Friday, July 3, 2009

KJ, The Desperate Fighting & Kicking of BodohWi’s Last & Only Leftover Trash !Of all persons in UMNO,-fires three more missiles’

KJ, The Desperate Fighting & Kicking of BodohWi’s Last & Only Leftover Trash !Of all persons in UMNO,-fires three more missiles’

July 4, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Barisan’S Khairy Jamaluddin’test-fires three more missiles’
Sometimes a moment is all it takes. A moment that can make or break history; a moment that changes an entire life. A moment of madness, or a

A moment of madness (TOI Photo)
moment of enlightenment.

A moment when Prince Sidhartha decided to leave behind home and kingdom, then again a moment when enlightenment struck Buddha. An instant that compelled the impassioned Othello to take the life of wife Desdemona and another that put Antony
under Cleopatra’s spell, thus determining his downfall …

Shiney Ahuja also must have been governed by that one moment of madness in which he made the choice to force himself upon his hapless maid. Maybe if that flash in time had passed, he may have thought better of it and held himself back. His decision in that moment has decided the course of the rest of his life. And unfortunately that of his wife and child as well.

What makes people give up an entire life in a moment of madness?
KJ, The Desperate Fighting & Kicking of BodohWi’s Last & Only Leftover Trash !Of all persons in UMNO, Khairy should know that in a parliamentary democracy the Opposition is a recognised institution in the political landscape. For example, in the UK the Opposition is known as Her Majesty’s Opposition. Perhaps UMNO should stop lambasting the Opposition and start treating it with the respect it deserves in a parliamentary democracy, unless of course we don’t live in one those in government use their resources and energy to govern and not worry about how many “opposition” ministers shadowing them, the country may actually look like somebody is in charge of the “shop”what a wanker! Keep this up KJ and you’ll go blind! Personally the idea of 3 ministers from each of the component parties within PR is sheer genius! What better way to not only have these component parties practice working together, but also a fantastic way for the PR leadership to find the best fit for the he*** of each of these ministries once PR is in power.
I guess it would be asking too much for an UMNO man to understand the whole working with the component parties instead of having them kiss arse to get handouts.KJ,your insecurity is reflected in your constant attacks on the Opposition.Look at the glaring ‘looting’going on in BN,TO WHICH YOU ARE NO STRANGER TO,till you were thrown out by Najis and Mamakthir.Rampant ‘looting’ by BN requires more than 3 opposition to ’shadow’the sleezy,corrupted BN thieves!!!I wonder if any of BN ministers or MPs will work without any pay,for the benefit of the Rakyat? Khairy, it is high time you repent for your sins and help the public .
Instead peeople are living in constant fear of being robbed, mugged and harrassed by cowboys and thugs with impunity on a daily basis often right in front of their houses and in their own neighbourhood. Private citizens are having to fend for themselves by having to barricade their housing estates, employing their own security at their own expense on top having having to pay taxes to support and maintain a huge police force who are usually busy doing something else more important ( you know what I am getting at). What were previously peaceful urbanised residential areas have gradually turned one by one into make shift barricaded fortresses meporically quivering at night and sometimes day even in the daytime wondering who will get mugged next.

Wanna kill Pakatan just because of an abattoir?

If DAP could pull out from the Pakatan state government in Kedah this easily, very soon we will see PKR pulling out from the Penang state government as well.

Next, perhaps PAS will withdraw from Selangor state government, and then Perak… Oh, no more Perak now!

I am just trying to say, if all these are changed to BN state governments, then there would be nothing else to argue about!

This is not meant to poke fun at anyone. As a matter of fact, DAP and PKR are fighting tooth and nail within the Penang state government. In Selangor, PAS and PKR are trying to pull each other’s leg…

Where this is concerned, Pakatan is a long way behind BN.

This is a question of political maturity.

The science of political management is not unlike corporate management. We need to have truly forward-looking and open-minded managers, sound internal communication and coordination, as well as mutual understanding among all the constituents.

If the purchasing and production departments within a company do not like each other, could the purchasing department say it wants to pull out from the company and become an independent entity?

A matured way of dealing with such matters is consultation. What does the production department really want? And what must the purchasing department supply to it?

Back to the question of abattoir. I have studied very carefully what both sides have said and conclude that both have their points as welll as unfounded arguments.

The PAS state government says the abattoir has no operation permit and is therefore illegally run. As if that is not enough, residue from the abattoir (you know what I mean) has not been disposed of properly over the years and some has even been dumped into the river, much to the disgust of the Muslim residents.

The municipal council has ordered the abattoir’s closure, while the state government has given a grace period. The abattoir will only be closed after it stops its operation upon expiry of the grace period.

The state government has identified a suitable site at Kampung Cina, Pendang, for a new abattoir.

Now the other side of the story.

DAP has not refuted PAS’ accusations on the hygiene of the abattoir as well as religious complications. Nevertheless, it says the state government should not tear down the abattoir before a new one has been built.

To be fair, if the abattoir creates environmental pollution and has a direct impact on the life and feelings of Muslim residents, then it should be relocated.

DAP and the Chinese community must not defend or oppose blindly whenever an issue involving “pigs” is encountered. They must calmly assess the situation and see whether their move is reasonable.

It should be everyone’s understanding that an illegal abattoir creating environmental pollution and religious sensitivity should not remain. That said, to provide a suitable site as soon as possible that meets the hygiene requirements is the obligation of the state government.

If both sides have the same common understanding and are keen to hammer out the right solution through negotiation, then this whole incident will not have taken place at all.

Even as the abattoir has been demolished, the Pakatan state government must still go on!

If our politicians especially those in government do not start pulling out their metaphorical thumbs out of their collective governmental arses, what is left of our civil society will crumble and irreversibly disintergrate. So stop all this pointless bullshit and gleeful snicker of each other’s stuff upsreadmore click belowBarisan’S Khairy Jamaluddin’test-fires three more missiles’ his AXX HOLE IS on the lineBodohWi’s Last & Only Leftover Trash !Of all persons in UMNO

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