Monday, June 14, 2010

Mahathir ethnic “rabble-rousers” spoke to THE GHOST ALTANTUYA

Hazlan Zakaria | Jun 14, 10 12:36PM
UPDATED 2.25PM In an apparent shot at the opposition, Mahathir claims Vincent Tan had previously funded parties on both sides of the political divide.

Dr Mahathir (right) claimed political polarisation could see Malays becoming a minority power in Malaysia. —

Why can't you be truthful Just admit the Malays are not interested in your programme. . If they are convinced the movement has a good cause, they would have attended though there was a world cup match the night before the gathering .

You have failed this time. Expect the same in the future.

The anticipated 5,000 people failed to turn up at the Melayu Bangkit rally






(This generalisation has insulted the many Malay students of mine and their parents who struggled and toiled unassisted because they treasured self-respect and self-esteem.)


There, I said it! The longest running “ CHINESE VINCENT TAN SODOMISE THE MALAY MUSLIMS FOR DOLLARS NOT PLEASURE ” joke! There is a history behind that joke, but, more on that later!

By definition, arbitrary arrest precludes any clear articulation of what legal offenses detainees may have committed. We are thus left to construe allegations of criminal activity based upon accusations made by various government spokespersons or politically affiliated groups.bloated ketuanan melayu powerplay political greed and more greed, political leadership suffers from extreme bouts of unpatriotism, greed, selfishness, unquenchable thirst for wealth and the protection of ill-gotten gains. does malaysia need such leadership?hidden dramas hours before najib’s swearing-in?who cares about the details… the fact is that the king condoned the appointment of a man of known dubious character to be pm of malaysia please also keep those kerises sheathed!

ethnic “rabble-rousers” locked away without prospect of trial in the country’s infamous Kamunting Detention Center were joined recently by a handful of minor opposition figures working the Internet fringe of Malaysian politics.
A dictator in the real sense Dr Mahathir was not, at least not in the realm of the abovementioned gallery of villainy, but a benevolent autocrat he certainly was, marshalling and goading the Malaysian masses into great self-confidence and self-pride to take on the world while whipping everyone at home – the rogues, the whiners, the desperados, the beggars, the backstabbers, the recalcitrants, and the ingratiaters – into fighting shape. Without Dr Mahathir’s prying, Malaysian politics would have degenerated into back-alley catfights of political tribalism dominated by ego-driven overlords and self-styled warlords. He still did not full succeed. If because of these aspects that deemed Dr Mahathir as a dictator, he’d probably take it with a wholesome chuckle.
. Like fathLike father like son,racist bred racist,dictator bred dictator,corruptbred corrupt.Mukhriz will be worst than his dad Racist mahathir.He will be wipe the coffer clean and the rakyat will be at his mercy.He will be no different to Robert Mugabe,Saddam Hussien,Suharto,Hitler,Jack the Ripper,Judas,Ahmad Ismail,Khir Toyo and all those whose names are written in history as the ‘worst than animal’type of behaviour.Nver again must Malaysians elect such thugs to our highest office.We can be wrong once but not twice!

UMNO is Intellectually bankrupt! All they have is their own malaise to inflict the creator. This is the simple Law of Nature ,as they touch they die the same way from the inside. The root of it all is the magic word—MONEY!!These characteristics have become part and parcel of the new generation that walk the streets at all levels .One example is Saiful’s own father taking his son to take an oath in a mosque immaculately dressed like it was a a graduation ceremony at an Ivy League College. What a pitiful facade for the young of the NationYou are looking at a different pot with the same taste of poisonous soup. Anything that has linkage to MM cannot be good for the Rakyat. The proofs are all written on the wall by the unrepentant,evil and recalcitrant characters of the old MM racist dictatorship. You don’t have to listen to what he said, you can even smellthe evilness of his every move, just to protect his smelly skeletons filled closet.
watch whatbastard Mukhriz said on sodamy 2 episode in the house this bastard
I am not so sure about that. He once said it was pointless to clean up the judiciary because it doesn’t benefit the Malays. This speaks volumes about the man I once respected. It’s a very unwise thinking which tells us he’s happy the way things are, corruption and more corruption and abuses of power. And all this in the name of the Malays. Now I hope he doesn’t win or there will be very little future for the country
Famous Chinese saying,”Rotten land beget rotten grass” We are talking about the epitome of depravity where his roots come from. Get real, Imran Imtiaz. We are no suckers, we had 22 years to open our eyes to the hell that surrounds us evilly masterminded by the one and only Father of All Corruption.

