Friday, November 9, 2012


Najib is not yet over for his party. But it won’t be long before the party is over for him. That much should be obvious from the cascade of developments Even as a core group ofUMNOleaders went into a huddle to deliberate on their president’s future, there were ominous signs that things weren’t going too well for him.
For one thing,Mahathir, the patriarch of the party, stayed away from the meeting. His absence left little room for doubt that he would not want to be seen to be associated with any move that might give
Najib a reprieve. Even a temporary one, in his reckoning, would have disastrous consequences for the UMNO. It would stymie, for instance, the party’s efforts to exploit the anti-ANTI MCA and MIC mood in the country – a mood that, in his eyes, will translate into a massive vote of no confidence in the UMNO
Will UMNO-BN ethnic makeover Soi Lek anti islam policy routs Najib ? UMNO-BN days are numbered
“I will give assurance, UMNO will stand with MCA. And I know that MCA will stand with UMNO. You must also stand with Gerakan, MIC and others, don’t quarrel.We want to win, and we want to win big,”Najib said
UMNO-BN days are numbered Najib will not stay in office much longer, urging Pakatan to bridge their differences.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today warned that if Pakatan Rakyat fails to deliver as the federal government, the people may not have a chance to vote them out as the inexperienced coalition may have wrecked the country.
“Can we take the risk? Should we pawn our future? Some people say nevermind, if they (Pakatan) don’t do right, we will change back (to BN) in five years time. But don’t talk about five years time, in one year the country can de destroyed and go on a downward slide. In a globalised world, the economy can be paralysed and stock market can crash,” he said during the opening of the 59th MCA General Assembly Meeting (AGM) this morning.
Stunning. In the end President Barack Obama’s rainbow coalition – African-Americans, Hispanics, women and young white professionals – delivered victory with over 300 electoral college votes in a dramatic US presidential election.
Former Premier (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad has refuted claims that he is the source of the Malays splitting up, as a result of his decision to sack his deputy Anwar Ibrahim in 1998.
Mahathir was quoted by Sinar Harian and also Utusan Malaysia as saying that Malays had been split since the Malayan Union days, citing UMNO founder Onn Jaafar leaving the party and causing a split.
Similarly with former Finance Minister, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah who left UMNO to form Semangat 46, he said. “The Malays have been split for a long time and not as a result of my action in sacking Anwar in 1998″.
Hence, to blame my action of removing Anwar as the source of Malays splitting was certainly incorrect. He (Anwar) has questionable character and he is not PM material,” said Mahathir.
“We cannot accept a person who has low morals to be a leader as we will be ashamed of it.”
Mahathir was answering questions posed to him at a seminar in Terengganu. The former Premier added that the UMNO supreme council decision was also unanimous and it was not solely his decision to dismiss Anwar.
He said the people do not see Anwar’s moral problems as he is a good orator, and he used it with great effect to deviate the rakyat’s thinking. Mahathir said Anwar, instead of faulting himself, has put the blame on others.
 President Barack Obama did not just win reelection tonight. His victory signaled the irreversible triumph of a new, 21st-century America: multiracial, multi-ethnic, global in outlook and moving beyond centuries of racial, sexual, marital and religious tradition.
“We want to choose our leaders through clean and fair elections. We want to do it through the ballot box, which is why the government really, if they want peaceful transition of any sort — it can be the same government,” Ambiga  said, according to a transcript of the interview available on
MNO is only interested to propagate fear. Arab Spring NEVER cross my mind. The more fear factor UMNO creates, the longer UMNO remains in power.
Fear such as May 13th, Malay supremacy under threat and Islam under attack. And for the educated voters… Malaysia is going bankrupt and chaos if Pakatan takes over.
Rakyat that went to Bersih, Bersih 2.0 and Bersih 3.0 came with water and salt. They are defenseless from tear gas, chemically-laced water and brutally attack by Polis Raja Di Malaysia.
Some suffer long term injury and some even died.
Though the event ‘Datuk Ambiga (Sreenevasan) Bersama Rakyat’ in Kedah yesterday seemed like a political outing, the BERSIH icon was quick to dismiss the notion when she said “we are not politicians”.
