sincerely hope Sabahans will throw out BN/UMNO for good no matter what Najib offers. His attitude of you help me I help you does not work in his favour anymore. All are lies from a confirmed False Democrat. Sabahans are not stupid to fall for his lies. Bersih on Merdeka Day. Count me in and let's see if they are going to fire on us with water cannon and tear gas in this Ramadan month. For the Merdeka countdown, all must go with yellow T-shirts for the Merdeka celebration. When the government can play politics, the rakyat also can play politics.The BN government should use ‘Janji to Tipu Lagi' as their slogan - this will be much more appropriate and believable and hence attract a much greater number of patriotic Malaysians.Christian Pastors, please pray and must do ground work, and that will help to make change for the better. Make sure money from the corrupt doesn't fill to the brim.SHORT TERM GAIN BUT LONG TERM SUFFERING FOR GENERATIONS NON-STOP! Let us patriotic Malaysians have the largest-ever Merdeka celebration on our National Day. Let's Bersih on Merdeka Day. you can't fault what these guys are trying to achieve. An oppressed human spirit will return with a vengeance. A sea of yellow listening to poetry on the eve of Merdeka DayRazak using NECC changed M'sia in 1970's and NEP etc hijacked fairness to poor , all as humans and M'sia became an apartheid country lah. and umno & BN cronies enriched themselves till today, but you still have lots of malays, chinese, indians , orang asli ,natives in E.Mal who remain poor as they aren't croniesNajib, you have repaid us handsomly by selling the nation defend secret to foreigner, buying unsinkable submarine so that you can receive handsome bonus, killing unborn child and Korean woman with C4 bomb, buying $24million diamond ring, promises us that Malaysia can become one (one Malaysia) never happens, tried to silent demonstration for fair election Bersih and many others. Thankyou for your inaction. Just Fuck off.You are supposed to be the prime minister of Malaysia, but you are ignorant even of Malaysia's basic history. Sabah DID NOT join Malaysia. Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and Malaya GOT TOGETHER TO FORM Malaysia. Sabah and Sarawak were to be equal partners of Malaya and Singapore, but your Umno broke the agreement and the two states became colonies instead. Sabah's decision to be a partner in the entity that was to be formed greatly contributed to the economy—the economy of West Malaysia. You have stolen Sabah's wealth. Most people know it has become the poorest state. There is no point for you to keep lying to Sabahans. They know now that you are a liar. They know now that all these years they have been screwed by the BN.Too Little Too Late! Why make promises now after 50 years of exploiting Sabah? Only idiots will believe him.
No point closing the gate after the kambing have escaped. The only advice I can offer you is: go on TV, confess all your crimes, beg the rakyat's forgiveness, and then be man enough to face the consequences. Only then will you stand a tiny chance of regaining your credibility and the people's respect. Your Father did took over the PM post after pushing Tunku after May 13. Yet He was humble serve the nation of all race fairly.Many in UMNO was mostly of teachers like Gaffar Baba with simple life style work for the Rakyat.After the 4 PM all things when hay hire.Now UMNO goons are so corrupt,cornies,abuse of power with bilion.millions.Now its all selfserving in UMNO namely Like Illegal IC citizen in millions.Only under presure now that sabah is for Sabahan wants want RCI over donkeys years and most of all why is SABAH the poorest state in Malaysia over 50 years with that much recourse oil and gas timber yet no good rood ,Infrastructure,sabahan papa poor esp MUSA and UMNO goons.Rather face UMNO let Sabah party govern the state as well take over the issue RCI like the immigration under their control.After 50 years stop pleading you do not derserve such call and Sabahan should shoot you off rightwayYou Help Me I screw You! that is the real thing. Going there to offset Anwar's trip. Perhaps he will get the immigration authorities to ban Pakatan people and send them back to KL. After all mongolian records can be wiped out before. Malaysia Boleh!
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad Anak Lelaki Iskandar Kutty of humble peasant origins in Kerala, India has done it again!
He has shot himself in the foot, as usual, and this time by pontificating sanctimoniously on the issue of citizenship in Malaysia.
Patently, it’s not fair to the Malayalees who so far have been considered people with more than their fair share of grey matter. Mahathir is giving them a stink that they can no longer bear. They should seriously consider ex-communicating him from the tribe as someone who has unfortunately inherited the worst of both worlds i.e. the Malayalee and the Malay.