Munafik Mahathir claims Vincent Tan had many funded UMNO Dr M gives thumbs up to sports betting
But, hey, the sure did fool everyone by playing the fool, and went on to become one of the most prosperous communities in Malaysia WITH LITTLE HELP FROM Vincent Tan,So, here’s a poser for everyone who laughed at them! Why can’t others also share the same secret of success? Start cracking joke at yourself or your community, and sure enough, everyone would start doing well. Did you notice that CHINESE and HINDUS are also quite prosperous and apparently, they also don’t mind being the centre of a joke. Maybe, there is a possibility that cracking jokes at one’s self would bring down the stress levels and help people concentrate on their work with light hearts and minds instead of burning with jealousy at your competitor’s success! Simple logic!
Coming back to the earlier joke, LET Vincent Tan finishes his samosa, pays up at the counter and walks out! … What? Come on, let Vincent Tan at least eat his samosa in peace. Why do you always have to look for a joke in him.! There is a history behind that joke, but, more on that later!
But, hey, the sure did fool everyone by playing the fool, and went on to become one of the most prosperous communities in Malaysia,So, here’s a poser for everyone who laughed at them! Why can’t others also share the same secret of success? Start cracking joke at yourself or your community, and sure enough, everyone would start doing well. Did you notice that CHINESE and HINDUS are also quite prosperous and apparently, they also don’t mind being the centre of a joke. Maybe, there is a possibility that cracking jokes at one’s self would bring down the stress levels and help people concentrate on their work with light hearts and minds instead of burning with jealousy at your competitor’s success! Simple logic!
How the intellectuality of Political Islam turned into the brutality of faithful fascism umno
Coming back to the earlier joke, LET Vincent Tan finishes his samosa, pays up at the counter and walks out! … What? Come on, let Vincent Tan at least eat his samosa in peace. Why do you always have to look for a joke in him.

daim zainuddin


1. After the forum held by the University of Malaya to discuss the book by Barry Wain entitled "Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times", during which I was condemned for all kinds of misdeeds, many have asked me to sue the author. In fact even before the book was allowed to be sold in Malaysia, many who took exception to Barry Wain's vilification of my stint as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, many, including the Press have asked me to sue the author.

2. My view is that a politician must accept all the opinions for or against him as normal. They go with the job.

3. I am leery of politicians who sue their critics. I suspect that what they want is to make the issue sub-judice so as to prevent the critics from attacking them on the issue. This is a cowardly move and in fact proves that the criticisms are fully justified.

4. A politician who is convinced of his own integrity and innocence should be able to fend off the attacks by proving that they have no basis in fact. It is up to the people, after hearing both sides to decide on the matter. Shutting the mouth of the critics by abusing the authority of the court of law is no better than Governments which censor or shut down papers which are critical of them. Those who resort to this trick to shut the mouths of their critics are in fact showing the kind of leader they would make if they come to power.

5. Malaysians should be discerning enough to recognise such politicians who are fond of accusing others of misdeeds but who are in fact already abusing whatever little power they may have at their disposal.

6. Barry Wain and his people can say what they like. The people in this country can decide whether it is just arrogance or whether their accusations are what they say they are. I will have my say if I think it necessary.

Unfortunately that also produced some excesses that the country could take decades to correct. By Wain’s reckoning, the country wasted as much as RM100 billion (US$40 billion at exchange rates at the time) on grandiose projects such as the Perwaja steel plant, which lost an estimated US$800 million and whose executive director, Eric Chia (right), was charged with embezzling large amounts of money.
Chia, however, was freed by a Malaysian judiciary system that Mahathir had basically gutted and rebuilt to serve the interests of the state.
Wain writes about Mahathir’s relationship with Daim Zainuddin (below), the one-time finance minister who dismissed concerns about the commingling of his public and private interests, among a wide range of cronies who ultimately became a rentier class that did huge damage to the country’s coffers.
Mahathir could be stridently anti-western, breaking with the UK dramatically by establishing a “Buy British Last” programme that only ended when Margaret Thatcher, then the iron prime minister of Britain, made a trip to meet with Mahathir himself.
I too, enjoy these capers immensely, But, with a rider, and at the cost of sounding like a fundoo – these have to be cracked by a member of the community and within the own community. So, am I an exception among my easy-going community members, who are so often portrayed as harmless buffoons with generous hearts, in countless Bollywood movies, who get ridiculed in reel after reel, dialogue after dialogue, generation after generation?
The ‘normal’ human nature is that no one likes being ridiculed, least of all a community, considered to be a proud, Muslim race which seemed to be doing so well till Mahathir and IbrahimKATAK in the country. Or a community, which has faced genocides and near annihilation MAHATHIR rule when there was a price on every MALAY head, So, why do they still laugh at themselves? Maybe, they do so, because they have realized that feeling sensitive about minor things such as ridicule, in such a fickle life is not worth the effort! But, then, here’s another reason, and mind you, I am letting you into a deep secret, told to me by a well-meaning community elder, long, long ago! MALAY probably learnt to laugh at themselves, so that they, being a community, could appear harmless and continue to do well socially and economically without any fear of competition or persecution. After all, who would like to compete with someone who is supposed to have a brain which boils over at 12 noon!

