Najib: Chinese votes dropped as they believed lies
Prime Minister Najib claimed that the 21st century can belong to Malaysia as it has three assets that no other country does: democracy, demographic dividend and demand. Undisputedly, these are invaluable assets. But Najib must realise that these are eclipsed by a unique combination of three crippling liabilities that only Malaysia has: excessive these three liabilities far exceed the value of the three assets and make Malaysia a country with a negative net worthules and regulations, egregious levels of corruption, and an embarrassingly hostile and irrational racism These three liabilities far exceed the value of the three assets and make Malaysia a country with a negative net worthThese preventive laws were there before. Yes, it was meant for the good of the people and country. It worked well for a long time when it was applied judiciously.The moment these laws were abused then people saw the evil in the law. Remember, the arrest of a journalist 'for her own safety' – a statement coming from the home minister himself; the arrest of an Adun, acting on fake news. That is what the people are more afraid of. Can you guarantee that the laws will not be abused?Most rules and regulations are like highway check-posts. Most can be done away with but are deliberately continued as they yield a steady source of ‘income’ for the bureaucratic and political establishment. Information technology is a potent tool to eliminate corruption. But Indian ingenuity has successfully sabotaged software to ensure that roadblocks continue and nothing can move until a bribe is paid.

The prime collateral casualty is Najib
Where have Malaysia’s political voices against racism gone? Chinese are some of the most racist people on earth, thanks to their culture, of which an aesthetic that valorises a fair complexion is an integral part. It comes naturally to Chinese to practise vicious racism at home and still wax outraged when Chinese abroad come up against racial discrimination. This makes a mockery of not justMalaysia’s claim to the mantle of opposing discrimination, harking back to Gandhi’s role in South Africa, but also of the Malaysia Constitution and the process of forging national unity in this ethnically, regionally and linguistically diverse land of ours.amazed, almost speechless in fact, that in this day and age Gerakan Wanita chief Tan Lian Hoe warns against calls for democracy that in the end, she said, destroys ourselves.nyway, we will not buy your nonsense as we have better sense than the idiots in Gerakan and MCA who are nothing but professional opportunists and ball carriers.ust because their president won Teluk Intan, these Gerakan fools think they are on high ground. Both the Gerakan Youth and Wanita are just trying to cash in on the cabinet bandwagon.there wasn't any vacancy for deputy ministers. But then, knowing Najib, who like to be surrounded by advisers and ministers, he may just be crazy enough to reward Gerakan with another one or two deputy minister posts.So idiotic you don't even realise that many people already have no respect for you, and here again you are talking nonsense so that you can hang on in Barisan Nasional. Shameless!
Another Prostitute from Gerakan. The president, the Youth chief, and now the Wanita chief! A friendly reminder: there are only so many freebies that Umno and Najib can give out. Maybe you are wasting your breath waiting for these.readmore Prostitute Gerakan Wanita chief Tan Lian Hoe is selling her pussy for her undemocracy thorts
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