Wednesday, November 4, 2009

TUN MAHATIR’S HIDDEN HAND IN High-level conspiracy to suppress government’s involvement in PKFZ

In the verbatim of the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) meeting procedures released yesterday, Ling said his ministry could only “state the fact that we wanted the land.”
However, Ling pointed out that the costing and valuation of the land was determined by the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) which was chaired by former prime minister and finance minister, Dr Mahathir.
“Our job in Ministry of Transport is to only state the fact that we want the land. Costings, valuations and all that, it is not the function of the Ministry of Transport. We do not have a Valuation Department.

In the verbatim of the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) meeting procedures released yesterday, Ling said his ministry could only “state the fact that we wanted the land.”
However, Ling pointed out that the costing and valuation of the land was determined by the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) which was chaired by former prime minister and finance minister, Dr Mahathir.“Our job in Ministry of Transport is to only state the fact that we want the land. Costings, valuations and all that, it is not the function of the Ministry of Transport. We do not have a Valuation Department.


1. The video clip was authentic;
2. Lingam was in conversation with Ahmad Fairuz over judicial appointments;
3. There was direct influence by Lingam in the elevation of judges, in particular in the appointment of Ahmad Fairuz as president of the Court of Appeal, with the possible aim of his further appointment as chief justice; and;
4. Lingam had asked tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan and Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor to involve themselves actively in the appointment of judges, in particular the appointment of Ahmad Fairuz as the Chief Judge of Malaya and subsequently, president of the Court of Appeal.
The commission identified six people to be investigated under the Prevention of Corruption Act 1961, the Sedition Act 1961, the Legal Profession Act 1976, the Official Secrets Act 1972 and the Penal Code.
They are former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Lingam, Tan, Umno secretarygeneral Tengku Adnan, Eusoff Chin and Ahmad Fairuz.

November 4, 2009


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related article read this exclusive story

June 23, 2009


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Is Ezam having an affair with Rosmah or her mother?
Is Ezam a lunatic from Tanjung Rambutan?
Are Ezam and Nalla “partners” ?
Did Ezam pass his UPSR?
Is Ezam, Mahathir’s script writer? related article readbelow

is najib when when he sent the abuse of power liketext message correspondence is between yab dato’ sri mohd najib tun abdul razak, deputy prime minister of malaysia, and dato’ shafee abdullah“tentative” charge and that “all is not lostis not immune from action under the law. investigation can be made if he had acted beyond the scope of his official duties,” macc’s legal and prosecution division director datuk abdul razak musa told reporters.

Najib's Dream?Martin Luther King and his Civil Rights Movement had a dream, Anwar has a dream, so does Najib. Mahathir had a dream but he screwed it up because in his pursuit of power and ego gratification, he destroyed our institutions of governance. and our system of checks and balances. And today, Malaysia is a wasteland engulfed by corruption, incompetence and moral degradation.

We all have dreams, but my dream like those of my friends who are blogging on this web-blog is a Malaysia where we seek justice for all and respect for dignity of difference ,and where religion and race are removed from the political equation and where we are a caring and compassionate people, not a bunch of religious bigots and racists.

With the cooperation of Tean, I am posting King’s I have a Dream Speechin Washington DC (1963). Listen to King and let us make the BERSIH March of 2007 a new beginning and the end of business as usual. Electoral reform, freedom of the media, meritocracy, and transparent and open government should be the pillars of our nation.

That we are all free men is the dream we must make real. We must be judged by the content of our character, not our ethnicity and religion. We cannot walk alone. Let us walk together in brotherhood. Good weekend to you all, my dear friends.—Din Merican

read this exclusive story


The resignation of Attorney-General Gani Patail can save umno which was destroyed by Mahathir

Filed under: Uncategorized — taxi2driver @ 1:41 pm Edit This

The sword of Damocles hanging over his head,

Lim Kit Siang has called for the resignation of Attorney-General Gani Patail for failing to charge former Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy for criminal breach of trust.

