Not one word of sadness about the death of the girl. Not one word of sympathy to her family. What really happened to her appears to be of no concern to you ARB although you knew her well.
All you are concerned about is trumpeting your "victory" and also with "repaying" the favour done for you by Najib.
How would you know that Najib and his wife "NEVER" met Altantuya?
How do you know that?
Were you with Najib 24 hours a day for the past 5 years?
Obviously you cannot say that Najib "NEVER" met her with such 100% authority.
Once again you show yourself as a liar, a lowlife with psychopathic nature.
You are a walking freakshow.
YEP.....from a most unlikely source, I have been reliably informed.....straight from the Steppes of Inner Mongolia comes this conversation. I was also reliably informed that this was sent to Malaysia Today as a sequel to the letter sent by Altantuya's father. Read on
The following text message correspondence is between YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, and Dato' Shafee Abdullah, a Malaysian lawyer who initially represented Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda who is on trial for abeting the murder of Mongolian national, Altantuya Shaariibuu.
While it does not answer lingering questions about Najib's alleged past relations with Altantuya, the text messages show clearly Najib's active intereference in the case very early on. The messages highlight Najib's willingness to speak with both members of the Attorney General's Chambers and Inspector General of Police about the case, something that suggests an abuse of executive power.
What is particularly revealing and troubling is that the counsel, Shafee, keeps asking Najib for details indicating some political intervention that may have influenced the case. This observation is strengthened by Najib's message to Shafee on 16 November 2006: "Pls do not say anything to the press today. i will explain later. RB will have to face a tentative charge but all is not lost." This message raises a lot of questions about Najib's role in this case. Why did he mention "tentative" charge and that "all is not lost" for RB (Razak Baginda)? How would Najib know this before Razak was charged? Is there already a deal in place that will see Razak aquitted? These are important questions which will have ramifications not just on this case but far beyond.
The text messages were transmitted between Najib's personal mobile phone. Those who seek the truth should challenge Najib and Shafee to deny that this correspondence took place between them. Perhaps a record of the messages still resides in the server of the relevant telecommunications company.
The truth is buried somewhere. Those who know what truly happened hope that the truth has been buried deep with Altantuya. But the funny thing is, the truth always finds its way into the hands of those who fight for justice – sometimes in the most mysterious circumstances......
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is in a pickle. He has been accused of plotting sexcapades to bring down his arch enemy Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. His UMNO party has been busily making allegations of immorality and demanding that Anwar resign to spare the country shame.
But it looks like it is Najib himself who will put the country in the greatest media spotlight and of the negative sort.
It is almost certain that as the main protagonist, he will be called by the French courts to testify over a suspiciously expensive acquisition of 2 Scorpene and one Agosta submarines in 2002.
The Malaysian leader faces allegations of having received kickbacks, whether directly or indirectly, from French arms-maker DCN.
"Our lawyers have advised us that it could take anything from the next few weeks or the next couple of months until a judge is appointed for the open trial in France," SUARAM director Cynthia Gabriel told a press conference on Monday.
According to Cynthia, SUARAM lawyers had informed that the inquiry stage by the Parisian legal authorities was nearing an end, and the next move would be the "full trial" stage, where witnesses will be called.
In Malaysia, the 58-year old Najib has leveraged on his ruling party and political connections to cover up the case, even though it also included a full-blown murder.
A 28-year old Mongolian translator, alleged to be his former mistress and the jilted lover of his close friend Razak Baginda, was shot in the head and blown up with military C4 explosives by two of his former bodyguards.
Information gleaned from the letters she wrote showed that Altantuya Shaariibuu had come to Kuala Lumpur in 2006 to demand her US$500,000 share of the commission paid by DCN. But according to a private investigator hired by Baginda, Najib's wife Rosmah forbade the men to pay her a cent.
Baginda has been accused of being Najib's proxy in the kickbacks. Perimekar, a firm with no track record and connected to him, received a side-deal worth 114 million euros or about RM530 million to service the submarines.
Furthermore, the proceedings in France have found that three commissions instead of one were paid for the sale of the submarines.
"In addition to that of 114 million euros, there are two further instalments, one paid by DCN to the commercial networks of Thalès, for over 30 million euros, corresponding to "commercial fees relating to the negotiation and execution of the contract," another SUARAM director Kua Kia Soong said in a statement.
