Wednesday, October 31, 2012


MCA is anti-Islam

MCA President Chua Soi Lek playing destructive role of Utusan Malaysia seeking to frighten Chinese voters with lies and falsehoods in the same manner Utusan trying to scare Malay voter

The people in MCA should be charged for sedition. Trying to incite the Chins against another religion. They should not be let off scot free.
..They will use the principles of the Koran [sic], and Islamic ethics and values into the nation’s economic, social, and political culture,” he wrote, using the archaic English spelling for the Muslim holy book.
 -Chinese-only party MCA has launched a scathing attack on any attempt at inculcating Islamic values in governance, and warned non-Muslims that Quranic principles and Islamic ethics would form national culture if Pakatan Rakyat comes to power.
The warning was made by deputy chairman of the party’s publicity bureau, Loh Seng Kok, in a statement condemning an advisory by the Alor Setar Municipal Council that models on billboard should not appear scantily dressed.
Claiming that such a ruling was “detrimental to both the nation’s economic policies and competitiveness”, Loh went on to suggest that it also trampled on non-Muslim rights.
Events of the last few weeks have once again thrown into sharp relief why numerous commentators across the political divide, ideologies & cultures worry greatly about Islam. Some do not just worry; they fear.They worry about and fear an ideology that apparently simply because they have a difference of opinion or interpretation.They worry about an ideology that considers half of humanity somehow “lesser” than the other half[iii];What do the Muftis and the Imams have to say on all this? The vast majority keep quiet; some call for more “retribution” so the “infidels” can be taught a lesson. How can a religion whose leaders and followers openly call for the death of an alleged “blasphemist” call itself a “religion of peace”[viii]? Or is it “peace” only on our terms – and of our choosing?
A Pakistani mob has taken a man accused of blasphemy from a police station and burnt him to death, police say.
The man was being held for allegedly burning a copy of the Koran in public. The incident took place on the outskirts of Bahawalpur, in Punjab province.
Witnesses said hundreds of people looked on as he screamed for help.
Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy law imposes the death penalty for insulting Islam, but it is rarely carried out.
The area where the lynching took place is home to hundreds of madrassas – religious schools – run by radical Islamist or sectarian groups.
Police said they detained the man after locals complained that he had desecrated the Koran.
But before the allegation could be investigated, thousands of angry people surrounded the police station, police said.
“They were demanding that we kill him in front of them, or they’ll take him away and kill him themselves,” police inspector Ghulam Mohiuddin told the BBC.
After officers unsuccessfully tried to calm the crowd, it attacked the station, as police tried to disperse it with tear gas. Several policemen were wounded in the violence.
The mob put up roadblocks to prevent police reinforcements from reaching the area, officers said.
“We were totally outnumbered. There were too many of them and they were hysterical. Eventually, they succeeded in taking him away,” said one.
The man was reportedly beaten and dragged to the spot where he is said to have desecrated the Koran.
The mob then poured petrol on him and set him on fire, according to witnesses.
Police say they are trying to identify the victim, who was said to be mentally unstable.
“The man had no idea what was going on,” said an official.
“While he was in our custody, he kept laughing and chanting.”
A case has been registered against unknown attackers. No arrests have been made yet.

The MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek is playing the destructive role of Utusan Malaysia seeking to frighten Chinese voters with lies and falsehoods in the same manner Utusan has been trying in the past three years to scare Malay voters with its daily staple of lies and falsehoods.
The role of Utusan Malaysia, the official organ of UMNO, is to violate all ethics of journalism to systematically and unconscionably concoct and dispense lies and falsehoods about the DAP and the Pakatan Rakyat to stampede the Malay voters to vote solidly for UMNO.Innocence of Muslims: How fiction creates realityWe live in a world where the cultural production of symbols shapes who we are, what we do in our lives,
Why am I angry? MCA is nothing but a tool and a decor piece for big brother (and that is UMNO)!
Did they fight on behalf of the rakyat (people) or the political bully (UMNO)? Look at the MCA’s failures and actions.
1. Failure to get United Chinese School Examination (UCE) recognized.
2. Failure to settle the PKFZ issue.
3. Failure to condemn corruption and rent seeking in general.
4. Failure to said even a word when Teoh and othgers died in custody.
5. Failure to oppose negotiated tender at the national level. The hypocrites make lots of noise that no Chinese got DID contract in Penang.
6. Failure to oppose all the rent seeking projects, IPP’s, IWK, Syabas, highways.
7. Failure to condemn public land grab.
8. Failure to use MCA paper for transparency, but instead using it for propaganda.
9. Failure to condemn Utusan.
10. Failure to condemn Ibrahim himself.
11. Failure to response to Nazri’s comment that MCA is like an abused wife.
12. Failure to get scholarship for the many deserving and in need.
13. Failure to speak out against Christian bashing during the Allah issue.
14. Failure to support Bersih for a clean, free and fair elections, and instead took to lying (Tung Shin hospital) and apple polishing big brother.
15. Failure to speak out again AP’s and Proton. Both increase the costs of cars for all Malaysians.
16. Failure to advise Namewee, whose fault was using vulgar language to condemn racist principals.
17. Failure to speak out against the NFC scandal, of which MCA has a deputy minister.
18. Failure to speak out for the rakyat on the case of the Scorpene deal.
19. Threaten to withdraw from all government positions, if they get less seats than 2008.
20. Supporting all policies, even if they hurt the rakyat, as long as they get a share of the cake, perhaps some crumps will do.
21. Supporting football betting, just because his boss wants it, falsely claiming it to be non-Malay right. (It may be good for one Chinese, but what about the thousands who will suffer as a result.)
22. Supporting the Evidence Act, OSA, ISA, PPPA, EA and other repressive laws.
23. Supporting the man made water and electricity crisis in Selangor.
24. Supporting and maybe profiting from all the speed traps set up all along the highway. (We support speed trap as deterrence, not profit.)
25. Supporting hudud in Trengganu and Kelantan when it was passed in the state assembly. What hypocrites!
26. Becoming the tool of a political bully, by supporting blindly, (“through thick and thin”).
Consequently, I tend to feel MCA = Malaysian Company of Accomplices
By decree, Chua Soi Leg will now be known as Hudud Chua while Chua Tai Yeong will be Talam Chua.. Easy to remember…..
But some researchers have blamed the Umno-led counter-procession that began at the residence of then Selangor mentri besar Datuk Harun Idris for the violence.A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general publi
“Bersih condemns any act of violence by any quarters. I would say the 250,000 people yesterday came in peace and did not come for violence.
“All purported acts of violence only took place after teargas was fired. Until then, we had full control of the situation before it all went awry,” she said.

Soiled Dick Licky give up your position in MCA (Must Come Again) lah and lick me. Remember the old times? This time we change hotels so it’s harder to take pictures of us. And don’t worry about hudud, my darling. The DAP has strong principles and an equal voice in Pakatan, unlike your spineless party, my darling. Always sucking up to Najis. The only thing you should be sucking is between my legs, darling.