So, why do they still laugh at themselves? Maybe, they do so, because they have realized that feeling sensitive about minor things such as ridicule, in such a fickle life is not worth the effort! But, then, here’s another reason, and mind you, I am letting you into a deep secret, told to me by a well-meaning community elder, long, long ago! MALAY probably learnt to laugh at themselves, so that they, being a community, could appear harmless and continue to do well socially and economically without any fear of competition or persecution. After all, who would like to compete with someone who is supposed to have a brain which boils over at 12 noon!


There, I said it! The longest running “12 baj gaye” joke! There is a history behind that joke, but, more on that later!
But, hey, the sure did fool everyone by playing the fool, and went on to become one of the most prosperous communities in Malaysia WITH LITTLE HELP FROM Vincent Tan,So, here’s a poser for everyone who laughed at them! Why can’t others also share the same secret of success? Start cracking joke at yourself or your community, and sure enough, everyone would start doing well. Did you notice that CHINESE and HINDUS are also quite prosperous and apparently, they also don’t mind being the centre of a joke. Maybe, there is a possibility that cracking jokes at one’s self would bring down the stress levels and help people concentrate on their work with light hearts and minds instead of burning with jealousy at your competitor’s success! Simple logic!

the last statement is so true, Vincent,PM, Cabinet,UMNO, BN and other cronies really think we are fools and they still do so after 0308. Just too bloody bad for them cos we are not as dumb as we look. We are waiting for the next GE and please do not think those in Sabah and Sarawak as as dumb as they look cos they will be withdrawing their deposit sooner than you think.

may the force be with us all Malaysians!

Daulat Tuanku!!! Allah bless us all

A friend forwarded me an email with a selection of photos taken at a recent gala housewarming party hosted by Mukhriz Mahathir. The images were from a local gossip blog and merely revealed without commentary the Gatsbyesque garishness and pompousness of Mukhriz Mahathir’s lifestyle preferences…

I decided to turn these images into a blogpost and began editing the photos. When I was ready to upload I discovered my Streamyx connection down again (third time within two weeks!) – this time it was due to a dysfunctional phone line. That happened around 3:00PM Saturday.

It’s almost 2:00PM Monday as I type this and Telekom has been unable to get my line working. Each time this happens I think of Mahathir and his privatization program and vow to do everything within my power to prevent Mukhriz Mahathir from establishing a Mahathir dynasty.

We need another dynasty of arrogant mediocrity like we need a great big hole in our wallets!

This blogpost comes to you from the same cybercafe I had to use every day for 3 years, while waiting for Telekom to provide me a land line.

Back in 1975, when I was living at 7 Pesiaran Ampang Hilir, I applied for a phone and was made to wait nearly 3 years. Telekom’s monumental lack of enthusiasm over the notion of progress is perhaps a quaint and wonderful cultural trait – but I don’t think it does a telco’s public image any good.

Looking at the new mansion that Mukhriz Mahathir built, one can’t help but speculate about how much it might have cost…

A wild guess might put the overall cost between RM15-20 million.

Apart from shooting his mouth off at every opportunity and coming across as an overconfident moron (the worst type of moron, if you ask me), what DOES Mukhriz Mahathir actually do? Does he have any marketable skills or special talents?

Is he a financial whizkid, for instance? I doubt it. Mutual friends assure me that Mukhriz Mahathir can be quite a charming and affable fellow. Maybe so, but does being “charming and affable” mean you can afford to live in a multi-million ringgit mansion?

I know his elder brother Mirzan is ranked among the richest men in Asia (read somewhere he was worth USD8.5 billion a couple of years ago)… I guess when your daddy is Mahathir or Suharto it’s impossible to fail in business, no matter how hard you try.

So how do you suppose Mukhriz amassed his fortune? Surely not on his cabinet minister’s salary? Does he have a couple of hit albums on the charts?

I don’t have a problem with people who strike it rich by fortuitously stumbling on a cave filled with pirate treasure… or who inherited a fortune from their tycoon fathers… or who invented something the world finds useful – like the personal computer or iPhone or Google…

But Mukhriz Mahathir’s dad is a politician. To be precise, he was prime minister for 22 years. He has publicly lashed out against corruption and Umno-style money politics (while privately stashing his store of nuts away in offshore hiding places, no doubt). So did daddy give Mukhriz this mansion as a birthday present, for boldly speaking out against Abdullah Badawi’s lameness and making snide remarks about the seriousness of Anwar’s sodomy accusations?

Guess we’ll never know… unless Marina spills the beans!

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