PKR's Padang Serai member of parliament N Gobalakrishan has continued his rampage on microblogging site Twitter, deriding party de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as insincere in defending the poor.“I was truly committed to Anwar the last 12 years but he only used me and was never sincerely committed to help the poor,” said Gobala, who has been posting a continous stream of Twitter messages since last week.Last Friday, the former MIC member and once staunch supporter of Anwar lashed out at his comrades and the Selangor state government, saying he was distancing himself from party leaders because he was disappointed with PKR’s new leadership line-up which does not have any "Tamil-speaking" leaders.Gobala also accused state councillors in Selangor of “busy talking about economics and international issues” while neglecting the poor, and cited the fate of 26 families in the Coalfield oil palm estate who had been threatened with forced evacuation.Continuing his angry messages today, Gobala claimed he had been told off many times by Anwar when he tried to raise issues, and said he was even challenged to join Barisan Nasional instead.“I went all the way through the thick and thin but only betrayal by Anwar is the result. All PKR leadership should realise that I am not against the party, but the leadership which is not transparent and those who do not respect the people,” he added.'Anwar demolished temple'Gobala also took issue with a stop work order issued in 2008 on a hilltop temple in Petaling Jaya, and charged that Anwar was the culprit.The state government had asked Sivan Temple, which sits at the tip of Bukit Gasing in Petaling Jaya, a forest reserve, to stop expansion of its building due to environmental concerns and safety hazards.“Anwar can sack, betray, or even send me to Hell, it doesn’t matter. Please open the Sivan Temple that he closed,” he went on.Meanwhile, PKR leaders have been quietly distancing themselves from Gobala's war of words.“If you think the party has cheated you, a man with dignity will leave,” remarked Teja state assemblyman Chang Lih Kang.One of Gobala's primary targets, newly-appointed PKR vice president N. Surendran, had urged him to cease the "baseless attacks" on the party.“If not, it would be natural for any observer to conclude that he is simply intent on provoking disciplinary action from the party and that his intentions are simply to attempt to harm the party before leaving it,” the rights lawyer said in a statement.
← The memory of an Anwar that ignited the imagination of many Malaysians
← R.P.K’s dream team Zaid Ibrahim and formation of a new third bloc.Seeking loyalty in times of dog-eat-dog politics
Did he say if BN cannot win, nobody can win?
Read and analyse the line deeply. He has said similar subject previously, not once, twice but many… Even he mentioned ‘calamity’. Very deep meaning with worst scenari
PKR's Padang Serai member of parliament N Gobalakrishan has continued his rampage on microblogging site Twitter, deriding party de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as insincere in defending the poor.
“I was truly committed to Anwar the last 12 years but he only used me and was never sincerely committed to help the poor,” said Gobala, who has been posting a continous stream of Twitter messages since last week.
Last Friday, the former MIC member and once staunch supporter of Anwar lashed out at his comrades and the Selangor state government, saying he was distancing himself from party leaders because he was disappointed with PKR’s new leadership line-up which does not have any "Tamil-speaking" leaders.
Gobala also accused state councillors in Selangor of “busy talking about economics and international issues” while neglecting the poor, and cited the fate of 26 families in the Coalfield oil palm estate who had been threatened with forced evacuation.
Continuing his angry messages today, Gobala claimed he had been told off many times by Anwar when he tried to raise issues, and said he was even challenged to join Barisan Nasional instead.
“I went all the way through the thick and thin but only betrayal by Anwar is the result. All PKR leadership should realise that I am not against the party, but the leadership which is not transparent and those who do not respect the people,” he added.
'Anwar demolished temple'
Gobala also took issue with a stop work order issued in 2008 on a hilltop temple in Petaling Jaya, and charged that Anwar was the culprit.
The state government had asked Sivan Temple, which sits at the tip of Bukit Gasing in Petaling Jaya, a forest reserve, to stop expansion of its building due to environmental concerns and safety hazards.
“Anwar can sack, betray, or even send me to Hell, it doesn’t matter. Please open the Sivan Temple that he closed,” he went on.
Meanwhile, PKR leaders have been quietly distancing themselves from Gobala's war of words.
“If you think the party has cheated you, a man with dignity will leave,” remarked Teja state assemblyman Chang Lih Kang.
One of Gobala's primary targets, newly-appointed PKR vice president N. Surendran, had urged him to cease the "baseless attacks" on the party.
“If not, it would be natural for any observer to conclude that he is simply intent on provoking disciplinary action from the party and that his intentions are simply to attempt to harm the party before leaving it,” the rights lawyer said in a statement.
← The memory of an Anwar that ignited the imagination of many Malaysians
← R.P.K’s dream team Zaid Ibrahim and formation of a new third bloc.Seeking loyalty in times of dog-eat-dog politics
Did he say if BN cannot win, nobody can win?
Read and analyse the line deeply. He has said similar subject previously, not once, twice but many… Even he mentioned ‘calamity’. Very deep meaning with worst scenari
Read and analyse the line deeply. He has said similar subject previously, not once, twice but many… Even he mentioned ‘calamity’. Very deep meaning with worst scenari
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