Tuesday, July 7, 2009


alse charges vs evil umno the judge Augustinkosong,prosecuting Safianballsucker defence team head the taxidriver streetwise kid

July 7, 2009 · Leave a Comment

false charges vs evil umno the judge Augustinkosong,prosecuting Safianballsucker defence team head the taxidriver streetwise kid

false charges vs evil umno the judge Augustinkosong,prosecuting Safianballsucker defence team head the taxidriver streetwise kid
The Curtains are raised and we see a darkened stage. Lights fade in. The scene begins in umno court a shadowy enclave hidden deep in the recesses of the nation’sputrajayapalace of injustice complex. A cool, chic black wooden conference table (Looks at the audience right before he says – ), made in Japan, sits in the middle of the football shaped room replete with a highly advanced, 360 degree, virtual reality digital map of the World adorning all sides of the room. A dimly lit light, (Looks at the audience), made in Korea hangs from the ceiling creating a dark, shadowy atmosphere. There is also a mechanical dick (Looks at the audience), Made in Mexico, located in the “play” corner. This notoriouscourt room is used by the nation’s political dignitaries only when discussing the most urgent, pressing matters of national security.
all stand Judge Augustinkosong
Bang Bang I got ya, ya yellar’ bellied Infidel. Now where my morning drink ginramy i cant work without the spirit
prosecuting Safianballsucker
Sir…please we don’t have time to play “play the front hole”, we (Exhales a deep sigh)…Fine.
Judge Augustinkosong
prosecuting Safianballsucker pretends to fall down and crawls in a fetal position. He starts talking in an obviously fake, monotone ‘savage’ helpless voice.you must find the man guilty
Owww, you got me, Shane. It’s High Noon for me. That sure is frontier justice. Thank you, oh mighty , for saving me from my savageness…your assurance to find him guilty.”
prosecuting Safianballsucker
“Some of you have confused my recent frontier justice as “reckless” and my plain cowboy talk as putting ideology over faith. Heck, some have the guts to call my jugdgement the most dangerous administration in recent history. Such lies and accusations -“Bang! Bang!” (The president re-loads and shoots his darts at the Attorney General Safianballsucker What do you say about this tomfoolery, umno?
Enter the illustrious Safianballsucker Gonzalves, affectionately known as “Gonzo” to his friends, the recently appointed Attorney General with sindiimmigrant roots, who feigns pain as the orange play dart hits him in the leg…
He quickly regains his composure.
Mr. President, and other esteemed members of this esteemed staff, let me assure you I firmly stand behind your jugdement and administration. Like all of your potent, manly initiatives, I believe your most recent firm and titular “security” measures such as “false sodomy charges Surveillance Program” is a legally legitimate use of authority in hunting pernicious – uh – that means evil, Mr.judge – forces seeking to destroy our freedom loving ways!!!! Grrrrrr!!!
but taxidriver
It is important in our justice system to appreciate the duties and responsibilities of the Attorney General, particularly in criminal prosecutions.
The Attorney General cannot act arbitrarily. In a judgment relating to the Attorney General’s discretion over prosecutions, the Federal Court held that:
“The public of whose interest he [or she] is the guardian has a right to expect him [or her] to act honestly, without fear of powerful national and local figures or of the consequences to him [or her] personally or politically, and without favouring his [or her] relatives and friends and supporters, his [or her] principal concern being to maintain the rule of law so that there will be no anarchy and to maintain standards in public life and the private sector.”
pigtailGonzo rips the flag of one of the Axis of Evilpoliticalparty in wild Hulk-like rage!
SOS Candy
And to not stop until every opposition group reach has been found, stopped, and defeated and put in jail” –
Interjects passionately the middle aged, extremely single, illustrious first lady affectionately known as SOSmamaCandy to her friends, powerfully filling out her power suit and clicking her $850 Ferragomos stilettos heels…as she rips the flag of another Axis of Evilopposition party
Judge Augustinkosong
(A sly, frat boy smile curls on his lips as he casually eyeballs SOS Candy) I like my first ladylike I enjoy my blackmaria cocktail – black…with occasional cherry on the side. (Chuckles). Thank you SOSmama Candy and Attorney Generalpigtail Gonzo for your undying, minority loyalty, however the all the malaysians said there’s a suspicion that this is a politicalprosecution is seen by many as the political persecution of the leader of the opposition. The question is, can we, as a nation, go through a second prosecution?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shiny, menacing baldhead emerges from the shadows of the war Room with a deep heavy Darth Vader- breathing audibly silencing inferior noises. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly introduce muntazbebun girl who stink it in