There has always been something more than warped logic about Mahathir, twisted being the term that readily springs to mind. This can be put down to the fact that he doesn’t have his head screwed on quite right and this is reflected in his personality and character being chronically under-developed, having never really arisen from the sub-human sub-species level.
Illegal immigrants in heaven right now after Mahathir
The illegal immigrants in the country meanwhile feel that they are in heaven right now, Mahathir’s words bringing great comfort to them, being sweet music to the ears. They know who to “vote’ for come the 13th General Election which must be held by April/May next year but can be delayed until Oct/Nov 2013 if Parliament’s five-year term expires without dissolution.
Until now, the illegal immigrants have been inclined to heed Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s warning to them not to take part in the voting process, and in return, they won’t be deported unceremoniously WHEN the ruling party in Putrajaya tumbles, as expected, from power.
The members of the Election Commission – keepers of the cleanest electoral rolls in the world -- have also been living thus far in fear that the illegals won’t come out to vote and that means they will be hung soon from the ceremonial lamp posts lining the roads in Putrajaya.
All’s well that ends well!
Mahathir, the Father of all Illegal Immigrants, has confirmed that the country will be handed over to them at the ballot box and Malaysians including the Orang Asal and the Bumiputera, reduced to being their slaves, being drawers of water and hewers of wood in perpetuity. These Malaysians also include those who have been denied their citizenships despite the Federal Constitution or who are considered stateless, an issue raised time and again by Hindraf Makkal Sakthi which is now seeking British citizenship for them in Court in the United Kingdom.
Mahathir, disingenuously, is echoing what the illegal immigrants from the Philippines and Indonesia have long been saying and increasingly in belligerent tones: “If the Malaysian Government can give citizenships to Indians and Chinese – children of the British Empire --, why can’t they give it to us too especially when we LOOK like Malays?”
Illegal Filipinos claim that they are not illegals
Filipinos in Sabah have gone one up with an additional “excuse” to cover up the fact they routinely enter the country illegally i.e. without valid travel papers: “Sabah belongs to the Philippines. So, we are not illegals here. We are in fact staying in our own country. You guys – meaning the Orang Asal as well -- are the illegals in our country which Malaysia has stolen from us.”
Given such thinking cast in congenital and pathological lies to comfort themselves, one Rodinood who claims to be Sultan of Sulu and Sabah, used to make routine rounds of the stalls at the Central Market in Kota Kinabalu to “collect taxes” for his non-existent government.
The illegals from the Indian subcontinent are not far behind the Filipinos and Indonesians either: “If the Malaysian Government can give citizenships to Indians in Malaysia, why can’t they give it to us too especially when we don’t LOOK any different from the Indians in Malaysia?” The Muslims from the Indian subcontinent are particularly demanding with an eye on passing themselves off eventually as Malays and thereby Bumiputera – son of the soil – and hopefully graduate to the higher Orang Asal (Native) status.
There are illegal immigrants from China and other countries as well in Malaysia – white illegals have been rounded up too in the Bangsar and Ukay heights areas in Kuala Lumpur – but we are not sure what their pathetic excuse, if any is. The whites, if they are British or Anglo-Saxons, would probably claim they used to rule the country during the British Raj and have a right to be here.
Going one up on the illegals, Mahathir is saying that there’s no reason why those who have stayed a very long time in Malaysia and speak Bahasa Malaysia should not be given citizenships. If these people are not given citizenships like the people who only speak Chinese, according to Mahathir, then it boils down to politics, prejudice and racism!
Najib Administration should distance itself from Mahathir’s statements
Since when did politics, prejudice and racism determine who should or should not be given citizenships in Malaysia?
Since when did looking like Malay, staying a long time in Malaysia and speaking Bahasa Malaysia automatically qualify one to become citizens in Malaysia?
Up to this point in time, until Mahathir “enlightened” us, we had always thought that it was the Federal Constitution which determined eligibility for citizenship. So, it seems that without Mahathir, we would all continue to live our pathetic lives like the miserable morons that we all are and wallow in ignorance and apathy, if not tidakapathy.
The Najib Administration, sitting on the proposed Royal Commission of Inquiry confined to Illegal Immigrants in Sabah, should distance itself from Mahathir’s statements on citizenships and prove once and for all that it’s not made up of gutless wonders.
