They’re sneaky. They lie. They’re evil. They think everyone else is an animal and therefore without souls. They’re the most despicable people on the planet to say the least. These evil doers are behind Hollywood, the porn industry, race mixing,the homosexual agenda …. you name it … and they’re the ones orchestrating it.?READMORE
1. Until 1965, Singapore was part of Malaysia. Singapore declared its independence on August 9, 1965.
2. Impressed by the Israeli defence system when visiting Israel in 1959, Singapore’s 1st Minister of Defence, Goh Keng Swee (GKS) later invited Mordecai Kidron, Israeli Ambassador to Thailand, over to Singapore to help set up its army. By end- 1965, Israeli teams from Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) began arriving to help Singapore build its army, Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute (SAFTI) and the Defence Ministry.
3. GKS had to be mindful of the sensitivities of neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia, with predominantly Muslim populations. Hence utmost secrecy surrounded the presence and activities of the Israelis, who had specially asked to be referred to as 'Mexicans' to avoid having their cover blown. Israel imposed a total blackout on the story and the secret was preserved. Until the other side could no longer contain itself.
4. In his book, "From Third World to First: The Singapore Story 1965-2000," published in 2000, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister, disclosed the secret that had been kept for almost 40 years: It was the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that established the Singaporean army.
5. Singapore's army is today considered the strongest and most advanced of the military forces in Southeast Asia. The alliance between the Israeli and Singaporean defense establishments intensified and expanded. Along with the two tracks of compulsory service and career army, Singapore also adopted the IDF's model of reserve service.
6. In January 1968, Singapore decided to create an armored corps. In great secrecy, an agreement was signed for the purchase of 72 AMX-13 light tanks from IDF surplus. It was a bold decision: Malaysia, the country's large neighbor, didn't have tanks. On Independence Day, August 9, 1969, a major surprise awaited the invited guests, including the defense minister of Malaysia: 30 tanks rolled past the reviewing stand.
7. In a book entitled “The Israeli Connection: Whom Israel arms and why”, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi (1988, pg26) wrote, “According to the CIA (1979), Singapore is the location of the main Mossad station in Asia. General Efrain Poran, a former military adviser to (Israeli) PM Begin, served a s Defense adviser to the Singapore Government (Kartin, 1984). In 1969, 45 Israeli advisers were on active duty in Singapore.”
8. Israel Shamir wrote, “Singapore has some similarities to the Jewish state: authoritarian rule, vast employment of foreign guest workers, aggressive stance towards their integrated neighbours. A great friend of Israel and the Far East base of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, Singapore is an important link in the global system of currency trading, an integral part of the New World Order, a supporter of the US and Australia. ”. “By taking a leaf from Israel's book, Singapore declared its 'right' to wage war on Malaysia if the country hikes the price of the water it sells to the island.”.
9. He added,”Singapore poisons the minds of the Malaysian Chinese and encourages their immigration to the island. It is a very unnecessary thing, for the Malaysian Chinese community is well integrated in their country.”
10. I came across an interesting write-up (June 2009) by Matthias Chang in his website futurefastworward, who couldn’t have summed it better: “…the Chinese saw through his (Lee Kuan Yew) devious schemes and rejected emphatically PAP’s politics. Lee Kuan Yew thought he could out-maneuver Tunku and become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. But Tunku beat him at his own game and he was expelled from Malaysia. Considering himself to be intellectually superior to Tunku, he could not accept that he was defeated so resoundingly by Tunku. He was devastated. When he announced that Singapore would be separated from Malaysia, he broke down uncontrollably. This was only to be expected as his dreams of being the Overlord of Malaysia, comprising of Peninsula Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah was shattered and he has to be content with being a bully of a city state! Given such a traumatic experience, and possessing a vindictive disposition, it is a given that Lee Kuan Yew would harbour a secret agenda against Malaysia. And over the years, he has sowed and continues to sow discord among the races in Malaysia.”
11. Matthias Chang continued,” It was reported that one of the reasons for his recent visit to Malaysia is to find out how the Chinese are faring in Malaysia. What arrogance.” “Why is there a need for such an elaborate programme – meetings with the prime minister, the deputy prime minister, an audience with the Agong, the Sultan of Perak and more meetings with other political leaders?” “No country is perfect and devoid of problems. We had our fair share, but we are better off without Lee Kuan Yew. “ Well put, Chang!
12. Chang again warns “Malaysians must be vigilant. Lee Kuan Yew cannot be trusted and while Singapore is our neighbour and a member of ASEAN, we must never forget that Singapore has never ceased to dictate terms to Malaysia whenever she perceives Malaysia as being weak. Do not forget the 1997 financial crisis and how Singapore treated us when we were in need.Today, Singapore is reeling under the weight of the global financial tsunami, but Lee Kuan Yew is behaving as if Singapore has a bottomless vault of financial goodies, ever ready to invest in Malaysia as a favour. We don’t need Singapore’s money! Malaysia doesn’t need any favours from Singapore! And Malaysians have no need for a Lee Kuan Yew telling us how to develop our country!”.
13. Last but not least, let me share with you a thought from someone in a website posted in 2008. He wrote, ”Orang Melayu di Malaysia tidak sedar, Singapura adalah diam berisi. Singapura dijaga oleh Amerika dan Israel. Semua komponen tentera Singapura dibeli dan diselenggara sama ada oleh Amerika atau Israel. Mossad sendiri berpangkalan di Singapura. Maka tidaklah hairan Malaysia Today server dia dah relocated di Singapore-based.( Al-Azharri Siddiq/popcorn-km.blogspot).

Trained as a medical doctor and skilled in politics, there is no doubt that he is an intelligent man. But events in Malaysia may help explain Mahathir’s ridiculous rants.After developing a dislike for the policies of Anwar Ibrahim, the man he was grooming to take over as PM, Mahathir fabricated charges of sodomy in 1998 and had Anwar imprisoned. He chose who he thought would be a safe replacement, and then stepped down in 2003, handing the reigns to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Badawi pursued his own policies, at times rankling Mahathir, who found himself sidelined by his party, UMNO (after clearly hoping for a position similar to Singapore’s Lee Kwan Yew, who after stepping down as Prime Minister took the position of Mentor Minister, and who still plays a significant role in Singaporean politics). Despite trying to elbow his way back into the room, Mahathir remained marginalized. So he turned to the one outlet where he could still appear to be a player, the blogosphere, and whereREADMORE Careless Whisper ISREAL TO LEE KUAN YEW ANWAR IBRAHIM MUST BE STOPPED WHATEVER IT TAKES THE SINGAPORE ISRAEL LOVE AFFAIR
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