Yusof Zainal Abiden is lead prosecutor in Sodomy II.
He volunteered his services as Anwar Ibrahim’s political assassin…
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Look what a fine mess he’s got himself into! |
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Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s lawyers today accused Datuk Seri Najib Razak of being responsible for the current sodomy charge against the PKR de facto leader, claiming that the prime minister’s “fingerprints” were “all over” the case.
Anwar has repeatedly accused Najib of being involved in the Sodomy II trial, and has called it a conspiracy to destroy his political career.
Lead defence counsel Sankara Nair today reiterated Anwar’s claims, pointing out that complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan had admitted to meeting Najib in 2008, when the latter was still deputy prime minister, days before the alleged sodomy act took place.
The lawyer also argued that there were many “inconsistencies” with the prosecution’s case, and questioned not only Saiful’s credibility, but that of other prosecution witnesses as well.
“It is as clear as daylight that the fingerprints of Datuk Seri Najib Razak are all over this sordid plot notwithstanding the desperate attempts by various quarters to smudge them,” Sankara said during his closing submission of the defence’s case.
The lawyer said the meeting between Saiful and Najib at the latter’s official residence back in June 2008 gave rise to a “suspicion of some foul play at the very least and at worst some nefarious machination at work.”
Sankara charged that the prime minister gave “contradictory” answers to the media when asked about the matter, first stating that Saiful had come to see him about obtaining a scholarship and, later, changing it to a public statement that Saiful went to see him to complain about “alleged misdeeds” by Anwar.
“Why did Najib not come clean the first time he was asked about this? What was there to hide? Why did he have to resort to lies?” said Sankara.
Adding to the suspicions of a conspiracy, said Sankara, were SAC Datuk Rodhwan Ismail’s and former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s “involvement” in the case.
The lawyer questioned the reason behind Rodhwan meeting Saiful just before he lodged a police report against Anwar, as the former was not the investigating officer at the time.
“One story that defies us here is how SP1 (Saiful) got hold of TS Musa’s number. Apparently he overheard a conversation between Datuk Khairil Anas or an aide and Najib where Musa’s number was mentioned and he saved it in his handphone upon overhearing the conversation.
“This, again, is an insult to one’s intelligence,” said the lawyer.
Sankara also pointed out the fact that Najib and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor had applied to set aside a subpoena to appear in court as defence witnesses, saying that they should not have done that if there was “nothing to hide.”
“If the premier and Rosmah had no relevance to this case, why then did investigating officer DSP Jude Pereira record their statements? This is not just our conclusion. It is also the conclusion of the public and at large,” he said.
Another defence lawyer, Ramkarpal Singh, said there was no evidence to confirm that the DNA from Male Y found on rectal swabs taken from Anwar came from sperm cells.
Ramkarpal said the DNA could have been easily obtained from the mineral bottle, toothbrush and “Good Morning”-brand towel retrieved from Anwar when he was detained overnight on July 16, 2008 at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters.
Saiful accused the PKR de facto leader of sodomising him at the upmarket Desa Damansara Condominium in Damansara Heights here on June 26, 2008.
Anwar has repeatedly denied this, and opened his defence case by calling the sodomy charge a trumped-up allegation masterminded by Najib.
The former deputy prime minister said Najib wanted to end his political career and the hopes of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) taking over the federal government.
His lawyers had named 25 witnesses who included Najib, Rosmah and Musa.
.Karpal also blasted the AG’s Chambers: “Never before in the history of the country or in the Commonwealth has a DPP had an affair with the star witness”. The brave legal tiger forgot for a moment that he was in MALAYSIA, where everything is beyond human comprehension!
Shouldn’t the DPP instantly yell and deny and act against the defamer?… Isn’t this another indication of the lead prosecutor’s evasiveness? … and the credibility of the prosecution plunging to an all-time low, ….. I’m sorry if the Attorney-General’s office is going to be caught in a bind when .
