Saturday, December 4, 2010

Encounter with an illegitimate UMNO President not elected by the umno at Barisan convention of POLITICAL PROST CITUTES , bastardised mainstream media

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DAP’s Kit Siang and Guan Eng (left) was described as a “dynasty” by Najib.

I have a short wishlist of stuff I would like you to find us answers for – stuff I don’t think we’ll ever get to know about any other way. Here it goes:1921 was, however, a time for reflection. From his rural arcadia, Rabindranath Tagore detected “a spirit of persecution, which is not that of British or Malay Sultans but something still more alarming because it is invisible… The sight that met my eye was, on the one hand, people immensely busy; on the other intensely afraid.”

“RESPECT CONSTITUTION” screamed the New Sunday Times front page. There is really no need for the “Malay rulers” to have undue misgivings about their humble subjects occasionally dipping into the Constitution and questioning some aspect or other they do not fully understand.

Common, ordinary people like me are not Constitutional experts, unlike at least one of their Highnesses. Fear us not because we are not thinking even remotely of storming the Bastille. Such an unworthy thought has never crossed our minds, and certainly not mine.

Najib You amaze us by pulling off stuff that your government isn’t too keen to let us, or anyone else, see. Our governments over the years have been much, much smarter at not letting us as much as get a whiff of things they’d rather lock up in that smart safe. So smart, in fact, that we sooner or later forget what we were fighting to get info about in the first place.



Senator Tunku A Aziz as early as 2Nov 2010 touched on this:“I can understand the rulers’ unease and apprehension after what Mahathir did to denigrate and run their institution into the ground, spewing filthy lies and uncharitable innuendoes against them individually and collectively. And, generally, he succeeded in causing public disaffection. Why was he not charged?

The rulers seemed, at that time, to have accepted Mahathir’s lese majeste without a murmur and UMNO, now their avowed protectors, went along with, and did nothing to restrain, Mahathir’s megalomaniac excesses against their own rulers.”–Tunku A. Aziz

• What was the internal communication within the British and the Sultans to gained our independence years of colonization, and a culture as old as ours, a quiet, monastic sort of state was overrun by UMNO without much noise from us, though we accepted those who fled from it. What did the Government think about it? Principles apart, did it not foresee that this redrawing of borders by the aggressive dragon would impact us for decades to come? How did we keep and selling ketuanan Melayu to the people?

But are Chin Peng and Lee Kuan Yew mentioned in this context? They were significant players in the creation of Malaya and later, Malaysia. What we read is about Umno this and Umno that. We are told that Malaya gained independence and Malaysia was later created because of Umno.We want our Rulers to identify themselves with all Malaysians and for all Malaysians to accept that our Rulers are their Rulers as well and, in this way hope that they will learn to embrace and understand the system employed in governing this, their country.

And I can go on TUN…but I think that is enough for now.This is just another way of looking at how things really were under YOUR rule. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. The proof is in the pudding. The 13th general elections will be your final political curtain.The 12th general election was your Waterloo – it already cemented your place in Malaysian Political history – it is a lesson learned – all future political parties in Malaysia would ensure that there would NEVER be the possibility of another Mahathir!

  • A Mahathir that will stay beyond his use by date!
  • A Mahathir who believed that any means could be used in as long as it justifies the ends as he saw it – not for the good of the nation but for the purpose of keeping this Mahathir in power forever and ever!
  • A Mahathir that used any means at his disposal to divide and rule not only his own UMNO party and his Barisan Nasional partners but also his own Malay race and the people of Malaysia.
  • And a Mahathir shrewd enough to know that he would rather have Ministers who were corrupt and weak of the flesh in his cabinet because it would be so much easier for him to have them at his beck and call.

mahathir TUN, it is time YOU looked within yourself and see yourself for what YOU really are. A mean old man who thinks the whole of Malaysia owes you a living!READMORE YOU need to take responsibility for what UMNO and BN has now become – a feeble political organization riddle with money politics, greed and arrogance incapable of winning power in the 13th general election. And when the 13th general election is done…so will you be. -”steadyaku47″

