Friday, October 23, 2009

The voters' mindset THEN AND NOW RM200 billion means nothing if only RM30 billion goes to the people because of the high running cost and evaporation

Friday, October 23, 2009

The voters' mindset THEN AND NOW RM200 billion means nothing if only RM30 billion goes to the people because of the high running cost and evaporation

What is the top ten? I would say a failing education system, state-endorsed or institutionalised racism, abuse of power, corruption, wastage of public funds, lack of transparency and accountability, attitude problem, no civility or courtesy, serious crime problem, and arrogance, though not necessarily in that order.

I just love Mahathir's hollow and hypocrite 'Bersih, Amanah Dan Cekap' and 'Kepimpinan Melalui Tauladan'. Yeah right! All the lanuns are following his footsteps and screwing the country left, rightThis is a Government that can afford to turn a blind eye to any misdeed.Going the path of the globally accepted route is not in their agenda.They will send blokes like Shafie to defend our bad human rights record."THIS IS NOT OUR WAY"has been the mainstay of their mind-set

.To have garnered so much power to do as they please shows the weakness and vulnerability of the Malaysian rakyat."Tidak Apa" thats the slogan appropriate for Malaysians.Anything goes as long as my affairs are not compromised.Well,Computers cost Rm 15,000.00 and a pencil Rm 10.00,and our beloved Government says all is well.The budget will ensure that Roti Canai and Teh Tarik prices do not exceed Rm 1.20.Malaysians will be happy with this and so will the same story go on.....! Wake up! Wake up!you blokes and to kick arse! you don't even need to highlight a business model for that...simple common sense would be sufficient.....BN would be on top of the pile with regards to problems facing our nation......still can't believe they paid RM 40,000 dollars for a damn laptop, Toyols'lavish batik and Disney quest, a top cop worth millions,double tracking blunder, PKFZ, toys planes and subs etc. If you put the total cost the tax payer had to fork out since Mahathir's rule,well I guess the sums would be a couple of hundred billions.

mahathir obama

Raja Petra Kamarudin

MALAYSIA'S government cut spending in its 2010 annual budget to rein in a ballooning deficit as it forecasts the economy will rebound to grow 2-3 per cent after a recession this year.

Prime Minister Najib Razak's speech to parliament on Friday will announce details of the budget, which is expected to include plans to revamp expensive fuel subsidies and measures to woo foreign investors including a 'second wave of privatization' of state run companies.

The Finance Ministry in a report said development spending will fall by 4.4 per cent to RM51.2 billion next year with spending to taper off following the completion of some major projects.

For the first time in years, the government's operating expenditure will be trimmed sharply by 13.7 per cent to RM138.3 billion following cuts to fuel subsidies, services spending and grants to statutory bodies, it said.

This will bring the federal government's budget to RM189.5 billion, down 11.3 per cent over 2009. With the reduced spending, it said the fiscal deficit is expected to narrow to 5.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2010 from 7.4 per cent forecast for this year.

The government also narrowed its forecast for the contraction in the economy this year to 3 per cent following pump priming that included new spending of RM67 billion. It earlier expected the economy to shrink 4 to 5 per cent. – AP


Yes, that is what was reported today. But what we should focus on is what it costs to run this country as opposed to what it costs to develop the country.

At the time of Merdeka, for every RM4 spent, RM1 went towards running cost and RM3 towards development. Today, for every RM4 spent, RM3 is for running cost and only RM1 goes towards development.

So, out of about RM200 billion spent, only about RM50 billion goes towards development as what the report above shows. In the past it would have been the other way around.

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