Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Should Anwar have Access to the Prosecution’s Evidence? MCC’S honesty without the serum Truth or dare! Just the lure of lucre seems to be enough indu

latest edition Should Anwar have Access to the Prosecution’s Evidence? The evil plot vs evil plot najib got burnt in the middle THE Ezzam&Toyol’s game play MCC’S honesty without the serum Truth or dare! Just the lure of lucre seems to be enough inducement for them to let theirdeepest, darkest secrets come tumbling out

July 21, 2009 · Leave a Comment

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MCC’S honesty without the serum Truth or dare! Just the lure of lucre seems to be enough inducement for them to let theirdeepest, darkest secrets come tumbling out, never mind if, in the process, they risk their masters. who is playing this game?
We, as a rule, are supposed to be very conscious of boundaries and keep dirty linen in the bottom-most drawer of our closets. Which is why one never learns of the bed-hopping antics of our
political players now the the evil plot vs evil plot najib got burnt in in the middle
The exact dates Anwar received the support and assurance from the BN MPs cannot be ascertained by us. While, all these MPs have indicated support for Anwar, pending his return to Parliament, we can only approximate the beginning dates where initial negotiations were taking place, between end March 2008 and mid April 2008. This was the period immediately after the general election.
The master network of Mahathir is large! It spreads across the country. Their network has detected this movement from Anwar!
The criminals at work!
A clear picture of the crimes of these two evils are described here in the chronology of dates beginning 11th. May 2008.
11th. May 2008 – Najib met Mahathir (It is here the drama began, started by Mahathir in calling Najib a coward in April. The big evil engineered the small evil Najib to its front door. Needless to say the true drama that is going to be unfolded for the next few months began here, only to be polished later!)
The period between 12th May and 28th. June 2008, where all the make-up men, artists and props were designed to perfection to stage this truly Malaysian Mahathir-Najib drama! The drama needed to be staged fast to deprive Anwar from entering Parliament. On 19th. May, as per their master plan Mahathir left UMNO, together with Sanusi, etc. This created much interest amongst Malaysians and the international community, distracting every one from the actual complex drama that is being staged by Najib.
29th. June 2008 – Police report was filed by Saiful. Anwar took shelter at the Turkish Embassy. The international community condemned the police report. Their first drama nearly backfired. While the proof of innocence falls on Anwar’s shoulder, the enemy is not waiting to waste time on this anymore, because the rest will be taken care of by their junior conspirators, to ensure that Anwar will be forever distracted and remain engaged in the framed-up sodomy.
16th. July 2008 – The enemies arrested Anwar and locked him up overnight. This was the day Anwar supposed to announce the resignation of his wife from the parliamentary seat. It was shelved. The world condemned and too many voices called for the release of Anwar.finally the call from the internationalpolice. They had no choice. Anwar was released the next day. The criminal’s first plan backfired completely. Please note that the criminals were aware of Anwar’s every move, while Anwar was totally ignorant of plots against him. This is how all action-packed dramas are staged. We the people, the innocent fools watch silently not knowing whether there was a drama in the first place. We are always distracted by these criminals, who are so used to get what they want from us. They always show us their good side. This is what we call a plot within another plot! They will be at their best, when they engineer the worst!
31st July 2008 – Wan Azizah informed the press that she is resigning as a member of parliament.
6th August 2008 –The date of nomination and election was announced by the Election Commission. The enemies also announced that Anwar must appear at the police station, on 7th August, to formally charge him on the sodomy case. The criminals were planning again one more time before Anwar file in his nominations. This time to bury his political career once and for all. And lock him up for good after the formal charge.
“This is the actual time the criminals were furious with Raja Petra. Raja Petra became their deadliest enemy for releasing Dr Osman’s SD on the same day at the point of arrest. Their plot again failed. Failed miserably. Anwar was saved by Raja Petra on this very crucial date. As expected on 7th August, Anwar was formally charged, but not detained in the lock-up.”
10th August to 25th August 2008 – The criminals were trying very hard to destroy Anwar’s political career between these dates. Anwar was alerted and our postings were featured in Malaysia Today warning Anwar of the plot to disqualify him on technical errors on his nomination papers. Anwar engaged another proxy should he be disqualified. Attempts were made on that day to disqualify Anwar, but the criminals got frighten after seeing
Anwar’s huge crowd. The BN government brought its entire government machineries to canvass at Permatang Pauh. A foreign journalist told us; practically the capital of Malaysia was shifted to Permatang Pauh during these dates. Leaving the Parliament as a white elephant without MPs to transact its normal business. It was unprecedented in Malaysian election history. Mahathir’s silence during this canvassing period was telling. For he and he alone knew, no way Anwar can be defeated in his home turf. Those who try are fools indeed! Najib headed this election campaign. The only catch phrase the entire leadership of UMNO was coached to speak about was sodomy, not their election agenda. Umno leaders and members were fools not knowing what game was being played by these two evils, except Tengku Razaleigh and Abdullah Badawi, for they knew too well what happens when these two evils get together.
Swearing and more swearing. While the testimony of Romlan did help, the entry of Tok Guru Nik Aziz during the last days of canvassing despite his illness changed the entire scenario. We believe this is the point of time Tok Guru knew what was really happening and what the evils were up to. Anwar won by a huge majority. Huge cracks appeared in the criminals’ next course of actions. But they were not defeated by their cruel fantasies!
The evils plot on the night of defeat!
On this night of defeat, the criminals plotted to ban access to Malaysia Today and other “offensive” websites. They have to put a permanent stop to the ever increasing “danger” of Raja Petra and gangs. They started with Malaysia Today. The cries of the people went louder! Friends, please note that no one has accepted claim to this evil action so far! Each is trying to protect another, for they too are fools manufactured under Mahathir’s factory! The proprietor of this factory may have changed, but the products manufactured remain the same!
The most sickening move of all is to plot to revise the budget of this country. To revise budget 2009 to appease Sabah and Sarawak. What sort of evils are these, running this country at the whims and fancies of their crooked minds! Don’t they have a limit to their nonsense! Or they need to transgress all boundaries of morality to achieve their twisted aims! These are true evils at work!
28th. August 2008 – Anwar was sworn in as a member of parliament. Najib and Abdullah were absent. Perhaps this was the first day Mahathir looked really an outcast, with Anwar inside the parliament. Najib turned up only the next day, being the Budget day. That was the first time in the history of Malaysia; the budget was revised during the last moment to fit in the development programme for Sabah and Sarawak. This we knew was the work of Najib misleading Abdullah, the day before when both were absent in the parliament house. Najib was being educated well. Mahathir knew from the beginning that Anwar had the numbers. All these MPs would defect only if Anwar becomes an MP. Mahathir and Najib were plotting this game well. But Anwar is not stupid this time. He already prepared a much better reform programme which is more workable to the current and future well-beings of Malaysia. Anwar criticized Abdullah’s budget for lacking competitiveness, which our economists agree.
5th September 2008 – Dr Osman appeared in front of the media for the first time. This has shaken Najib, a little. The criminals need to plan for their next course of action, but have to cover their tracts too. This is the delay they cannot afford. He knew now there is no way to implicate Anwar, bearing in mind that Anwar was also privy to KL General Hospital (2nd report), which Anwar declared during election campaigning.( Incidentally, the second report has also nullified Anwar from any wrong-doing.)
Najib’s anger naturally would turn to Raja Petra as the main culprit who seems to be a constant stumbling block to all his grand plans. It was Malaysia Today which released the SD first. Najib knew unlike the private investigator’s SD, he cannot fix up the SD of Dr. Osman this time around, because he already appeared in public to attest to the SD he made!