"This second commission was paid by Thalès to a recipient, who remains unknown, in order to convince the Malaysian government of the need to conduct additional work. The third commission was for 2.5 million euros."
It was also found that Gifen, a company established in Malta, facilitated the "money transfers in this case", and in particular financed the trips of Baginda and Altantuya.
Mystery new link to Najib
Last week, Cynthia told Malaysia Chronicle that their lawyers have since received knowledge of a "third person" who travelled frequently to France with Baginda and Altantuya during the negotiations with DCN.
She declined to name the person, but speculation is rife that this was another link to Najib, who had been the Defense minister in 2002 and had directly sanctioned the purchase.
The French courts can be expected to demand information from DCN, Najib and Baginda as to whether Altantuya had played a role in the submarines deal. At the very least, the money transfers by Gifen would require an explanation and reason for her travel expenses.
In her murder trial, the Malaysian courts refused to allow any mention of the submarines despite the high probability there was a connection to her death.
"The submarine deal was never brought up in court during the murder trial which saw prosecutors, defense attorneys and the judge judiciously keeping Najib's name out of the proceedings," said Kua.
"After being acquitted in November 2008 under questionable circumstances of participating in her murder, Razak Baginda left the country for England. The bodyguards were convicted but no motive was ever established for their actions."
Malaysians will faint
Knowing their PM, few Malaysians expect Najib or Baginda to attend the trial. The French courts have no jurisdiction to force their appearance but it can demand the truth from DCN.
"If Najib goes, I think Malaysians will faint. But it is very odd when a deal of such a huge size involving the country's money, and the parties are giant world conglomerates, that a Prime Minister chickens out. Especially when he was the one who was in charge," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
"If Najib does that, he has already told the world he is guilty as charged. Malaysians and UMNO itself must demand his resignation. A full probe by the Malaysian Anti Corrutpion Commission must also be carried out."
Just a day ago, current Defense minister Zahid Hamidi gave a hint as to what the Najib response was likely to be. Zahid will be made the sacrificial lamb and tasked to appear in the French courts, rather than Najib. But even this is likely to be cancelled as Zahid himself has hinted.
“If the Cabinet doesn’t allow it, then I don’t have to go,” Zahid told reporters on Sunday.
SUARAM's French lawyers are due to arrive in KL to brief their client in July. The NGO is Malaysia's top human rights activist group. It got into the act after failing to get satisfactory answers from the government. Protests by citizen groups were similarly ignored and even opposition politicians were stonewalled when they asked 'tough' questions about the RM6.7 billion purchase in Parliament.
"SUARAM hopes the French justice system will reveal more than what the Malaysian judicial system has failed to deliver so far and will bring justice and closure to the family of Altantuya, and force the French and Malaysian Governments to account to their peoples regarding the commissions on the submarines contract," said Kua.
The NGO has also started a fund for its French legal fees and aims to raise RM100,000. Parisian lawyer William Bourdon, who is pursuing the case, will attend and give the latest update. The functions will be hed in Penang on July 21 and in Kuala Lumpur on July 23.
Those who wish to donate can bank into OpsScorpene Legal Fund-Payee Name: SUARA INISIATIF SDN BHD A/C No:0300 0065 200-Hong Leong Bank and get further information from the SUARAM website.
“RM100,000 will not amount to much in euros and is just a starting fund. We expect we will have to continue to raise funds as the case proceeds,” said Cynthia.
- Malaysia Chronicle
If Abdul Razak Baginda didn’t order two elite cops to kill a Mongolian translator, who did?
After one of the lengthiest trials in Malaysian history, a politically well-connected insider was acquitted Friday of ordering the murder of his jilted lover, a woman whose death had the potential to reach into the highest levels of the ruling party.
With the acquittal of political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, the question was left hanging of who ordered the murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu on October 19, 2006, allegedly by Police Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar. After ordering Abdul Razak freed, High Court Judge Mohd Zaki Md Yasin ordered the two put on a defense.
Altantuya, aged 28 at the time of her death, was executed by two shots to the head in a jungle clearing near the Kuala Lumpur suburb of Shah Alam on October 19, 2006 and her body was blown up with C4 explosives available only to the military. She reportedly had come to Malaysia to confront Abdul Razak over his decision to end their affair.
The two belonged to an elite bodyguard unit under the control of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who appears likely to become the country’s next prime minister, and who was one of Abdul Razak’s best friends.
