The Azmin Ali-Khalid Ibrahim fight Raja Petra Kamarudin Making a mountain out of a molehill
Either way Raja Petra Kamarudin,you are screwed. The point is to get the least amount of screwing and if you enjoy getting screwed then better to be screwed by someone you like. So against all odds ‘ we gunning for Khalid to win and hopefully he gets to keep his post because there are no winners if BN wins Selangor
a big section of media is supporting politicians.. It will create controversy on the each statement attribute motives to their every move. And, even if against all odds, in making monetary corruption as the main poll issue, it will not be able to stand before a job quota promise, demagoguery during election campaign. This has exposed how politicians across all parties stand united against any attempt to curtail corruption and how they ganged up to sabotage how different sections of the privileged class criticise each other in public but help each other behind doors. They may speak in different voices but deep inside all are united and protect each other’s interest. it is dirty. In fact, in common parlance, `politics’ has become synonymous with backbiting, hypocrisy, selfishness, lobbying for vested interest, cheating, nepotism, ditching, deception, manipulation, opportunism, sycophancy etc. The word politics is widely used today to describe `dirt’ in every sphere of life – be it an office or an organisation, sports or college, family or friends, an institution or a profession. If politics is regarded as a dirty today, it is due to the methods (money, mafia, might, media, and manipulation) adopted by politicians to win the elections and their conduct thereafter. A close look reveals that the election scene is almost the same from panchayat to parliamentary elections. Some may find it bizarre but there is a possibility that the wave of Mahahirism can be an attempt to divert public attention from the issue of corruption. The wave swept Malaysia just a day before reports of Comptroller and Auditor General were tabled in the parliament revealing a scam.It is agreed that the auditor-general should investigate with a fine tooth comb all aspects of NFC (National Feedlot Corporation), especially whether, on top of the RM250 million loan, was there anymore money spent in kind by the Agriculture Ministry for the development of the feedlot, such as the road leading to the farm, the water catchment system and the Napier grass planting.
Like a person facing personal challenges, it is what you do after the problem, and not the problem itself, that defines you.’It is not without reason that people worldover call “politics a game of scoundrels”. Why point the finger at everyone and everything else? You have RM250 million at your disposal. If you have been promised an abattoir but none is forthcoming, what should you do? You pester the other party to build one.
What if that party is recalcitrant or is unable to oblige? You build it yourself. Surely, an abattoir cannot cost very much. In any case, you need it, and it will be your company’s asset.
But you did not do any of that. Instead, you have used the loan to finance activities and purchases that have nothing to do with the purpose for which it (the loan) was granted.
In addition, you have displayed a typical bumiputera style of going into business, i.e., showing off even before breaking even and never mind making profits.
Imagine such things as paying each of the young punks totally clueless about the business a monthly salary of RM20,000 to RM30,000, and having an office in an upmarket section of Kuala Lumpur.
Is this latest blame game another attempt to muddle up the core issue of suspected CBT? to curb corruption. These politicians know that electoral politics depends more on religion and communal combinations, and use of money and mafia,
Public memory is short. voters forgets things in a short span because he/she has a lot to think about and do to survive in life. fight against corruption, should be kept alive,Problems of corruption and dereliction of duties committed by civil servants and state employees are always there. There are no excuses for the wrongdoers, but what is important here are the reactions and the remedial actions of the government in question.
The delay in an export quality abattoir (EQA) is immaterial as the loan was given for the development of a feedlot so that the country would be partially self-sufficient of beef (God only knows, as all the cattle are still bought from Australia and not bred in Malaysia).
Public memory is short. voters forgets things in a short span because he/she has a lot to think about and do to survive in life. fight against corruption, should be kept alive,Problems of corruption and dereliction of duties committed by civil servants and state employees are always there. There are no excuses for the wrongdoers, but what is important here are the reactions and the remedial actions of the government in question.
The delay in an export quality abattoir (EQA) is immaterial as the loan was given for the development of a feedlot so that the country would be partially self-sufficient of beef (God only knows, as all the cattle are still bought from Australia and not bred in Malaysia).
The money was not given for NFC to export its beef. If that was the original idea, then NFC should not be given any loan from the government.
It looks as if NFC could not even produce enough beef profitably for a home market, with a shortage of freshly slaughtered beef, let alone compete with other beef-producing countries in the export market. The NFC chairperson is obviously running another red herring. Please don’t blame Pakistan for the communal disturbance. It can do nothing without the help of insiders.
Kim Quek
Prime Minister Najib Razak’s refusal to disclose the donor of the S$16 million contraband cash seized at the Hong Kong International airport, following his minister’s earlier acknowledgement of the cash as donation to Sabah Umno, has only heightened suspicion over the web of deceit and cover up of high corruption in the corridor of power.