5th September to 10th September 2008 – This is the most crucial dates in their next grand plan. Their constant companion and an excellent scapegoat. Muhyiddin met up (the evil word is summoned) with Mahathir. Their grand plan is to get rid of Abdullah. And they also need to fix up Anwar, by transferring Anwar’s case to the High court. They need to kill several birds but with many stones, unfortunately they aren’t many left. Transferring the case to high court would be an easy plan, as Abdul Gani Patail is their own guardian at law. This is also the dates where Muhyiddin was instructed to inform Najib to proceed with their last game plan, to convince Abdullah to implement the Operasi Lallang in disguise (Mahathir’s specialty, in times of duress.) Main target Anwar and Raja Petra. Strongest weapon, Islam and condemnation of leaders for Raja Petra. Threat of national security and financial security for Anwar. This factory does not seem to run out of product lines! But for how long!
The scheming Najib, with suggestions from the evil, Mahathir, also need to ensure that if everything else fails, his only recourse is time, which is falling short. His back-benchers club must be sent out to an unknown nation to study new techniques of producing newer products, which they need badly, as the product lines needed to be improved constantly with changing taste and time.
10th September 2008 – Anwar’s legal team was taken by surprise, not knowing that the prosecutors planned to transfer the case to high court. The case was fixed for 24th September. Hearing completed. Judgment from Justice Komathy on 7th October 2008., in favour of Anwar. The case will remain in the lower court.
But on this same date 10th September. Muhyiddin made an announcement that Mahathir is interested in joining Umno, and the evil Mahathir made the same announcement. They always make “good” announcements in Malaysia to distract Malaysians from their crooked plots! This is a part of their grand strategy, protecting Najib, as otherwise Abdullah would not be happy. The crooked Najib must always be seen as neutral in these criminals’ grand plan. Abdullah is a sacrificial cow in Najib’s hand, when comes to implementations of tougher actions. He is a scapegoat used by Khairy for monetary issues of the government. A sleepy head Prime minister. Always dream big but poor in implementing all that he wants. A crook with his own boundary! A flip-flop man with a flip-flop team! All he needs, comforts and luxuries with no work done.
11th September 2008 – This is the most important date of the evil calendar. How many of the evils have met up, we don’t know. Probably 5 to 7. We can tell you there are police, law and order, and BN leaders. We are not naming them, we are not certain completely.
1) To create confusion, instigating racist sentiments amongst people so that Anwar’s agenda of taking over the government will not materialize. Any pea-sized brain will tell you; this is the specialization area of Khir Toyo! What a gift in waiting with Kelana Jaya gathering around the corner! Did he attend the meeting?
2) To arrest Raja Petra and detain him for good under ISA. Any pea-sized brain will tell you; this is a moment of opportune for Syed Hamid who is yet to reply to Raja Petra’s letter seeking indemnities. (Raja Petra’s letter was sent on 9th Sept, with ultimatum for action by 12th Sept). Did he attend the meeting?
3) To detain Teresa Kok, Sin Chew reporter (last minute added in, because Ahmad Ismail camp was not happy that he alone was punished) under ISA. This is their style. The government of the day can be run even by racist crooks, if their power base seems threatened in any way! These arrests are needed to create confusions and anger so that the public can take to the streets. Easing the way for interested parties to clamp down the country with an emergency rule! Any pea-sized brain will tell you, if all the arms of government are working together, they must have the yes man, Ismail Omar, to tag along. Did he attend the meeting!
4) To arrest Anwar Ibrahim under ISA. The original date of his arrest planned immediately after Raja Petra’s arrest and before the Kelana Jaya gathering. If this does not work, then Khir Toyo specialist in monkey tricks can carry on with his act in the KL streets and if he fails there is a big circus waiting for him at Kelana Jaya! But to arrest Anwar, they have to face the condemnation of international communities. Were they prepared for it? Arrest they must! Any pea-sized brain can tell you that to arrest Anwar Ibrahim; you need the go-ahead from the two top men! Did Abdullah and Najib attend the meeting?
Raja Petra was arrested as planned on the 12th September, together with the other two. Huge outcries from the people and opposition leaders followed. Sin Chew reporter was released the next day, after a flip-flop announcement by Syed Hamid! The followers of orders normally are not experts in covering their tracts! Anwar must be arrested at all cost. More cries from the people and opposition leaders followed, including from their own camp, probably these off mould products do not conform to their “stringent” standards! The criminals plan backfired. Khir Toyo’s plans too never succeeded! Huge outcries from the people but no one took the street! Khir began to know for the first time in his life, the other side of people’s power! The pale face of him shows! BN leadership headed by Najib deputized by Abdullah (this is how the world perceive), feared for the first time. Mahathir too, we were told, true to his crocodile fashion, sheepishly condemned the ISA. What a splendid act! The evil engineer who brutalized the nation for 22 years suddenly realized ISA is cruel! What he did no tell, he has seen and thought worst than that. His twisted-leftist-Mugabe brain constantly churning and scheming evils non-stop, suddenly ran short of “ideas”!
The arrest of Anwar was called off just for a while, while these two “geniuses” paused for a moment, with their MPs having learnt much in Taiwan, planning to study casinos in Macao!
The change of government that was announced by Anwar never took place on 16th. September 2008.
This is the pause the criminals needed for a moment to focus on the removal of Abdullah. This is the reason why the criminals have spared Anwar for a moment.
But Raja Petra must always remain under detention. If Raja Petra is released, then he will destroy all their evil plans. The criminals know this well.
17th September 2008 – Najib became the Finance Minister. Is Abdullah so kind to switch the portfolio or Najib was taking instruction to take over the finance ministry. Muhyiddin on the other hand, under instruction from evil Mahathir, to press Abdullah to bring forward Badawi’s stepping down date. Which Abdullah did, and announced he will step down in March. This announcement was made recently.Are we fools to believe that Raja Petra’s case was adjourned for a long period of time until November 12, because the trial judge was too sick? Or Raja Petra must be kept away for a long period of time, for other “valid” reasons. But he must be kept away, like it or not! He is too dangerous when he is outside!
We will not comment on any event after 20th September, as a new set of events are unfolding. We are keeping track closely. Suffice to say at this time that Mukhriz will lose the election of Youth leader because Mahathir said so! If Mahathir says, then it is always true!
It is only Mahathir and Najib who know, the next game plan! Maybe there are others involved too in this scheme designed by the master conspiraAs long as the government is prepared to sign blank checks, the Malays may call themselves supreme but they’ll always be counted among the the dismal progress of their ethnic group. 30% is not a big deal and I don’t think any Chinese Malaysian begrudge them of that. And if those who have benefited from the NEP have been responsible citizens and go on to grow and multiply as all good stewards should, they would not The problem with all our Malay supremacist politicians is that they’re too dumb to understand the reason for only have met the 30% target. They would have far exceeded it. Instead, the BN government and its kind give them a blank check. I don’t need to be a Malay, but if I have an endless supply of blank checks, I’d be quite happy to splurge several millions on sheer indulgence. Why should I work my butt off when I can play in the world’s playground of the rich?
The And it’s not surprising that the author thinks some kind of dictatorship is good for Malaysia. We’ve had 22 years of Mahathir. We should not have to go through the same nightmare again. Yes we did grow, but it’s all physical, and fleeting. We have failed to develop our most precious assets – human capital – which took flight and are still taking flight – perhaps more vigorously than cash belonging to foreign investors.
Brave ones with CONSCIENCE and INTERGRITY display their individuality and independence of spirit and mind. They CANNOT BE SUBDUED with intimidation and threats .SYABAS to Zaid and Yong for their open support of PKR AND PKATAN by their presence.
The Rakyaks have never been enemies. We have always respected each other.
We respect them as our friends even if we have different views or opinions. Only UMNO tried to create hatred amongst the Rakyat.
This we all agree The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers in Malaysia has long been a subject of debate and controversy. He is the chief legal adviser to the government and is responsible for advising ministers involved in legal proceedings in their official capacity All decent Malaysians will agree the entire governemnt is filled with, like RPK said, Scumbags and slimeballs of the most despicable kind. Fabrication is one of his specialities. Have you read the Unholy Trinity
re-cap,even before altantuya’s murder case went on trial,who is this AG to decide that this case would involve only three accuses the AG has been acting like the god of law in Malaysia.
Groundbreaking change does not happen overnight, at least not in Malaysia where it takes a special blend of circumstances to rouse people to fury.Filth and Evil never ever changes – it can hide, camouflage itself, but will never deliver benefits.
