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PKR has been rocked by several issues, the latest being a tussle revolving around its new star recruit Zaid Ibrahim, a former Cabinet minister, with Anwar loyalist and PKR vice-president Azmin Ali
‘PKR needs both Azmin and Zaid’desperate umno’sNajib speaks with forked tongue Cheap empty sloganeering is not helpful for malaysiansDatuk Zaid has been working on a framework to gel PR together, but has been tripped up by his move to get close to PKR’s Sabah supporters despite being told to stay away for now.

MALAYSIA’S government cut spending in its 2010 annual budget to rein in a ballooning deficit as it forecasts the economy will rebound to grow 2-3 per cent after a recession this year.
Prime Minister Najib Razak’s speech to parliament on Friday will announce details of the budget, which is expected to include plans to revamp expensive fuel subsidies and measures to woo foreign investors including a ’second wave of privatization’ of state run companies.
The Finance Ministry in a report said development spending will fall by 4.4 per cent to RM51.2 billion next year with spending to taper off following the completion of some major projects.
For the first time in years, the government’s operating expenditure will be trimmed sharply by 13.7 per cent to RM138.3 billion following cuts to fuel subsidies, services spending and grants to statutory bodies, it said.
This will bring the federal government’s budget to RM189.5 billion, down 11.3 per cent over 2009. With the reduced spending, it said the fiscal deficit is expected to narrow to 5.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2010 from 7.4 per cent forecast for this year.
The government also narrowed its forecast for the contraction in the economy this year to 3 per cent following pump priming that included new spending of RM67 billion. It earlier expected the economy to shrink 4 to 5 per cent. – AP
Yes, that is what was reported today. But what we should focus on is what it costs to run this country as opposed to what it costs to develop the country.
At the time of Merdeka, for every RM4 spent, RM1 went towards running cost and RM3 towards development. Today, for every RM4 spent, RM3 is for running cost and only RM1 goes towards development.
So, out of about RM200 billion spent, only about RM50 billion goes towards development as what the report above shows. In the past it would have been the other way around.
The voters’ mindset THEN AND NOW RM200 billion means nothing if only RM30 billion goes to the people because of the high running cost and evaporationAzmin has been an unpopular choice to lead Sabah PKR and there was unhappiness that Zaid chose to stand with his detractors.related article read thisTime to reel in the big fish including Mahathir The UntouchableDOES THIS MEAN THAT WE MALAYSIANS ARE SO INCAPABLE THAT WE NEED ONE MAN TO DECIDE
Time to reel in the big fishIT took awhile, but the Auditor-General (A-G)’s report on failed business ventures by Tourism Malaysia subsidiary Pempena Sdn Bhd is not only a vindication of theSun, which exposed its activities, but an indictment of those responsible for ensuring that public money is managed by competent and trustworthy people.While the A-G could pinpoint nine instances where Pempena made bad judgment calls or did not conduct prudent business practices, I can vouch that this is just the tip of the iceberg.This paper had relentlessly pursued the mismanagement of Pempena which has since caused enterprises such Shopping Malaysia Secretariat (SSM), the Malaysian Kitchen project and Executive taxi services, to be losing ventures to the tune of RM50 million.Which is why no stone must be left unturned in ensuring those who acted so blasé with our money – whether crookedly or negligently – are brought to book.To this effect, the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should delve into the allegations of 20 sacked Pempena staff of the following alleged irregularities concerning a couple of officials:» pocketing commissions when refinancing luxury vehicles for high-end tourist taxi service;» approving contracts to RM2 companies for tourism-based projects;» overstating the cost of creating an e-tourism website by RM5 million;» by-passing the board of directors when “investing” in a restaurant project in Australia; and» the wife of a former director was benefiting from Pempena contracts.However, it is not enough that we make examples of two or three fall guys. Contrary to what some of the powers-that-be think, Malaysians are a discerning lot who can see through the bull****.The only ikan bilis we would accept is the kind that accompanies our nasi lemak. So let’s go all the way to the top this time and land some big fish. The buck must stop somewhere and for Pempena to sack a dispatch rider among the 20 laid-off workers as being responsible for Pempena’s losses is laughable and a pathetic attempt at creating the illusion of accountability.Having said that, it is surprising that in his report, the A-G did not take note of the excessive staffing of the then tourism minister’s office where Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said crammed her office with 20 personnel paid by Pempena when she was only allotted eight under Public Services Department rules.(These are not the same 20 who were laid off but bag carriers and accessories of the then minister.)When the RM50 million bad investment story broke, then Pempena executive chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun vowed that action will be taken but was wishy-washy when asked if those responsible will be held accountable.