COMMENT Judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah’s rejection of the defence’s request to put complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan and DPP Farah Azlina Latif on the witness stand despite the duo’s complete failure to respond to allegation of sexual relations between them is most regrettable. For it is another black mark on the long-running, scandal-ridden Anwar Sodomy Trial II, thus reinforcing the universal perception that the trial is nothing but political persecution for Anwar Ibrahim. What would a deputy public prosecutor do when he or she is accused of sleeping with the complainant in a criminal trial, if the allegation is false? Shouldn’t the DPP instantly yell and deny and act against the defamer?
What is your take on this DPP if he or she chooses to steadfastly act deaf and dumb despite the fact that the controversy sparked by his or her alleged misconduct has raged relentlessly for almost three weeks?
And what is your take on Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail and the prosecuting team who insist they know nothing about the affair and also that the DPP has done nothing wrong despite Gani’s incongruous act to quickly bundle her away not only from the prosecuting team but also from the prosecuting division of the Attorney-General’s Chambers?
Mind you, we are not talking about an ordinary criminal trial, but possibly the most important trial in our history involving the fate of the highest-profile political leader of the country, the outcome of which may sway the course of history for many years to come.
Prosecution smacks of dishonesty
Under the circumstances, shouldn’t Gani be duty-bound to the nation to come clean and say outright whether the allegation is true or false? What choice do we have other than to impute dishonest intention and dishonourable conduct on the part of the prosecution over its prolong ambiguity over such an important issue?
Who would believe prosecution team leader Solicitor-General II Yusof Zainal Abiden when he professed no knowledge of the affair though he and DPP Farah had been working together as a team on this case for six months and meeting almost every day, and all he needed to do was to ask Farah whether the allegation was true? Don’t tell me Yusof never asked her, or that she never answered, or that he had no means of finding out the veracity of the allegation. For that would be a blatant lie.
Having failed the honesty test over his dubious stand on the Saiful-Farah liaison, Yusof had very little credibility left when he claimed that this unethical and illicit relationship had absolutely not caused any injustice to Anwar.
In the first place, why didn’t he get Farah and Saiful to file an affidavit in defence against Anwar’s affidavit seeking the dismissal of the case? There is absolutely no reason to use only third parties to rebut Anwar, when the principals are alive and well and fully capable of speaking for themselves. In the absence of a satisfactory explanation to this anomaly, how much weight can we attach to these third-party affidavits?
Then, failing to get the affidavits from the principals, why did Yusof get his subordinate DPP Hanafiah Zakaria and investigating officer Supt Jude Pereira to file their affidavits, instead of doing it himself, since as team leader he should be more knowledgeable and his words more authoritative? Isn’t this another indication of the lead prosecutor’s evasiveness?
Unbelievable claim
The prosecution claimed that Farah’s function as a prosecutor in the team is strictly confined to taking down notes during court proceedings and categorically declared that she had never had access to any investigating document or any meeting throughout her six months of participation as a team member. As such, the prosecution claimed that she knew virtually nothing that could be of help to Saiful, neither could she have exerted any influence over the course of trial.
Keeping in mind that Farah is a qualified lawyer and a prosecutor officially appointed for this trial, is it credible that she could take this humiliation of only being allowed to work as a menial clerk and denied any opportunity to function as a legal officer? Does it make sense for the Attorney- General’s Chambers to engage a qualified lawyer, make her a prosecutor but force her to work only as a clerk? Isn’t this a waste of talent and public funds and an unjust treatment of a fellow legal officer? Why should the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General II have done a horrible thing like this? Will these two gentlemen please answer these questions before they expect the people to believe even a word of what they claim?
Is it conceivable that during the six months on the case as a DPP, she has never had the opportunity to see any document of relevance or heard or participated in conversation or discussion relating to the case? Was there any strict order that she be barred to all these? If not, how can anyone be certain that she knows nothing of consequence to the prosecution case?
