Thursday, June 10, 2010

Umnoscientist claimed that had created formula to stay inpower forever using just ASSHOLE

He must be in the pits of denial to make such an embarrassing request of Najib when the PM even denied many of his own Umno fellas a Cabinet berth. written by maleloves2cookoocosThis guy is utterly sick

Samy’s threat to leave Barisan is an empty one, methinks. “This is one matter Samy Vellu cannot carry through,” he said. “There is too much fear and self interest involved. They will not allow Samy Vellu to carry out this threat.”

But other MIC leaders said a desperate Samy Vellu is capable of even pulling out of the BN and joining the Pakatan Rakyat.

Read today’s NST and will discover history books in our schools had been re-written. Heroes of other races are no longer there in the pages of history that our children are reading.
It is about Islamic civilisation.
It is about the supremacy of the Malay race.

What about others?
Totally annihilated.
Deleted from the pages of Malaysia history…

Teachers are teaching from text book on Ketuanan Melayu…
And then teach young students that other races came to the land to plunder the riches from the Malays.

How can MCA and MIC kept quiet???
They are so power-less.
They are ’stooge’ of Umno.

Umno’s next plan:
Remove MIC.
Samy Vellu is already old and a spent force.
Not feared like before.

Umno told PPP if you want to leave, just leave.
Kayveas is now nobody.

The best advice now to MCA, MIC and Gerakan…
Just walk away from Umno.

There is now an alternative.
Don’t be afraid about Pas.
You say, Pas is Islamist and promote Islamic laws.
Don’t be naive - Umno has already made Malaysia an Islamic nation.
Islamic laws are already put in place.
There is Shariah Court.
In matters of family laws, there is body snatching from the morgue -
Islamic religious people had come to claim dead bodies for their ritual burial -
they claimed they had converted. But no eye witness from the family.
Who cares??? They have the power. Malaysia is already Islamic based on Umno version of Islam.

What is the difference between Umno’s and Pas leaders????
Umno’s leaders - they play politics - the dirty type and don’t fear God.
Corruption is their religion. Race is their platform to enrich themselves.
Pas leaders - they fear God and will not accept bribery.

MIC - leave now. Why be afraid Umno has already remove you from the list.

This has-been has lost his Parliament seat, he had to resort to dirty tactics to ensure Muthupalaniappan doesn’t even stand against him and now still wants to stay on. Can someone please please get his head checked? Maybe his VP, Sothinathan should.

If Samy was to leave BN, he will probably die in obscurity, cos I doubt if anyone in Pakatan will touch him with a barge pole.

This article made me cringe, barry. Samy has truly reached a pitiable state.Samy… high time for you to pack your bags and leave BN.
You are no longer needed in the BN.
You have been clearly shown the exit door of the Cabinet.
You can’t do much about it and accept it with open heart
Another example of thinking inside the box
Mic(key); you are just a mouse. Go back to your hole and lick the crumbs left for you. You can change yourselve to be a mighty mouse; you have in hand, the Obama of Malaysia.
Is Samy fighting for himself or is he fighting for Malaysians of Indian ethnicity? For me this is a prime example of Malaysian politician who places him or herself above the interests of the country. To the MIC members — you are better off without Samy Vellu. Don’t tell me if Samy Vellu were to die now, so goes MIC? A political party must be greater than any one individual. The situation now appears to be that MIC is synonymous with Samy Vellu and he is no longer contributing to MIC prosperity but he enhance and speed up MIC’s demise.
Semi Value is like TDM, both are useless, a baggage and dead weight ( living corpse). MIC is corrupt and Semi is the absolute corrupt being. He will corrupt Pakatan and destroy what ever achievement the rakyat has gained. Sorry Semi, Rakyat don’t want you anymore. If you wish you can jump into Sg Klang during high tide and we’ll line up and cheer you. That will be your greatest service to rakyat, killing yourself. And might I add “GOOD RIDDANCE
On to another subject — where does it state that the Work Ministry is under the preview of only Malaysian Indians or that only Malaysian Indian can be the works minister? Any Malaysians regardless of ethnicity or race can be more than just a works minister if only he or she puts Malaysia first and competence matters more than ethnicity or race. Harping on one’s race and nominating oneself as a representative of such race is sooo backward and so Nazism…so out of time and touch. But again, what we do expect from long expired politician in the name of!
samy vellu you have been a faithful slave of ketuanan melayu has no guts to pull mic representatives completely out of the cabinet. he also has no strength to pull mic out of bn. samy velluhas been sodomise by mahatir can get the hellout of the malaysian politics you are oversize political prostitute hole,can barks but cannot bite.

Following reports that a US scientist claimed that he'd created life using just 'four bottles of chemicals', Jugular Vein was contacted by a scientist operating in the rural heartland of north India who said that he and his team, otherwise known as the khap, had created a unique life form much before the American boffin had even been born. So JV went into the depths of deepest Haryana to interview the scientist, Dr B C Baqwas, to find out more.

