They’re sneaky. They lie. They’re evil. They think everyone else is an animal and therefore without souls. They’re the most despicable people on the planet to say the least. These evil doers are behind Hollywood, the porn industry, race mixing,the homosexual agenda …. you name it … and they’re the ones orchestrating it.?READMORE

These McKinsey boys must be running circles around our PM. We have been deluged with all sorts of acronyms. Indeed our economic plan for the country is a smorgasbord of sorts, laden with acronyms. Just as we thought we have had enough, out comes another — PDP — Project Delivery Partner. Man oh man.
If Anwar's allegations are true, then he also has direct links with what he has alleged today. This is not only one individual, but six individuals with connections to Anwar in the International Advisory Council of Apco,” said Khairy. And here is Anwar's reaction....... ![]() READMORE |
What? What in God’s name is that? Are Umno people not interested in seeing through this economic trickery?
You have been screaming about special rights of Bumiputeras. As things are going now, yes, you do have that policy on special rights of Malays, but it’s a policy of special rights for special Malays. The puteras in the Bumiputeras.
It’s a euphemism for one who actually thought of the idea and presented it to the government. Probably the same fellers purposed the Swiss challenge method.
To avoid being labelled as accomplices to cronyism, they allow, through the government, others to come out with similar ideas. Probably, the “others” allowed to submit in are their friendly parties so that those proposals that come after will be always be more expensive and the original one submitted looked like a godsend. In the event, should there be one rogue proposer; the original proposer will be given the chance to revise their proposal. Ini semua trick yang orang kasi tahu sama saya.related article The TRUE bribe storyPerak pincess Raja Eleena is a major shareholder Gamuda-MMC wins RM36bil KL MRT project
In that sense then, the 100-storey Warisan Tower is proposed by a PDP. The Sungai Besi project also by another PDP, the Sungai Buloh by another PDP. We will be seeing PDP-mania.
Whatever happened to the assurance that 92 per cent of the ETP projects were to be financed by private parties? How come in this instance the yet to be exactly known cost of the MRT is owned by the government?
I think, we can challenge the government to allow MMC-Gamuda to publish their feasibility studies so that we who have nothing to do can make an assessment. Really, there’s nothing to be scared of — I am sure the studies were done by brainboxes who can easily trounced our arguments.
Finally, there is one issue I need to answer. In my article about the MRT, there was a comment asking me to clarify whether it would be all right had Gamuda been a wholly-owned company by Malays. It’s not all right is the answer. The correct interpretation would have been — that was a criticism on the government for its implementation of policies regarding Bumiputera economic interests. The common perception by common Malays is that the policy of special Bumiputera interests has degenerated into a policy for special Malays. Umno must correct this perception.
The Chinese have played the part of project delivery partners for the special Malays. The term PDP would be appropriate in that circumstance. Do I hold back if that is how the policies thus evolved is perceived and do I hold back too if that is how the special Chinese business groups operate?
* Sakmongkol AK47 is the nom de plume of Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz. He was Pulau Manis assemblyman (2004-2008).
Sime to sue over RM2b losses by Dec 31
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20 — Government conglomerate Sime Darby Bhd will file civil suits by December 31 against those responsible for losses in four projects although enforcement agencies are expected to charge several people for criminal misconduct.
The 100-year-old company suffered billions in losses over the Bulhanine and Maydan Mahzam project with Qatar Petroleum, the Maersk Oil Qatar project, the Bakun hydroelectric dam project, and the construction of vessels for use in the Qatar project earlier this year.
“The company expects to file civil actions before the end of this calendar year,” Sime said in a statement today.
“Upon filing of the suits, Sime Darby will, as announced earlier, publish the claim to be read by interested parties, in view of the wide public interest the matter has generated and consistent with its objective of being transparent,” it added.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Securities Commission (SC) said last Friday that it found possible breaches of the Penal Code and the Companies Act in Sime Darby’s Energy and Utilities Division RM2.1 billion losses.
Both agencies said the police will be asked to file the charges while their investigations continue.
Sime said it will continue to co-operate with the authorities in the investigations.
“To date, Sime Darby has voluntarily provided the authorities with all the reports on the findings from the investigations conducted by legal and financial experts appointed by the board of Sime Darby,” it said, adding it had to balance its own policy of transparency and accountability against the interests of shareholders and regulations pertaining to such disclosures.
“Furthermore, Sime Darby was concerned that revealing the findings of the investigations would jeopardise the potential cases against those found culpable.
“Nevertheless, Sime Darby, as previously disclosed, is pursuing civil litigation against individuals with prima facie culpability in the four projects,” the company said.
Many people have asked me in recent weeks what are the lessons to learn from the telecom scandal. Here's my quick take. A dumbo's guide? Perhaps.
- There are no good guys left in politics. Most rob, loot, extort and steal. A few stand by and watch, doing nothing to stop them. If you have some favourite politicians, and most of us don't, you can check out which category they fall in. The chances of them falling into either of these two are 100 per cent.
- If you want to know the truth about any scam, keep digging. There's no limit to venality here. No man is a thief alone. All thieves have family, friends, associates, girlfriends, and, ofcourse, bosses. Every one of them makes money as they go along. That's what politics is all about: Joint Ventures.