The role of a free and fair judiciary must be defended to ensure that the “check and balance” mechanism in the Federal Constitution is upheld, said the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah.“This check and balance mechanism is important to build the foundation of a law-abiding government and ensure that no party can hold absolute power.“On the other hand, every power is subject to the boundaries of law to avoid a dictatorship. As such, the role of a professional and upright judiciary must always be defended,” he said in his speech at the opening ceremony of a state-level seminar on the Federal Constitution on Tuesday.The Sultan reminded judges of their responsibilities in advocating the sovereignty of the law and the integrity of the court system.“If they fail in that duty, an imbalance will occur in the system. A judge’s loyalty must be towards justice that follows the law,” he said.Sultan Azlan Shah, who was former Lord President, said that the check and balance mechanism in the Constitution also provided for judges to have their judgements reviewed by higher courts where there are larger panels of judges.“I always refer to the words of Lord Atkinson that ‘public trials are the best way to ensure that justice is served in a noble, efficient and unbiased way.’ It is also the best way to obtain the confidence and respect of the people,” he said.
The Sultan said however that as long as a government or authority administered its duty in accordance with the law, no court could find fault with that government.“This is unless there are those in the judiciary who have lost their integrity or have chosen to play politics or sympathise with certain groups or political ideologies.“The first and most arduous test faced by all judges is on how to be absolutely impartial,” he said.Sultan Azlan Shah also reminded the people of the pivotal role played by the Royal Institution in ensuring the effectiveness of the “check and balance” mechanism in the Constitution and in strengthening the country’s democratic system.“The preservation of the Royal Institution in the Federal Constitution was not merely to fulfil historical and racial sentimental values.As the head of the country, the King plays the role of the pillar of stability, the source of justice and the core of unity,” he said.He added that the Federal Constitution was created on the spirit of negotiation and understanding, and with the objective to unite the people.
“Hence, the spirit of the Constitution and the spirit to respect the law and its institutions of enforcement should always be implanted in the living culture of our people.“If this basic principle is not followed, the country will head towards anarchy and in the end, our progress, peace and harmony will be trapped in history,” he said.
The unstopple anwar on the move
1. I have today lodged two separate police reports at Balai Polis Damansara.
2. The first report is in relation to my trial proceedings where I have applied to strike the charge against me on the ground, amongst others, that the prosecution is a result of a mala fide political conspiracy against me.
2.1 In my affidavit in support of my application to strike out the charge, I described in paragraphs 53 to 63 how Tan Sri Gani Patail ( “Gani” ) and Tan Sri Musa Hassan (‘Musa” ) were involved first in the making a false police report by ACP Koh Hong Sun in relation to my arrest under the ISA on 20/21 September 1998, and also how Gani and Musa were involved in fabricating false evidence in the investigation in the assault on me by Tan Sri Rahim Noor.
These instances were given amongst other examples to show their role in the political conspiracy then, their active fabrication of false evidence against me and which they are now continuing to do.
2.2 Affidavits in reply dated 30.6.09 have been filed by Dato Razak bin Musa ( Pengarah Bahagian Perundangan dan Pendakwaan, SPRM ) and Hanafiah bin Hj Zakariah ( Deputy Public Prosecutor in the prosecution team.
2.3 I have found that their affidavits contain blatant false statements which they must know to be false and yet have been put in affidavits with the intent of being used in judicial proceedings. Their actions are not just a criminal offence, but further strengthen my contention that I am facing a prosecution team that is also part and parcel of the political conspiracy as was the case in the cases brought against me in 1998.
2.4 Razak is deliberately misleading the High Court by saying on oath that a panel of three retired judges ( Datuk Kadir bin Sulaiman, Datuk Wira Mohd Noor bin Ahmad and Datuk Mohama Noor bin Abdullah ) had cleared Tan Sri Gani Patail of any criminal wrongdoing. Razak must know as a Head of Department of SPRM which investigated my report of 1.7.08, that at least one of the three judges found that Gani had committed criminal offences.
2.5 Hanafiah who as a senior DPP must be taken to have investigated and verified the facts before affirming his affidavit has adopted Razak’s affidavit which contains these false statements as his reply.
3. The second report I have filed is in relation to the failure of the police to investigate the report that I lodged on 20.2.09 against Gani and Musa in their role in fabricating the false police report filed by ACP Koh Hong Sun in relation to my arrest on 20.9.98.
3.1 My solicitors wrote on 23.4.09 to the OCS Balai Damansara for a status report but regrettably there was no response.
3.2 In a answer to a question in Parliament on 22.6.09 to YB Sivarasa, Datuk Hishamuddin Hussein said that my report had been referred to SPRM by the police the next day on 21.2.09 for their action.
3.3 My lawyers then wrote on 26.6.09 to SPRM to ask for the status of the investigation as we had heard nothing from them all this while.
3.4 We had a shock when we received a written reply from SPRM dated 10.7.09 stating that after they had received the report, they had studied it and having found that the offence alleged was outside their jurisdiction, they returned it to PDRM for their action. It is reasonable to assume that SPRM having made that conclusion would have returned the report soon thereafter.
3.5 This means firstly that the PDRM and officials of the Home Ministry have caused Minister Hishamuddin to mislead Parliament by saying to Parliament on 22.6.09 that the report was since 21.2.09 with SPRM for their further action
3.6 Secondly, the police having received the report back from SPRM ( who received it end of February 2009 ) have done nothing about it. I conclude that there is now a concerted plan in PDRM to ensure that nothing is done and the crime I have alleged remains covered up. As my report implicates Gani and Hassan ( the current IGP ) in the making of a false report, this cover-up must be directed from the top itself.
3.7 With SPRM saying they have no jurisdiction to investigate and with the police now taking no action, it is clear to me that Gani and Musa are being protected politically for their role in 1998 and their continuing role in framing false and politically motivated charges against me.
[Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has pleaded not guilty to sodomising former staff Saiful Bukhari Azlan in June 2008, accusing Prime Minister Najib Razak of fabricating the charges in a bid to kill his political comeback]
PETALING JAYA, July 21 – Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim alleged today that Deputy Public Prosecutor Hanafiah Zakariah and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) legal and public prosecution director Datuk Razak Musa had falsified an affidavit in his ongoing sodomy case.
Razak and Hanafiah were part of the prosecution team that filed the affidavit against Anwar’s motion for the high court to “set aside and quash” the ongoing sodomy trial against him.
Anwar wants to bring the “black eye case” into the second sodomy trial to prove that both sodomy cases are politically motivated prosecutions hatched by the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan.
In the affidavit, Hanafiah stated that all three retired judges in a panel set up to investigate allegations that the AG and IGP fabricated evidence in Anwar’s black eye beating 10 years ago had cleared Gani and Musa of any criminal involvement.
However, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had told Parliament in March that one of the three judges on the panel had found a case against the AG and Anwar argued that this proved the discrepancies in Razak and Hanafiah’s affidavit.
Anwar lodged a police report today to back his claims.
Anwar, 62, is charged with sodomising Mohd Saiful, 24, his former aide, at a condominium in Bukit Damansara on June 26, last year.
Anwar claimed that Gani and Musa were involved with ACP Koh Hong Sun in falsifying a report in regards to his detention under the Internal Security Act on 20th of September 1998.
He also accused both Musa and Gani of falsifying the medical evidences in the black eye case.
Today, Anwar also filed a police report to complain about the failure of the police to investigate an earlier report lodged on Feb 20 2009 against Gani, Musa and Koh for allegedly falsifying a report on his arrest and detention on 20 September 1999.
Anwar said that Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein had replied on June 22 in Parliament that the case would be investigated by MACC but he was surprised when he received a letter from MACC’s Director of Investigations Datuk Shukri Abdul explaining that the anti-graft agency could no longer investigate the case, which had been sent back to the police for further action.
Anwar explained that this proved that the case was not investigated because it involved Gani and Musa.
“The prosecution has clearly manipulated evidences in my case, this means that the lies has not stopped from 1998 to 2009,” he said.

