Dulu Khairy, sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala DICK “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.
Betino dari Nogori 9 dah menghompap Berok Jantan dari Nogori 9!!
Jantan kocut dari Pahang tak boleh buek apo-apo – buahnya dah tersopit dek betino puako tu!
what is that pussy doing in Putrajaya? thought she has nothing to do in the BARISAN NAJIS government except the mongolian affair?That’s why Mr Lee Kuan Yew requested to meet her because he knew she wold play a big role in her husband’s administration. Both husband and wife work as a team!
Are you sure thats all ? How about bedding bollywood stars and carpet boys ? Maybe that was picked up along the way to spice up her Minang Pu$$*. In everyway we have a slutty,bitchy,pretentious whore at the 4th floor now. The very monument of our capital administration has become a whore house with all the vice spewing out of Rosmah aka First Slut of Malaysia.If Malaysians do not know who’s Emperess Dowager Ci Xi of Qing Dynasty, do read the Chinese history how the whole China was screwed up.
2nd Hand Fat Mama Rosmah is going to be just like her, mess around & spending spree without caring the future of her country. I am trying to imagine Rosie throwing her weight around (literally) and am trying to imagine the unfortunate squashed guys under her (as my son says, “Roti canai lah”). Reminds me of that particular big fat wrestling character who likes to do body slams, forgot his name though. Ayoo penyetlah. Am also trying to imagine fat mama Rosie literally running all over the 4th Floor. I wonder what the seismic readings will be. Need to have the engineers re check the building for cracks and also the structural integrity.Tun Mahathir never commented on Rosmah. Tak tahu atau pura pura buat tak tahu.
That is Tun M style…when his man is done shit..its ok..cover up.
But when someone else whom he dont like do do anything ..he goes all around the country talking about it.
You are a great businessman Tun M. Instead of selling roti, I think carpet business will make a better profit under current country administration.
Rosmah: Oh, come on.
Dulu Khairy, sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala DICK “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.
Betino dari Nogori 9 dah menghompap Berok Jantan dari Nogori 9!!
Jantan kocut dari Pahang tak boleh buek apo-apo – buahnya dah tersopit dek betino puako tu!
what is that pussy doing in Putrajaya? thought she has nothing to do in the BARISAN NAJIS government except the mongolian affair?That’s why Mr Lee Kuan Yew requested to meet her because he knew she wold play a big role in her husband’s administration. Both husband and wife work as a team!
Are you sure thats all ? How about bedding bollywood stars and carpet boys ? Maybe that was picked up along the way to spice up her Minang Pu$$*. In everyway we have a slutty,bitchy,pretentious whore at the 4th floor now. The very monument of our capital administration has become a whore house with all the vice spewing out of Rosmah aka First Slut of Malaysia.If Malaysians do not know who’s Emperess Dowager Ci Xi of Qing Dynasty, do read the Chinese history how the whole China was screwed up.
2nd Hand Fat Mama Rosmah is going to be just like her, mess around & spending spree without caring the future of her country. I am trying to imagine Rosie throwing her weight around (literally) and am trying to imagine the unfortunate squashed guys under her (as my son says, “Roti canai lah”). Reminds me of that particular big fat wrestling character who likes to do body slams, forgot his name though. Ayoo penyetlah. Am also trying to imagine fat mama Rosie literally running all over the 4th Floor. I wonder what the seismic readings will be. Need to have the engineers re check the building for cracks and also the structural integrity.Tun Mahathir never commented on Rosmah. Tak tahu atau pura pura buat tak tahu.
That is Tun M style…when his man is done shit..its ok..cover up.
But when someone else whom he dont like do do anything ..he goes all around the country talking about it.
You are a great businessman Tun M. Instead of selling roti, I think carpet business will make a better profit under current country administration.
Rosmah: Oh, come on.
Najib: Leave me alone!
Rosmah: It won’t take long.
Najib: I won’t be able to sleep afterwards.
Rosmah: I can’t sleep without it.
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