when politcal vulture dr mahathir to speak at bloggers event to turn man of principal like din merican and others into political vultures
when politcal vulture Dr Mahathir to speak at bloggers event to turn man of principal like din merican and others into political vultures
May 15, 2009
Popular blogger Dr Mahathir Mohamad will be the ‘surprise speaker’ at the third annual ‘Bloggers Event of the Year” – also known as BUM2009 – to be held tomorrow (May 16) at the Lake View Club in Subang Jaya. BUM organising committee co-chair Ahirudin Attan confirmed that the highlight of the event would be the participation of the former prime minister who would be holding an hour-long dialogue with the participants perspective on the clash between old and new media.mother prostitute at work“media circus” is need for blood to be spilled or tragedy to happen before they are willing to lift their asses and do something about itthere goes our journalistic objectivity” dont bastardtise.THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA’S Collateral Damage TO THE CITIZENS MALAYSIA
Today, I am addressing a personal issue. I am responding to this chap who called me a pig. He blogs using the name Pasquale aka barking magpie. Possibly when he wants to denounce others he uses Pasquale. When he wants to write something resembling an intellectual discourse, he assumes the identity of the barking bird.
His real name as revealed by Malaysia Today is Rosdi Mustafa. He works in the PM’s outfit and one of the media handlers. These were what he said in his comments at Rocky Bru.
I also know this Sakmongkol he is an ardent anti-Najib just because Najib does not entertained or approve his greedy, corrupt and self-centered attitude!
His life serve only himself, he wants project to enrich himnself but when Najib said no he went against him! Ini Melayu babi ni!
The above is, well, a barking loud lie. This bloke does not know me. I don’t know him. We have never talked. I see him loitering around Dato Najib’s office engaging in whispers with other officers prompting us to believe he is privy to some top state secret. These are all symptoms of juvenile childishness. It is just his way of urinating to mark territory. I am here, you are out there kind of thing
What do you make of someone who works in the PM’s office saying the above? I can only say, this is someone who shamelessly exploits his official status to excoriate others just for the fun of it. He mistakes vile and abusive remarks for forthrightness. I am afraid that reflects his deficiency in moral and intellectual fibre.
Accordingly, I need to ask YAB Prime Minister this question. Has he got a flying pig in his office? Or in Bahasa Melayu: Ada seekor babi yang berkepak kah di dalam pejabat YAB Dato Seri?
In my years with the PM as a Pekan politician, I have never heard Dato Najib encouraging or condoning his subordinates to debase others by calling them babi. Nor have I heard him encouraging his people to engage in vile name callings. When Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was in Semangat 46 and came down to Pekan to campaign, DS Najib clearly instructed all UMNO office bearers not to disparage TRH.
We have a problem here. Dato Najib harbours one official who is incompatible to his personal philosophy. He has someone who is congenitally vile. This person has the habit of babi-ying everyone.
I hope when he wrote the above passages, he was sober. I can never claim to know him, have never talked to him and I am glad, do not need to know him. I have seen him loitering around Dato Najib’s office possibly pretending the weight of the world is on him. Otherwise, he is like Siberia- we know where it is, but no one wants to go there. The truth is, people avoid him like the plague.
To Muslims, babi is an unclean animal. To be called a babi is to equate those being called as najis of the highest degree. It is haram. Parents do not teach their children to call other people babi.
Here, among the PM’s band of media handlers is this loathsome individual whose reddened face is probably brought about by indiscriminate consumption of intoxicating liquids. His personal background is well known among media people. But perhaps his chief distinguishing feature which places him at the apex of infamy and disrepute is a loose and unschooled tongue.
He has a fondness for calling other people babi. Hence Anwar Ibrahim is termed as YB BABI. When he came over to Rocky Bru’s blog to comment on the issue of anonymity in which I was involved- he mentioned me in very scornful terms. I was also called a Melayu babi.
Since he is an authority on ‘memBABIkan’ orang lain, he must be a flying pig himself- a special one but a pig nonetheless. Dato Najib has an unclean animal in his office.
I wanted to let this issue pass over. Thinking it does not serve any purpose. Close friends keep calling me. They asked why I choose to remain silent. A blogger, anonymous of course, has commented on Rocky Bru’s article stating that I am anti Najib, greedy and became so when Dato Najib refused me projects.
