Former PKR supreme council member Badrul Hisham Shaharin shrugged off popular pro-Umno blogger Papagomo’s threats to release a “career-killing” video of him commenting on a purported sex video featuring PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, and challenged him to release it in full.
Let go of your inhibitions, get more vocal and play some games. Read on to find out what else can help you add that zing to your love life...
Truly overwhelmed with the feedback that The Dirty Picture is receiving. It’s taken the audiences by storm. I smile when I hear people calling it a game-changer and myth-buster. Somewhere it gives Badrul Hisham Shaharin Team added confidence to back conviction. That's the only way to create good, compelling content.

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The drunken and womanizing pictures of sons of the UMNO politicians
Is it just a coincidence that when this blog post controversial pictures relating to Malaysian politicians it is block by Blogger? It would be nice if Blogger/Google actually send an email saying why they keep blocking the blog after interesting pictures relating to Malaysian politicians are posted. If the GutterUncensored.comis not being constantly block because of controversial pictures relating to Malaysian politicians, Blogger/Google should say what is that reason. They have the admin email to do so. And as for those Malaysian politicians that are behind the bullshit, screw you. Below are a few pictures sent in by a contributor several months ago and are said to be of Nazri Aziz in a compromising position with a young woman that may or may not be his wife. These pictures were lost in 300 gigs of files but since the blog was blocked we had some time to search for them. You assholes pressure Blogger again to blocked this blog you will just be giving the authors of this blog more free time to search for more things you might not like. The othercompromising position pictures were included in the same submitted set of Nazri Aziz with the young woman on top of him but the contributor did not say who they are. The photos below those are a fewe blocked two days ago. I think Nazri Aziz‘s has a better taste for girls than his father but to each his own. The drunken and womanizing pictures of sons of the UMNO politicians UMNO BLOGGERS don’t fuck around with this taxidriver Why you think Edison Chen left this blog alone? That Edison Chen is a very smart man, too bad the politicians in Malaysia are idiots. Pussy loving, whore fucking, secret mistress having rich men but still idiots. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Is it just a coincidence that when this blog post controversial pictures relating to Malaysian politicians it is block by Blogger? It would be nice if Blogger/Google actually send an email saying why they keep blocking the blog after interesting pictures relating to Malaysian politicians are posted. If the GutterUncensored.comis not being constantly block because of controversial pictures relating to Malaysian politicians, Blogger/Google should say what is that reason. They have the admin email to do so. And as for those Malaysian politicians that are behind the bullshit, screw you. Below are a few pictures sent in by a contributor several months ago and are said to be of Nazri Aziz in a compromising position with a young woman that may or may not be his wife. These pictures were lost in 300 gigs of files but since the blog was blocked we had some time to search for them. You assholes pressure Blogger again to blocked this blog you will just be giving the authors of this blog more free time to search for more things you might not like. The othercompromising position pictures were included in the same submitted set of Nazri Aziz with the young woman on top of him but the contributor did not say who they are. The photos below those are a fewe blocked two days ago. I think Nazri Aziz‘s has a better taste for girls than his father but to each his own. The drunken and womanizing pictures of sons of the UMNO politicians UMNO BLOGGERS don’t fuck around with this taxidriver Why you think Edison Chen left this blog alone? That Edison Chen is a very smart man, too bad the politicians in Malaysia are idiots. Pussy loving, whore fucking, secret mistress having rich men but still idiots. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Contrary to popular belief, enjoying a great sexlife is not all about possessing technical skills. What is more important is to be able to let go and enjoy the act with your partner. Most people will agree that the key to having fun in bed is to have an equally enthusiastic lover. You need to be able to shut out the rest of the world and focus on enjoying yourself with your partner. Forget about the worries of the day and just concentrate on having a great sensual experience.
Here are some tips to help you let go in bed:
Live in the moment
Create the perfect romantic ambience for you and your lover. Make sure that your space is clutter-free so that while you are getting intimate, your mind does not wander to household bills or pending office work. It's hard to be unrestrained in bed if you are concerned about other things.
Ensure that there are no distractions. Turn the lights dim, put the phone off the hook and play some soft music; anything that can help bring out the passion. Concentrate solely on the intimacy that you and your partner share. Grab your lover close and stroke your partner's hair. Once you reach a certain comfort level, you will be all set for a wild night.
Make some noise
You don't have to be silent when you and your partner are having sex. Flirting a little and whispering sweet nothings can add to the mood. Turn your partner on by telling him/her what you like. There is no need to feel inhibited and sharing each other's thoughts only serves to increase intimacy. Say something naughty or seductive to your partner. Try doing something different in bed. The whole idea is to let go of the awkwardness and bring out the desire in you. Just remember not to be fake and learn to let go of yourself a little.
Play games
To truly enjoy yourself while having sex, you need to be an active participant and adopt an eroticattitude. Why wait for your lover to always take the lead? Instead, try being the boss in the bedroom for once and let your lover know exactly what you want. Being in charge will give you an added sense of confidence and a great rush. It will catch your lover by surprise.
Try something new in bed from your usual routine. Watch an erotic film together or purchase some sexy lingerie that will make you feel more attractive. Dress up as a character from your partner's fantasy or try feeding each other fingerfoods . There are no hard and fast rules - just let your imagination run free.
Nice UMNOand MCA bitches! And they do whatever he want them to do.
Get bolder
Research says that individuals who are submissive during sex experience lower levels of arousal. When having sex with your lover, try to be at ease. Forget about how you look or what he/she may be thinking and just be yourself. Surrender yourself to the moment and you will realise that you and your lover can have a real good time in bed.
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