By Dr. Kevin Anderson

I often contemplate the parable of the college professor who shows his class an empty glass container. He then places a number of large rocks inside the container and asks the class: “How many of you believe this container is full?” Of course, most in the class raise their hands. With that the professor continues to pour increasingly smaller varieties of rock, from pebbles to gravel to sand into the container, at each interval asking the class the same question. Eventually the class, marveling at the amount of material that the professor is able to fit into the container, is dumbstruck. At the end of the demonstration, the professor finally concedes that the container is, in fact, full. He then pointedly asks the class about the meaning of the demonstration to their lives. No hands go up. Finally, in the rear of the class, a normally timid young woman raises her hand. The professor calls on her, and in a trembling voice she says: “Our lives are the container and in order to fill our lives we must always start with the big rocks. If we do that, we will always find room for the smaller rocks.”

More about that in a bit.

Perhaps it might be useful to view Anwar’s current legal struggle in the light of standards that exist outside of the Malaysian legal system. Of course, we as citizens of a nation can only work within the framework of the legal system of our country or state. Each sovereign has the absolute authority and prerogative to create laws that suit its people and that somehow reflect its legal history, its constitution and its overall mentality toward justice in general. And, certainly, Malaysian law should not be compared with, and is in many ways entirely dissimilar to, U.S. law. I understand this and am in no way suggesting that Malaysian law should be in lockstep with American legal precepts.

As a former prosecutor in the U.S., I have always marveled at the many attractions in Malaysian law, not the least of which is the ability of the government to appeal acquittals and to seek upward modifications of sentence. Similarly, it certainly creates loads of new opportunities for closing arguments when the prosecutor is allowed to suggest that the defendant’s silence, under circumstances in which a reasonable man would be expected to cry out his innocence, is strongly suggestive of guilt. I mean, from the state’s standpoint, what’s not to like?

However, the present situation and battle being fought by Anwar is one that normally does not appeal to the majority of armchair legal quarterbacks who enjoy the pitched battle of actual trials: what we sometimes refer to as “the guilt phase”. This time, it’s the nitty-gritty stuff: evidence. Anwar is now in the midst of what is referred to in my state as a “motion in limine”.

A motion in limine is any request, by either side, that may be raised prior to trial. These normally are critical evidence motions, often involving issues associated with providing evidence as set forth in the relevant rules. What Anwar is dealing with now, and which notably the government is appealing, is a decision regarding “discovery”. Discovery is the term used in U.S. law to refer to the obligation of the parties in litigation (the State and the Defendant in a criminal case) to provide each other with certain information. Both have obligations to disclose some portion of their intended evidence.

My state of is no different than the other 49 states in its promulgation of criminal procedure rules that are strongly – and increasingly – deferential to the rights of criminal defendants. There are a number of reasons for this, primarily the U.S. constitution’s grant to the accused of the right to a fair trial. Beyond that is the requirement, accepted under Malaysian law as well, that governments prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The implication of this burden of proof on the discovery process is the widely held perception that the defense can only illuminate such doubt when it has the benefit of assessing the evidence. Of course, there is the history underlying the formation of the 13 colonies: that a government with unbridled powers is a potential obstruction to liberty throwing back to touchy colonial issues such as freedom of worship, and taxation without representation.

