Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A new dawn for Malaysian politics UMNO plagiarizining PKR? Monash University Malaysia political scientist James Chin says that by democratising the p

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 — Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) not only advanced its democratic reform agenda today but also raised the bar for other political parties in Malaysia by introducing term limits for the president, as well as making the party’s highest post one that is directly elected by ordinary members and not just delegates.The moves, which required a constitutional amendment, was approved by nearly 90 per cent of the approximately one thousand delegates at a special congress today, easily surpassing the two thirds majority required for any amendment.Monash University Malaysia political scientist James Chin says that by democratising the party, PKR has set an example for other parties to follow and will strengthen it ahead of the next general elections.“This amendment will mean that PKR is now the most democratic party in Malaysia today,” said Monash University Malaysia political scientist James Chin. “No Barisan Nasional (BN) party has direct elections for president. The move will make PKR more appealing”.Other leaders at the central and divisional level would also be directly elected.Among other significant amendments to the party constitution was the stipulation that at least thirty per cent of decision making committees at all levels must comprise women.The qualifying age of the Youth wing was also lowered from 40 to 35 in order to encourage the youth members to enter mainstream politics.“This move is an obvious and positive one as other youth wings have an age ceiling of 45, which is crazy,” says Chin.In an effort to brand itself as “progressive” and “egalitarian”, and move away from feudalistic connotations, the party has introduced new descriptions for its organisational structure. The supreme council (majlis pimpinan tertinggi) is now replaced with central leadership committee (majlis pimpinan pusat) while “bahagian” or division has been superseded by “cabang”, and “cawangan” or branch will be referred to as “ranting”.Nine hundred and forty one delegates voted to approve the amendments, while 103 voted against and nine abstained.According to PKR information chief Latheefa Koya, the one-tenth of delegates who resisted the amendments were primarily Youth wing members who thought they would lose their positions under the lower age ceiling.She said that they may have misunderstood the implications, as there would be a transition phase and elected youth leaders can keep their current positions till 2013.The new age requirement would, however, be effective immediately for appointed positions.



“We can continue with the chest-thumping rhetoric, warning other races never to challenge this or that,” said Khairy to some 800 Umno Youth delegates.

“This option is easy, and may promise a measure of popularity within the party. But, we must ask ourselves, is this what Malaysians — Malays included — really want from Umno,” he added.

Khairy who won the Youth chief contest despite facing two opponents who were campaigning for Umno to be more exclusive, also told the wing’s delegates to embrace Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s message of unity.

“In this new context, do we want the President to speak about a transformation — removing barriers between races and communities — whilst Umno Youth stubbornly refuses to change, and instead, continues to voice something different from the President?” asked Khairy.

However Khairy said that Umno Youth will not abandon the Malay agenda but at the same time will assume the responsibility of leading other races too.

“Some may wonder if we should fight for other communities if they question our position as Malays. It is here that our leadership credentials will be tested,” he said.

“As the group of people given the responsibility and privilege to lead, Malays cannot simply follow the common beat — that would not be leadership. Instead, as leaders, Malays must rise above and go the extra mile,” he said.

He also called on Umno Youth leaders to get rid of their siege mentality and to look beyond Article 153 of the Federal Constitution that guarantees the special position of the Malays, adding that it is almost impossible to remove the constitutional provision.

“I speak of a generational challenge because for too long, Malays and Umno have been caught in a mindset that is negative and overly defensive,” said Khairy.

“We feel as though we are constantly under siege, and all our efforts appear to be channelled towards protecting the Malay special position. I urge Malays, beginning with the youth, to get out of this siege mentality,” he said.

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