“I don’t have to answer you now as to the status of our investigations, but I assure you we are taking action to rectify whatever had happened before (our time),” she had said.However Chew did not keep to her promise having quit Pempena a month after announcing “action”.Throughout theSun’s exposés we had been accused of being personal with the former minister and looking for faults, but now that the A-G himself has spoken, the full force of the law should be allowed to take its course.And since we are talking about the MACC, one cannot fault Malaysians for being cynical that anything will come out of it. After all, it has been a year since the MACC had embarked on investigations into the excessive staffing, focusing on Pempena affiliates Malaysian Travel Business Sdn Bhd and SD Corp Communications Sdn Bhd, which were asked to put the excess staff on their payroll.And the outcome of the an internal audit and another by PricewaterhouseCoopers is anyone’s guess.But it is understood that the noose is tightening around the necks of several officers but as the saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Here’s to hoping that the conclusion of the Pempena saga will not leave a bitter taste in the mouth!Terence says justice delayed is justice denied and does not serve the public interest. He is deputy editor special reports & investigations and can be reached atterence@thesundaily.com and followed on twitter @ TerencetheSUNDOES THIS MEAN THAT WE MALAYSIANS ARESO INCAPABLE THAT WE NEED ONE MAN TO DECIDE used by the UMNOist to defend their corrupted members and to persecute the innocenceThe scope of the Attorney-General’s powers inMalaysiahas long been a subject of debate and controversy. He is the chief legal adviser to the government and is responsible for advising ministers involved in legal proceedings in their official capacityFOR THE LAST 20 YEARS, THEY ONLY KNOW HOW TO BULLY TO GET THEIR WAY AND NOW THINK IT IS THEIR BIRTHRIGHT.Everyone knows Pattail got promoted to AGFor his role in Anwar’s case for sodomyMaha Shithead purposely brought himTo stop and kill Anwar IbrahimThey now trying to do the same scenarioNajis, Musang, Pattail, bastards, the trioTrying, again to do it all overBut round one went to Anwar’s favourThe judges have become brave and daringSaying enough is enough to your rapingOf the court and the judiciaryWith your repeated cases of sodomyOur AG is a useless crony being used by the UMNOist to defend their corrupted members and to persecute the innocence. He had shown he lack credibility and being bias to certain cases. Fabrication is one of his specialities. Talking cock is another. Have you read the Unholy Trinity ?
Time to reel in the big fish IT took awhile, but the Auditor-General (A-G)’s report on failed business ventures by Tourism Malaysia subsidiary Pempena Sdn Bhd is not only a vindication of theSun, which exposed its activities, but an indictment of those responsible for ensuring that public money is managed by competent and trustworthy people.While the A-G could pinpoint nine instances where Pempena made bad judgment calls or did not conduct prudent business practices, I can vouch that this is just the tip of the iceberg.This paper had relentlessly pursued the mismanagement of Pempena which has since caused enterprises such Shopping Malaysia Secretariat (SSM), the Malaysian Kitchen project and Executive taxi services, to be losing ventures to the tune of RM50 million.
Which is why no stone must be left unturned in ensuring those who acted so blasé with our money – whether crookedly or negligently – are brought to book.
To this effect, the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should delve into the allegations of 20 sacked Pempena staff of the following alleged irregularities concerning a couple of officials:
pocketing commissions when refinancing luxury vehicles for high-end tourist taxi service;There have also been several issues of alleged corruption and abuse of power involving PKR’s state leaders in recent months.
RELATED ARTICLE READ THIS Liow Tiong Lai NOW YOU FEEL THE PAIN “political assassination”, Tian Chua if report you get trown out of the window?.that is MACC Ahmad Said Hamdan
the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should be more convincing in its efforts at damage control. Its tattered imagefollowing one death in custody is not going to get any better following revelations of its Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan published yesterday.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) strategic director Tian Chua today threatened to lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) if Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Shafie Apdal failed to explain the latter’s alleged involvement in graft practices by this week
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That SMELLY INTOXICATED Parian MIC Tan Sri K. S. Nijhar take ChinPeng for comparison? LICKING ROSMA PUSSY FOR JOB

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related article Datuk Dr Puad Zarkashi Flirting gives off the impression THAT NALA Karuppan the mother fucker who together with Shafie Abdullah frame ANWAR
related article We have two mole planted in PAKATAN BY UMNO Zulkifli Noordin,, and Hasan Ali wannabe!And one of PKR’s more prominent MPs, lawyer Zulkifli Noordin, has caused much unhappiness in the opposition camp by pushing forward his hard-line Islamic values.“While Zaid busies himself trying to put in place a common policy framework for the three Pakatan Rakyat parties to forge a viable, long-term working relationship with a view to finally registering a coalition, Zul (Zulkifli) seems equally busy doing everything he can to throw a spanner in Zaid’s efforts,” rights lawyer Haris Ibrahim wrote in his blog on ThursdayRead Here the views of Tok Guru Nik Aziz in his Blogorread BELOW after the main article.” PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has urged the party to hold a specialmuktamar(EGM)to weed out “problematic leaders” whom he said have made the party look inconsistent.The statement was made to back a similar call by Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, who blamed the conservatives in the party for causing the embarrassing defeat in the Bagan Pinang by-election.Abdul Aziz described Selangor PAS chief Datuk Hasan Ali — who attempted to ban the sale of beer and to empower mosque officials to act as moral police — as a liability to PR, urging the party to take disciplinary action against the state executive councillor.