- There's nothing you can't get done here. Anything's possible at the right price, if you have hired the right broker. It doesn't really matter how you designate the broker: lobbyist, PR consultant, policy advocate, political secretary, secretary general of an association or a confederation, peon or pimp. They are the people who get your job done.
- And when you can't get the right broker, make friends with top journalists. They can provide you all the access you want. Sometimes foolishly, out of some mistaken sense of self importance. Most times because the journalists themselves are in queue for some return favours from the person in office. They are the new part time brokers.
- You may be the most brilliant guy around but becoming an entrepreneur in India is not easy. It's the same bunch of guys (and their cronies and benamis) who get all the licences and permits, and all the accolades in the media for successfully navigating their businesses through the turbulent waters of corruption and ineptitude. So catch on to a coat tail, guys.
- We have left the Age of Immaculate Reputations way behind, be it in politics or in business. There are brilliant crooks. There are those who hang on to brilliant crooks. And there are those who hire brilliant crooks to get their dirty work done for them so that they can wring their hands in despair and bemoan the corruption all around.
- You will always find enough clever people to suggest that new laws and regulations should be framed to make businesses run by crooks legit. You will also find there are people around who can coin the right title for the business to sound legit as well. So a robber becomes a seeker of social justice and a pimp, a campaigner for alternative rights.
- There's nothing wrong that some smart bureaucrat can't explain away as perfectly legal. In fact, most of our laws are constructed in a way such that what's wrong can always be proved right and what's right can always be proved wrong. The few laws that are not so ambivalent are being changed by the same clever bureaucrats to make them so.
- There's nothing much you can do to punish a venal politician or a corrupt Government officer apart from removing them from their current lucrative jobs so that they can walk into the sunset, sip champagne on the French Riviera and live la dolce vita of the idle rich while new rascals grab their job to loot you and me all over again.
- To run a stable Government, you must be deaf, dumb and blind, all at the same time. If you are not corrupt yourself, that's a plus for the job because then the media can always absolve you of any criminal intent and blame your colleagues instead. You too can occasionally join the blame game and point fingers at everyone around you. It's quite fun actually.
- Even though the media may call you corrupt and blame you for all that's wrong with the world, remember it loves the bad. It's the bad that gets their TRPs soaring. So it's no use doing good stuff to change India, make it a better place for all of us because no media will ever report it. It took Mother Teresa fifty years to be famous. It took Dawood Ibrahim three. Raja was famous in a fortnight.
- When in the Opposition, look stupid and keep screaming at such a loud pitch that no one can hear what you are saying. If they can, they will point out that you did much worse when you were in power yourself. So just be very noisy. Don't allow yourself to be deciphered. Old crimes will crawl out of the past and knock you off your moral perch.
- There are no lessons learnt. Ever. No one has asked who taped these private phone chats, and with whose permission. Everyone's so busy settling political scores that they have missed the real point. That people in Government will one day tap into your conversations and listen to them is the scariest scenario writers like Orwell once dreamt of. Today it's an everyday reality.
Malaysia Airlines’ Multi-Billion Ringgit Losses: Social Care Foundation’s Robert Phang urges the Attorney-General to explain
by Leven Woon Zheng Yang@www.malaysiakini.com
Attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail has been called to explain allegations implicating him for the lack of action over Malaysia Airlines’ (MAS) multi-billion ringgit losses.
Social Care Foundation chairperson Robert Phang Miow Sin (left) said records and pictures from a whistleblower website of Abdul Gani together with an individual said to be close to former MAS chairperson Tajuddin Ramli have added a different dimension to the controversy.
Phang, who is also a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) consultative and advisory panel, said Abdul Gani may see adverse public speculation over his connection to the issue if he ignored the allegations.
Phang was responding to the emergence of photographs on news portalMalaysia Today, showing Abdul Gani together with one Shahidan Shafie during their recent haj pilgrimage to Mecca.
Abdul Gani’s relationship with Shahidan was a close one, Malaysia Todayalleged further, as reflected in the former’s early exit from a Malaysia Day function last September to accompany Shahidan to the hospital when the latter’s child suffered an accident.
The website had in September and November also claimed that it was Shahidan, said to be an ex-police officer, who had convinced Abdul Gani not to press charges against Tajuddin.
Tajuddin, who was MAS’ executive chairperson from 1994 to 2001, has been blamed for the national carrier suffering losses amounting to more than RM8 billion.
MAS had also filed several reports against Tajuddin with the MACC, citing Tajuddin’s move to relocate MAS’ cargo operations in Amsterdam and Frankfurt to a single hub in Hahn, Germany, as the single biggest loss suffered under him.
The new hub operation reportedly incurred monthly losses of between RM10 million to RM16 million before it was terminated and the government took over control of MAS in 2001.
At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, Phang said MACC is entitled to investigate the AG if there was a directive to do so by the Prime Minister’s Department. Also the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Mohamed Nazri Aziz, can appoint a panel to oversee the MACC’s investigations into the matter.
He hesitated, however, to say whether MACC would initiate its own probe. “They (Home Ministry) must form the panel first, then MACC can investigate,” said Phang.
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