The DAP stalwart said the findings of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal was sufficient to warrant his resignation.

lim-kit-siang.png“The PAC report has confirmed and vindicated my statements and allegations about the PKFZ not only as a can of worms but a swamp of crocodiles that I have made in Parliament since the last session.

“[It] raises the question why no action had been taken very much earlier to avoid the rotten state of the PKFZ scandal today,” said Lim in his blog.

According to the PAC’s findings, as much as RM645 million could have been saved had PKFZ land been acquired under the Land Acquisition Act 1960. PAC recommended that former Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy be investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the police for unlawfully issuing three Letters of Support.

Lim said Chan should be charged for criminal breach of trust under Section 14(1) of the Financial Procedure Act 1957 read together with Section 409B Penal Code.

“I commend PAC for taking such a clear stand but I cannot wonder what is the use of such a reference to the MACC, when the MACC and previously the Anti-Corruption Agency had been aware of these facts as I had spoken about them many times in Parliament in the past three years.

Committed breach of trust

Lim said during a meeting with the PAC committee, MACC Director of Investigations Mohd Shukri bin Abdull had confirmed that the attorney-general’s office has investigated the issuing of the Letters of Support and found that no offence had been committed

chan-kong-choy.jpgabdul gani patail.jpg“It is crystal clear that the fact of Chan Kong Choy having abused his powers as transport minister and committed breach of trust in unlawfully issuing the three letters of support were not new information to the MACC. What purpose can be served by PAC recommending that SPRM should further investigate into Chan Kong Choy for the offence of criminal breach of trust when it had already investigated and cleared him of having committed any such offence?”

“Attorney-General Gani Patail had appeared before the PAC to reiterate that Chan had unlawfully given an implicit government guarantee in the three Letters of Support which he had no power to give as transport minister. The question is why the Attorney-General had failed to take action against Chan for abuse of power or criminal breach of trust in illegally. Gani Patail should resign as Attorney-General if he cannot give a satisfactory explanation.”

Lim also called for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to build on the PAC findings as well as to investigate why the MACC, the Attorney-General and other key institutions and important officials had failed to discharge their duties in allowing the PKFZ scandal to reach the present astronomical scale.

related article
“After Tan Sri Rahim (Noor) entered the lockup area, he stopped somewhere near the wooden door. He then lifted his fingers to his lips and raised both his hands to his eyes signalling to the person in front of him.”
“There were police officers standing at the counter. They were ASP Rodwan (Mohd Yusof) and Dato’ Ramli (Yusuff). I cannot remember the others. I cannot remember whether there was any response to Tan Sri Rahim’s signal from the officers in front of him.”
“Not long after that, Tan Sri Rahim straight away headed towards the passage leading towards the cell on the left. He was walking at normal pace. I followed Tan Sri Rahim behind.”
“When I reached the entrance to the passage leading to the cell, I did not see Tan Sri Rahim anymore. Then I heard a voice saying, “Jangan pukul saya” (Don’t beat me) in Malay.”
“I was already in the passage. Spontaneously, I rushed into the cell. The first cell on the left. It is cell number six.”
“I rushed in and grabbed his (Rahim’s) belt with my (right) hand, from behind, and pulled him towards me. With my left hand, I held the bar of the cell door. Dato’ Ramli assisted me.”
“Dato’ Ramli was in the cell on Tan Sri Rahim’s right. He was assisting me by pushing him (Rahim) out of the cell. We managed to get Tan Sri Rahim out of the cell and then I took him out of the lockup. And then both of us went up to the 30th floor.”
“There were a few meetings held. Finally, there was a meeting between Tan Sri Rahim and a few others and myself. At that meeting, it was decided that Dato’ Seri Anwar (Ibrahim) is to be arrested under the Internal Security Act. There was no discussion regarding what happened to Dato’ Seri Anwar in the cell.”


The sword of Damocles hanging over his head,

October 31, 2009

Sex it up at the gym with the barisan’s sex doct What do your pics say about your BariSON love?