Nik Aziz wants EGM to ‘axe’ HadiTok Guru – The Personification of Human Decency, and Consistency, the Epitome of Integrity ! Nik Aziz slams Hadi

Jimadie Shah Othman | Oct 23, 09 10:56AMBREAKING NEWS The PAS spiritual leader has also caught the ‘EGM bug’. He suggests holding the meet to deal with ‘problematic’ characters in his party and also hints that the time has come to change the president“ In the Selangor dispute, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang was SILENT which led to some people in the party equating him with former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,”said Abdul Aziz in his commentary published in Malay tabloid Sinar Harian.”Read here for morePuak-Puak Fraksi-UMNOYang Merosotkan PAS Dengan Pengundi
Have NON-Muslims Abandoned PAS? Or Has PAS abandoned the NON-Muslims?PAS, too, has been wracked by infighting over how far it wants to push its Islamic agenda without alienating its non-Muslim voter base.
following one death in custody is not going to get any better following revelations of its Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan published yesterday.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) strategic director Tian Chua today threatened to lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) if Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Shafie Apdal failed to explain the latter’s alleged involvement in graft practices by this week
related article
That SMELLY INTOXICATED Parian MIC Tan Sri K. S. Nijhar take ChinPeng for comparison? LICKING ROSMA PUSSY FOR JOB
related article Datuk Dr Puad Zarkashi Flirting gives off the impression THAT NALA Karuppan the mother fucker who together with Shafie Abdullah frame ANWAR
related article We have two mole planted in PAKATAN BY UMNO Zulkifli Noordin,, and Hasan Ali wannabe!And one of PKR’s more prominent MPs, lawyer Zulkifli Noordin, has caused much unhappiness in the opposition camp by pushing forward his hard-line Islamic values.“While Zaid busies himself trying to put in place a common policy framework for the three Pakatan Rakyat parties to forge a viable, long-term working relationship with a view to finally registering a coalition, Zul (Zulkifli) seems equally busy doing everything he can to throw a spanner in Zaid’s efforts,” rights lawyer Haris Ibrahim wrote in his blog on ThursdayRead Here the views of Tok Guru Nik Aziz in his Blogorread BELOW after the main article.” PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has urged the party to hold a specialmuktamar(EGM)to weed out “problematic leaders” whom he said have made the party look inconsistent.The statement was made to back a similar call by Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, who blamed the conservatives in the party for causing the embarrassing defeat in the Bagan Pinang by-election.Abdul Aziz described Selangor PAS chief Datuk Hasan Ali — who attempted to ban the sale of beer and to empower mosque officials to act as moral police — as a liability to PR, urging the party to take disciplinary action against the state executive councillor.
Nik Aziz wants EGM to ‘axe’ HadiTok Guru – The Personification of Human Decency, and Consistency, the Epitome of Integrity ! Nik Aziz slams Hadi

And the DAP has been kept busy defending the alliance against the Islamic leanings of its partners.
These issues are worrying for the opposition because its leaders are working to turn the PR alliance into a formal coalition, with a view to taking over the country after the 2013 general election.
The opposition’s hopes were raised after it won an unprecedented five of Malaysia’s 13 states in the March 2008 general election, and 82 of the 222 Parliament seats.
But these days, a dark cloud hangs over the opposition.
PR has lost one of the five states, Perak, to the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN). And the states under PR control — Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan — are struggling to push for economic growth as federal funds for development must still come from the BN central government.related article
These days, even opposition supporters themselves are asking: If the PR parties cannot get their act together now, how can they run the country?
And all these are happening just when Umno appears to be on the mend after winning convincingly in a by-election in Negri Sembilan three weeks ago.
Ahmad Lutfi Othman, the editor of PAS newspaper Harakah, wrote on Thursday that he was worried that the “pendulum factor” may be at work again.
He was referring to the Malaysian voters’ record of solidly backing BN in one general election, only to reverse direction at the very next. And then repeating the pattern five years later.
Lutfi said he was “ready to be scolded if I have to express my worries that the next round (the 2013 general election) will likely be in favour of BN”, unless the opposition leaders buck up. — The Straits Times
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