Mahathir’s Law of the Jungle cannot replace Federal Constitution
This assumes that the Federal Constitution – the Malayan one masquerading as that for Malaysia -- has not been ignominiously thrown into the dustbin and we are being ruled by Mahathir’s Law of the Jungle which, among others, reads: no need to enter the country legally; no need for Entry Permits, Work Permits, temporary residence IC, permanent residence IC and no need to apply for citizenship by naturalization; can get local birth certificate giving a place of birth in Malaysia after having being born somewhere abroad in some god-forsaken country – just make out a false Statutory Declaration swearing born in Malaysia and just make sure to register as a voter and vote for you-know-who etc etc, and if possible, get five MyKads each to go for the overkill but leave the extra ICs you-know-where until polling day.
Before we rush to the High Court of Malaya or Borneo to get a point of law ruling on Mahathir’s statements on citizenships, let’s publicly debate an issue which has been flogged to death in the wake of Mahathir’s departure from Putrajaya.
Mahathir could have only learned what little he knows about the law and the constitution by frequenting the teh tarik stalls run by the mamak community who actually run Malaysia under the ingenious guise of Ketuanan Melayu (Malay political supremacy).
Mahathir makes a virtue out of ventilating his ignorance in public
He makes a virtue out of ventilating his ignorance in public.
That’s because there are any number of people in the country who think that only pearls of wisdom can come forth from Mahathir. He has a divine monopoly from heaven on this wisdom and therefore qualifies by some kind of warped logic to be considered “God’s Gift to Malaysia and the Malays”.
Like the conmen who graduate to become godmen and prey ion the vulnerable, there are enough people in Malaysia who worship the very ground that Mahathir walks on. It won’t be surprising if they petition the Pope at the Vatican before too long to ordain him as a Living Saint since Islam is considered as a protestant branch of Christianity.
Why does Mahathir keep doing these things i.e. mouthing absolutely outrageous statements? Is it because there’s no law against shooting oneself in the foot? It’s not only getting to be more than a little annoying with foot-shooters like Mahathir running amok but extremely tiring as well.
It’s high time that the law on getting blatant falsehoods published is strengthened – fair trial before being shot in the public square, hung, fried, shot again and fed to the swines -- and invoked and the book is thrown at miscreants, so to speak.
Opposition groups in Bangladesh are threatening mass protests if the government does not explain what has happened to one of their politicians.
The Bangladesh Nationalist Party has accused security forces of abducting Ilyas Ali, a former member of parliament and a rising star of the opposition, who disappeared more than a week ago.
Ali is an outspoken critic of the government and has organised several mass protests.
Political turmoil escalates in Bangladesh amid growing calls for an independent investigation into the mysterious disappearance of scores of opposition activists.
The BNP, Bangladesh's main opposition party, organised protests across the country after one of its regional leaders, Elias Ali, went missing on April 17.
On 29 April, 2012, at least nine bombs were detonated in central Dhaka during a nationwide protest. About 100 opposition officials have been charged with carrying out the explosions at key government locations, while 27 others were arrested for violence, including Sirajul Haq, an ex-junior health minister, and Kamruzzaman Ratan, a former BNP student wing leader. Police have raided the homes of several top opposition members and some opposition leaders have gone into hiding.
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Human rights groups claim more than 100 opposition figures have gone missing since Bangladesh’s transition to democracy over four years ago. And local rights group Ain-O-Salish Kendra say that at least 22 people have disappeared this year.
The elite anti-crime force Rapid Action Battalion, which has earned praise because of its fight against some radical Islamic groups in recent years, has been blamed for many disappearances. Ali is the highest profile opposition politician to have disappeared since Sheikh Hasina, the Bangladeshi prime minister, and her Bangladesh Awami League took power in January 2009. Today, the personal rivalry between Sheikh Hasina and opposition leader Khaleda Zia has split the country and analysts say the rule of law is weak with too much power allocated to security forces. As the political crisis deepens in this country of 160 million people, critics say not only its democracy but also its economy is at risk. Meanwhile, the opposition party and its 17 other allies say they plan to enforce "tougher" anti-government protests. They accuse police of using excessive force both during the recent anti-government protests and in police detention. Last August, MU Ahmed, an opposition lawyer, died in police custody. His wife Selina has filed a murder case against several high-ranking police and government officials. Statistics show that since the ruling Bangladesh Awami League came to power, murder in police custody has increased. Activists claim police are spared legal action as they act on directives from ruling party leaders. But the government denies the allegations.
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