Naïve to ignore sexual passion
The prosecution assured the court that they were absolutely sure that Farah had not communicated any information to Saiful that the latter was not entitled to know. Have they been keeping a 24-hour watch on this couple including what happened within the bedroom? If not, how can they be so sure?
Are we so naïve that we are unaware of the power of sensual love between two individuals? Have we forgotten the lessons of history when many an empire and kingdom rose and fell because of the passion ignited between a man and a woman? If Saiful and Farah are lovers, which no one has denied, no court of law should accept any assurance that the prosecutor has not infringed the ethics of her profession.
It is puzzling how Judge Zaibidin had arrived at the conclusion that justice is better served by not allowing the principal actor and actress to come forward to say their piece and expose themselves to scrutiny.
With many swirling questions remaining unanswered and the credibility of the prosecution plunging to an all-time low, what can we interpret from the prosecution’s vehement objection to call the duo as witnesses, and the judge’s endorsement of such an objection?
Have these officers of the court forgotten their sworn duty to seek truth and defend justice at all times?
Isn’t it true that the prevailing public perception now is that the court is fearful of the truth being exposed?
Now that the court has shut the door to learning the truth from the horses’ mouth, what alternative is left to salvage the honour of the court and our judicial system other than to dismiss the case and spare the nation the agony of watching infamy in the making?
Keeping in mind that Farah is a qualified lawyer and a prosecutor officially appointed for this trial, is it credible that she could take this humiliation of only being allowed to work as a menial clerk and denied any opportunity to function as a legal officer? Does it make sense for the Attorney- General’s Chambers to engage a qualified lawyer, make her a prosecutor but force her to work only as a clerk? Isn’t this a waste of talent and public funds and an unjust treatment of a fellow legal officer? Why should the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General II have done a horrible thing like this? Will these two gentlemen please answer these questions before they expect the people to believe even a word of what they claim?
Is it conceivable that during the six months on the case as a DPP, she has never had the opportunity to see any document of relevance or heard or participated in conversation or discussion relating to the case? Was there any strict order that she be barred to all these? If not, how can anyone be certain that she knows nothing of consequence to the prosecution case?
Naïve to ignore sexual passion
The prosecution assured the court that they were absolutely sure that Farah had not communicated any information to Saiful that the latter was not entitled to know. Have they been keeping a 24-hour watch on this couple including what happened within the bedroom? If not, how can they be so sure?
Are we so naïve that we are unaware of the power of sensual love between two individuals? Have we forgotten the lessons of history when many an empire and kingdom rose and fell because of the passion ignited between a man and a woman? If Saiful and Farah are lovers, which no one has denied, no court of law should accept any assurance that the prosecutor has not infringed the ethics of her profession.
It is puzzling how Judge Zaibidin had arrived at the conclusion that justice is better served by not allowing the principal actor and actress to come forward to say their piece and expose themselves to scrutiny.
With many swirling questions remaining unanswered and the credibility of the prosecution plunging to an all-time low, what can we interpret from the prosecution’s vehement objection to call the duo as witnesses, and the judge’s endorsement of such an objection?
Have these officers of the court forgotten their sworn duty to seek truth and defend justice at all times?
Isn’t it true that the prevailing public perception now is that the court is fearful of the truth being exposed?
Now that the court has shut the door to learning the truth from the horses’ mouth, what alternative is left to salvage the honour of the court and our judicial system other than to dismiss the case and spare the nation the agony of watching infamy in the making?
By Martin Jalleh
It seems that for the past few days the Attorney General (AG)’s Chambers have become somewhat like a boiler room after being hit by one steamy story after another. The AG, Gani Patail, has been going bonkers, berserk and ballistic, as a result of an unexpected hard blow below the belt by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK).
The famous whistleblower, lid-blower and blogger had dropped a bombshell by alleging that the AG has been bonking the head of one of his divisions. Such news blew many away but RPK said their sexploits were nothing new. Many in the AG’s Chambers have chosen to turn a blind eye to their boss’ bonking.