Honestly, as a prosecutor, I never cared much for the requirement to turn over my case to the defense. Yet, I acknowledged that I represented the government: a well-oiled machine that had police, scientists, resources, credibility and, ultimately, the commonly-held belief within society that anyone who is charged with a crime is, well, probably guilty. Remembering that the international symbol of justice is the blindfolded woman holding a scale, I always had to slap myself to remember that my disclosure of the state’s evidence went a long way in ensuring that balance. After all, if I were confident in my case and knew that I could argue my heart out on the merits and win a conviction for the good and true folks of my little town, then why should it be a cause of concern if the defendant knows what evidence I have? And, if his having the evidence allows him the opportunity to construct a lawful defense, then, at the end of the day, he has achieved his constitutional privilege of a fair trial. Don’t misunderstand me. I loved to win, perhaps too much. One of the things I often overlooked and that, in fact, ultimately drove me out of criminal practice, was my slap-in-the-face learning moment that it wasn’t how many notches I had in my gun belt It was all about letting the system work; about remembering that a man’s life and family are riding on judicial outcomes.

But it’s not my light bulb moment that matters now. It’s Anwar’s situation.

So, what is Anwar asking for? And here, I do have to do a little tit-for-tat comparison, so please excuse. Under my state’s law, the state must disclose all evidence that it intends to use at trial. It must also turn over all exculpatory evidence (evidence tending to suggest the innocence of the defendant). I, as prosecutor must also provide the names and reports of all experts I intend to call as a witness in the state’s case including the results of any tests or assessments done; the statements of any witnesses I intend to call, any tapes and recordings of statements made by the defendant, any information I have that tends to impeach the credibility of state’s witnesses, including prior inconsistent statements, relationship with the prosecution and evidence suggesting a character for untruthfulness.Significantly, all the above-mentioned items must be disclosed without request. They are what we call “automatic discovery”.

It would appear that Anwar’s requests do not exceed what the majority view in U.S. law would consider stuff to which he is entitled without even having to ask.

The question I have then is a rhetorical one perhaps, yet one that must would appear to underlie the Anwar case at this point. Why isn’t it automatic discovery in this case? There is nothing fundamentally unjust about Malaysia. Its legal system is largely founded upon precepts of the British common law system, as is the American system. Similarly, there is nothing magical, mystical, anti-Asian, overly liberal, American or even western about American rules of discovery. They are simply a means to learn the truth in the judicial setting and to do so in a forum that offers a fair opportunity for both parties to access and benefit from that truth. And, in a country whose judicial system seeks to demonstrate its independence and to dispel suggestions of impropriety, aren’t the truth and the search therefore its best friends? Shouldn’t they be? Isn’t the best response by government to allegations that Anwar’s trial is somehow politically motivated – in the words of the old casino metaphor – to simply lay its cards on the table? To throw the chips in the air and let them fall where they may? Ultimately, as strong as is the belief that one who is charged is guilty, is the belief that one who hides something has something to hide. And, at the end of the day,
all legal systems are based on such broad notions found within natural law.

I am, perhaps, overly optimistic and believe that it is in the best interest of a government to ensure that, as the old legal axiom goes: “justice must be seen to be done.” Malaysian discovery rules need not become clones of those followed in the U.S. Nevertheless, at stake here and in every courthouse in every nation, town, county, parish, district or province in the world is a search for the truth and the ability of all sides to assist in finding it.Remember the parable of the professor and the glass jar? This is the big rock with which we must start when filling the container of a healthy, unassailable judicial system. When we have loaded in the search for the truth, we will find that rules of discovery that assist in that search are somewhere between the gravel and the sand. They will fit quite nicely. Then the jar will be full.

