The infringement on human rights in Malaysia and at times its total and complete denial is justified by the BN MPs due to the uniqueness of Malaysian society. Its plurality, its diversity, its sensitivities.
By Khalid Samad, Suara Keadilan
Malaysia has many things which are unique. Its multiracial, multireligious and multilingual nature. Its flora and fauna. Its food. Its Parliament. The rest we can be proud of. Not the Parliament.
I dare say that it is the only Parliament in the world which when “debating” a Bill concerning human rights, the ruling party justifies and defends actions which are completely contrary to the spirit and understanding of human rights!
I would even venture to say that the BN MPs do not have the slightest inkling of what human rights are all about in the first place.
Let’s take it from the beginning though shall we. A Bill calling for the amendment of the original Suhakam Bill was tabled on March 24 morning and called for debate on March 25 morning. Hardly 24 hours’ notice. Almost an hour was used up by the PR MPs arguing against the way the Bill was being pushed through.
Not enough notice, not enough time to prepare, no time to do research and the such. The minister of course was unimpressed, replying it was only five (5) pages. In the process of the debate, Lim Kit Siang was sent out and banned from coming in until after 1pm.
When we finally started to debate the Bill, the arguments presented by the BN MPs were stupefying to say the least. They used the debate to justify the ISA, the banning of ceramahs and demonstrations and even the recent suspension of the permits forHarakah and Suara Keadilan!
Are we talking about the defence of human rights or the right to trample on human rights here? I doubt if the BN MPs know the difference.
The issue at hand was basic human rights. This means the rights which any human being, wherever and whatever he is, has a right to. The denial of these rights would constitute an act of injustice and suppression. The basic human rights include the right to life, honour, freedom, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association, right to assemble, right to dissent and the rest.malaysia’s authoritarian mahatir resurgence dumb ideas versus reality achieved independence in 1957, then malaya was a model of parliamentary democracy, governed under a written constitution “that accorded full respect and dignity for each and every malayan.”
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