JV: So, Dr Baqwas, what exactly is this gotranome project that you and your fellow members of the khap have been working on all these years?

Dr B: What is all this Dr Baqwas nonsense? Why are you being so formal? Just call me BC, like everyone else does. Except, of course, when they call me MC. Which also everyone does from time to time.

JV: Um, i think i'd better stick with Dr Baqwas, if you don't mind.

Dr B: Suit yourself. OK, you want to know about the gotranome project? This is a very old scientific project. It was in existence before civilisation came into being. In fact, it is still in existence before civilisation comes into being.

JV: But what exactly is the gotranome project?

Dr B: The gotranome project has unravelled the mysteries of an amazing life form called a gotra.

JV: Right. But what exactly is a gotra?

Dr B: I've told you what it is. A gotra is an amazing life form, the most amazing life form in the world, ever since they invented life, or invented the world, or invented whatever. And the most amazing thing about it is that no one not me, not my fellow khapists, no one really knows what it means. Oh sure, if you ask us we'll tell you a gotra is one of some half-dozen sub-caste groupings derived along patriarchal lines from the time of Manu. Make any sense to you? No? I don't blame you. It doesn't make any sense to me or to anyone else either. The thing about a gotra is that it can't be seen, touched, tasted, smelt or heard. It is not discernible by any of the five senses. In short, it is totally senseless. Isn't that amazing?

JV: It really is amazing. And you say you created this amazing thingummy bob, whatever it is, or isn't, right here?

Dr B: You bet we did. We created it in that building just there.

JV: But that doesn't look like a lab.

Dr B: Lab? What's this got to do with Labradors, or Alsatians, or Dobermanns, or any other kind of dog?

JV: No, no. I didn't mean lab as in Labrador, i meant lab as in laboratory.

Dr B: Laboratory? What's that? Is it one of those fancy-shancy lavatories they're installing in Dilli for the Commonwealth Games? Nah, we don't need laboratories here. We just go fielding.

JV: So if you didn't create the gotra in a laboratory what did you create it in? That building you pointed out looks like a cowshed.

Dr B: Are you mad? Do you think we'd conduct a great scientific experiment like the creation of the gotra in a cowshed? What do you think we are? That isn't a cowshed, that's a bull shed: That's where we keep all our bulls.

JV: So you mean to say that the concept of the gotra was created from bull sh...

Dr B: Yes. Exactly. The concept of the gotra was created from what you were about to say. By the way, you're standing in some right at this moment.

JV (retrieving foot from steaming pile of bull bio-product): Yuck.

Dr B: That'll teach you city slicker types to mess around with gotras. Gotras are not just a life form, they can also be a death form if you try and marry someone who's of the same gotra as you. Yep, gotras are a life-and-death issue here, make no mistake about that. Anything else?

JV: No thanks. It's been quite an experience. Totally gotraesque, you could say.

As a student I knew of the horrors of the Holocaust and other human tragedies, but merely as a distant thunder: The violation of human rights and crimes against humanity were only an abstract notion.

That was all fated to change with my arrest under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) of Malaysia, which allows for indefinite detention without trial. My crime? I had known Anwar Ibrahim, the deputy prime minister and finance minister of Malaysia, as a close personal friend for many years. We shared and strove for a vision of life firmly rooted in human dignity. We struggled for building an intellectual and political milieu for free expression. Together, we subscribed to the idea of economic prosperity, gender and racial equality and a civil society.

Alas, the Malaysian dictator, Mahathir, under the growing burden of corruption and cronyism, conspired to halt the march of freedom. In order to build his fraudulent case against Anwar, Mahathir himself ordered my arrest.READ MORE A VULTURE, NAMED MAHATHIR WHAT KIND OF MUSLIM YOU ARE TO DO THIS TO YOUR MUSLIM BROTHER


What the Pakatan Rakyat need is a collection of unified charismatic leader to go to the grounds, inspire the young, and persuade the rural Malays to another point of view- one that is in harmony with the rest of right thinking Malaysians. Once that’s done, UMNO will forever lose its support and will finally undertake that long and painful journey at self reform, failing which they will never see the lights of the corridors of power ever again.