For instance, Utusan Malaysia had been publishing downright lies and falsehoods about the DAP,The politics of telling the truth Why has the mainstream US media failed to get past the rhetoric of political ads during this presidential campaign?
.The people in MCA should be charged for sedition. Trying to incite the Chins against another religion. They should not be let off scot free.
..They will use the principles of the Koran [sic], and Islamic ethics and values into the nation’s economic, social, and political culture,” he wrote, using the archaic English spelling for the Muslim holy book.
 -Chinese-only party MCA has launched a scathing attack on any attempt at inculcating Islamic values in governance, and warned non-Muslims that Quranic principles and Islamic ethics would form national culture if Pakatan Rakyat comes to power.
The warning was made by deputy chairman of the party’s publicity bureau, Loh Seng Kok, in a statement condemning an advisory by the Alor Setar Municipal Council that models on billboard should not appear scantily dressed.
Claiming that such a ruling was “detrimental to both the nation’s economic policies and competitiveness”, Loh went on to suggest that it also trampled on non-Muslim rights.
“It is preposterous for the Pakatan state government to come up with such guidelines, ignoring the rights of the Chinese community and other non-Muslims,” he said, adding that the instruction from Alor Setar mayor Mat Noh Ahmad was made “even without any amendments to the Constitution”, in an apparent reference to the argument that the Federal Constitution must be amended if Islamic criminal laws were to be introduced.
“This is against the interest of the non-Muslims, and will even affect the state’s economic development,” he added.
But the focus of the party’s latest attack appears to be Islamic values, and Loh did not mince his words voicing displeasure over a statement by PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Abdul Awang encouraging the incorporation of Islamic values in governance.
“…They will use the principles of the Koran [sic], and Islamic ethics and values into the nation’s economic, social, and political culture,” he wrote, using the archaic English spelling for the Muslim holy book.
“Thus I urge the Chinese community to not be fooled by PAS, and to not think that DAP representatives can prevent PAS from achieving their goal of hudud law if Pakatan takes over Putrajaya,” the statement added.
PAS Youth leader Nasrudin Hassan has decried the fact that MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek had been spared any action by the authorities over a spate of comments denigrating Islam and Muslims.
“Even worse, his ally UMNO has not done anything to defend the sanctity of Islam, let alone to take action against the MCA president,” Nasrudin wrote in Harakahdaily recently.
Nasrudin recalled a series of comments touching on Islam by the MCA leader, including his infamous remarks questioning Muslim women who prefer not to have skin contact with the opposite sex.
Apart from this, Chua was slammed by Muslims when in 2010 he linked corruption in Muslim countries to the fact that they were Muslim-majority nations. Later that year, during a visit to Kota Bharu, he expressed disappointment that shops there were closed for Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration.
To illustrate how UMNO has succumbed to MCA’s propaganda against Islam, Nasrudin (above) said a day after Chua had threatened to come out of Barisan Nasional if BN endorsed the Islamic capital punishment for serious crimes, or hudud, UMNO president Najib Razak declared that the laws would never be impelemented.
More recently, Nasrudin said other MCA leaders have also joined Chua in making Islamophobic statements.
In August, Selangor MCA chief Donald Lim Siang Chai voiced out against any attempt at forming an Islamic government during the state MCA convention in August. Earlier this year, Tourism minister Ng Yen Yen criticised the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) for disallowing Muslims from working at outlets serving liquor, while former Subang Jaya state representative from MCA Lee Hwa Beng was on record saying that Islamic state would impose ban on all other religions.
“The latest is by Kedah MCA chairman Chong Itt Chew who questions and mocks Alor Setar Municipal Council’s dress code requiring decent attire for models on advertisement billboards,” said Nasrudin.
“What is unfortunate is the fact that UMNO has kept silent in the face of its close ally MCA continously insulting and ridiculing Islam.”

The Barisan Nasional government has never raised the issue of hudud, the Islamic penal code, to be carried out in multi-religious Malaysia, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz told Sin Chew Daily in an interview published today.
Hudud has remained a sensitive touch point in Southeast Asia’s third largest economy, which has a 60 per cent Muslim population with political parties continuing to spar over the subject in the run-up to the 13th general elections.

Nazri denies the government has never raised the issue of implementation of hudud. — File pic
The idea of having an Islamic criminal code has been used to either scare away the minority Chinese voters, or shore up support among the majority Malay-Muslim community,  which is split three-ways among the ruling BN’s mainstay and the country’s biggest Malay party, Umno and the opposition’s Islamist PAS and PKR, seen as an urban liberal party. 
“We don’t have to say anything, look at our past record, we have never brought up this topic,” Nazri told the Chinese-language daily in an interview published today.
In June, a Johor Umno state assemblyman had proposed that hudud laws be carried out on Muslims and non-Muslims alike in the whole state, which immediately caused MCA to threaten to leave BN if the coalition implements the Islamic laws.
Kelantan and Terengganu have passed hudud as laws, but these laws have yet to be enforced because they go against the Federal Constitution.
MCA had previously warned that Muslim MPs would unite to amend the constitution in favour of hudud if Pakatan Rakyat takes over, but DAP’s Lim Kit Siang had dismissed it as a “lie” to stop the Chinese community from voting for the opposition.
Lim had said that there were only 130 Muslim MPs in the country, while 148 MPs are needed to make up the two-thirds majority for a constitutional amendment.
MCA had also repeatedly used the issue in its bid to drive a wedge between PAS and DAP, two parties in the Pakatan Rakyat federal opposition pact.
PAS has expressed its support for the implementation of hudud law, but DAP has said that it can only be done in a “Islamic state”, pointing out that the Federal Constitution states that Malaysia is a secular country.
BN has often pointed to the differing views of PAS and DAP on hudud as proof that PR is not united.
When asked to comment on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad saying BN’s hudud and PAS’ brand of hudud is different, Nazri asked: “Who is he? He is only the former prime minister, this is a country with freedom of speech, he can say anything.”
Dr Mahathir, who is also the former BN and Umno president, was previously reported as saying that PAS could realise its goal to set up an Islamic state and carry out hudud if it joined Umno in a bid to woo the Islamist party to the BN’s side.
The controversy prompted PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang to rise to its ally’s defence, pointing out that while the DAP opposed hudud, Umno had already rejected its implementation.

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