MCC’S honesty without the serum Truth or dare! Just the lure of lucre seems to be enough inducement for them to let theirdeepest, darkest secrets come tumbling out, never mind if, in the process, they risk their masters. who is playing this game?
We, as a rule, are supposed to be very conscious of boundaries and keep dirty linen in the bottom-most drawer of our closets. Which is why one never learns of the bed-hopping antics of our
political players now the the evil plot vs evil plot najib got burnt in in the middle
The exact dates Anwar received the support and assurance from the BN MPs cannot be ascertained by us. While, all these MPs have indicated support for Anwar, pending his return to Parliament, we can only approximate the beginning dates where initial negotiations were taking place, between end March 2008 and mid April 2008. This was the period immediately after the general election.
The master network of Mahathir is large! It spreads across the country. Their network has detected this movement from Anwar!
The criminals at work!
A clear picture of the crimes of these two evils are described here in the chronology of dates beginning 11th. May 2008.
11th. May 2008 – Najib met Mahathir (It is here the drama began, started by Mahathir in calling Najib a coward in April. The big evil engineered the small evil Najib to its front door. Needless to say the true drama that is going to be unfolded for the next few months began here, only to be polished later!)
The period between 12th May and 28th. June 2008, where all the make-up men, artists and props were designed to perfection to stage this truly Malaysian Mahathir-Najib drama! The drama needed to be staged fast to deprive Anwar from entering Parliament. On 19th. May, as per their master plan Mahathir left UMNO, together with Sanusi, etc. This created much interest amongst Malaysians and the international community, distracting every one from the actual complex drama that is being staged by Najib.
29th. June 2008 – Police report was filed by Saiful. Anwar took shelter at the Turkish Embassy. The international community condemned the police report. Their first drama nearly backfired. While the proof of innocence falls on Anwar’s shoulder, the enemy is not waiting to waste time on this anymore, because the rest will be taken care of by their junior conspirators, to ensure that Anwar will be forever distracted and remain engaged in the framed-up sodomy.
16th. July 2008 – The enemies arrested Anwar and locked him up overnight. This was the day Anwar supposed to announce the resignation of his wife from the parliamentary seat. It was shelved. The world condemned and too many voices called for the release of Anwar.finally the call from the internationalpolice. They had no choice. Anwar was released the next day. The criminal’s first plan backfired completely. Please note that the criminals were aware of Anwar’s every move, while Anwar was totally ignorant of plots against him. This is how all action-packed dramas are staged. We the people, the innocent fools watch silently not knowing whether there was a drama in the first place. We are always distracted by these criminals, who are so used to get what they want from us. They always show us their good side. This is what we call a plot within another plot! They will be at their best, when they engineer the worst!
31st July 2008 – Wan Azizah informed the press that she is resigning as a member of parliament.
6th August 2008 –The date of nomination and election was announced by the Election Commission. The enemies also announced that Anwar must appear at the police station, on 7th August, to formally charge him on the sodomy case. The criminals were planning again one more time before Anwar file in his nominations. This time to bury his political career once and for all. And lock him up for good after the formal charge.
“This is the actual time the criminals were furious with Raja Petra. Raja Petra became their deadliest enemy for releasing Dr Osman’s SD on the same day at the point of arrest. Their plot again failed. Failed miserably. Anwar was saved by Raja Petra on this very crucial date. As expected on 7th August, Anwar was formally charged, but not detained in the lock-up.”
10th August to 25th August 2008 – The criminals were trying very hard to destroy Anwar’s political career between these dates. Anwar was alerted and our postings were featured in Malaysia Today warning Anwar of the plot to disqualify him on technical errors on his nomination papers. Anwar engaged another proxy should he be disqualified. Attempts were made on that day to disqualify Anwar, but the criminals got frighten after seeing
Anwar’s huge crowd. The BN government brought its entire government machineries to canvass at Permatang Pauh. A foreign journalist told us; practically the capital of Malaysia was shifted to Permatang Pauh during these dates. Leaving the Parliament as a white elephant without MPs to transact its normal business. It was unprecedented in Malaysian election history. Mahathir’s silence during this canvassing period was telling. For he and he alone knew, no way Anwar can be defeated in his home turf. Those who try are fools indeed! Najib headed this election campaign. The only catch phrase the entire leadership of UMNO was coached to speak about was sodomy, not their election agenda. Umno leaders and members were fools not knowing what game was being played by these two evils, except Tengku Razaleigh and Abdullah Badawi, for they knew too well what happens when these two evils get together.
Swearing and more swearing. While the testimony of Romlan did help, the entry of Tok Guru Nik Aziz during the last days of canvassing despite his illness changed the entire scenario. We believe this is the point of time Tok Guru knew what was really happening and what the evils were up to. Anwar won by a huge majority. Huge cracks appeared in the criminals’ next course of actions. But they were not defeated by their cruel fantasies!
The evils plot on the night of defeat!
On this night of defeat, the criminals plotted to ban access to Malaysia Today and other “offensive” websites. They have to put a permanent stop to the ever increasing “danger” of Raja Petra and gangs. They started with Malaysia Today. The cries of the people went louder! Friends, please note that no one has accepted claim to this evil action so far! Each is trying to protect another, for they too are fools manufactured under Mahathir’s factory! The proprietor of this factory may have changed, but the products manufactured remain the same!
The most sickening move of all is to plot to revise the budget of this country. To revise budget 2009 to appease Sabah and Sarawak. What sort of evils are these, running this country at the whims and fancies of their crooked minds! Don’t they have a limit to their nonsense! Or they need to transgress all boundaries of morality to achieve their twisted aims! These are true evils at work!
28th. August 2008 – Anwar was sworn in as a member of parliament. Najib and Abdullah were absent. Perhaps this was the first day Mahathir looked really an outcast, with Anwar inside the parliament. Najib turned up only the next day, being the Budget day. That was the first time in the history of Malaysia; the budget was revised during the last moment to fit in the development programme for Sabah and Sarawak. This we knew was the work of Najib misleading Abdullah, the day before when both were absent in the parliament house. Najib was being educated well. Mahathir knew from the beginning that Anwar had the numbers. All these MPs would defect only if Anwar becomes an MP. Mahathir and Najib were plotting this game well. But Anwar is not stupid this time. He already prepared a much better reform programme which is more workable to the current and future well-beings of Malaysia. Anwar criticized Abdullah’s budget for lacking competitiveness, which our economists agree.
5th September 2008 – Dr Osman appeared in front of the media for the first time. This has shaken Najib, a little. The criminals need to plan for their next course of action, but have to cover their tracts too. This is the delay they cannot afford. He knew now there is no way to implicate Anwar, bearing in mind that Anwar was also privy to KL General Hospital (2nd report), which Anwar declared during election campaigning.( Incidentally, the second report has also nullified Anwar from any wrong-doing.)
Najib’s anger naturally would turn to Raja Petra as the main culprit who seems to be a constant stumbling block to all his grand plans. It was Malaysia Today which released the SD first. Najib knew unlike the private investigator’s SD, he cannot fix up the SD of Dr. Osman this time around, because he already appeared in public to attest to the SD he made!
5th September to 10th September 2008 – This is the most crucial dates in their next grand plan. Their constant companion and an excellent scapegoat. Muhyiddin met up (the evil word is summoned) with Mahathir. Their grand plan is to get rid of Abdullah. And they also need to fix up Anwar, by transferring Anwar’s case to the High court. They need to kill several birds but with many stones, unfortunately they aren’t many left. Transferring the case to high court would be an easy plan, as Abdul Gani Patail is their own guardian at law. This is also the dates where Muhyiddin was instructed to inform Najib to proceed with their last game plan, to convince Abdullah to implement the Operasi Lallang in disguise (Mahathir’s specialty, in times of duress.) Main target Anwar and Raja Petra. Strongest weapon, Islam and condemnation of leaders for Raja Petra. Threat of national security and financial security for Anwar. This factory does not seem to run out of product lines! But for how long!