During the 151-day trial, in which 84 prosecution witnesses testified, none of them was Najib although two statutory declarations and other evidence linked him to the dead woman. According to a detailed sworn statement by P. Balasrubramaniam, a private investigator that Abdul Razak hired to keep Altantuya away from him after he had broken off their affair, the political analyst told him he had inherited the Mongolian woman as a lover from Najib because Najib didn’t want to be harassed as deputy prime minister.
However, almost immediately after Balasubramaniam made the statement public, he was hustled to the Brickfields police station in Kuala Lumpur where he said he had been coerced into making the statement and recanted it entirely. He and his entire family have since disappeared. Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the influential blogger who printed the statement in his Internet publication Malaysia Today, was arrested under the country’s Internal Security Act and is serving two years in prison. He is also being sued for criminal defamation over some of his reports that tied Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, to the murder. He has also been charged with sedition for publishing other articles on the murder.
Rosmah has denied Raja Petra’s allegations but said she would not sue. Asked why not, she told local media on July 1: "If you are innocent, what is there for you to address? I am not a politician and I am not running for any post. I’m just the wife of a politician."
If Najib or his wife had filed the charges, under the law they would be subject to motions for discovery and cross-examination, which presumably would not happen if the state instead filed the charges. More than once the filing of defamation charges has bounced back on the plaintiff because of that reason.
According to evidence introduced at the trial and other sources, Abdul Razak contacted Najib’s chief of staff, Musa Safri, to ask Najib’s bodyguards, Azilah and Sirul, to “do something” about Altantuya. Musa was not required to appear as a witness. Deputy Commander Mastor Mohd Ariff, an associate of the two bodyguards, said members of the unit were required to follow all orders of their superiors without question, describing the unit’s members as “like robots” who would only take orders from their superiors. Abdul Razak, a civilian and friend of Najib’s, was not a superior officer. According to an affidavit filed by Abdul Razak, Azilah contacted Abdul Razak after Altantuya’s disappearance to say that “tonight encik (sir), you can sleep well.”Testimony by the murdered woman’s cousin indicated that immigration records of Altantuya and the two Mongolian companions who had come toMalaysia with her to confront Abdul Razak disappeared from the government’s immigration files. She also responded to a question that she had seen a picture of Altantuya having dinner with Najib before she was hurriedly hushed up by both prosecution and defense lawyers.
If Najib or his wife had filed the charges, under the law they would be subject to motions for discovery and cross-examination, which presumably would not happen if the state instead filed the charges. More than once the filing of defamation charges has bounced back on the plaintiff because of that reason.
According to evidence introduced at the trial and other sources, Abdul Razak contacted Najib’s chief of staff, Musa Safri, to ask Najib’s bodyguards, Azilah and Sirul, to “do something” about Altantuya. Musa was not required to appear as a witness. Deputy Commander Mastor Mohd Ariff, an associate of the two bodyguards, said members of the unit were required to follow all orders of their superiors without question, describing the unit’s members as “like robots” who would only take orders from their superiors. Abdul Razak, a civilian and friend of Najib’s, was not a superior officer. According to an affidavit filed by Abdul Razak, Azilah contacted Abdul Razak after Altantuya’s disappearance to say that “tonight encik (sir), you can sleep well.”Testimony by the murdered woman’s cousin indicated that immigration records of Altantuya and the two Mongolian companions who had come to
Nonetheless, Judge Mohd Zaki dismissed a bid in July to call Najib as a witness in the trial. Zaki also refused to call Balasubramaniam despite his written declaration, which implicated Najib in the events leading up to the murder. In addition to other lurid details, Balasubramaniam described text messages between Najib and Abdul Razak in which the latter was asking for help to avoid arrest.
Later, a series of text messages was made public indicating that Najib had been involved in finding a lawyer, Shafee Abdullah, to represent Abdul Razak. One message from Shafee to Najib said: "We provided (the police) everything, including old PDAs and notebooks and a couple of bills. Nothing incriminating." Malaysia Today said the exchange raises questions if anything "incriminating" was kept from the police.
Besides allegations that Altantuya was the lover of both men, the case has raised additional concerns of corruption at the top of the United Malays National Organisation, the leading political party in the national ruling coalition. The Mongolian woman appears to have been the translator on a controversial transaction in which Malaysia, with Najib as defense minister, paid €1 billion for French submarines, netting a company tied to Abdul Razak US$111 million in “commissions.”