The AG and partner have allegedly saved the nation’s taxpayers money, as they would blissfully bunk, bonk and bond in the same hotel room during their frequent trips abroad.
We should not be bogged down by who is bonking whom, but when such basic or base instincts are allegedly displayed by the nation’s top legal officer it becomes the rakyat’s business!
This is especially so when the AG has been bonking from high moral ground of his Office whilst trying hard to banish Anwar Ibrahim into political oblivion with a bull-loaded sodomy charge.
Bonking Binge
The sex opera began with RPK alleging that the prosecution’s star witness in Anwar’s Sodomy II trial, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, was bonking Farah Azlina Latif, a deputy public prosecutor (DPP) involved in the case.
Was RPK bluffing? The AG begged not to comment but instead bundled Farah off to another division. Saiful and Farah bound themselves in silence, though Saiful could not stop babbling about the truth finally prevailing (and it really did!).
Anwar lodged a police report alleging that the “bonkers” had breached the law, especially the OSA. Karpal Singh, Anwar’s lead lawyer, said the couple, if innocent, should be bold enough to verify what they have been accused of. The Court was duty bound to allow him to question them in Court.
Karpal also blasted the AG’s Chambers: “Never before in the history of the country or in the Commonwealth has a DPP had an affair with the star witness”. The brave legal tiger forgot for a moment that he was in Bolehland, where everything is beyond human comprehension!
The AG betrayed himself when he passed the baby on to Solicitor-General (SG) II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, who told the Court that the prosecution was totally blur on the bonking. He accused Anwar of making “bare allegations” and insisted there was no miscarriage of justice!
Karpal countered that Anwar had “bare facts” and “hard evidence” that the two had bared and bonked. He urged the Court not to go soft on the prosecution. The naked truth they could stand no more – is that their absolute lack of integrity has been exposed and credibility stripped to the very core!
The SG who was in the best position to respond to Anwar’s affidavit seeking the dismissal of the case, or require Saiful and Farah to file an affidavit, bewildered everyone by passing the buck to his subordinate DPP Hanafiah Zakaria and Investigating Officer (IO) Supt Jude Pereira.
As expected, the Court, which has been perceived by the general public as subserviently doing the bidding of the political masters, bowed and bent backwards, much to the pleasure of those in the AG’s Chambers.
Judge Zaibidin Diah found Anwar’s allegations of the Saiful-Farah’s sexual affair to be true but he ruled that the relationship did not compromise the case. He based this solely on the affidavits of the DPP and the IO. He rejected Anwar’s application to strike out the sodomy charge.
We are asked by the Court to believe that Farah, a qualified lawyer, chosen to be on the high-powered prosecution team, to assist in such a high-profile case, was merely a note-taker and beyond reasonable doubt was not privy to crucial information on the case!
Further, surely the learned judge knows that great empires have fallen when forbidden secrets were released by a lover during pulsating and passionate bonking moments and pillow talk. From the charge sheet and on to the bed sheet surely much would have been spilled!
As for DPP Hanafiah, Karpal told the Court that the DPP’s very own credibility was in question, alleging that the latter had had a second marriage in Thailand, and had tried to “legalise his marriage in Kota Bahru” and is therefore “guilty of committing an offence under the Syariah law”!
The IO had said that all investigation papers were strictly under his control. But who can trust the police nowadays? Even the Kota Kinabalu Sessions Court had described Jude Pereira’s boss, IGP Musa Hassan, “an incredible witness whose evidence is not to be believed”!
Monsters & Masterminds
The rakyat’s heart goes out to Janna Syariza, the fiancée of Saiful. Once when referring to the sodomy case, she had very bravely declared that she will stand by her man through the “monstrous battle that is looming ahead”, not realising that a “monster” was standing next to her.
RPK has also alleged in a blog posting “Just when you thought it is safe to go into the water”, that Saiful is also bonking Khairil Annas Jusoh, an aide of Najib. The man had proudly posed with the sodomy accuser outside the PM’s office when the latter went there “to apply for a scholarship”!