The scheming Najib, with suggestions from the evil, Mahathir, also need to ensure that if everything else fails, his only recourse is time, which is falling short. His back-benchers club must be sent out to an unknown nation to study new techniques of producing newer products, which they need badly, as the product lines needed to be improved constantly with changing taste and time.
10th September 2008 – Anwar’s legal team was taken by surprise, not knowing that the prosecutors planned to transfer the case to high court. The case was fixed for 24th September. Hearing completed. Judgment from Justice Komathy on 7th October 2008., in favour of Anwar. The case will remain in the lower court.
But on this same date 10th September. Muhyiddin made an announcement that Mahathir is interested in joining Umno, and the evil Mahathir made the same announcement. They always make “good” announcements in Malaysia to distract Malaysians from their crooked plots! This is a part of their grand strategy, protecting Najib, as otherwise Abdullah would not be happy. The crooked Najib must always be seen as neutral in these criminals’ grand plan. Abdullah is a sacrificial cow in Najib’s hand, when comes to implementations of tougher actions. He is a scapegoat used by Khairy for monetary issues of the government. A sleepy head Prime minister. Always dream big but poor in implementing all that he wants. A crook with his own boundary! A flip-flop man with a flip-flop team! All he needs, comforts and luxuries with no work done.
11th September 2008 – This is the most important date of the evil calendar. How many of the evils have met up, we don’t know. Probably 5 to 7. We can tell you there are police, law and order, and BN leaders. We are not naming them, we are not certain completely.
1) To create confusion, instigating racist sentiments amongst people so that Anwar’s agenda of taking over the government will not materialize. Any pea-sized brain will tell you; this is the specialization area of Khir Toyo! What a gift in waiting with Kelana Jaya gathering around the corner! Did he attend the meeting?
2) To arrest Raja Petra and detain him for good under ISA. Any pea-sized brain will tell you; this is a moment of opportune for Syed Hamid who is yet to reply to Raja Petra’s letter seeking indemnities. (Raja Petra’s letter was sent on 9th Sept, with ultimatum for action by 12th Sept). Did he attend the meeting?
3) To detain Teresa Kok, Sin Chew reporter (last minute added in, because Ahmad Ismail camp was not happy that he alone was punished) under ISA. This is their style. The government of the day can be run even by racist crooks, if their power base seems threatened in any way! These arrests are needed to create confusions and anger so that the public can take to the streets. Easing the way for interested parties to clamp down the country with an emergency rule! Any pea-sized brain will tell you, if all the arms of government are working together, they must have the yes man, Ismail Omar, to tag along. Did he attend the meeting!
4) To arrest Anwar Ibrahim under ISA. The original date of his arrest planned immediately after Raja Petra’s arrest and before the Kelana Jaya gathering. If this does not work, then Khir Toyo specialist in monkey tricks can carry on with his act in the KL streets and if he fails there is a big circus waiting for him at Kelana Jaya! But to arrest Anwar, they have to face the condemnation of international communities. Were they prepared for it? Arrest they must! Any pea-sized brain can tell you that to arrest Anwar Ibrahim; you need the go-ahead from the two top men! Did Abdullah and Najib attend the meeting?
Raja Petra was arrested as planned on the 12th September, together with the other two. Huge outcries from the people and opposition leaders followed. Sin Chew reporter was released the next day, after a flip-flop announcement by Syed Hamid! The followers of orders normally are not experts in covering their tracts! Anwar must be arrested at all cost. More cries from the people and opposition leaders followed, including from their own camp, probably these off mould products do not conform to their “stringent” standards! The criminals plan backfired. Khir Toyo’s plans too never succeeded! Huge outcries from the people but no one took the street! Khir began to know for the first time in his life, the other side of people’s power! The pale face of him shows! BN leadership headed by Najib deputized by Abdullah (this is how the world perceive), feared for the first time. Mahathir too, we were told, true to his crocodile fashion, sheepishly condemned the ISA. What a splendid act! The evil engineer who brutalized the nation for 22 years suddenly realized ISA is cruel! What he did no tell, he has seen and thought worst than that. His twisted-leftist-Mugabe brain constantly churning and scheming evils non-stop, suddenly ran short of “ideas”!
The arrest of Anwar was called off just for a while, while these two “geniuses” paused for a moment, with their MPs having learnt much in Taiwan, planning to study casinos in Macao!
The change of government that was announced by Anwar never took place on 16th. September 2008.
This is the pause the criminals needed for a moment to focus on the removal of Abdullah. This is the reason why the criminals have spared Anwar for a moment.
But Raja Petra must always remain under detention. If Raja Petra is released, then he will destroy all their evil plans. The criminals know this well.
17th September 2008 – Najib became the Finance Minister. Is Abdullah so kind to switch the portfolio or Najib was taking instruction to take over the finance ministry. Muhyiddin on the other hand, under instruction from evil Mahathir, to press Abdullah to bring forward Badawi’s stepping down date. Which Abdullah did, and announced he will step down in March. This announcement was made recently.Are we fools to believe that Raja Petra’s case was adjourned for a long period of time until November 12, because the trial judge was too sick? Or Raja Petra must be kept away for a long period of time, for other “valid” reasons. But he must be kept away, like it or not! He is too dangerous when he is outside!
We will not comment on any event after 20th September, as a new set of events are unfolding. We are keeping track closely. Suffice to say at this time that Mukhriz will lose the election of Youth leader because Mahathir said so! If Mahathir says, then it is always true!
It is only Mahathir and Najib who know, the next game plan! Maybe there are others involved too in this scheme designed by the master conspiraAs long as the government is prepared to sign blank checks, the Malays may call themselves supreme but they’ll always be counted among the the dismal progress of their ethnic group. 30% is not a big deal and I don’t think any Chinese Malaysian begrudge them of that. And if those who have benefited from the NEP have been responsible citizens and go on to grow and multiply as all good stewards should, they would not The problem with all our Malay supremacist politicians is that they’re too dumb to understand the reason for only have met the 30% target. They would have far exceeded it. Instead, the BN government and its kind give them a blank check. I don’t need to be a Malay, but if I have an endless supply of blank checks, I’d be quite happy to splurge several millions on sheer indulgence. Why should I work my butt off when I can play in the world’s playground of the rich?
The And it’s not surprising that the author thinks some kind of dictatorship is good for Malaysia. We’ve had 22 years of Mahathir. We should not have to go through the same nightmare again. Yes we did grow, but it’s all physical, and fleeting. We have failed to develop our most precious assets – human capital – which took flight and are still taking flight – perhaps more vigorously than cash belonging to foreign investors.
Brave ones with CONSCIENCE and INTERGRITY display their individuality and independence of spirit and mind. They CANNOT BE SUBDUED with intimidation and threats .SYABAS to Zaid and Yong for their open support of PKR AND PKATAN by their presence.
The Rakyaks have never been enemies. We have always respected each other.
We respect them as our friends even if we have different views or opinions. Only UMNO tried to create hatred amongst the Rakyat.
This we all agree The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers in Malaysia has long been a subject of debate and controversy. He is the chief legal adviser to the government and is responsible for advising ministers involved in legal proceedings in their official capacity All decent Malaysians will agree the entire governemnt is filled with, like RPK said, Scumbags and slimeballs of the most despicable kind. Fabrication is one of his specialities. Have you read the Unholy Trinity
re-cap,even before altantuya’s murder case went on trial,who is this AG to decide that this case would involve only three accuses the AG has been acting like the god of law in Malaysia.
Groundbreaking change does not happen overnight, at least not in Malaysia where it takes a special blend of circumstances to rouse people to fury.Filth and Evil never ever changes – it can hide, camouflage itself, but will never deliver benefits.