“We are not fighting for BN (Barisan Nasional) or Pakatan Rakyat. We are fighting for you. We want your vote to mean something. We want to make sure they do not steal the value of your vote.
“Whoever comes into power, we should be able to remove them in five years if they are not good,” added the BERSIH co-chairperson, as the largely Indian crowd in Paya Besar clapped thunderously.
Ambiga asked if everyone has registered to vote and if they are sure of participating in the voting process, while the crowd responded with a big “yes”. “We believe that if we turn up in large numbers, we can cancel out the fraud. We are not telling you who to vote for but we are asking that you come out and vote in large numbers. This is your right and your duty,” she said.
Ambiga (right) also told the crowd that life has been difficult for human rights activists this year, with the crackdown on Bersih and Suaram, who has for the past three months been investigated by six government agencies for its registration as a company.
She rubbished the harassment by the authorities, especially the accusation that those who receive foreign funding are out to “destabilise” the ruling government, adding that it was all instituted because the organisations were critical of its leaders.
EC slammed for not being serious
Ambiga, and at least five other BERSIH activists, claimed they were temporarily stopped from leaving the country, while Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar has passed the buck to the Immigration Department, who cited the existence of “police file” of the activists for their actions.
“They criticise us for receiving foreign funds but there are no answers for the RM40 million (allegedly attempted to be smuggled) into Sabah (UMNO by businessman Michael Chia),” Ambiga said.
“There are also no answers to the millions that have been wasted, as pointed out by the recent Auditor-General’s Report. This money could have been put to better use for our children,” she added.
Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan has defended Sabah UMNO, saying the monies are a form of donation and has been audited by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
Meanwhile, Ambiga continued to expressed dissatisfaction at the Election Commission’s delay in implementing Bersih’s eight demands, saying it is not serious in reforms.
“BERSIH doesn’t believe that they are ready to bring about change. If they (EC) are serious, they will work with the relevant groups to clean up the electoral roll,” Ambiga explained, saying the coalition has pointed out the many errors therein.
“The EC has also yet to implement even the ‘simplest’ demand of freeing the press. All it takes is a phone call to the editors to give everyone equal access to news coverage,” she pointed out.
“If they (EC) are not prepared to do something as simple as this, how can they ensure that the polls would be free and fair?”
The Registrar of Societies (ROS) has summoned Bersih activist Maria Chin Abdullah and Malaysian Bar president Lim Chee Wee to assist with investigations into human rights NGO Suaram, much to their bewilderment as they are not involved with the group.
NONEA steering-committee member of the electoral reform coalition Bersih, Maria (right) said the letter was sent to her office last Friday evening.
Lim received the letter today, when two officers came to his Skrine law firm.
Maria was not in at the time, so another letter was faxed to her house today.
Maria told Malaysiakini that she is not even a member of Suaram, although she supports the group’s actions and activities.
The probe is apparently connected to a report originating from Muar, Johor, against Suaram.
“I am perplexed. I asked whether my name was mentioned in the report and they said ‘No’. I am not a Suaram member and I do not know why they require a statement from me,” she said.
“I was only told by the ROS to attend the meeting scheduled for Wednesday. However, I have asked that it be postponed to Friday at their office in Putrajaya.”
NONEThe letter is similar to the one received by Lim (left), which states that the investigations pertain to dissatisfaction of the complainant with Suaram.
Following this, ROS requires them to give their statements and their presence was necessary to assist in its investigations.
ROS cited Section 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code in summoning Maria and Lim to provide their statements.
Maria, who is also executive director of the NGO Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (Empower), said as far as she know, she is the only leader from the Bersih steering committee being asked by ROS to have her statement recorded on Suaram.
Lim to seek legal advice
In recent months, Suaram has come under intense pressure from the authorities, and a six-agency task force is investigating its status and activities from different aspects.