His minister Nazri Aziz had earlier (Oct 11) given a written reply in parliament denying that the said S$16 million cash was Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s money, claiming that it was a donation to Umno party in Sabah instead, even though the carrier of the cash, Michael Chia Tien Foh, was a well known personal agent and close associate of Musa Aman, as will be elaborated later.
In a further attempt to dismiss the notion of any impropriety over the episode, minister Nazri added in his statement that the Malaysian Anti-Corrupition Commission (MACC) has concluded that “no element of corruption was proven”.
However, this statement has glaringly contradicted MACC’s latest stance on the issue, aired only a few days earlier.
Answering questions by reporters on the sideline of the recently concluded Sixth Conference of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) in Kuala Lumpur, MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations) Shukri Abdul said on Oct 5: “The investigation against Musa is on corruption and we have completed the investigation, but the panel has instructed us to get more evidence.”
By “the panel”, Shukri Abdul was referring to MACC’s operations review panel, which instructed the operation division to collect further evidence against Musa after being presented with the report on the case during the panel’s last sitting in May.
While MACC’s head of investigation is claiming that it is still in the midst of investigation, how could minister Nazri claim in the same breath that MACC has concluded that there was no evidence of corruption?
Obviously, one of the two is lying; or more likely, both are lying, as there is no credibility in what these two gentlemen have said, if we were to take into consideration the full circumstances of the case.
Nazri is unlikely to have told the truth, as he couldn’t have known more than the head of investigation.
As for Shukri, how serious can we take his word that MACC couldn’t come to a conclusion despite four long years of investigation into a simple case of someone caught red-handed while smuggling an enormous sum of laundered cash? After all, evidence galore in the Internet of the intricate network of money flow originating from timber corruption in Sabah with Michael Chia as one of the focal points of the trail that eventually ends up in Musa Aman’s personal account in UBS AG in Zurich. In fact, a flow chart showing these money movements complete with account details was produced by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), a copy of which has been conveyed to MACC, according to Sarawak Report website, which has also posted the chart in http://www.sarawakreport.org/2012/04/hold-on-trust-for-aman-more-devastating-evidence-from-the-icac-investigation/. It is not difficult to see from this elaborate network of bank accounts and money transactions that the S$16 million incident is only the tip of the iceberg of a clandestine operation to siphon massive timber corruption money from Sabah.
Apparently, ICAC has also forwarded its findings to MACC, and requested for inter-country co-operation to wrap up the case, but such attempt was reportedly blocked by Attorney General Gani Patail.
Can MACC deny that it is in possession of the fruits of ICAC’s laborious investigations into the case including the said money flow chart that conclusively crucifies Musa Aman? Perhaps the parliamentary select committee on corruption should summon MACC chief commissioner Abu Kassim to answer this question.
Adding to the credibility crisis of the duo – Nazri and Shukir – is the blanket denial by Musa Aman of all allegations against him.
Responding to Sarawak Report’s various allegations that among others, Musa’s two sons studying in Australia regularly received timber kickbacks from bank accounts controlled by Chia, Musa flatly denies these in a written statement on April 12, 2012 that reads:
“I deny all these allegations. I wish to put it on record once again that I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia”.
Musa’s denial, however, was contradicted by banks statements produced in the Singapore High Court in a civil suit (Suit No.752 of 2010/N) in June that was brought by Chia’s former associate and now adversary involving a money dispute.
To defend its position in the dispute, UBS AG produced bank statements that clearly showed that Musa’s sons Mohammed Hayssam Musa and Hazem Musa Hazem Mubarak Musa were regular recipients of money remitted from accounts of companies which Chia claimed to be under his control. These British Virginia registered shady companies with large amount of unaccounted for cash regularly flowing mysteriously through their accounts are obvious vehicles of money laundering.
Thus both UBS AG and Chia, out of the necessity to defend their respective positions, had unwittingly produced in court evidences that tell us that Musa Aman has told a blatant lie that he has no link whatsoever with Michael Chia. More than that, these bank documents also collaborate documents in Sarawak Report’s possession (including the abovementioned flow chart) that regularly surface in its frequent exposure of Musa Aman’s nefarious ventures as the notorious timber baron of Sabah.
Interestingly, according to Sarawak Report, these secret reports are leaked documents from not only ICAC, but also from MACC, which has carried out a parallel investigation on Sabah timber corruption, following the arrest of Michael Chia in Hong Kong on 14 Aug 2008 for money smuggling and laundering.
Judging from MACC’s long silence and inaction despite the wealth of evidence of Sabah timber corruption in its hands, it is not difficult to visualize the limitations under which it has to operate.