RPK revealed that after a one-month marriage, an on learning about the affair, Khairil’s wife left him and “divorce is certainly on the cards”. Will Janna Syariza, the fiancée of Saiful, be able to stomach and survive this third “storm”? She can be assured of the sympathies of many Malaysians.
One cannot but feel also for the fiancé of Farah who according to the Malaysian Chronicleis the assistant head of the prosecution unit in a northern state. They were engaged last year. Their marriage was due to take place on July 9.
A day before the marriage was due to be solemnised she asked for a cancellation, leaving her fiancé who had already sent out all the invitation cards stunned and heartbroken. Farah must have realised that she had gone too far!
Before we could even recover from the revelations of the shocking sex scandals of those who allow themselves to be used by the masterminds to destroy Anwar politically, RPK serves yet another sex sizzler and it involves the Attorney General himself!
Gani Patail must not remain silent. He must speak up and reveal whether it is just a spin (just like when almost everyone first thought that the Saiful-Farah sex liaison was one?). Not only his credibility and integrity is at stake, but also that of the Office of the Attorney General…and even the government!
Strangely enough the country’s self-appointed moralists and religious authorities have also been very silent on the sex fest that has taken place. There have been no screams or shouts of zina or khalwat or interviews and investigations to be conducted. Perhaps they have all grown up?
If such secret sex trysts are really going on amongst those in the Chambers of the AG what would be left of the public’s trust!
Yusof Zainal Abiden is lead prosecutor in Sodomy II.
He volunteered his services as Anwar Ibrahim’s political assassin…
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Look what a fine mess he’s got himself into! |
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Few will forget July 17 2008, the date when investigating officer Jude Pereira said he took a statement from the First Lady Rosmah Mansor over Saiful Bukhari Azlan complaint’s that he was allegedly sodomised by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in June 2008.
No doubt, Saiful denies he ever met Rosmah. And government prosecutors solemnly assure us this ‘fact’ is correct - he never met her!But then, Saiful and her husband Prime Minister Najib also once said they never met each other. But later, they admitted they did – i.e. Najib did meet Saiful and Saiful did meet Najib!
Will Saiful and Rosmah later recant? After all, why should the police take her statement if she is not involved?
The sorry plot thickens. This time the First Lady is implicated in this most farcical of trials in Malaysian history. She is like the rabbit which is caught in the headlights of a car. Her involvement which was disclosed via Pereira’s admission, adds a new twist to this sorry saga.
Is Pereira foolhardy or simply doing his job in telling the truth so that he will not commit perjury? Others before him have lied through their teeth and been awarded inducements behind the scenes. Is this the first breakthrough in Sodomy II?
Those who have been following the trial will agree that Saiful sounds like a person who should be put in a straight jacket, then committed and have the key to his padded cell thrown away. He seems to revel in telling the whole world that he has been sodomised and conveniently points his finger at Anwar.
But when the medical examinations are done, his own semen is found in his rectum along with a whole load of other people’s semen. Apart from the distasteful disclosures of ejaculate being found on the outside of his clothes, does this guy have hair-trigger problems?
The First Lady’s statement must mean her involvement is damning. It is puzzling that someone who is nothing more than a teaboy in the office can be whisked straight away to meet the First Lady. And her husband.
Saiful who claims to have been sodomised was reported to have run into the arms of the First Lady. She may deny it but is her home that accessible to members of the public who have something to complain about? Is she the mother of all compassionate counselors? Otherwise what is so special about Saiful then? Is she his protector or has she designs on younger men?
Few people believe that Saiful can be sodomised by a man with a bad back. Never mind the ludicrous plot, even the actors are wrongly picked.
Is there anything that the First Lady does not involve herself in? She has been criss-crossing the globe and covering all those events that do not need her presence at all. Even her specially dedicated team called the F.L.O.M. attracted criticism that her hubby had to withdraw it from his website.
