In electoral science, statistics are illustrative, interpretation is critical and everything is fluid. Politics is evolutionary, and evolution - even Darwin’s - is a theory, not a fact. No election is an echo of the past, let alone a mirror of the future. judge gave BN the best “staircase” to step down in this crisis with dinity; but BN decide to induce Court of Appeal judge and press the “Suicide Bomb”.Najib, are you really a Malaysian leader? Are you realised you are the Destructor of this country from the day you assumed the post of Perak UMNO Chief? By appealling a stay order for the High Court decision, BN have burn its last effort to convince voter in the future.MCA, MIC and others BN components parties! I know you are the Loyal Doggy, but would you think of how is the perception of peoples towards BN, UMNO and you?The “Right or Wrong, True or False, Moral or Immoral” in this political impasse is decide by Rakyat, not the so called judges, lawyers, Umno warlords or even Sultan.BN, you are come to the end of road, and the only destination for you is “Hell”! SHAFIE: VOTERS MUST SHOW MALAYS CAN UNITE ,The whole nation is waiting for voters decision to choose najibHadi is forcarimakan unity,or Nik AbdulAzizamwar true unity
The statistics of last general elections do not justify the self-evident depression that has overtaken And yet, the seats went in the opposite direction.Statistics across the partisan border are no less fascinating.A statistical approach to national elections is more likely to provide accurate predictions than to regional polls.READTHISwe malaysians the suckers to mother illusionist the Merdeka Center for Opinion Researchthe maysianinsider is 100% correct najib is an illusionist
A critical mass has now formed for a stable government at the Centre, but interest groups and legitimate demands in large states like Perak have become too diffuse for coherent analysis.It does make difference for public who forms the govt. in Public is only a means with a vote in hand. Govts. are formed by party coalition who succeed to fool the people to vote for them in sufficient numberREADTHISSCENE5 The Curtains are raised and we see a darkened stage. Lights fade in. The scene begins in “THE 4thfloorWAR ROOM” a shadowy enclave Well done Datuk Zaid… let’s fight together for a better Malaysia
.The bane of the country is no doubt the politicians but the real faulters are the citizens of this country. They themselves get into the race religion and what not. So if these politicians suck even their bloods out of their body they should not blame them. It is the malay mulim vote, the non malaymuslim vote, I mean what are we talking about. Is this the way the government be selected. Even if the muslim guy gets selected I am pretty sure that he is going to exploit the muslims more than any body else. When will the people of this country understand god knows. may be it will be too late by the time they understand. The politicians will be in US or UK with their money in the Swiss Banks. Go for it guys .READTHISWe will never enjoy Democracy if we are not willing to work for it & defend it.Mahathirism has been a terrible curse on Malaysia.
.don't think it will be easy anymore for UMNO/BN to take urban voters - esp those from Sgor, Pg & Perak for granted. Incl the folks of Sabah & Swak. The era of Mahathir, the glamor days of 90s stock market bull runs & information blockage is over. UMNO would have lost the battle long before 8/3/08, if not for their stranglehold on the mass media. Time has run out, senor Najib. The Altantuya Albatross hangs around your neck - it will continue to hang there, cos either public opinion will not give you rest about it; or if UMNO gets pissed off with you, then I am quite some sure UMNO Godfather will authorise "leakages" re: Altantuya. Just see what's happening to the Negeri MB. Are we surprised that the UMNO warlords of NS are beginning to make their moves? Perhaps the bargaining chip might have something to do with a photo taken in PD..
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