Prime Minister Najib Razak certainly didn’t help matters with his curt refusal to divulge the source or any information that may lessen the gravity of this scandal. In that encounter with the press after chairing the Barisan Nasional supreme council meeting on Oct 12, he even tried to sanitize this sordid incident by saying “every political party has the right to receive political donation as long as it is done in a proper way”. He added that the amount of the donation is irrelevant, repeating the proviso that “as long as it is done in a proper way”.
It really boggles the mind to think that the Prime Minister could consider such bizarre fashion of conveying donation as “the proper way”.
May we remind the Prime Minister that money smuggling and money laundering are serious criminal offences, for which Michael Chia would have been prosecuted, convicted and jailed and the cash confiscated, if not for the Malaysian government’s refusal to extend its co-operation to the Hong Kong authorities.
And since Michael Chia is only a courier, the master for whom he serves – Umno – is even more guilty.
In any democratic country, law enforcers would have swung into action following the Prime Minister’s open admission of such association of breach of law; but of course, in Boleh Land, this is business as usual – nothing to make a fuss about.
This latest scandal is only one of many that have been incessantly popping up lately despite the imminence of a crucial election. It only serves to reinforce the hard fact that our self-styled “reformist” Prime Minister’s many “transformations” he claimed to have brought to the nation are more illusion than substance.
As for his vision of “best democracy” and “developed nation” status in the near future, is it not a land too far to reach?
Robert Vadra is not a part of the ‘mango people’. He is ‘khas’. And, why not? He is son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi, who is not only Congress president but also chairperson of the UPA coalition ruling the country. In other words, the most powerful person in India. Vadra is in the eye of the storm these days following allegations of amassing wealth by using his ‘influence’ to get ‘favours’ from a private company and through other ‘corrupt means’. Though he has denied allegations, we don’t known whether he is right or wrong. And, since no probe has been ordered by the government, the truth will never come out.
However, the Congress leaders have come out in open defending Vadra. For them, by leveling allegations against Vadra, the India Against Corruption (IAC) and Opposition parties have attacked the Nehru-Gandhi family. This explains why the Congress leaders are vying with each other to target the IAC and the Opposition for daring to raise fingers at the first family of the party. The competition among the Congress leader is to show who is more loyal, not to the country, but to Sonia Gandhi. Ironically, nobody in the Congress today remembers the real “Gandhi” in the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty — Feroze Gandhi.
A freedom fighter, true patriot, a politician and above all a self-respecting person, Feroze Gandhi was son-in-law of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister. Nehru at that time was the most powerful person in the country but it could not deter Feroze to expose the first major financial scam `Mundhra Scandal’ of India in 1958. Despite being in the ruling party, he disclosed in the Lok Sabha how a minister in Nehru cabinet flouted norms to make the government-owned Life Insurance Corporation of India purchase shares worth Rs 124 lakh of private companies belonging to the industrialist Haridas Mundhra.
The explosive disclosure led to a public outrage across the country and Nehru was forced to appoint a commission headed by retired chief justice of the Bombay high court, Justice MC Chagla, to probe the matter. The judge conducted the probe in an open place allowing `mango people’ (aam aadami was khas then) to witness the hearing. The fair probe which lasted for two years led to imprisonment of the guilty. Today, closed-door inquiries have become a norm in which convictions and punishments are rare. Forget about an open hearing, the Congress leaders are not even ready to listen a word against Vadra.
The entire Mundhra episode was a big embarrassment for Nehru. The then finance minister was forced to resign. Nehru, it is believed, wanted to handle the matter secretly but Feroze blew the lid off. Indira had married Feroze against the wishes of her father. Later, the couple separated. When Feroze exposed the scam, many said that it was because of the strained relations. However, people who knew Feroze said that he did what his conscience told him to do. In fact, it was a golden opportunity for Feroze to bargain for political gains but he chose the right path. The stand added to the popularity of Feroze among masses.
Feroze was elected to the Lok Sabha from Rae Bareli in Uttar Pradesh twice — 1952 and 1957. He groomed the constituency and worked for the people. After his death, Indira made Rae Bareli her constituency. And, till date, if Rae Bareli and Amethi are stronghold of the Congress, it is because of Feroze. Today, Sonia Gandhi represents Rae Bareli and her son Rahul — Amethi. But the family rarely gives credit to Feroze for their victory. It was unfortunate for the country that Feroze did not live long. He died at the age of 48 years. Had he been alive today, I wonder what he would have said on the Vadra issue.
Feroze was born rebel. He left comfortable life to fight for country’s independence and was jailed several times. Apart from Mundhra scandal, Feroze exposed several other cases of corporate corruption. Lauding his revolutionary zeal, Mahatma Gandhi said that India can be free in seven days, if he has a few men like Feroze. When Feroze exposed the scam, Nehru had the guts to order probe and take action. But in case of Vadra, the Congress is not ready to hear even a single word against the first family. The worst part is that today not only the Congress but people of the country have also forgotten Feroze.
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