The NGO, or its vehicle Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, has been the subject of an intense probe by ROS and Companies Commission of Malaysia after allegations surfaced that it receives foreign funding.
azlanSuaram, which is also one of the many NGOs aligned with the Bersih  grouping that is seeking electoral reforms, is the Malaysian complainant in the Scorpene submarine scandal currently being investigated by the French courts.
Lim also told Malaysiakini that he has told the ROS officer that he would seek legal advice as to whether he should attend the meeting fixed for Wednesday afternoon.
“I informed the officer that I will seek legal opinion on this matter before deciding,” he said, adding that just as Maria, he too was puzzled as to why the ROS was summoning him over a report lodged in Muar.
Lim had previously said there was nothing wrong with organisations receiving foreign funding as long as they complied with the law.
He said it was unfortunate that certain elements were questioning the motives and casting aspersions on foreign funding.
Even the Malaysian Bar, he had said, received foreign funding for specific projects.
ROS even summoned deceased politician
News came out last month that ROS had also required the presence of former DAP leader, the late Fan Yew Teng, to help in its probe into Suaram.
NONEThe problem is that Fan (right), although one of the founding members of Suaram, had died in 2010.
Also listed for investigation in the matter is Parti Sosialis Malaysia president Dr Nasir Hashim, who is one of the founding members of Suaram.
However, Nasir told Malaysiakinithat the meeting with the ROS, which was supposed to be held today, was postponed as his lawyers’ were could not be present.
“I was only briefly with Suaram and the ROS is requesting my statement,” Nasir said, adding he does not know when the next meeting with the ROS would be held.
ROS and CCM had earlier submitted their investigation papers on Suaram and Suara Inisiatif to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for further consideration on the possibility of legal action being taken against Suaram
‘Pro-Christian Anwar’ leaflets found on eve of ceramah
Mysterious leaflets alleging PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is a believer of religious pluralism, with a close relationship with Christian leaders, were distributed around Slim River this morning, a day before the opposition leader’s ceramah there.
NONEAccording to PKR Wanita exco member Chua Yee Ling, the leaflets, written in Malay, were mostly found at food courts and marketplaces. Some shop owners claimed that they received the leaflets in their mail boxes.”Our members received the leaflets defaming Anwar everywhere in Slim River town centre… they don’t know who distributed them,” she said when contacted.The most striking among them was a full colour eight page booklet ‘Anwar Ibrahim & Pluralisme Agama’ (Anwar Ibrahim & Religious Pluralism).
Religious pluralism is a belief that all religions should be treated as the same.
NONEThe booklet contained photographs of Anwar attending events hosted by the Christian community and interacting with prominent Christian leaders and priests who were circled in red for clarity.
Descriptions of the pictures were accompanied by captions of the events and the text passages constantly highlighted the fact that Anwar allowed the word ‘Allah’ to be used by the Christians.
NONEThere was also a photograph of Anwar paying his respects at the late Selangor state government aide Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral with a caption underneath stating, “As a follower of pluralism, practicing the religious ceremonies of other religions is a norm.”
One leaflet attacked Anwar over the use of a private jet during his campaign in Sabah, as well as the PKR campaign truck and bus, saying that he was “cheating the rakyat to lead a luxurious life” and questioning whether they were sponsored by the Jews.
Utusan Malaysia’s clippings of some of Anwar’s past quotes criticising PAS and DAP were printed on another leaflet.
No publisher or source was indicated within the booklet and other leaflets.
mediarakyat talkshow 160312 chua yee lingChua (right) believes the leaflets were distributed in conjunction with tomorrow night’s PKR ceramah where Anwar will be speaking to local residents.
“This is all done to scare the public and to create unrest,” she said, adding that of the 12 banners hung around Tanjung Malim to promote the ceramah, two were found missing and one had been slashed.
NONEShe was however confident that the people would come out to attend and listen to the ceramah regardless of the tactics used by the anti-Anwar faction.
Chua added that a police report will be lodged later in the afternoon and the security for tomorrow’s event will be increased.
Anwar will be speaking at Dewan Tokong Khai Kee Theng at Slim River tomorrow night followed by Dataran Tanah Lesen Parit Baru at Sabak Bernam on the same night.

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