i stronglyobject you bolded judge the taxidriver
you watch your words taxidriver i will put in jail
go on try me i will be to kugen you
false charges vs evil umno the judge Augustinkosong,prosecuting Safianballsucker defence team head the taxidriver streetwise kid
The Curtains are raised and we see a darkened stage. Lights fade in. The scene begins in umno court a shadowy enclave hidden deep in the recesses of the nation’sputrajayapalace of injustice complex. A cool, chic black wooden conference table (Looks at the audience right before he says – ), made in Japan, sits in the middle of the football shaped room replete with a highly advanced, 360 degree, virtual reality digital map of the World adorning all sides of the room. A dimly lit light, (Looks at the audience), made in Korea hangs from the ceiling creating a dark, shadowy atmosphere. There is also a mechanical dick (Looks at the audience), Made in Mexico, located in the “play” corner. This notoriouscourt room is used by the nation’s political dignitaries only when discussing the most urgent, pressing matters of national security.
all stand Judge Augustinkosong
Bang Bang I got ya, ya yellar’ bellied Infidel. Now where my morning drink ginramy i cant work without the spirit
prosecuting Safianballsucker
Sir…please we don’t have time to play “play the front hole”, we (Exhales a deep sigh)…Fine.
Judge Augustinkosong
prosecuting Safianballsucker pretends to fall down and crawls in a fetal position. He starts talking in an obviously fake, monotone ‘savage’ helpless voice.you must find the man guilty
Owww, you got me, Shane. It’s High Noon for me. That sure is frontier justice. Thank you, oh mighty , for saving me from my savageness…your assurance to find him guilty.”
prosecuting Safianballsucker
“Some of you have confused my recent frontier justice as “reckless” and my plain cowboy talk as putting ideology over faith. Heck, some have the guts to call my jugdgement the most dangerous administration in recent history. Such lies and accusations -“Bang! Bang!” (The president re-loads and shoots his darts at the Attorney General Safianballsucker What do you say about this tomfoolery, umno?
Enter the illustrious Safianballsucker Gonzalves, affectionately known as “Gonzo” to his friends, the recently appointed Attorney General with sindiimmigrant roots, who feigns pain as the orange play dart hits him in the leg…
He quickly regains his composure.
Mr. President, and other esteemed members of this esteemed staff, let me assure you I firmly stand behind your jugdement and administration. Like all of your potent, manly initiatives, I believe your most recent firm and titular “security” measures such as “false sodomy charges Surveillance Program” is a legally legitimate use of authority in hunting pernicious – uh – that means evil, Mr.judge – forces seeking to destroy our freedom loving ways!!!! Grrrrrr!!!
but taxidriver
It is important in our justice system to appreciate the duties and responsibilities of the Attorney General, particularly in criminal prosecutions.
The Attorney General cannot act arbitrarily. In a judgment relating to the Attorney General’s discretion over prosecutions, the Federal Court held that:
“The public of whose interest he [or she] is the guardian has a right to expect him [or her] to act honestly, without fear of powerful national and local figures or of the consequences to him [or her] personally or politically, and without favouring his [or her] relatives and friends and supporters, his [or her] principal concern being to maintain the rule of law so that there will be no anarchy and to maintain standards in public life and the private sector.”
pigtailGonzo rips the flag of one of the Axis of Evilpoliticalparty in wild Hulk-like rage!
SOS Candy
And to not stop until every opposition group reach has been found, stopped, and defeated and put in jail” –
Interjects passionately the middle aged, extremely single, illustrious first lady affectionately known as SOSmamaCandy to her friends, powerfully filling out her power suit and clicking her $850 Ferragomos stilettos heels…as she rips the flag of another Axis of Evilopposition party
Judge Augustinkosong
(A sly, frat boy smile curls on his lips as he casually eyeballs SOS Candy) I like my first ladylike I enjoy my blackmaria cocktail – black…with occasional cherry on the side. (Chuckles). Thank you SOSmama Candy and Attorney Generalpigtail Gonzo for your undying, minority loyalty, however the all the malaysians said there’s a suspicion that this is a politicalprosecution is seen by many as the political persecution of the leader of the opposition. The question is, can we, as a nation, go through a second prosecution?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shiny, menacing baldhead emerges from the shadows of the war Room with a deep heavy Darth Vader- breathing audibly silencing inferior noises. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly introduce muntazbebun girl who stink it in
i stronglyobject you bolded judge the taxidriver
you watch your words taxidriver i will put in jail
go on try me i will be to kugen you to readmre click below

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