Saturday, February 7, 2015

Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin if Malaysia is a computer then PAS is its default operating system.

the birth of Prophet Jesus Christ who gave a new meaning to human existence from here to eternity,o been surfeit with earth-shaking eventualities that have been pregnant with seeds of ominous consequences. , Pas’s bargaining chip. You give me hudud and I give you council elections?As a Muslim leader, one would have expected Hadi to show the world, that Islam can be good for all, not to stab a friend and ally in the back. In his old age, he isn’t getting wiser or more tolerant, but descended onto foolish stupidity and racial extremism. His actions has shown his outdated-ness, archaic, outmoded, antiquated, egoistic and a religious fraud who speaks with his foot in the mouth.

 PAS existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on the Taliban ideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. Even veteran leaders like  and were not spared when they tried to do what was seen as course correction. PAS' Parit Buntar MP Mujahid Yusof Rawa has expressed reservation about his party's push for hudud in Kelantan and its plans to table the theocratic law in Parliament next month.

  PAS Taliban individuals significantly alter the course of Malaysia  a combination of an insatiable lust for power and religious militants in cahoots  PAS under Hadi is a Taliban party which disregards the reality that people are suffering; Kelantan PAS is still doing little except expect outside help at most, to clean up and rebuild Kelantan. Mujahid and partners need to clean house
Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin, former director-general of the Research, Treaties and International Law Department, speaks during a forum to commemorate Malaysia’s first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj in Kuala Lumpur today. She said Kelantan would be overrun by paedophiles if it implemented hudud. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Najjua Zulkefli, February 7, 2015.

Paedophiles will overrun Kelantan if it implements hudud as the Islamic law is open to abuse and rejects using scientific evidence to prove crime, says a spokesperson for the group of eminent Malays, or G25.
Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin said since it would be difficult to prove crimes like adultery, rape of children and adults will abound.
"This is the nature of PAS's hudud," she said.
Farida said Kelantan's hudud rejected the use of scientific methods such as DNA testing and fingerprints, instead requiring the evidence of four witnesses of the alleged crime."They are using evidence used in the 12th century to prove adultery, pushing out scientific methods.readmore Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin if Malaysia is a computer then PAS is its default operating system.

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