Friday, October 24, 2014

Anwar will save Malaysia or Umno?

As the country’s political landscape undergoes a massive transformation, Najib Rogue regime is expediting the nailing of their 'coffin'. Najib ’s stock has hit rock bottom after For this reason, I think even the conservatives will realise this unpalatable reality, given time and persuasion to chew over the fatal consequences of so decisively alienating such large and important sectors of the electorate; and the progressives who fervently believe and support the common cause of good governance and social justice of Pakatan Rakyat will surely prevail in the current power tussle and gain clear power by the next party election  the latest. UMNO have downplayed Najib the significance of the defeats and resorted to political manoeuvrings designed to, yet again, shield Rosmah from being held responsible for the party’s serial debacles. when UMNO was reduced to its lowest strength ever.In any party, a leader who presides over so many election debacles will be called to account. Not so in UMNO,This will make UMNOs decline into gentle irrelevance in national politics, sooner rather than later. The only solution is for Najib to gracefully step aside, enabling a new leadership to take over the reins of UMNO.— is a rudderless organisation led by a dynasty which a majority of Malays have become indifferent to. Cocooned in a party loath to acknowledge the obvious failure of the high command, Najib has not shown leadership skills and qualities, if not near-complete apathy in the task of rejuvenating
an organisation that appears in terminal decline.When that happens, PAS will emerge stronger, so will Pakatan Rakyat, considering the excellent rapport existing between PAS’s progressive leaders and their counterparts in PKR and DAP

Anwar’s departure to prison will not leave a vacuum, as the Reformasi ideals are already firmly implanted in the leadership of all the component parties of Pakatan Rakyat. Neither would Anwar’s PKR party suffer a leadership deficit, as its youthful leaders are already groomed to carry on the torch of reforms without Anwar’s physical presence. If there is any difference, Anwar in prison will only inspire and strengthen their political conviction that, come what may, they must save the country from the seemingly unending crutches of an evil regime.
To those Umno hardliners gleefully looking forward to what they think is the political annihilation of Anwar, I advise them to take a trip down memory lane.

Mahathir vs Najib
The other main factor that may impact the court verdict is the current power tussle between Najib and Mahathir.
For Mahathir, it is a relatively simple decision.  Eliminate what is to him Umno’s enemy No1 would safeguard Umno’s hegemony, as well as dodging the day of reckoning for him personally if Anwar were to become the prime minister. Besides, with Anwar removed from the scene, Mahathir would feel free to unleash his fury to unseat Najib without the worry of the dreaded Anwar to take advantage of Umno’s open rift.
However, Najib may have quite a different view.  Knowing that Mahathir sees Anwar as his most-feared enemy, the continued presence of Anwar in the political arena may serve as a counterweight to Mahathir’s reactionary influence to restrain him from all-out attacks against Najib’s premiership.
Another important consideration for Najib is his concern for his international image. For years, he has been painstakingly cultivating his image as a moderate leader in the international stage (at great costs to the public of course) and even launched his pet Global Movement of Moderates to buttress such credentials.
Now, what will the world make of Najib, if an internationally respected leader like Anwar is sent to prison in a notorious trial that has already been universally condemned as a great travesty of justice, transgression of human rights and democracy? Where would Najib and his wife Rosmah (more so the latter) hide their faces at distinguished international gatherings during their frequent overseas trips?
Hence, it is not entirely impossible that Najib would prefer to see Anwar freed, or perhaps, as a compromise to Umno’s hardliners, penalised with a fine that would bar him from election or appointment to party post for many years to come.
To sum up, Anwar’s fate at his final appeal hinges on the outcome of cross-currents of Umno’s party interests and conflicting personal interests of feuding leaders.readmore Imprisoning Anwar will save Malaysia or Umno?

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