into assets — a skill Mr anwar learned in his 20s student days could well be called the motto of his rise. With his literary gifts, he transformed from childhood into a stirring coming-of-age tale of his political career. mobilized young people — never an ideal base, because of thin wallets — into an energetic army who in turn enlisted parents and grandparents. And even though his enemy spurred false rumors and insinuations about his background and beliefs, he has made it a symbol of his singularity andpossibility the Malaysian dream , he has created a history in the malaysin politicsStrategic attack to force the enemy to make mistake, then build on it, history thought us. What is happening now is the greatest psychological war between DSAI and TDM., both have some unfinished job to take care,TDM chose DSAI to protect his ambition to rule Malaysia, without interruption, his last breath. But bad strategy, because DSAI has his agenda for ordinary peoples, , ,TDM to his family close buddies an the cronies. Two conflicting Ideals , DSAI THOUGHT he can CHANGE THEM FROM INSIDE Mahathir thought he can change DSAI by the time DSAI GRADUATE, from the University of Unmoputra. DSAI proofed his mettle, and royalty when he help Mahathir to win the battle of MUSANGCAVE even he had collateral damages, by then, DSAI is unstoppable.To correct his mistaken strategy TDM start making more mistakes, with His scripts for sodomy 1, with help of country’s no1 sodomothologist, lawyer who earns his living by not soliciting but by kowtim . DSAI’s so call buddy, the GOOD BLACKIE.with co stars likes of Mr. HACKS , MUSANG , PIGTAIL ETC ETC.historically speaking. why not Nazis, but PA LAH , Mr. nice guy was at the wrong place at the wrong time, TDM wanted to use, the Mr. Nice guy as a stop gap in order to find his proxy , TDM don’t trust100% in NAJIS, another wrong strategy what he did NOT know the role of the 4thFloor guys who out smart him. TDM start crying, when DSAI was released, is it the strategy the 4th floor guys? One of them hand delivered DSAI Passport. TDM was disappointed, PA LAHS’undoing, TDM’sLINGAM&CO MORTGAGE OF THE COUNTRY JUDICIARY. So the battle within the battle started another mistake by overconfident TDM. No hold bared gorilla attach on our PM,for.this the 4th floor guys were no match to sly old fox, hell broke lose to advantage to DSAI, TDMS’costly mistake is DSAI gain. The old sly fox this thinking, that DSAI, was written off, there no way he can rise from the ashes that I throwed at Sungai Buloh, By then UMNO&McA control media including, a political scientist turn mercenary writer started their bashing till 12 midnight on the day of election,.BN ALMOST lost the war on the 8thof march., If not for aborting the use ink and unfair with postal votes. TDM scared ,so he whispered to Nazis, who by then already scared of the ghost of attatuya.and the Balas SD. Revealing his sms to baginda that he will settle it with the musang. Baginda wifes’ outburst at court complex ,;that my husbsand is not going to be the Prime Minister, bagindas’ outburst during the trail ‘stupid .stupid why PA LAH is calling For election. Looks like the 4th floor guys has all evidence locked up. Mistakes after mistake by themTAIWANfor53 BNMPS and almost lost them to the hurricane. the operation lalang style ISA arrest, racial remark by their members.SEPT16 has came gone,.PA LAH despite the challenges is still P.MNazis is still in support of the of the plan for power transition says zubaidah NST,‘Today is Sept16 and B.N remain in power,’ said Nazi, they seeing the light at the other end of the tunnel what a relief for them, but the light they saw is no ordinary light it is the powerful headlight of the bullet train. They will be crash into pieces cried Rosemami who directed the sodomy 2 episode with the help eexam ,kojack,Raja Petra also uncovered another alleged meeting in Room 619 of the Concorde Hotel in Kuala Lumpur between Saiful and a police officer named Mohammad Rodwan Mohammad Yousef, just one day before the sodomy allegedly took place.He went to collect , JAMBU boy’s brief which he rub with DSAI’S brief whileHe was working for DSAI..The test was inconclusive , that the reason everybodywas demanding for for DNA so that it can be fabricated just like the mattress.With rushing of DNA bill DSAI be found guilty without any other conclusiveEvidence , that is the reason why kojack said they are using high-tech on this case Please giuve

this this true great muslim leader a break .

by Terence Netto In remarks ignored by the mainstream media, Anwar flags the malady in MalaysiaBy Syed Jaymal Zahiid, The Malaysian Insider

Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz has called Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad “childish and lame” for saying he is among those whom the former prime minister thought was unfit to be a minister.

Speaking to The Malaysian Insider, Nazri, who is a minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, said he was surprised that he had been singled out by Dr Mahathir.

“I am surprised by this because as far as I can remember, Mahathir appointed me as a minister back in 1999.

“But it doesn’t matter to me. He is not the prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is and he appointed me and that says enough,” he said jovially.

Dr Mahathir had named Nazri earlier today as one of the ministers he felt should not have been made a Cabinet member. The former PM claimed Nazri had been nasty to him.

The former prime minister also named Datuk Johari Baharum as someone he thought should not have been made a deputy minister.

Dr Mahathir’s remarks today came after he expressed disappointment last week that Najib had appointed “unsavoury characters” into his Cabinet.

Nazri upon hearing this laughed and said that Dr Mahathir should have come up with a much more solid reason to describe him as unfit for a Cabinet post.

“If that is his reason, I would say he is lame and childish. I would expect to hear a more solid reason from him,” he said.

“You can write in your report that I think he is definitely childish and lame,” he added.

Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries minister Datuk Johari Baharum could not be contacted for comment.

Dr Mahathir had cited Johari’s corruption allegations case where the latter allegedly received money to free a detainee back in 2007 when he was the deputy internal security minister.

Johari was later cleared off the charges.

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