The First Lady went to the Middle East and talked about all the talented children but ignored all those girls who had been raped in the Sarawak rainforest.
She stood in for her husband when he had chicken pox and met the Australian premier and the US Secretary of State.
Now that we are told the First Lady has some sort of involvement in Sodomy II, perhaps Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak was never ill with chicken pox. Perhaps she told him to be isolated in the ICU so that she could have an excuse to meet the Julia Gillard and Hillary Clinton.
The odd appearance at the last round of by-election campaigning to ask the public if she had the “face of a liar” is a stupid act. If she accepted the crowd’s silence as an agreement, then she is more foolish than she looks. Of course no one will admit that to her face.
The First Lady has been involved in some dicey scams before – who is to know she actually phoned up her so called buddy the King of Saudi Arabia? All this name dropping is so pat as we have no means to verify if this is true or not. Perhaps it was done to make us think she is important, with friends in high places.
Other incidents like making the Hollywood actor Robert De Niro come into the country incognito is another publicity stunt. It is to increase the First Lady’s popularity ratings, principally among the rural voters.
How many other pies has the First Lady got her finger in? And will this First Lady score a first by being asked to appear in the witness stand?
All eyes are on Monday’s resumption of the Sodomy II trial, where defense lawyers acting for Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim are likely to ask the court to call on both DPP Farah Azlina Latif and complainant Saiful Bukhari Azlan to take to the stand over allegations they had an affair – which could jeopardize the fairness of the trial.
“I believe the defense team is still weighing the best way to move forward. But an application to probe the extent of Saiful’s relationship with the DPP may be the first step,” PKR vice president Sivarasa Rasiah told Malaysia Chronicle.
“The Attorney-General cannot expect us and the world at large to take his word as good that she had no access to the Investigation Papers or any information that could help Saiful.”
Case also hinges on Saiful’s credibility
Apart from possible unfair advantage, the sex scandal also casts a question mark on Saiful’s credibility as a key witness. This is an important point because the government’s case against Anwar hinges on Saiful’s testimony.
If the allegations are true, then Saiful would have cheated on his fiancee. Experts said such unreliability of character not only adds to the doubt already surrounding his testimony, but should render it void in the interests of justice and fair play to the person he has accused – Anwar.
“Saiful is accusing Anwar of having sodomized him. No one saw them – we only have Saiful’s word for it. And despite his having taken an oath in the mosque, Saiful has been found lying before. It is not the first time,” Siva said.
“So the question of morality cannot be evaded. There are serious questions about his character and his credibility as a witness especially with this latest affair. Before that, he denied meeting Prime Minister Najib Razak prior to lodging the police report against Anwar. Najib also denied meeting him, but when photos started to appear, both he and Saiful admitted to meeting in Putrajaya.”
Did Saiful cheat on his fiancee?
Both Saiful and Farah were already engaged to be married to respective partners. News has emerged that Farah broke off her engagement and allegations are rife it was because of Saiful.
Nonetheless, despite the possibility of gross misconduct, Anwar’s defense team led by Sankara Nair can expect to face tough resistance from both the court and the Najib administration.
In fact, many prominent civil society leaders, including lawmakers from United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, have already labeled the case a sham trial.Their criticism splashed all over cyberspace and the international press has shamed the country.
“The Najib administration will surely fight Anwar all the way. It is clear they want Anwar to lose. They want to lock him up and throw away the key,” PKR strategic director Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
“From day one, there was mala fide. They insisted on the trial even though there was no evidence of anal penetration, and till now, they are denying the defense access to key information in the case.”

Sodomy circus turns into a sex opera!
By Martin Jalleh
It seems that for the past few days the Attorney General (AG)’s Chambers have become somewhat like a boiler room after being hit by one steamy story after another. The AG, Gani Patail, has been going bonkers, berserk and ballistic, as a result of an unexpected hard blow below the belt by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK).
