July 18, 2009 · Leave a Comment

They detain you against your will. Illegally interrogate you without your lawyer present. They mock you and insult you. Demand you lie for them. They drag your person through hell and your name through the mud.
Even a person has been killed as a result of MACC’s tactic. Countless more, victimized. Is it really that difficult to believe they are racists as well?
Many of those that do not have to bear with official racial discrimination believe that this land is a land of justice, fair play and equality or refuse to see discrimination in almost all spheres of our daily lives. Instead they justify unfair treatment in the name of race and reigion much like the whites justified apartheid in South Africa. Or coined euphemism like affirmative actions and new economic policies to hide their discrimination based on race.
Firstly, don’t forget the gathering at the Kelana Jaya Stadium, 4.30pm, Sunday 18th July to commemorate Teo Beng Hock’s passing.
Picture someone took at Masjid Jamek:
One of the strange aspects of the story is why Teo would have decided to stay on in a place where he was made to endure such a terrible experience, even at 4am.Comparing Tan & Teo’s interrogations: Rampant abuse & intimidation; Was Teo really released at 4am? Or actually held overnight like Tan?
Posted on July 18th, 2009 by Nathaniel Tan
The testimony of Tan Boon Hwa, who I think is the last known person to have seen Teo alive, is revealing. Three things worthy of note: how abusive his own interrogation was, the fact that he was held overnight, and his observations of Teo at 6am:
Tan said that the two officers who questioned him tried to extract false confession from him, pressuring him to deny that he supplied 1,500 national flags for a Merdeka function at the Sri Kembangan state constituency.
During the interrogation, Tan said the officers used the ‘good cop, bad cop’ technique; initially being polite but later switching toverbally abusing him and making him to stand for four hours between 10pm to 2am.
Tan was questioned on the same day Teoh Beng Hock, the political secretary to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hean Wah, was also interrogated by MACC.
According to Tan, he was threatened with physical violence, with one officer pointing to his forehead and allegedly saying, “You don’t lie. This is my place. I can hit you. Believe me!“
During interrogations, he said other officers would randomly walk into the room to mock his poor command of Bahasa Malaysia and used derogatory terms such as “Cina bodoh” (stupid Chinese) and asked him if he was a Chinese citizen.
The worst intimidation, Tan said, were threats to his familywhich he described as “mental torture“.
“They said that if I don’t ‘tell the truth’, they will take away my wife and there would be no one to care for the children. But I did not give in,” said Tan, during a press conference at the Selangor state secretariat today.
He was allowed to sleep on the carpeted floor and the interrogation continued the following morning.
To top it off, when he was released the following day at about 1.30pm, Tan said he was asked by MACC staff not to make an issue over their interrogation technique.
When asked, Tan said he did not know that Teoh was in the same building when he was brought there. The duo met only when Tan woke up at about 6am the following day while on the way to the toilet.
“He was in the pantry. I greeted him, but he replied only with a ‘Umh’.But when I came out of the toilet, he was gone. He did look a little tired,” said Tan.
The MACC says that Teoh was released at 3.45am yesterday but he chose to “stay back and sleep on a couch, where he was last seen at 6am.”
Very strange. I guess we can conclude that he was alive at 6am.
The MACC say he was released at 4am, but Tan on the other hand, was allowed to sleep but still detained by the MACC, as interrogations continued the next morning.
Would it be reasonable to conclude that Teo was also in fact still under MACC detention? That he was not released, but ‘allowed to sleep,’ just like Tan?
I suppose it would make more sense than Teo being allowed to leave at 4am, but inexplicably deciding to stay on.

Lau (left) and Dariff at their press conference. – Picture by Choo Choy May
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani
PETALING JAYA, July 18 — Is the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) racist?
DAP member Dariff Din is buttressing that claim, saying today he was a victim of racial remarks by the body’s interrogators looking into alleged misappropriation of state allocations by DAP state lawmakers.
Dariff, who is assistant to Kampung Tunku assemblyman Lau Weng San, is the second person to make the claim after Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Wah who made the same allegation yesterday.
“They asked me if I was Chinese or Malay and I told them that I was Malaysian but they kept insisting on my race,” Dariff told reporters at the DAP Paramount service centre when relating details of his interrogation by on July 15 by MACC officials.
He said they were mainly interested in his ethnicity rather than the case itself, adding the officer was curious because he looked Chinese but had a Malay name. He told them his father was Malay and mother was Chinese.
“Everything went smoothly after they learned that I was a Malay Muslim,” Dariff said, adding he was questioned about his background for another hour before they asked him how Lau’s office spent the state allocations.
The investigator went through all the files they seized from Lau’s office, Dariff said, adding he was surprised the officer even asked if anybody had attended the programme even though there was photos to prove the event was not a hoax.
“They told me that now there are computers, so the photos can be made,” he added
After the interrogation was complete, Dariff asked for the written statement but the officer refused and claimed it was against procedure and it was a secret.
“How can it be secret when I made the statement?” Dariff asked, adding he was questioned from 4.30pm until 9pm that day.
Dariff also asked the interrogator why he was being investigated when there are bigger cases like the PKFZ.
“It is not our jurisdiction, it up to the head office. We are only Selangor,” he quoted the officer as saying.
Dariff added that he was allowed to roam freely in the office and claimed he saw Teoh Beng Hock being escorted to the back of the MACC office at 6pm. Teoh was found dead a day later outside the building.
Lau has now instructed his assistant not to attend any interrogation in the MACC office until the investigation is complete and there is royal commission inquiry into Teoh’s death as their personal safety is at risk.
He said he believes the MACC has no proof but is fishing for evidence against opposition assemblymen and are using scare tactics to get them.
Apart from Lau’s office, the MACC officers also raided the service centres of Teoh’s superior, Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah. They only introduced themselves as MACC officers and demanded Dariff go to the MACC office for questioning.
The public should also be given full access to the notes from Teo’s interrogation – given the circumstances of his death. The longer this is delayed, the more likely they will be tampered with.
His handphone, in police custody, which might reveal important information, can also be easily tampered with.
The torn pants did not concern me much at first, but they now seem curiouser and curiouser.
The autopsy report will be the next big development. But once again, credibility becomes such a crucial issue.
Whatever the odds, we must continue to apply pressure for the truth to be made known. Failure to do so after Altantuya and dozens upon dozens of deaths in custody unaccounted for will condemn our children to a government of murderers.
This week, a woman was widowed, a child deprived of his father forever. How many more?
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