Filed under: Uncategorized — taxi2driver @ 11:27 pm Edit This

Najib: “Get them!” More like: “Get us!”
Posted on October 31st, 2009 by Nathaniel Tan
The Star blazing headlines “Get them!”
A high-powered task force will be set up immediately to scrutinise wrongdoings reported in the recently-released Auditor-General’s Report, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
This is to ensure that those involved in any misappropriation of funds or abuse of power would not “get away with it” but face the consequences.
All well and good, except for the small fact that I don’t think there’s anyone more expert than Najib himself at “getting away with it.” :P Besides, the captain is always ultimately responsible for the crew, and not separate from it.
You know, millions were lost through wastage, as the piercing Auditor-General’s report highlights year after year after year. But the commission for one submarine may just be the equal to all the overpriced laptops and screwdrivers.
So wouldn’t this ‘anti-corruption’ call be a bit like getting the musang to jaga ayam? :P

Najib: “Get them!” More like: “Get us!”Posted on October 31st, 2009 by Nathaniel TanThe Star blazing headlines “Get them!”
A high-powered task force will be set up immediately to scrutinise wrongdoings reported in the recently-released Auditor-General’s Report, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
This is to ensure that those involved in any misappropriation of funds or abuse of power would not “get away with it” but face the consequences.
All well and good, except for the small fact that I don’t think there’s anyone more expert than Najib himself at “getting away with it.” :P Besides, the captain is always ultimately responsible for the crew, and not separate from it.
You know, millions were lost through wastage, as the piercing Auditor-General’s report highlights year after year after year. But the commission for one submarine may just be the equal to all the overpriced laptops and screwdrivers.
So wouldn’t this ‘anti-corruption’ call be a bit like getting the musang to jaga ayam? :P


October 28, 2009 on 12:09 pm | In General |

Datuk Dr Jacob George's photo

‘Fulfilling promises is just not the building of roads, highways, bridges, schools, clinics, providing computers, low costs housing all which may have been built or provided as a promise at ‘inflated prices’ and worst if they were built not conforming to specifications and that ‘corners have been cut’ s – all the more ridicule!’- Dr Jacob George

Scandal – Offense caused or experienced; reproach or reprobation called forth by what is regarded as wrong, criminal, heinous, or flagrant: opprobrium or disgrace.


NONEFirst order of the day is to the parents of the drowned pupils and the community now undergoing various forms of shocks and mourning in Kuala Dipang, Perak , I cannot but share my deepest condolences and heartfelt sadness!

If federal and state level politicians thought that this will just go away with the presence of the deputy premier at the scene with other politicians – they are indeed wrong!

The air at Kuala Dipang smells of death and of negligence and utter unadulterated corruption!

This tragedy has put the nation back after making great strides in recent weeks in fostering a new wave of sensitiveness and understanding!

It is sad this has happened and ‘heads must roll!’

The contractors behind this bridge, the powers that be that awarded the project to them and others who provided political support must be all hauled up to face liability!

I expect dear friend the no nonsense tolerating Attorney General to immediately look at this case if he has not already done so!

As I said – ‘heads must roll!’

You do not have to be a Professor Emeritus in Constitutional Law to say that as long as political expediency rules the nation instead of upholding blatantly that right is might and anything else no matter how it is relayed or spanned for political convenience is wrong we are never going to make strides in nation building!

Fulfilling promises is just not the building of roads, highways, bridges, schools, clinics, providing computers, low costs housing all which may have been built or provided as a promise at ‘inflated prices’ and worst if they were built not conforming to specifications and that ‘corners have been cut’ s – all the more ridicule!

Fulfilling promises also means righting a wrong no matter how high up it goes!

Not just by dealing with unethical and tainted politicians who stand on a political party ticket and are elected then enticed by ‘other persuasions’ decide to betray that trust by joining another!

Or worst, other political shenanigans rejected coming into political power by plain political coup and behaving as if they have the people’s mandate!

Here we are dealing with all kinds and nature of flaws that must be dealt with if we want to move forward!

Issues that revolve around politicians and elected representatives ‘unfulfilled promises’ – a breach of people’s trust to be precise!

In true democracy, those who are in this class of people should honorably vacate their seats but do they?

Interesting thought, but is Malaysia ready for this?

Nay, I think and worst we are too forgiving!