The famous whistleblower, lid-blower and blogger had dropped a bombshell by alleging that the AG has been bonking the head of one of his divisions.Such news blew many away but RPK said their sexploits were nothing new. Many in the AG’s Chambers have chosen to turn a blind eye to their boss’ bonking.
The AG and partner have allegedly saved the nation’s taxpayers money, as they would blissfully bunk, bonk and bond in the same hotel room during their frequent trips abroad.
We should not be bogged down by who is bonking whom, but when such basic or base instincts are allegedly displayed by the nation’s top legal officer it becomes the rakyat’s business!
This is especially so when the AG has been bonking from high moral ground of his Office whilst trying hard to banish Anwar Ibrahim into political oblivion with a bull-loaded sodomy charge.
Bonking Binge
The sex opera began with RPK alleging that the prosecution’s star witness in Anwar’s Sodomy II trial, Mohd Saiful Bukhar, was bonking Farah Azlina Latif, a deputy public prosecutor (DPP) involved in the case.
Was RPK bluffing? The AG begged not to comment but instead bundled Farah off to another division. Saiful and Farah bound themselves in silence, though Saiful could not stop babbling about the truth finally prevailing (and it really did!)
Anwar lodged a police report alleging that the “bonkers” had breached the law, especially the OSA. Karpal Singh, Anwar’s lead lawyer, said the couple, if innocent, should be bold enough to verify what they have been accused of. The Court was duty bound to allow him to question them in Court.
Karpal also blasted the AG’s Chambers: “Never before in the history of the country or in the Commonwealth has a DPP had an affair with the star witness”. The brave legal tiger forgot for a moment that he was in Bolehland, where everything is beyond human comprehension!
The AG betrayed himself when he passed the baby on to Solicitor-General (SG) II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, who told the court that the prosecution was totally blur on the bonking. He accused Anwar of making “bare allegations” and insisted there was no miscarriage of justice!
Karpal countered that Anwar had “bare facts” and “hard evidence” that the two had bared and bonked. He urged the Court not to go soft on the prosecution. The naked truth they could stand no more — is that their absolute lack of integrity has been exposed and credibility stripped to the very core!
The SG who was in the best position to respond to Anwar’s affidavit seeking the dismissal of the case, or require Saiful and Farah to file an affidavit, bewildered everyone by passing the buck to his subordinate DPP Hanafiah Zakaria and Investigating Officer (IO) Supt Jude Pereira.
As expected, the Court, which has been perceived by the general public as subserviently doing the bidding of the political masters, bowed and bent backwards, much to the pleasure of those in the AG’s Chambers.
Judge Zaibidin Diah found Anwar’s allegations of the Saiful-Farah’s sexual affair to be true but he ruled that the relationship did not compromise the case. He based this solely on the affidavits of the DPP and the IO. He rejected Anwar’s application to strike out the sodomy charge.
We are asked by the Court to believe that Farah, a qualified lawyer, chosen to be on the high-powered prosecution team, to assist in such a high-profile case, was merely a note-taker and beyond reasonable doubt was not privy to crucial information on the case!
Further, surely the learned judge knows that great empires have fallen when forbidden secrets were released by a lover during pulsating and passionate bonking moments and pillow talk. From the charge sheet and on to the bed sheet surely much would have been spilled!
As for DPP Hanafiah, Karpal told the Court that the DPP’s very own credibility was in question, alleging that the latter had had a second marriage in Thailand, and had tried to “legalise his marriage in Kota Bahru” and is therefore “guilty of committing an offence under the Syariah law”!
The IO had said that all investigation papers were strictly under his control. But who can trust the police nowadays? Even the Kota Kinabalu Sessions Court had described Jude Pereira’s boss, IGP Musa Hassan, “an incredible witness whose evidence is not to be believed”!
Monsters & Masterminds
The rakyat’s heart goes out to Janna Syariza, the fiancée of Saiful. Once when referring to the sodomy case, she had very bravely declared that she will stand by her man through the “monstrous battle that is looming ahead”, not realising that a “monster” was standing next to her.
