if you have the balls.To make the story longer, MACC is just a political tool by, for and with the UMNO.
BLOODY USELESS NUT. WHO U TRYING TO KID?? DID U PASS YR MATHS?? adD 2 AND 2 AND WE GET 5??? U GOT SO MANY BLOODY CASES CONCERNING YR BEEND/AMENO LORDS BUT NFA (NO F*CK*NG ACTION) AND WE ARE SO BLOODY DUMB AS TO COME TO SUCH CONCLUSIONIt is more beneficial if BN just get on with their job in improving the country and nation rather than pulling so many kind of stunts. The more issues they created, the more stupid they look. It seems that they still think we are blind & stupid. Well, I guess none of them really concern about the nation nor their own party (UMNO)infact. Their concern is to get more projects going hence more income by polishing najib's shoes and giving him all kind of stupid ideas & suggestions as long as they can make him feel good. After that, get the money and leave the country to rot!
Khir Toyol a visit He's living far beyond his means; and where's the accountability for the Disneyland trip? You think we the people have forgotten, ah? Eh, our memory can be very good. And don't think we're stupid so efficient.Why not investigating Toyol and his RM24 million istana When MACC has to open their mouths and say something, make sure it is credible. Otherwise, it is better to play stupid and dumb and say nothing at all. I suspect MACC knows nothing about public relations or their work. They are there just to fill the numbers.
There seems to be a fierce debate raging in the blogosphere about whether Indians are racist or not. We may or may not be racist, but one thing that we definitely aren’t is polite. In fact, for a country that boasts of the phrase ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ (Guest is God), we are a remarkably rude nation. When it comes to rudeness, we don’t really discriminate between white and brown, foreign or Indian, Hindu or Muslim.
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