As a result despite they disregarding our rights and interests and despite they being self serving we continue to vote and keep them in public office!

It is our mistake!

There are many kinds of unfulfilled promises and they all point to a common fact!

For example in October 1999, just days after ‘I made history’ of being the only employee to be ‘retrenched’ from a leading private hospital, with my personal life in tatters and my future plans all shattered and unknown, I remember organizing a Charity Dinner function at Holiday Villa Subang!

At that function, and, in the full view of over 2,000 people attending the function, a politician and serving Senator, promised us RM2,000 to off-set the costs.

For the record, despite repeated reminders and telephone calls made since October 1999, the money did not come.

I met the Senator at the office of a senior Federal Minister and I engaged him on the unfulfilled promise.

He had asked me to write to him, again, citing several excuses in embarrassment.

I brought this matter up to my friends they decided that we should “drop the issue”.

Fellow social workers at CASSA stressed that what was promised was made voluntarily.

However, they admitted it was a sad case to have made us look like beggars when all that we sought was the fulfillment of a promise made in public to help us off-set our costs!

Indeed, some of our politician’s ‘langsung tak tahu malu’ – too thick skinned!

In another case, several years ago, two politicians, one a serving Mayor and the other a sitting Member of Parliament, had both promised to donate RM5, 000 each to a primary school for its PIBG projects.

But the money had not arrived till I as a member of the PIBG chased them hounding them to fulfill their promise towards the school!

The money came finally!

In contrast, former Selangor MB Dr Mohd. Khir Toyo was also invited as the official guest at the same school for its 2001 PIBG AGM.

During the meeting, he delivered a “fiery and power-packed speech from his heart” that motivated all who were present, after which, he pledged to contribute RM10, 000.00 from his salary for the school’s IT and Library project.

I did not have to run around for that money!

I am pleased to say that money arrived in record three days after the speech was delivered!

If only more could have be like Mohd Khir Toyo who kept his promise to help!

Last week, a community social club’s installation ceremony and dinner, I was “high-jacked” by a large group of people made up of sensitive public spirited individuals, corporate figures, and leaders of Non Governmental Organizations, Service Groups, retired politicians and leaders of charitable organizations!

These people were upset and they tried to seek answers to several issues that had made the front pages of our electronic and print media recently.

Among the issues is the rather pathetic situation of the people in ‘squatter areas’ who were promised many things in the full glare of the electronic and print media but in many cases the promises remain unfulfilled!

These men and women I spoke to at that dinner wanted answers from me as if I was part of the policymaking team at Putrajaya!

I told them that the questions that they raised were all valid but it should be directed at the overdressed cigar smoking men in Italian silk suits and women in their BMWs and S classes – and other imported cars – those we call ‘YBs’ – who love to hog the limelight make promises to the grassroots but forget just as easily as they make one!

These luxury sun-glass wearing politicians come to town with the press in tow made their grand entry and exit and in those moments.

Undressed children, widows and the elderly are cuddled, uncollected garbage was pointed at, clogged drains were frowned upon, and immediate cosmetic changes were initiated, allocations approved, and… They leave!

But do they or the press that came in tow check if the promises they make are met or delivered as promised and along reasonable time lines?

The good news was that this group of people who “cornered” me was not just the ‘bourgeoisie type – the society pages flirts showing who they know and how rich they are!’

These individuals were also rich and powerful too – but – with a difference as they were committed to a cause and they were committed to giving sufficient financial and other support for any community project proposal that I may suggest addressing the long term interests and rights of marginalized communities!

There are many needs in many parts of Selangor despite being tagged the ‘most developed state’ in the country!

Community and social groups learn fast to meet these needs despite a shortage of resources.

What about politicians, especially the self serving ones?

Are they willing to change for the betterment of our community instead of indulging in acts or omissions that create political turmoil or worst, result in political chaos, power grabs and embarrassment for a nation that claims to be a democracy!

Are they willing to categorically state that the tragedy like this on in Kuala Dipang, Perak will not happen again on their watch?

Got my drift?

Our campaign against RACISM of all forms!

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