The unknown commentator goes by the name Pasquale. When you click pasquale on Sopo Sentral, the blog Barking Magpie appears. You put two and two together, the owner of the blog Barking Magpie is also Pasquale. The actual identity of the blogger was made known when his article was reproduced in Malaysia Today. His name is Rosdi Mustafa.
Those accusations need not be dignified by answering them I thought. But the last parting short changes the whole tenor of the tirade. The blogger ended by saying, ini Melayu babi. Now that is the last straw.
A born Muslim can be a drunkard or womaniser, a drunkard + womaniser + gambler. He does not mind admitting doing these things. He will admit all those things but will strenuously and vociferously assert he NEVER eats babi. Its a religious thing you see, and any self respecting Muslim will fly off the handle if he is said to makan babi or be associated with babi or called a babi.
This pig-headed buffoon recently wrote an article imploring Dato Najib to appoint a prominent blogger to head the NST. From what we read, Johan Jaafar and Ahmad Talib are going to head the government’s Media Machine. We have not heard definitive statements from the PM’s office on this matter.
The talks however have caused some ripples of dissatisfaction among the media fraternity. The dissatisfaction must have moved this particular blogger who Babi-ed everyone, to write an article. He wrote an article beseeching the PM to not appoint those two people. Since he works in the PM’s office in the media handlers outfit, his views can be portentous. If not checked, his protests can develop into tidal waves which could easily beach Johan Jaafar and A.Talib. If unanswered, it will become a festering boil waiting to burst.
So I am glad the PM stood his ground in picking people of his choice to head the mainstream media. By doing so he dismisses the croaking and snorting of one toady and swine respectively. One who has shamelessly implanted himself in the office of the PM. He schemes and plots desperately trying to stamp his relevance and usefulness. He does it the only way he knows- by being an unabashed sycophant and brainless myrmidon.
But are the rants of one blogger a cause for worry? Surely, our leaders are not that stupid to listen to the articles from bloggers? Accordingly, they say, I have overestimated the influence of bloggers and underestimated the intelligence of politicians.
Perhaps these people don’t know politicians. So that you know, they are just like you and I, with limited intellectual horizons. More than anybody else, they are easily swayed by whispers here and there. Rustle in the grass can easily spook them. The operatives know this and they feed on the fears of politicians. The higher they are, the more fearful they are.
Who is this shadowy Najib whisperer who may be nothing more than just a low level apparatchik and a garden variety officer? He of course works in the media handlers department, perhaps in a subordinate capacity to the PM’s PressSec.
Allow me to tell you a story which we, people in Pekan,hold to be evidently true. This particular fellow is regarded by us Pekan people as nothing than a mongrel waiting for scraps from Dato Najib’s table. He is the most detached low level brainless myrmidon in Team Najib who can hardly count more than 5 people he knows in Pekan. But he acts big as though he is a big time intellectual whereas in fact, he is an intellectual dwarf. Plus he appears to be drunk most of the time and you know, when drunk people talk, they talk loud. Of course he thinks no one in Pekan knows how to speak English. He wants people to see him as a Najib whisperer. I feel sorry for many of the officers in Dato Najib’s office to be associated with this unmentionable.
He is now ferociously rooting in for a friend (whom we shall not also mention names) for a very important post in the NST. Supporting a friend is commendable. This friend of his must be a really special friend or perhaps the only friend he has. I hope his admiration for this close friend is purely platonic and not motivated by salacious preferences imputed by many vicious commentators on him. Yes, the same ones who stated that Sakmongkol is gay. Repeating the end line usually used by the late Pak Sako and also adopted with much panache by the Utusan Malaysia journalist, Mama Juwie- I say WOW!
Accordingly he has taken a very combative stand for his friend. Beyond the bounds of decency, he was willing to call another fellow human being, a Muslim and a Malay, a Melayu babi. He described it that way because this friend was deemed to have been offended. He haughtily snorted- ini Melayu babi ni!
Rosdi Mustafa aka Pasquale aka Barking Magpie- YOU are the pig in PM’s office.
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