Saturday, October 10, 2009

UMNOWILL LOSE i the traitor to the Malays TURBOR CHARGED TSUNAMI FRENCY IS BACKspecial brand of corrupt political stewardship,the choice of Isa,

Making his first appearance in Bagan Pinang last night, called his UMNO BARISAN racists, hypocrites

It caused massive traffic congestion to the usually quiet semi-rural residential area where the ceramah was held at. People from all races, men, women and children, began showing up as early as 8pm despite knowing that the PKR de facto leader was only scheduled to arrive 1˝ hours later.

As time went, the density of the crowd was almost to the point of absurdity. The queue was five minutes just to walk five steps forward, and the cars with plate numbers from all over the country parked by the side of the narrow street made it more difficult for PR workers-cum-traffic marshals to help reduce the congestion.But it all seemed worth it for them as upon Anwar's arrival on the stump, the charismatic leader, through a mixture of humour and fierceness, brought palpable energy to the crowd. In just seconds, the slightly dull ambience transformed into a TURBOR CHARGED TSUNAMI frenzy BACK.

"Who is the traitor to the Malays? Long have the have-nots suffered at the hands of the few rich elite in the form of Umno politicians," said Anwar, followed by thunderous applause from the angered crowd.

"The poor Malays are robbed in broad daylight, government contracts are awarded to crony companies, we see poor Malays, Chinese, Indian everywhere throughout all BN governed states, and they call me a traitor?" added Anwar.

don't YOU think that UMNO are a mockery to themselves?they need and have to use a convicted kaki rasuah like ISA to rise from the ashes!!pathetically corrupted to core,no more cure.
Bagan Pinang,it is YOUR turn now to tell them,UMNO be end thieves AND bandits... enough is enough!show them ,the world and all MALAYSIANS yours and our rakyat righteous gut;say NO to corruption,NO to corrupted politician,NO to umno be end tyranny ,NO to umno racist sec 23 cow head racism,NO to PKFZ lie n swindle,NO to MACC doggy act(don't let teoh beng hock die in vain!),NO to PDRm brutality (how kgan was killed??),NO to the warped judiciary,NO to collapsed stadium,etc etc etc etc mansuhkan ISA vote PAS/PR for CHANGE

Anyway, so that no one can accuse me of chickening out, I shall predict the by-election result for tomorrow. And my crystal ball says to go with the Indians. So it shall be PAS within a 1,000 or so vote majority.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

My Chinese ‘underworld’ connections tell me that Umno is going to win the Bagan Pinang by-election tomorrow. But it is going to be within only a 1,000-vote majority, they tell me.

My Indian ‘underworld’ connections say this is rubbish. They assure me that PAS is going to win, but still within only a 1,000-vote majority.

My Malay ‘underworld’ connections say they will give me their prediction tomorrow night once the results are announced. At this stage they don’t know who is going to win but they do agree with both the Chinese and Indians -- in that the majority is going to be within only 1,000 votes.

Shit! Thus far I have been able to predict the election results with not too much trouble. In February 2008, I was able to predict that the opposition will win between 80 to 100 parliament seats and will grab five states in the March general election. I could even name the five states. And my predictions for the by-elections since March 2008 have also been almost spot-on, sometimes out by a mere 100 votes or so. But this Bagan Pinang by-election is a real teaser.

Anyway, so that no one can accuse me of chickening out, I shall predict the by-election result for tomorrow. And my crystal ball says to go with the Indians. So it shall be PAS within a 1,000 or so vote majority.

I just hope the Bagan Pinang voters do not disappoint me and break my thus far perfect score. But I suppose one can’t always be right.

why NAJIB BARISAN WILL LOSEclick for fullstory
Assuming postal voters turn out on 50% (2302 votes, worse case 80-20 (PAS 460 votes, BN 1842 votes)...

With 80% voters turnout, Malay votes left 2257 (6861-4604 postal votes).. 50-50% 1128-BN 1128-PAS

80% turnout (Chinese votes 1198, Indian 2267, Others 604) 70% goes to PAS, PAS 2848 BN 1221

Total votes: PAS, 4597, BN 4191

Now that Najib has dropped all pretence of queasiness about bedding down with corruption, he could do us all a big favour and save taxpayers a lot of money by closing down the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the National Institute of Integrity and all the other related agencies because he has made his position on corruption so clear. They are of no use to man or beast.Can we trust a government that is prepared to trade integrity? And for a rural state assembly seat which, the winning or losing of which, is not going to have a material effect on the political fate of BN in overall terms? I, unlike Najib, do not subscribe to the second chance dispensation because political corruption will ravage national values and systems. Are we blind to the fact that it was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s special brand of corrupt political stewardship, now still in place unfortunately, that has stifled our potential for dynamic growth, and kept us, in spite of the resources at our disposal, at the wrong end of the global competitiveness league table?

Malaysians are now being treated to a display of arrogance unprecedented in the history of BN administration, and the choice of Isa, in all the circumstances, flies in the face of what little is left that is decent and honourable in our national life, worth preserving. Even by Umno’s and, by extension, Najib’s own standards, this is a very low point, and that is putting it charitably. Najib does not disappoint.

During those days when Roslan Kassim was the PKR candidate concentrated in the estates, (if Gobala could recall) and Roslan lost. This time around I agree with Pete, Pas will win based on my rounds in the estates. However, my prediction is the majority is indeed slim,

Wow ibabonma and Raja Petra. From your two opinions, it seems that the results would be close and I like that optimism.

I took lunch a few miles off the hotel/condos/apartment main streets of PD yesterday and happy to report the bulk of Chinese voters WILL vote PAS. Raja Petra nailed it as far as where the Indian votes will go. To me, there is a split down the middle amongst our Indian brethren, which doesn't help the cause of PAS candidate does it ?

With the entire community being made political pawns, one would think there would be a healthy sway to Pakatan Rakyat but it wasn't apparent to me looking at the vast numbers of MIC colours in and around the streets of PD.

Soon after Fri prayers, I asked an elderly Malay gentleman "Pakcik undi siapa ?" and got a smirk and a sly smile which I take as a positive sign - one PAS vote in amongst a very partisan UMNO stronghold - is what I like to think.

That said, I am encourage to think that a PAS victory is possible though I was hesitant to think it possible before I read this post. The mood on the ground is merry which, I put down to the residents getting their share of their RM$200-300, courtesy of UMNO, with promises of more to come.

The evening beckons, take care all.


written by jeevy
I predict a slim majority for PAS...Here is my analysis below:-

Analysis for Bagan Pinang by election

Jumlah Pengundi adalah 13664

Turn out=85%=11614(85.0%of13664)

( translates to )

( translates to )

( translates to )


Total 50.14%

So 50.14%of11614=5824Votes for Pas candidate

BN's votes 11614-5824=5791

PAS Majority5824-579133

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all PR campaigners, workers and supporters for their relentless courage and energy in facing this seemingly impossible task of winning this by-election. Thank you, Tok Guru Nik Aziz for coming so far to lend your help to change the nation' KingSolomon

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