This is the work of racist khir toyol.Everytime he gets angry with pakatan,he let loose the aca on them with a vengence.This time it is death.It will definitely be added on to the long list of cover upThat basically meant that if MACC wants Khir Toyo to be a witness to some cases, they can put Khir into a room and question him 10 hours until 4am. Then, better yet, ask Khir to sleep on the carpet, and keep questioning the next morning. Wow... If they do that, MACC image will increase by 10 fold.
“In a cruel and evil world, being cynical can allow you to get some entertainment out of it.”
“If you’re too open-minded, your brains will fall out.”
“Don’t worry about what people think; they don’t do it very often.”
“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than standing in a grage makes you a car.”
“It ain’t the jeans that make your butt look fat.”
“Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.”
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.”
“If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.”
“A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good.”
“A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.”
“Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.”
“Junk is something you’ve kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.”
“Someone who thinks logically, provides a nice contrast to the real world.”
“If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you’ve never tried before.”
“Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.”
“I feel so miserable without you; it’s almost like having you here.” (SO TRUE!)
“History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.”
“I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.” XD
“I never let my schooling interfere with my education.” –Mark Twain
“My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right.”
“If it doesn’t fit, force it. If it breaks, it needed to be replaced anyway.”
“I hold the key to world peace, but somebody changed the lock!”
“Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn’t block traffic.”
why you say that DOCUMENTED REPORT ON THE A.G ABUSE cannot be further investigated?
WHAT YOU DID NOT SAY IS A WELL DOCUMENTED REPORT ON THE A.G ABUSE OF POWER IS THE SAME A.G, IS CONDUCTING THE CASE nazis a disgrace to his country. How does he who suffers from altantuyamania He suffers from desperation , We had 25years of morons running this mess, and cannot afford 4 more years of Monkey business as usual.he has made enough profits for scams like submarine and allowed enough record profits for the baginda’s companies. malaysia will not be tricked by eggheads warlords and their game of scaring the public into voting for the greedy omnoputras I am proud to be called a LIBERAL if it means not acting like a conservative head up asshole like nazis God save Malaysia by helping guide those to the good sense to and reason is simple~those evil power brokers of the ruling party will stage an Emergency in order to retain their power.this is what the sitting prime minister sleepy head said
this is what he said
, Datuk Datuk Seri when you speak of the reforms to these three pillars of justice, you must also address the public’s perception of the Attorney General (A-G)’s Chambers. As it stands, the A-G’s Chambers is viewed as the government’s legal adviser, so when it comes to cases that involve politicians and government personalities, there is the perception that the A-G is biased.
These concerns will be addressed through the reforms to the judiciary and the ACA that will take place.
Sir, if the system does not provide fair prosecution, your whole plan will fail. One good example: When Raja Petra Kamaruddin was released, the A-G’s Chambers appealed, but when Abdul Razak Baginda was acquitted, the A-G decided not to appeal. It is about public perception.THe fact is MACC murdered Teoh, while doing a witch hunt on behalf of the evil UMNO Well like I said I hope those responsible for his death including their immidiate family will suffer even worst fate. Let me ask the senior MACC official, does a dead man tell tales you could lie to save you ass.......
We hold the head of MACC responsible. If he cannot find the real murderer, he has to pay for an innocent life lost MACC, you are bunch of thugs running an evil and murdering organisation with tax payer money.THe Rakyat is boiling with anger, you will not be forgiven We will see what form of mechanisms to use. We haven’t lost touch with that. As in the anti-corruption initiatives, the senior public prosecutor can decide on the charges.There was resistance to the setting up of a complaints commission on the police before. Why would those opposed to any sort of reform to enforcement agencies, especially the police be any different now?
I don’t think that anyone is opposed to ‘reform’. But different groups want to be heard, to give their input into the design of the reform. That is why the situation now is very different. The police have been more involved, as well as other enforcement groups. There are many things to be worked out but the important guiding philosophy for me is that the Bill must be workable – it must be acceptable to both the police, the ex-Royal Commissioners as well as other civil society groups. As in all things, this means coming to a workable compromise. It is a difficult process, but it is worthwhile.
why must we work a workable compromise.?Whenever it comes to PR's lawmakers, MACC goes into overdrive and in this case, interrogate witnesses way into midnight...but when it comes to BN's lawmakers or related, we would never hear of such interrogation but the most used words are "Not guility"...:no evidence"...actually, did MACC actually investigates them or notthousands of reports have been made against BN politician but there is no action taken at all..