A letter written by Altantuya shortly before she disappeared indicated that she was attempting to blackmail Abdul Razak for US$500,000, raising suspicions that she had inside knowledge of the transaction. The woman’s father, Shaariibuu Setev, a psychology professor in Ulan Bataar, said she had been killed because she “knew too much,” although he never elaborated on what she knew.
The trial has been rife with other irregularities. At the start, the original judge was replaced by Mohd Zaki. The prosecution was hurriedly changed so quickly that the trial had to be postponed. There were numerous attempts to limit the introduction of physical evidence. Sirul’s confession was ruled invalid because it was not cautioned.
The prosecution also sought to impeach two of its own important witnesses. One, Lance Corporal Rohaniza Roslan, was the girlfriend of the senior of the two bodyguards and said she saw Altantuya being taken away in a car by her boyfriend. Later she said her testimony had been coerced. Another was Yusri Hasan Basri, a member of the bodyguard team and a colleague of Sirul, who said he had important information on physical evidence in the home
Poor chaps. These policemen only carried out orders from their superior.
The judiciary is a laughing stock for the world.
The judiciary is a laughing stock for the world.
report abuse1
What has happened to the disappearance of Altantuya and her cousin sister immigration record ? Who gave order to delete the Immigration entry data. This question has to be answer
I think the entire world is laughing sick at how the Malays go round in circles. The lengthy court case is a big waste of public funds. Totally unnecessary. A TOTAL FARCE.
In any case when the two bombers with a noose hanged over their poor heads.when apprehended would have spilled the beans already as to who the abettor was.
Yes, they were only performing their DUTY.
In any case when the two bombers with a noose hanged over their poor heads.when apprehended would have spilled the beans already as to who the abettor was.
Yes, they were only performing their DUTY.
Any damned fool in the world would know the 2 policemen were merely acting under orders. They take orders from their immediate bose
If this was a trial for any crime less serious, I would be more accepting of an acquittal and the apparent inconsistencies in the trial. But what happened to Altantuya is so extreme and so shockingly brutal that it implies someone must have had a lot to lose if she was allowed to keep her life. A lot. Because a girl does not get accidentally executed and then have her body blown to pieces with C4. That is so bizarre, so disgusting, and so morally reprehensible that it only makes sense that she was involved in something extremely serious.
The question is, then, who would have motive to undertake such a strange killing? And what is that motive? It's not entirely clear, and may never be, but at the very least there are many questions which need to be answered and which the Malaysian courts seem unable to address.
The question is, then, who would have motive to undertake such a strange killing? And what is that motive? It's not entirely clear, and may never be, but at the very least there are many questions which need to be answered and which the Malaysian courts seem unable to address.
i hope this gets more coverage in the international media.... a complete farce of a trial. shameful.
Use your commonsense! Why should two uniform bodyguards of the Deputy PM ofMalaysia singled out a young, sexy, visiting Mongolian debutante from among the million visitors to Malaysia , then signed out C4 explosives to blow her up to pieces?
Whose instructions? Why has she got to be murdered in such a cold-blooded manner? What incriminating stuff has she got that could not see the light?
Fortunately, the enlightened world that is watching isn't stupid like some Malaysians. How is he going to look foreign dignitaries anymore in the eyes when pretentious ones putting 2 and 2 together can only come up with one, the anal murderer.
Gosh! Now a big question mark hangs over the international reputation of its leader(s) & judiciary. What more, all the jazz about upright Muslim leaders and the model Islamic country stuff gone to the dogs.
Whose instructions? Why has she got to be murdered in such a cold-blooded manner? What incriminating stuff has she got that could not see the light?
Fortunately, the enlightened world that is watching isn't stupid like some Malaysians. How is he going to look foreign dignitaries anymore in the eyes when pretentious ones putting 2 and 2 together can only come up with one, the anal murderer.
Gosh! Now a big question mark hangs over the international reputation of its leader(s) & judiciary. What more, all the jazz about upright Muslim leaders and the model Islamic country stuff gone to the dogs.
Ha Ha Ha what a joke, the Malaysian democracy is truly dead and buried. Get rid of the opposition and all the witness, change the judge and the prosecution. Send others to ISA and voila a murderer and a crook who is the deputy prime minister
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