The concern may well stem from a personal proximity to the epicentre of the earthquake rocking politics, business and the media — all pillars of the Malaysian establishment. For the past decade, the country has been shaken by scam fever: the outcry over the false charges against Anwar, followed in quick succession by the PKFZ scandal, the KTM land scams and the Submarime loot. Simultaneously, there were the infamous deepthrot conversations, which (to borrow a British MP`s observation on WikiLeaks) have redefined “public interest” to mean “the public is interested.”

Malaysia were simply experiencing a turbulent bout of ethical cleansing, excitement would have been coupled with gleeful endorsement. For some time, citizens have agonize occupying the twilight zone between a banana republic and a mafia state. To that extent, all moves to stem the decline and purify the system need strong encouragement, even if enthusiasm is couched in understandable cynicism.

by Din Merican

On November 24, Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) exposed the Haj pilgrimage scandal involving Attorney-General (AG) Gani Patail and the former Malaysia Airlines Chairman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli’s proxy, Shahidan Shafie

readmore Bar Ragunath from the Bar or President of Barisan

by the taxidriver

Open your mind to change

Tragically, apart from hitting some targets the scam season has inflicted serious collateral damage and vitiated the atmosphere. TheLINGAMGATE tapes may have provided immense voyeuristic pleasure to those unfamiliar with and, perhaps, even envious of the cozy smugness that defines an incestuous establishment and those on its periphery. But initial inquisitiveness has quickly given way to a vengeful iconoclasm based on the facile assumption that MALAYSIA`s entire wealth-generation process is centred on cronyism and corruption.It is understandable whenTheLINGAMGATE deduces from the tapes that the “state has been corporatized” and that thanks to big money the institutions of “this so-called democracy”, including the judiciary, are “being hollowed out.” It is also predictable that voices of post-colonial condescension in the West should celebrate “the rotting of new ONE MALAYSIA” What isn’t clear is why MALAYSIA`s middle class should throw its moral weight behind this carpet-bombing exercise.

What TheLINGAMGATE indicated was not a single-minded desire of corporates to subvert every institution but their gritty determination to overcome a difficult, if not hostile, business environment. The cronyism that underpinned the government It stemmed from the enormous discretionary powers enjoyed by a minister and a departmental autonomy that flowed out of the compulsions of coalition politics. MALAYSIAN entrepreneurs had two options: to either play the game by rules set by venal politicians or opt out.

TheLINGAMGATE ‘s conversations are indeed revealing. But far from revealing “how corporates manage everything in this country”, as lawyer Prashant Bhushan told the Supreme Court, they illuminate the path India Inc had to negotiate to remain in business. They also reveal that apart from having to manage a minister unconcerned with Malaysia’s larger growth story, businesses had also to cope with the no-holds-barred assaults of competitors. conversations are indeed revealing. But far from revealing “how corporates manage everything in this country”, as lawyer SIVARASA told the Supreme Court, they illuminate the path MALAYSIA Inc had to negotiate to remain in business. They also reveal that apart from having to manage a minister unconcerned with India`s larger growth story, businesses had also to cope with the no-hYes, there was subversion but there was a context to it. Gentlemanly capitalism had been elbowed out by a treacherous business environment centred on arbitrariness. Yesterday, it was a telecom problem; today, it is one of environmental blackmail and tomorrow, it could be something altogether different.

Instead of fighting the cancer, a lynch mob has, however, set its sights on mocking the famous, destroying reputations and creating a mood viciously hostile to entrepreneurship — the force that propelled India`s growth story.
In 1921, Tagore feared that along with the courts and colleges, “reason and culture…must be closured”engagemalaysia Today, while trying to cleanse the system, we may well be throwing the baby out with the soiled bathwater.
It’s time to pause and focus the pent-up anger in the right direction.olds-barred assaults of competitors.

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