Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the speacial branch is now the first lady armpit never forgets. Never,” warns RPK

“They never forget. They’ll come after me. Not now, but later.“They never forget. They’ll come after me. Not now, but later. the speacial branch is now the first lady armpit never forgets. Never,” warns RPK a Due to global attention and vigilance fixed directly on NAJIB&ROSMAH GOVERNMENT and the COURT to provide “UNfree and UNfair elections,” the POLICE, according to RPK, has acted cool and allowed HIM the pervasive influence and predatory nature of MALAYSIAN military, which ROSMAH , controls and abuses the country’s military-POLICE -JUDICIARY for personal profit and political leverage.Academic Discussions or Umno Stooges
We all feel there is and will believe this is another cover-up but what is more intriguing and interesting is how the police decided to use Dr Prashant S. Ambekar to conduct the post mortem.

Riau, 16th June 2009: A new Malaysia Today is being planned by Raja Petra Kamarudin or RPK as he is popularly known and this is great news for the Internet media related to Malaysia with a more newsworthy site, World Future Online is able to reveal today.

After the announcement that Raja Petra was not anymore the 'owner' of Malaysia Today, Wfol.tv inquired on the future plans of the 'enfant terrible' of the Malaysian Royalty.

We asked Raja Petra himself by email (we do send articles to MT for publication hence we have its 'Admin' email address like other blogs do have the same) on the reasons that motivated him to 'leave' MT as this was the impression given by the article on MT on Monday 15th June 2009. This is his reply to us, which is a scoop for World Future Online indeed:

"Actually I did not say I was LEAVING Malaysia Today. I said I was handing MT over to a group to manage,' he wrote.

"I plan to split MT into two. The present one would remain as it is and be more Blog-oriented. The new site would be calledMalaysia Today Daily and would be a news-based site. That would be managed entirely by the new (professional) group. So the 'old' MT can remain as a 'not so credible whacking everyone' site while the new one would rank alongside Malaysiakini andMalaysian Insider," said the citizen media supremo.

The new Malaysia Today Daily will be run by a new company, Wfol.tv was told.

"We are talking to media people and ex-TV personnel to come in and run the Malaysia Today Daily," RPK added.

"I hope it will be a professional outfit, far better than the current MT," he also said.

This should put to rest all the rumors related to MT and RPK.

We all feel there is and will believe this is another cover-up but what is more intriguing and interesting is how the police decided to use Dr Prashant S. Ambekar to conduct the post mortem.

By R. Shan (Human Being)

Now that is food for thought. Would you actually believe everything is true in the post-mortem report when it was done by Dr Ambekar? That is one tough question, don't you think so?

The wife saw the husband on Friday, June 12, 2009 with bruised eyes. The deceased complained to the magistrate on the beating and torture by the police, yet the magistrate never summoned the police to conduct a medical test on him.

Then, on June 15, 2009 he is found dead in the toilet in the police station. When the wife and sympathizers visited his body at the mortuary, no cellphones and cameras were allowed.

On June 16, 2009, Bernama reports that Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said Monday night the cause of Gnanapragasam’s death was "toxaemia secondary to spontaneous peritonitis" or blood poisoning due to a bacteria infection in the intestines. He said the autopsy at Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMCC) at noon yesterday was done by pathologist Dr Prashant Ambekar. Meanwhile, Petaling Jaya police chief ACP Arjunaidi Mohammed said the autopsy did not trace any bruises or injuries on the body.

Relating back to Kugan’s case, the same Dr Ambekar had disputed the findings of the Selayang fellow. And Health Ministry Director-General Dr Mohd Ismail Merican implied that Dr Prashant S. Ambekar's relative lack of experience had contributed to mistakes in his postmortem findings.

Doesn’t this sound all too fishy that the same doctor is now on top of the chart for the police to conduct the post-mortem for a murder of a Malaysian Indian in custody. After all, Dr Ambekar became famous for his findings in Kugan’s murder. Can anyone question him here on the findings of A. Gnanapragasam? Are we witnessing another conspiracy cover-up or is it a figment of my imagination?

I imagine the police is using the very same doctor who had captured the confidence of the people in Kugan’s case. Could he have been coerced by the might of the government to state otherwise? Your guess is as good as mine.

I don’t mean to insinuate anything here but I think you get the jist that the government along with the mighty police force is actually getting smarter in their attempts to hoodwink the public in their so-called governance without any impartiality.

For you and I, another episode in Bolehland Malaysia. But more so for a Malaysian Indian family, it is just another sad tragedy that never will see the light of justice in the pretext of all is fair and equal in a pseudo 1Malaysia.

Unity Government: Academic Discussions?
The concept of unity government which had plagued Pas and Pakatan Rakyat for some time was rendered to mere “academic discussions” by President Pas Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi who made a turn-about on his controversial pro-unity government stand.

In contrast to the seriousness of the open criticism of Pas Spiritual Leader Nik Aziz that those who supported Abdul Hadi‘s proposal to form a unity government with Umno were “boneka Umno” (Umno puppets), the way Hadi wash his hands of the issue was so absurd and irresponsible.