The role of a free and fair judiciary must be defended to ensure that the “check and balance” mechanism in the Federal Constitution is upheld, said the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah.“This check and balance mechanism is important to build the foundation of a law-abiding government and ensure that no party can hold absolute power.“On the other hand, every power is subject to the boundaries of law to avoid a dictatorship. As such, the role of a professional and upright judiciary must always be defended,” he said in his speech at the opening ceremony of a state-level seminar on the Federal Constitution on Tuesday.The Sultan reminded judges of their responsibilities in advocating the sovereignty of the law and the integrity of the court system.“If they fail in that duty, an imbalance will occur in the system. A judge’s loyalty must be towards justice that follows the law,” he said.Sultan Azlan Shah, who was former Lord President, said that the check and balance mechanism in the Constitution also provided for judges to have their judgements reviewed by higher courts where there are larger panels of judges.“I always refer to the words of Lord Atkinson that ‘public trials are the best way to ensure that justice is served in a noble, efficient and unbiased way.’ It is also the best way to obtain the confidence and respect of the people,” he said.
The Sultan said however that as long as a government or authority administered its duty in accordance with the law, no court could find fault with that government.“This is unless there are those in the judiciary who have lost their integrity or have chosen to play politics or sympathise with certain groups or political ideologies.“The first and most arduous test faced by all judges is on how to be absolutely impartial,” he said.Sultan Azlan Shah also reminded the people of the pivotal role played by the Royal Institution in ensuring the effectiveness of the “check and balance” mechanism in the Constitution and in strengthening the country’s democratic system.“The preservation of the Royal Institution in the Federal Constitution was not merely to fulfil historical and racial sentimental values.As the head of the country, the King plays the role of the pillar of stability, the source of justice and the core of unity,” he said.He added that the Federal Constitution was created on the spirit of negotiation and understanding, and with the objective to unite the people.
“Hence, the spirit of the Constitution and the spirit to respect the law and its institutions of enforcement should always be implanted in the living culture of our people.“If this basic principle is not followed, the country will head towards anarchy and in the end, our progress, peace and harmony will be trapped in history,” he said.
The unstopple anwar on the move
1. I have today lodged two separate police reports at Balai Polis Damansara.
2. The first report is in relation to my trial proceedings where I have applied to strike the charge against me on the ground, amongst others, that the prosecution is a result of a mala fide political conspiracy against me.
2.1 In my affidavit in support of my application to strike out the charge, I described in paragraphs 53 to 63 how Tan Sri Gani Patail ( “Gani” ) and Tan Sri Musa Hassan (‘Musa” ) were involved first in the making a false police report by ACP Koh Hong Sun in relation to my arrest under the ISA on 20/21 September 1998, and also how Gani and Musa were involved in fabricating false evidence in the investigation in the assault on me by Tan Sri Rahim Noor.
These instances were given amongst other examples to show their role in the political conspiracy then, their active fabrication of false evidence against me and which they are now continuing to do.
2.2 Affidavits in reply dated 30.6.09 have been filed by Dato Razak bin Musa ( Pengarah Bahagian Perundangan dan Pendakwaan, SPRM ) and Hanafiah bin Hj Zakariah ( Deputy Public Prosecutor in the prosecution team.
2.3 I have found that their affidavits contain blatant false statements which they must know to be false and yet have been put in affidavits with the intent of being used in judicial proceedings. Their actions are not just a criminal offence, but further strengthen my contention that I am facing a prosecution team that is also part and parcel of the political conspiracy as was the case in the cases brought against me in 1998.
2.4 Razak is deliberately misleading the High Court by saying on oath that a panel of three retired judges ( Datuk Kadir bin Sulaiman, Datuk Wira Mohd Noor bin Ahmad and Datuk Mohama Noor bin Abdullah ) had cleared Tan Sri Gani Patail of any criminal wrongdoing. Razak must know as a Head of Department of SPRM which investigated my report of 1.7.08, that at least one of the three judges found that Gani had committed criminal offences.
2.5 Hanafiah who as a senior DPP must be taken to have investigated and verified the facts before affirming his affidavit has adopted Razak’s affidavit which contains these false statements as his reply.
3. The second report I have filed is in relation to the failure of the police to investigate the report that I lodged on 20.2.09 against Gani and Musa in their role in fabricating the false police report filed by ACP Koh Hong Sun in relation to my arrest on 20.9.98.
3.1 My solicitors wrote on 23.4.09 to the OCS Balai Damansara for a status report but regrettably there was no response.
3.2 In a answer to a question in Parliament on 22.6.09 to YB Sivarasa, Datuk Hishamuddin Hussein said that my report had been referred to SPRM by the police the next day on 21.2.09 for their action.
3.3 My lawyers then wrote on 26.6.09 to SPRM to ask for the status of the investigation as we had heard nothing from them all this while.
3.4 We had a shock when we received a written reply from SPRM dated 10.7.09 stating that after they had received the report, they had studied it and having found that the offence alleged was outside their jurisdiction, they returned it to PDRM for their action. It is reasonable to assume that SPRM having made that conclusion would have returned the report soon thereafter.
3.5 This means firstly that the PDRM and officials of the Home Ministry have caused Minister Hishamuddin to mislead Parliament by saying to Parliament on 22.6.09 that the report was since 21.2.09 with SPRM for their further action
3.6 Secondly, the police having received the report back from SPRM ( who received it end of February 2009 ) have done nothing about it. I conclude that there is now a concerted plan in PDRM to ensure that nothing is done and the crime I have alleged remains covered up. As my report implicates Gani and Hassan ( the current IGP ) in the making of a false report, this cover-up must be directed from the top itself.
3.7 With SPRM saying they have no jurisdiction to investigate and with the police now taking no action, it is clear to me that Gani and Musa are being protected politically for their role in 1998 and their continuing role in framing false and politically motivated charges against me.
[Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has pleaded not guilty to sodomising former staff Saiful Bukhari Azlan in June 2008, accusing Prime Minister Najib Razak of fabricating the charges in a bid to kill his political comeback]
PETALING JAYA, July 21 – Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim alleged today that Deputy Public Prosecutor Hanafiah Zakariah and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) legal and public prosecution director Datuk Razak Musa had falsified an affidavit in his ongoing sodomy case.
Razak and Hanafiah were part of the prosecution team that filed the affidavit against Anwar’s motion for the high court to “set aside and quash” the ongoing sodomy trial against him.
Anwar wants to bring the “black eye case” into the second sodomy trial to prove that both sodomy cases are politically motivated prosecutions hatched by the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan.
In the affidavit, Hanafiah stated that all three retired judges in a panel set up to investigate allegations that the AG and IGP fabricated evidence in Anwar’s black eye beating 10 years ago had cleared Gani and Musa of any criminal involvement.
However, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had told Parliament in March that one of the three judges on the panel had found a case against the AG and Anwar argued that this proved the discrepancies in Razak and Hanafiah’s affidavit.
Anwar lodged a police report today to back his claims.
Anwar, 62, is charged with sodomising Mohd Saiful, 24, his former aide, at a condominium in Bukit Damansara on June 26, last year.
Anwar claimed that Gani and Musa were involved with ACP Koh Hong Sun in falsifying a report in regards to his detention under the Internal Security Act on 20th of September 1998.
He also accused both Musa and Gani of falsifying the medical evidences in the black eye case.
Today, Anwar also filed a police report to complain about the failure of the police to investigate an earlier report lodged on Feb 20 2009 against Gani, Musa and Koh for allegedly falsifying a report on his arrest and detention on 20 September 1999.
Anwar said that Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein had replied on June 22 in Parliament that the case would be investigated by MACC but he was surprised when he received a letter from MACC’s Director of Investigations Datuk Shukri Abdul explaining that the anti-graft agency could no longer investigate the case, which had been sent back to the police for further action.
Anwar explained that this proved that the case was not investigated because it involved Gani and Musa.
“The prosecution has clearly manipulated evidences in my case, this means that the lies has not stopped from 1998 to 2009,” he said.

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