Thursday, October 15, 2009
Filth and Evil never ever changes - it can hide, camouflage itself, but will never deliver benefits.

2009-03-11 16:51
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's government cleared the police chief and attorney
general Wednesday (11 March) of accusations that they conspired against
opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim ahead of trials that led to his imprisonment
a decade ago.
All rise.The judge Paraiyan Augustinkosong son of Asshole is pr THE MOTHER FUCKERS OF THIS CENTUARY Meeska, Razak K ,Killertombeamer,Azzad bin Hamzah,,
The decision dashes Anwar's bid to bolster his claim that he was framed oncharges of corruption and sodomy in a high-level political plot following his ouster as deputy prime minister in 1998. Anwar's accusation against the two officials, made last July, was alsoconsidered an attempt to cast doubt on the credibility of authorities afterhe faced a new charge of sodomy last year. Anwar is scheduled to go on trial
Nazri Aziz, the minister in charge of legal affairs, said an independent
panel of ex-judges found no basis to Anwar's claim that Inspector General of
Police Musa Hassan and Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail fabricated medical
evidence while Anwar was in police custody in 1998.
At that time, Anwar had been ousted from the Cabinet and was subsequently
convicted of corruption and sodomizing his former family driver. He was
imprisoned through 2004, when a court overturned the sodomy conviction.
an unprecedented 82 of 222 seats in Parliament in general elections last
Attempts to control the media, to curb freedom of expression, are undemocratic and politically risky.Anwar claims the latest sodomy charge is meant to stem the opposition's
threat to the ruling coalition of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who
is being forced to step down following pressure by government officials.
Abdullah will hand power to his deputy, Najib Razak, on 3 April, the
Malaysian Insider news Web site reported Wednesday. Abdullah's aides said
they could not immediately confirm the report by the site, which is run by
political pundits close to Abdullah's administration.
Abdullah is expected to retire in late March or early April, but he has so
far not publicly announced a date. (AP)

When you do something wrong, and try to cover your ass, it always comes back to bite you Susan Tay One day, a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. read more click below |
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