Rais Yatim, member of Umno Supreme Council came to Hadi’s help to criticize Nik Aziz as being exposing the true colours of most of the Malay leaders from the opposition who were not sincere in fighting for Islam as religion of harmony and unity, they simply pay lip-service with empty rhetoric.

Hadi Awang and his deputy Nasharudin Mat Isa were categorized as far-sighted leaders while others were just practicing populist politics. Their supports of the idea of unity government were praised as valuable measure taken by the respected statesmen. The “boneka” images of those who had supported the idea were moulded by the champion propagandist of Umno himself.

Amidst the political and economic crises of our country, it was unthinkable that Pas’s President and his followers still were at leisure to take part in “academic discussions” which in fact might split Pas into two factions, one pro-unity government and the other against it.

Hadi shouldn’t forget so easily that on Jun 6, he had reiterated his confidence that the concept to form a unity government mooted by him would not demise as such, and time would come that his proposal would be accepted by the leadership of Pas and fraternal parties in Pakatan Rakyat alike. This statement was surely not academic rhetoric but declaration of one’s firm political belief.

After being vehemently objected inside and outside the party, Hadi now started to set preconditions that before dialogue began, Umno should first reform our democracy, judicial and media systems. His pretentious posture failed to cover up his insincerity and irresponsibility. As leader of Pakatan Rakyat who dares to suggest formation of unity government, he must also be brave enough to accept criticisms and correct his mistake accordingly.

Besides, he also admitted that the suggestion of unity government was not thoroughly discussed in Pas, and yet to be accepted as a proposal of Pakatan Rakyat. In fact, unity government issue had split the candidates of party election into two camps, one pro and another anti-unity government. The anti-unity government camp in fact had won majority seats for vice Presidents and members of Supreme Council, except in deputy President election, where Husam Musa and Mat Sabu were defeated by Nasharudin Mat Isa because the votes against unity government were split between the two, Nasharudin might be defeated if it was a one-to-one fight.

If the proposal was not thoroughly discussed, why need to promote it in such a great hurry even under the pressure of objection from majority of the leadership and grass-root members? And if it was not yet a proposal of Pakatan Rakyat, why should Hadi claim that PKR and DAP had supported the idea? Only when the parties concerned denied his claim and sought further clarification, did he change his approach on the idea. As a religious leader, why couldn’t Hadi be more transparent, consistent and trustworthy?

Hadi Awang might try to wash his hands of the unity government issue, but obviously the damages had been done, inter alia:-

1. Since proposal to form a unity government with Umno was an importance policy swift which would affect political directions of Pas, Pakatan Rakyat and the interests of the people as a whole, to initiate unity talks unilaterally by Hadi Awang and his followers without thorough discussions within Pas and consent by Pakatan Rakyat, obviously due democratic process in policy formulation was not followed.

2. To begin unity talks between Pas-Umno without prior consent of PKR and DAP could be interpreted in a negative sense that Pas was prepared to quit Pakatan Rakyat and cross over to Barisan Nasional, or it might cause suspicions from the leaderships of Pas and Pakatan Rakyat, or even their ordinary members and supporters that it might involve personal interests or ambitions, or worse still, as labeled by Spiritual Leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat that they were playing the parts of “Umno puppets”.

3. The objective of the unity government as projected in the main stream media especially Utusan Malaysia, was to forge Malay / Muslim unity. The perception was that Pas had closed ranks with Umno’s racist policy based on Malay supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu), now it had become Malay/Islam supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu/Islam) which was more scaring.

4. Votes given to Pas in the 12th General Election and by-elections that followed, especially from voters of Non-Malays in fact were against Umno/Barisan Nasional government. Thus, Pas had no mandate to hold unity talks with Umno to form unity government of any kind. I believe even Malay voters including Pas members and supporters also could not agree to the formation of unity government to save Umno from eventual collapse.

5. Beside unity government proposed by Pas President, over stressing on the ulamas’ leadership aimed at marginalizing the professionals, and motion from Shah Alam Pas calling government to ban Sisters In Islam adopted by the General Assembly without debate gave an impression that Pas had returned to a more conservative, exclusive and intolerant position. If Pas are not able to clear up such negative perceptions, the supports gained by it after political tsunami of March 8 and the following by-elections may be affected as a result.

6. The 55th General Assembly of Pas was a turning point for political enemy of Pas, especially MCA and Gerakan to gain access to a good opportunity to launch an anti-Pas offensive propaganda, in fact they were suffering from low morale and remained defensive all the while after March 8 political tsunami. And there were political analysts who used to sympathize with Pakatan Rakyat now opined that non-Malays had been deceived by Pas.

I totally agree with Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, member of Pas Central Working Committee, that it was paramount important to make strategic choice. For example, instead of three cornered, it was a one-to-one fight between Nasharudin Mat Isa and either Husam Musa or Mat Sabu, the outcome might be different. And how good it could be, instead of being embroiled in ulama-professional polemic and unity government controversy, all human resources were put together to draw up a master plan on the strategy of Pas to replace Umno as first choice of the Malay-Islam voters as suggested by Dr. Dzulkefly! (15/6/2009)

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