BY THE TAXIDRIVER Misgovernance: a fish rots from the head down When you’ve dug yourself into a deep hole using a pickaxe, it’s tough to dig yourself out using a toothpick. That, in essence, is the UPA government’s predicament: the harder it tries to extricate itself from the quicksand of the 2G spectrum scam, the … Read more

Kenneth Easwaran was the Chauffer for Clement D'cruz in JB.. Some big time 'crook' developer...
After his death, Kenneth got a 'package deal', widow, properties held in trust and the kids as well...... He screwed up his boss big time and now he's Datuk Ken, living somewhere in Kajang Country Hts, I think..
He also did some numbers in Seremban-an abandoned Hotel project...
Bottom line - they are all conmen - flocking together, of birds of a feather.
Businessman Datuk K.K. Eswaran, who has close ties with Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s family, is behind the new cable television venture Nilamas Corporation Sdn Bhd, which is to start service as early as the first half of next year, say industry sources.
The Malaysian Insider understands that the company, which expects to spend RM2 billion to challenge satellite TV operator Astro for a share of the local market, has now been renamed Asian Broadcasting Network Sdn Bhd. The new brand will be launched next month.
“Datuk Kenneth Eswaran (picture) is behind this venture and his ties with the first family have ensured he got fast approval for the required licences,” an industry source told The Malaysian Insider,referring to the Indian businessman’s preferred name.
Dear Justinlian, I agree with you. I know the Chinese are scared. I know the Indians are scared. Actually everybody is scared. Even UMNO is scared that they won't last a day in jail, when they get caught.
The only problem is, all these scared people are doing only one thing. Staying scared, and hoping that it would all go away. It won't.Malaysia needs to wake up, get up, and do something. The only question is "What do we do?"
I say we boycott all Najib's Businesses for now. Begin with CIMB Bank. Transfer all your money into other banks. Let CIMB collapse. Look, since when does 52% of depositors not count?
Then one by one, we'll shut Najib down. He cannot last forever. Why put money in a bank owned by a Mongolian
The only problem is, all these scared people are doing only one thing. Staying scared, and hoping that it would all go away. It won't.
I say we boycott all Najib's Businesses for now. Begin with CIMB Bank. Transfer all your money into other banks. Let CIMB collapse. Look, since when does 52% of depositors not count?
Then one by one, we'll shut Najib down. He cannot last forever. Why put money in a bank owned by a Mongolian
Those close to the venture confirmed Eswaran’s interest, pointing out that Nilamas shares two common directors with the businessman’s main corporate vehicle, Pinehill Pacific Berhad. The two are former top civil servants Tan Sri Mohamad Noor Abdul Rahim and Datuk Nik Mohd Amin Nik Abu Bakar.
“Eswaran is politically connected. It’s no surprise he got quick approvals but he now has to launch it,” another industry source said, confirming the new brand name launch is slated for next month.
Eswaran is the deputy executive chairman of Pinehill Pacific, where he is a substantial shareholder. The company has made a few name changes from its original Benta Plantations to Best World Land Bhd in 1995, a year after Eswaran came in, and then renamed Multi Vest Resources Bhd in 2000. It took its present name last January.
The businessman was elected president of the Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MAICCI) in June 2008 and was linked to Najib’s family by popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, who edits the Malaysia-Today news portal.
The Star daily reported last week that Nilamas had secured all the requisite licences to offer digital cable TV in the country, and will compete in the pay-TV space with Astro All Asia Networks plc (Astro) and several IPTV providers including Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM).
The set-up cost for the cable network offering is expected to be more than RM2 billion over a five-year period and Nilamas, according to sources, is looking at a 40:60 equity-debt combination to fund its venture.
Rosmah does not know what to do. She’s confused. She desperately wants Guruji back. Especially now when Najib’s enemies are unsheathing their swords to strike the fatal blow. And despite Najib’s supercool appearance, Rosmah, more than anyone else, knows that her man is on the verge of losing his nerve. And she hates the fact that more and more, Najib is dancing to Mahafiraun’s tune. She’s convinced that if Guruji was here to work his magic on the old fart, it will be the other way round : Najib calling the shots. As far as Rosmah is concerned, Mahafiraun can off. He’s history. Bad news to the people. Najib, on the other hand, is just moments away from achieving her ambition.
That’s right. Her ambition. And she has not sacrificed so much for so long to let it all slip away just because her man can’t keep his pee-wee in his pants. Oh, she knows Najib only too well. She told him after the Ziana scandal that if she ever so much as heard of another rumour of him scewing around, Najib and his dick would soon be parted. And for a while after, it appeared as if Najib was behaving himself. Until he had to go get himself entangled with that Russian translator.
But Rosmah is confused because her confidante is against the idea of bringing Guruji back. Yes, Kenneth Eswaran has told Rosmah that she and Najib would be better off if Guruji just disappeared from the face of the earth. And Rosmah has great regard for Kenneth’s opinion on these matters. The two of them have so much in common.
Both Rosmah and Kenneth screwed to get to where they are. No, no, they did not screw each other. At least I don’t know if they did. No, Kenneth was banging his ex-boss’s wife whilst the old bugger was in self-exile overseas to avoid the authorities in relation to some shady deals. And Rosmah, sweet Rosmah, was bonking Najib’s brains out whilst he was still married to Tengku.
And they’ve both got blood on their hands. Well not quite on their hands. They got others to do the dirty work. Kenneth arranged to have someone bash his ex-boss’s head in and then married the old bugger’s widow whilst Rosmah arranged for her hubbies bodyguards to shoot Altantuya from up close. Whilst Rosmah watched. And she watched the body blown to smithereens. And she savoured every moment.
Kenneth says Guruji must die. Guruji knows too much about Rosmah and Najib. And about Altantuya.
Guruji must die. Kenneth will see to it. If Rosmah gives the green light.
And poor, poor Rosmah doesn’t know what to
She will C4 anyone that go against her Hubby and herself...... no wonder more and more missing cases in Malaysia.....
Kenneth too knows too much. Maybe it his turn next. To be blown to high heavens.
Well, it is said that "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world", but here we have a manupulative hand that is bent on power irrespective of the journey to achieve
Been a stale few weeks - RPK still where he is, world financial turmoil, politically still "archee-archor". At least this article is damm good reading!
Retired navy chief and former armed forces chief Admiral (Ret) Tan Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor is one of the directors of the company, which has invested in a building in Puchong for its broadcasting centre.The newspaper also said the new station plans to offer entertainment and educational programmes with an interactive focus.
Nilamas secured the requisite licences to offer subscription broadcasting in the country from the industry regulator, Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission, on August 11 and with this licence it is allowed to offer broadcasting services for a fee.
The company also has network facilities licences that will allow it to build up a network and also a network service provider licence. The licences are valid for five years.
It has begin hiring people and already has a chief executive officer, television industry veteran Sreedhar Subramaniam, who had served as chief financial officer in NTV7 and also as chief executive of The Malaysian Insider.
The Star quoted sources as saying the company now has 20 people and is looking to expand to 800 by the time of its launch.
Sources also said the company was in talks with numerous content providers but added that it might find it difficult to secure content already sold to competitors such as Astro and TM.
Astro began service in 1996 with 22 channels and took a decade to break even. It currently broadcasts some 125 pay-TV channels in four major languages including eight channels in high definition across Malaysia and Brunei to more than 2.93 million households.
Sources told The Malaysian Insider that the new venture would use fibre for its backhaul which will be leased from fibre operators such as TM, Time dotCom Bhd, Tenaga Nasional Bhd, Fiberail and Fibercom.
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