RPK has also alleged in a blog posting “Just when you thought it is safe to go into the water”, that Saiful is also bonking Khairil Annas Jusoh, an aide of Najib. The man had proudly posed with the sodomy accuser outside the PM’s office when the latter went there “to apply for a scholarship”!
RPK revealed that after a one-month marriage, an on learning about the affair, Khairil’s wife left him and “divorce is certainly on the cards”. Will Janna Syariza, the fiancée of Saiful, be able to stomach and survive this third “storm”? She can be assured of the sympathies of many Malaysians.
One cannot but feel also for the fiancé of Farah who according to theMalaysian Chronicle is the assistant head of the prosecution unit in a northern state. They were engaged last year. Their marriage was due to take place on July 9.
A day before the marriage was due to be solemnized she asked for a cancellation, leaving her fiancé who had already sent out all the invitation cards stunned and heartbroken. Farah must have realized that she had gone too far!
Before we could even recover from the revelations of the shocking sex scandals of those who allow themselves to be used by the masterminds to destroy Anwar politically, RPK serves yet another sex sizzler and it involves the Attorney General himself!
Gani Patail must not remain silent. He must speak up and reveal whether it is just a spin (just like when almost everyone first thought that the Saiful-Farah sex liaison was one?). Not only his credibility and integrity is at stake, but also that of the Office of the Attorney General…and even the government!
Strangely enough the country’s self-appointed moralists and religious authorities have also been very silent on the sex fest that has taken place. There have been no screams or shouts of zina or khalwat or interviews and investigations to be conducted. Perhaps they have all grown up?
If such secret sex trysts are really going on amongst those in the Chambers of the AG what would be left of the public’s trust!
As someone said elsewhere, Shahrir, you’ve ‘mutated’. I’d rather say that you have evolved like the rest of us. You are now caught between the real you and the need to show love and loyalty for your party.’

It has been hotter than usual in Malaysia this past month. The temperature has soared to 38 degrees Celsius and most of us are cowering in our air-conditioned offices, going out only when we absolutely have to.


Well En Latif, your daughter’s courier tumbling down forever. To make it worse, Saiful may say that your daughter is the one to rape him! just like DSAI case. Be a good dad to do the right thing; make a police report now before your family name tainted. Unless you’re as cool as Saifool’s dad!my sympathies for Farah … poor girl (woman?) is either a pawn or a love-struck whatever! so, i would not hasten to cast doubts on the DPP’s case. but there’s nothing to prevent the powers that want DSAI finished throwing all … including “innocent” people. so, DPP, open your eyes, stiffen your spine, tighten your kidneys … and do the right thing.
there’s no sodomy, there’s only political power abuse. don’t increase malaysia’s already bad image on the international stage — as if the submarines, the Paris hiltons etc are not enough to make me, at least, feel shame and hesitate if ever asked: ARE YOU MALAYSIAN?Saifool is like a wild male cat during mating season and one who has been caged and hidden for months like criminal ….. (detained in the house of Mumtaz J) at TTDI. So when he is out, he just grabs a
What is most surprising is that the accusations made so far is so general without any specifics. The AG has already blinked his eyes and jumped!!
Does the AG knows more than us the public and it took the allegation for him to jump? Is she going to come out with the statement that she was ordered to do be “Witness Relations Officer” so that the witness does not turn hostile?
Can we expect Chapter 2 and 3 and 4 to come from those who have made the allegations? Is the AG considering withdrawing the case? For if he does not, may be he may also become directly implicated in the affair?
Is this why the PM has decided to take a quick holiday to be far out of Saiful’s sight, in case he comes back fro more advice?
All these are quite intriguing for us concerned rakyat. We do not want to see a miscarriage of justice. Perhaps the poor sweet looking DPP girl is also a victim? Who knows? . We are all anxiously waiting for answers!!.

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