Interrogation tactics: Police probe 'not trusted' |
 | Jul 19, 09 10:32am |  |
The MACC has actually copied the police interrogation methods which include plenty of mental torture and some physical torture. On 'It's double standards we can't stomach' Ong: Try placing yourself in the position of the police officer investigating the MACC interrogation methods. You discover that the MACC has actually copied the police interrogation methods which include plenty of mental torture and some physical torture. Can this police officer possibly conclude in his report that the MACC interrogation methods are inhumane or illegal?
The MACC officers may not have personally thrown Teoh out of the building but if their interrogation methods has driven him into jumping from the building, can this be considered foul play? In any case, I wonder how the police can so quickly conclude that Teoh was not pushed or thrown out of the building.
Can anyone imagine the German Gestapo being given the task of judging the Soviet KGB? Yes, it is possible provided that the purpose of the task is to determine if the KGB's methods are as sadistic, brutal and inhumane as the Gestapo's.
CS: Why can't this government, like most civilised governments legislate a law that states that "all interrogation must be videotaped and be conducted in the presence of a lawyer". This act will then put an end to all this police brutality for good. A simple solution to this age-old problem, but will the police and MACC agree to this?
Kashminder Singh: Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Hwa'saccount of his own interrogation by MACC officials could be vital in understanding what happened to Teoh Beng Hock. Judging from the reactions of many Malaysians, the details of the last hours of Beng Hock's life as given by MACC has been very hard to swallow.
Why would a man given his freedom especially after hours of grilling and having his car parked at the location not return home? The answer may be found in Boon Hwa's account. Boon Hwa says that he was not given his freedom and instead made to sleep on the carpet and that the interrogation continued in the morning.
Could the same thing have happened to Beng Hock? Was he asked to sleep at the MACC HQ too? Did the interrogation continue in the morning? Did something go terribly wrong during the morning session?
I am not saying that this version of the events is definitely correct. But it certainly is a possibility after taking into account Boon Hwa's experience on that same day. This possibility must be explored then by the investigators; especially in the light of what we have learnt about his marriage plans and other personal circumstances.
Chan: Malaysians are very naive. It is pretty clear that the MACC is operating like the German SS or NKVD (Soviet secret police) of the ruling party to punish opposition members. How more transparent can they get? We must be all completely idiots to even discuss MACC. Something like the MACC has to be completely independent or not in existence at all. This is truly preposterous, as would be the case if the mafia ran the police force.
Marksawyer: Let the 'authorities' do their job? I don't trust our 'authorities' anymore. I don't trust them to be truthful or to be able to do a transparent and professional job. Not me, not my friends. Despite the mysterious circumstances of Teo's death, the police have already stated "they do not suspect foul play.'
The only way for the public to 'believe' in the investigations and conclusions is for a totally neutral investigative and forensic team from out of this country to conduct the investigations.
CWKY: Every time we see such news, everyone's anger increase a few notches. However, I seriously think isn't this the government we chose? Have the Pakatan really done what they should rather than just inside fighting?
This is nothing new to our country. Teoh's death is a sad case but it's been happening everyday, to unknown people including the foreign workers. This is a fact that we all know but yet, going back to history, BN government has all been well pampered by us all the while.
Everyone is talking about teaching BN a lesson in the next GE. Do we have to wait till then? There's more that can be done even before the GE. We need to stand up because we cannot afford to have more Teohs to be sacrificed.
Pakatan will have to be united and kick out those who are power crazy and dreaming of unity talk with Umno. Honestly, even without those, I still think Pakatan can be a strong alliance as long as they are united. Let's teach them a lesson NOW!
Michael: MACC has been set up to fight corruption at all levels. They do not have the licence to kill.
Sadly, one good and young Malaysian life had been taken away. MACC cannot escape from taking full responsibility for the death as the incident happened within its compound and immediately after its interrogation. Police should now interrogate those MACC officers the way they had interrogated Teoh.
Alice: How many more unexplained deaths do we have to endure in this country? How many more unsolved crimes must we face? How many more times do we have to put up with cops and ministers coming up with conclusions before investigations have even started? How many more times do we have to shed tears when innocent lives are taken? How many more times are we prepared to let real human tragedies, shameless corruption and blatant injustice be swept under the carpet?
As a nation, are we not angry enough to collectively demand for answers and accountability for the rot that is quickly devouring us? SMS News Alerts |
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