The Manohara saga continued on Tuesday, with the Indonesian-American model pressing image charges against her Malaysian prince husband, Muhammad Fakhry, albeit in the wrong country.
Accompanied by her flamboyant celebrity lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, Manohara Odelia Pinot filed a criminal complaint with the National Police, accusing her husband of kidnapping, physical abuse and rape.
She also named seven other members of the Kelantan Palace in her complaint as being involved in her kidnapping: Kelantan Ruler Ismail Petra and his wife Anis Binti Abdul Hamid; Capt. Zakaria Saleh, the pilot allegedly involved in the kidnapping during a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia; bodyguard Azhari; a relative of the Ruler, Muhammad Sobri, and his wife; and another relative identified as Ichsan
Cubaan Bunuh Diri Isteri Raja Petra
That was what an Umno website reported two days ago. For those who don’t understand Malay, basically what the report says is that my wife was admitted into hospital after trying to commit suicide and that she is now recuperating at her sister’s house in Ampang.
Now, what is wrong with that report, which, according to the writer, is information he or she received from a nurse in that hospital?
Okay, first of all, the report is false. But that is not what I want to bring to your attention. What I wish to focus on is how Malays always use the word Allah in everything they say, especially when they are lying.
Have you noticed how Malays always use words like Assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah, mashaAllah, inshaAllah, and whatnot? This is so that they can give you the impression that they are very religious and whatever they do and say is for the sake of God.
The more they use these ‘key’ words when they talk the more you must be suspicious of them. When they need to hide behind God and use God’s name to ‘support’ what they say the more you can assume they are trying to bullshit you.
Malays will also scream that you should not talk about Islam unless you are ‘qualified’ to do so. And the ‘qualifications’ would be you must first wear a turban and a white robe. They judge a book by its cover and a religious person by his dressing. The fact that many rape cases, in particular those involving incest, are committed by ‘religious’ men wearing white skullcaps appears to have escaped them.
A friend of mine, the son of a once famous Perak Mufti during the reign of a very ‘colourful’ Perak Sultan, told me this story about two years ago. Actually it is more a joke than a story.
Anyway, the story goes as follows.
There was this man who had four sons. One became a lawyer, another a doctor, and the third became an engineer. The fourth son was not as clever as the first three and could not go to university. So he was sent to do religious studies and went on to become a Mufti.
Hey, this joke was related by the son of a famous Perak Mufti. I am just telling you what he told me. Anyway, joke or otherwise, this sort of sums up the ‘level’ of most of these so-called religious people. Of course, there are exceptions like the one-time Perlis Mufti who has gone to the UK to further his studies.
When Malays start spewing the name of God be very careful. This means there is a lot of bullshit about to emit from their mouths. When you see the word Allah attached to anything they write or say, then rest assured you can dismiss what they are writing and saying as a load of hogwash. These people are as religious as Paris Hilton is a virgin.
When I was under ISA detention in September last year, I was subjected to a ‘rehabilitation’ program. The six Malay Special Branch officers assigned to me engaged me in heated arguments about Islam. That night they refused to let me sleep and every hour on the hour someone was sent to my cell to wake me up and engage me in debates on Islam.
Ragunath Kesavan PresidentMalaysian Bar you can shout untill the sky come KRISMUDDIN IS BORN DEAF
Why does the BAR council still swallow this crap ?
Why don't they all just stop practicing and shutdown - and declare that the law is dead in Malaysia - that at least will be more representative and factual of the current state of the criminal justice system. Bar Council please stop this chicken shit. Please tell the Govt that if they do not provide a firm undertaking that this harassment will stop immediately, all lawyers will refuse to attend court. Get on with it guys, stop pussy footing.
THE Malaysian Bar is alarmed and perturbed that the police continue to harass and intimidate lawyers by calling them in for questioning on matters relating to the execution of their professional duties.
Most recently, lawyer Chan Kok Keong was served a Section 111 notice that was silent as to the subject he would be questioned about. At the interview, he was asked regarding an affidavit that had been affirmed by his client, former Perak assembly speaker V Sivakumar, in a suit where Chan is representing the said client. Lawyers representing Chan in this matter were themselves informed that they would be required to give statements if they wished to accompany Chan at the interview.
Such questioning makes a complete mockery of the fundamental principle of solicitor-client confidentiality by which lawyers are bound. It shows a grave lack of respect for the criminal justice system, as the solicitor-client privilege lies at the core of this system.
This harassment must stop if we are indeed committed to the principle of access to justice and to the rule of law. It is internationally recognised that lawyers perform a vital function when they act for their clients in the pursuit of justice, and that they must be permitted to carry out these functions freely.
We urge the police to immediately stop such unwarranted action whereby officers continue to call in lawyers representing clients, to have their statements recorded.
Further, we call on the police to respect the rule of law, which includes the right to legal access and the right, recognised in law, to legal representation without the undue harassment and intimidation of lawyers carrying out their duties as officers of the cour
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today slammed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for attempting to entice PAS into joining the ruling party.
The Opposition leader said he had personally spoken to PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang who reaffirmed the Islamist party's commitment to the oppostion coalition of Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
“Clearly Najib requires some support because his support base is crumbling,” Anwar told reporters when asked about Najib's remark earlier today that he could sense PAS's sincerity in wanting to form unity government.
Anwar also said that the matter will be discussed at a PR leadership meeting next week but admitted that PAS will still engage with Umno but only on specific issues that are of national importance.
Earlier PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa in response to Najib's remark said the party has no intention of joining Umno or Barisan Nasional (BN)
just look at most of the beast from PDRm which most of them would claim that they pray hard five times a day but they torture,they kill for joy n they are so ever corrupted to that islam???i don't think n believe islam preaches evil,it is the individual,the kind of people like the umno elite thieves n bandits who hav brought n spilled such a bad name on the religion!!
It is not so much what they discussed or the fact that they were depriving me of sleep (sleep depravation is a sort of torture and used quite often in countries like Iran and Iraq) that pissed me off. It is the manner they spoke and the tone of voice they used that made me not only hate them but got me turned off Islam as well.
It came to a stage that I banged the table with my fist and shouted at the six Special Branch officers. “To hell with Islam,” I shouted. “If you really insist that I have insulted Islam then punish me. Take me outside and cut off my head.”
The six Special Branch officers just stared at me. “What are you waiting for?” I shouted. “I now officially leave Islam. I am no longer a Muslim. Now take me outside and cut off my head.”
One of the Special Branch officers shouted at me and walked out in disgust.
That night, two other officers I had never met before came to my cell. I shouted at them to get the hell out off my face. “Have you not heard? I am no longer a Muslim,” I shouted. “Now get the hell out of here and leave me alone. I want to sleep and you people are not allowing me to sleep.” I then turned around and left them standing there. I did not respond to whatever they said. After about ten minutes they gave up and went off.
Malays are the worst example of how a Muslim should act. Islam is only on their lips, never in their hearts. Not only is it impossible for non-Muslims to get attracted to Islam if Malays are taken as the ‘perfect’ example of what Islam is, it is even difficult for Muslims to remain Muslims when you look at the conduct of Malays.
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